Intended design on how to implement cordite dgl tokens - cordite

I have a few questions regarding the cordite dgl tokens.
I want to tokenize an asset which is represented as LinearState.
Is there a way to only allow a single issuance of tokens?
Is the preferred way to link the tokens to other states through the TokenSymbol?
What is the intended design of accounts? One Account per usecase or one per TokenType?
How do I query if a specific token already exists? Is the only way to query for an account and look at the result (so there is no function to search for balance by TokenSymbol)?
Thanks in advance!

Great questions, thanks!
It's not possible right now but it's definitely recognised as being desirable. It will require a change to the core which is fine. I think this work will require Corda 4, notably reference states and linear state pointer types for it to work. Notably, we will want:
a. There are so many ways of limiting issuance: not only by final amount, but also by distribution rate, signing parties (in the case where multiple are required for the issuance) etc. We need means of inserting the notion of finite issuance into the token type, optionally. This will be either adding additional fields to the existing TokenType. Or better, making TokenType open so that it can be extended. Another way is to provide a field to a base type or interface that will encode the contract rules.
b. we could transfer the token type as an attached StateAndRef, but we need to be conscious of the per tx storage, network, signing and verification cost of doing this. A better approach is to use the reference data feature in Corda 4 that we are eagerly waiting for.
If the other states are part of the same transaction that emits the tokens, then the linking is implicit. If the other state is not in the same transaction as the token, then linking for now, in Corda 3, would need to use TokenType descriptor. Alternatively, it can also reference a StateAndRef in the tx that generates the other state. The most efficient we think is to use Corda 4's reference states (scheduled for Dec/Jan this year I believe)
Accounts are designed to store tokens of multiple token types. They are really aligned for the business use-case and aren't limited by specific token types, unless you want to enfore that in the application layer.
Do you mean you want to get the balance of a TokenType across all accounts? You can certainly use the Corda's API to locate Tokens - this isn't exposed via Braid yet but could certainly could be. Another approach is to tag/alias all your accounts with the same tag e.g. { category:'all-accounts', value:''} You can then do a ledger.balanceForAccountTag({ category: 'all-accounts', value:''}) to get balances across all accounts. However, this returns the balances for all TokenTypes. What would the ideal API look like for you?


How to validate from aggregate

I am trying to understand validation from the aggregate entity on the command side of the CQRS pattern when using eventsourcing.
Basically I would like to know what the best practice is in handling validation for:
1. Uniqueness of say a code.
2. The correctness/validation of an eternal aggregate's id.
My initial thoughts:
I've thought about the constructor passing in a service but this seems wrong as the "Create" of the entity should be the values to assign.
I've thought about validation outside the aggregate, but this seem to put logic somewhere that I assume should be responsibility of the aggregate itself.
Can anyone give me some guidance here?
Uniqueness of say a code.
Ensuring uniqueness is a specific example of set validation. The problem with set validation is that, in effect, you perform the check by locking the entire set. If the entire set is included within a single "aggregate", that's easily done. But if the set spans aggregates, then it is kind of a mess.
A common solution for uniqueness is to manage it at the database level; RDBMS are really good at set operations, and are effectively serialized. Unfortunately, that locks you into a database solution with good set support -- you can't easily switch to a document database, or an event store.
Another approach that is sometimes appropriate is to have the single aggregate check for uniqueness against a cached copy of the available codes. That gives you more freedom to choose your storage solution, but it also opens up the possibility that a data race will introduce the duplication you are trying to avoid.
In some cases, you can encode the code uniqueness into the identifier for the aggregate. In effect, every identifier becomes a set of one.
Keep in mind Greg Young's question
What is the business impact of having a failure?
Knowing how expensive a failure is tells you a lot about how much you are permitted to spend to solve the problem.
The correctness/validation of an eternal aggregate's id.
This normally comes in two parts. The easier one is to validate the data against some agreed upon schema. If our agreement is that the identifier is going to be a URI, then I can validate that the data I receive does satisfy that constraint. Similarly, if the identifier is supposed to be a string representation of a UUID, I can test that the data I receive matches the validation rules described in RFC 4122.
But if you need to check that the identifier is in use somewhere else? Then you are going to have to ask.... The main question in this case is whether you need the answer to that right away, or if you can manage to check that asynchronously (for instance, by modeling "unverified identifiers" and "verified identifiers" separately).
And of course you once again get to reconcile all of the races inherent in distributed computing.
There is no magic.

Does this "overly general" type of programming have a name?

Anyone who has experience with the Salesforce platform will know it can essentially be used as a backend for a lot of web applications. They let the end user define custom objects and the fields on those objects. So for instance, rather than having some entity as a strongly-typed class in the code, they have a generic "custom object", whose behaviour and data is defined by the fields you choose and the triggers and rules you apply to it. So they don't have to update the code, recompile and redeploy every time a user adds one (which, given they are a web service would be both impractical and cause serious downtime, a lot).
I was thinking how this could be implemented, and I think Salesforce may do it in a very complex way but I'm specifically thinking how I can implement this. So far I've come up with this:
An "object defintion", which contains all the metadata for a specific record type. Equivalent to a hardcoded class definition.
A generic "record", probably with some sort of dictionary/map tying values to field identifiers that exist in the object definition.
When operating on user data, both the record and the object defintion need to be in memory so that the integrity of the data can be checked. Behaviour normally provided by methods can be applied using some kind of trigger system (again, I'm using a Salesforce example here because it's the best example I know of) with defined actions/events.
This whole system seems very clunky, slow (without serious optimisation), and like it would be prone to problems which wouldn't plague 99% of software projects, so I'd like to learn more about it, but I have no idea where to start looking.
Is the idea I've laid out above already an existing paradigm and if so what is it called?
You have encountered the custom-fields. The design is to enable tenant specific fields against a fixed entity. Since multi-tenancy at the highest level demand That a single codebase / database be used for all tenants with the options to full Customization. This design is the best approach. The below link points to a patent That was granted for managing the custom-fields per tenant.

How to store User Fitness / Fitness Device data in FHIR?

We are currently in the process of evaluating FHIR for use as part of our medical record infrastructure. For the EHR data (Allergies, Visits, Rx, etc..) the HL7 FHIR seems to have an appropriate mapping.
However, lots of data that we deal with is related to personal Fitness - think Fitbit or Apple HealthKit:
Active exercise (aerobic or workout): quantity, energy, heart-rate
Routine activities such as daily steps or water consumption
Sleep patterns/quality (odd case of inter-lapping states within the same timespan)
Other user-provided: emotional rating, eating activity, women's health, UV
While there is the Observation resource, this still seems best fit (!) for the EHR domain. In particular, the user fitness data is not collected during a visit and is not human-verified.
The goal is to find a "standardized FIHR way" to model this sort of data.
Use an Observation (?) with Extensions? Profiles? Domain-specific rules?
FHIR allows extraordinary flexibility, but each extension/profile may increase the cost of being able to exchange the resource directly later.
An explanation on the appropriate use of an FHIR resource - including when to Extend, use Profiles/tags, or encode differentiation via Coded values - would be useful.
Define a new/custom Resource type?
FHIR DSTU2 does not define a way to define a new Resource type. Wanting to do so may indicate that the role of resources - logical concept vs. an implementation interface? - is not understood.
Don't use FHIR at all? Don't use FHIR except on summary interchanges?
It could also be the case that FHIR is not suitable for our messaging format. But would it be any "worse" to go FIHRa <-> FIHRb than x <-> FIHRc when dealing with external interoperability?
The FHIR Registry did not seem to contain any User-Fitness specific Observation Profiles and none of the Proposed Resources seem to add appropriate resource-refinements.
At the end of the day, it would be nice to be able to claim to be able to - with minimal or no translation, ie. in a "standard manner" - be able to exchange User Fitness data as an FHIR stream.
Certainly the intent is to use Observation, and there's lots of projects already doing this.
There's no need for extensions, it's just a straight forward use. Note that this: " In particular the user fitness data is not collected during a visit and is not human-verified" doesn't matter. There's lots of EHR data of dubious provenance...
You just need to use the right codes, and bingo, it all works. I've provided a bit more detail to the answer here:

What is the difference between Falcor and GraphQL?

GraphQL consists of a type system, query language and execution
semantics, static validation, and type introspection, each outlined
below. To guide you through each of these components, we've written an
example designed to illustrate the various pieces of GraphQL.
Falcor lets you represent all your remote data sources as a single
domain model via a virtual JSON graph. You code the same way no matter
where the data is, whether in memory on the client or over the network
on the server.
What is the difference between Falcor and GraphQL (in the context of Relay)?
I have viewed the Angular Air Episode 26: FalcorJS and Angular 2 where Jafar Husain answers how GraphQL compares to FalcorJS. This is the summary (paraphrasing):
FalcorJS and GraphQL are tackling the same problem (querying data, managing data).
The important distinction is that GraphQL is a query language and FalcorJS is not.
When you are asking FalcorJS for resources, you are very explicitly asking for finite series of values. FalcorJS does support things like ranges, e.g. genres[0..10]. But it does not support open-ended queries, e.g. genres[0..*].
GraphQL is set based: give me all records where true, order by this, etc. In this sense, GraphQL query language is more powerful than FalcorJS.
With GraphQL you have a powerful query language, but you have to interpret that query language on the server.
Jafar argues that in most applications, the types of the queries that go from client to server share the same shape. Therefore, having a specific and predictable operations like get and set exposes more opportunities to leverage cache. Furthermore, a lot of the developers are familiar with mapping the requests using a simple router in REST architecture.
The end discussion resolves around whether the power that comes with GraphQL outweighs the complexity.
I have now written apps with both libraries and I can agree with everything in Gajus' post, but found some different things most important in my own use of the frameworks.
Probably the biggest practical difference is that most of the examples and presumably work done up to this point on GraphQL has been concentrated on integrating GraphQL with Relay - Facebook's system for integrating ReactJS widgets with their data requirements. FalcorJS on the other hand tends to act separately from the widget system which means both that it may be easier to integrate into a non-React/Relay client and that it will do less for you automatically in terms of matching widget data dependencies with widgets.
The flip side of FalcorJS being flexible in client side integrations is that it can be very opinionated about how the server needs to act. FalcorJS actually does have a straight up "Call this Query over HTTP" capability - although Jafar Husain doesn't seem to talk about it very much - and once you include those, the way the client libraries react to server information is quite similar except that GraphQL/Relay adds a layer of configuration. In FalcorJS, if you are returning a value for movie, your return value better say 'movie', whereas in GraphQL, you can describe that even though the query returns 'film', you should put that in the client side datastore as 'movie'. - this is part of the power vs complexity tradeoff that Gajus mentioned.
On a practical basis, GraphQL and Relay seems to be more developed. Jafar Husain has mentioned that the next version of the Netflix frontend will be running at least in part on FalcorJS whereas the Facebook team has mentioned that they've been using some version of the GraphQL/Relay stack in production for over 3 years.
The open source developer community around GraphQL and Relay seems to be thriving. There are a large number of well-attended supporting projects around GraphQL and Relay whereas I have personally found very few around FalcorJS. Also the base github repository for Relay ( is significantly more active than the github repository for FalcorJS ( When I first pulled the Facebook repo, the examples were broken. I opened a github issue and it was fixed within hours. On the other hand, the github issue I opened on FalcorJS has had no official response in two weeks.
Lee Byron one of the engineer behind GraphQL did an AMA on hashnode, here is his answer when asked this question:
Falcor returns Observables, GraphQL just values. For how Netflix wanted to use Falcor, this makes a lot of sense for them. They make multiple requests and present data as it's ready, but it also means that the client developer has to work with the Observables directly. GraphQL is a request/response model, and returns back JSON, which is trivially easy to then use. Relay adds back in some of the dynamicism that Falcor presents while maintaining only using plain values.
Type system. GraphQL is defined in terms of a type system, and that's allowed us to built lots of interesting tools like GraphiQL, code generators, error detection, etc. Falcor is much more dynamic, which is valuable in its own right but limits the ability to do this kind of thing.
Network usage. GraphQL was originally designed for operating Facebook's news feed on low end devices on even lower end networks, so it goes to great lengths to allow you to declare everything you need in a single network request in order to minimize latency. Falcor, on the other hand, often performs multiple round trips to collect additional data. This is really just a tradeoff between the simplicity of the system and the control of the network. For Netflix, they also deal with very low end devices (e.g. Roku stick) but the assumption is the network will be good enough to stream video.
Edit: Falcor can indeed batch requests, making the comment about the network usage inaccurate. Thanks to #PrzeoR
UPDATE: I've found the very useful comment under my post that I want to share with you as a complementary thing to the main content:
Regarding lack of examples, you can find the awesome-falcorjs repo userful, there are different examples of a Falcor's CRUD usage: ... Second thing, there is a book called "Mastering Full Stack React Development" which includes Falcor as well (good way to learn how to use it):
FalcorJS ( is much more simpler to be efficient in comparison to Relay/GraphQL.
The learning curve for GraphQL+Relay is HUGE:
In my short summary: Go for Falcor. Use Falcor in your next project until YOU have a large budget and a lot of learning time for your team then use RELAY+GRAPHQL.
GraphQL+Relay has huge API that you must be efficient in. Falcor has small API and is very easy to grasp to any front-end developer who is familiar with JSON.
If you have an AGILE project with limited resources -> then go for FalcorJS!
MY SUBJECTIVE opinion: FalcorJS is 500%+ easier to be efficient in full-stack javascript.
I have also published some FalcorJS starter kits on my project (+more full-stack falcor's example projects):
To be more in technical details:
1) When you are using Falcor, then you can use both on front-end and backend:
import falcor from 'falcor';
and then build your model based upon.
... you need also two libraries which are simple to use on backend:
a) falcor-express - you use it once (ex. app.use('/model.json', FalcorServer.dataSourceRoute(() => new NamesRouter()))). Source:
b) falcor-router - there you define SIMPLE routes (ex. route: '_view.length'). Source:
Falcor is piece of cake in terms of learning curve.
You can also see documentation which is much simpler than FB's lib and check also the article "why you should care about falcorjs (netflix falcor)".
2) Relay/GraphQL is more likely like a huge enterprise tool.
For example, you have two different documentations that separately are talking about:
a) Relay:
- Containers
- Routes
- Root Container
- Ready State
- Mutations
- Network Layer
- Babel Relay Plugin
GraphQL Relay Specification
Object Identification
Further Reading
b) GrapQL:
2.1Source Text
2.1.2White Space
2.1.3Line Terminators
2.1.5Insignificant Commas
2.1.6Lexical Tokens
2.1.7Ignored Tokens
2.2Query Document
2.2.2Selection Sets
2.2.5Field Alias
2.2.6Fragments Conditions Fragments
2.2.7Input Values Value Value Value Value Value Value Object Values
2.2.8Variables use within Fragments
2.2.9Input Types
2.2.10Directives Directives
3Type System
3.1.1Scalars Scalars
3.1.2Objects Field Arguments Field deprecation type validation
3.1.3Interfaces type validation
3.1.4Unions type validation
3.1.6Input Objects
3.3Starting types
4.1General Principles
4.1.1Naming conventions
4.1.4Type Name Introspection
4.2Schema Introspection
4.2.1The "__Type" Type
4.2.2Type Kinds Object List and Non-Null
4.2.3The __Field Type
4.2.4The __InputValue Type
5.1.1Named Operation Definitions Name Uniqueness
5.1.2Anonymous Operation Definitions Anonymous Operation
5.2.1Field Selections on Objects, Interfaces, and Unions Types
5.2.2Field Selection Merging
5.2.3Leaf Field Selections
5.3.1Argument Names
5.3.2Argument Uniqueness
5.3.3Argument Values Type Correctness Values Arguments
5.4.1Fragment Declarations Name Uniqueness Spread Type Existence On Composite Types Must Be Used
5.4.2Fragment Spreads spread target defined spreads must not form cycles spread is possible Spreads In Object Scope Spreads in Object Scope Spreads In Abstract Scope Spreads in Abstract Scope
5.5.1Input Object Field Uniqueness
5.6.1Directives Are Defined
5.7.1Variable Uniqueness
5.7.2Variable Default Values Are Correctly Typed
5.7.3Variables Are Input Types
5.7.4All Variable Uses Defined
5.7.5All Variables Used
5.7.6All Variable Usages are Allowed
6.1Evaluating requests
6.2Coercing Variables
6.3Evaluating operations
6.4Evaluating selection sets
6.5Evaluating a grouped field set
6.5.1Field entries
6.5.2Normal evaluation
6.5.3Serial execution
6.5.4Error handling
7.1Serialization Format
7.1.1JSON Serialization
7.2Response Format
AAppendix: Notation Conventions
A.1Context-Free Grammar
A.2Lexical and Syntactical Grammar
A.3Grammar Notation
A.4Grammar Semantics
BAppendix: Grammar Summary
B.1Ignored Tokens
B.2Lexical Tokens
B.3Query Document
It's your choice:
Simple sweet and short documented Falcor JS VERSUS Huge-enterprise-grade tool with long and advanced documentation as GraphQL&Relay
As I said before, if you are a front-end dev who grasp idea of using JSON, then JSON graph implementation from Falcor's team is best way to do your full-stack dev project.
In short, Falcor or GraphQL or Restful solve the same problem - provide a tool to query/manipulate data effectively.
How they differ is in how they present their data:
Falcor wants you to think their data as a very big virtual JSON tree, and uses get, set and call to read, write data.
GraphQL wants you to think their data as a group of predefined typed objects, and uses queries and mutations to read, write data.
Restful wants you to think their data as a group of resources, and uses HTTP verbs to read, write data.
Whenever we need to provide data for user, we end up with something liked: client -> query -> {a layer translate query into data ops} -> data.
After struggling with GraphQL, Falcor and JSON API (and even ODdata), I wrote my own data query layer. It's simpler, easier to learn, and more equivalent with GraphQL.
Check it out at:
It also integrates with featherjs for real time query/mutation.
OK, just start from a simple but important difference, GraphQL is a query based while Falcor is not!
But how they help u?
Basically, they both helping us to manage and querying data, but GraphQL has a req/res Model and return the data as JSON, basically the idea in GraphQL is having a single request to get all your data in one goal... Also, have exact response by having an exact request, So something to run on low-speed internet and mobile devices, like 3G networks... So if you have many mobile users or for some reasons you'd like to have less requests and faster response, use GraphQL... While Faclor is not too far from this, so read on...
On the other hand, Falcor by Netflix, usually have extra request (usually more than once) to retrieve all your data, eventhough they trying to improving it to a single req... Falcor is more limited for queries and doesn't have pre-defined query helpers like range and etc...
But for more clarification, let's see how each of them introduce itself:
GraphQL, A query language for your API
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling
those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and
understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the
power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it
easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
Send a GraphQL query to your API and get exactly what you need,
nothing more and nothing less. GraphQL queries always return
predictable results. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable because
they control the data they get, not the server.
GraphQL queries access not just the properties of one resource but
also smoothly follow references between them. While typical REST APIs
require loading from multiple URLs, GraphQL APIs get all the data your
app needs in a single request. Apps using GraphQL can be quick even on
slow mobile network connections.
GraphQL APIs are organized in terms of types and fields, not
endpoints. Access the full capabilities of your data from a single
endpoint. GraphQL uses types to ensure Apps only ask for what’s
possible and provide clear and helpful errors. Apps can use types to
avoid writing manual parsing code.
Falcor, a JavaScript library for efficient data fetching
Falcor lets you represent all your remote data sources as a single
domain model via a virtual JSON graph. You code the same way no matter
where the data is, whether in memory on the client or over the network
on the server.
A JavaScript-like path syntax makes it easy to access as much or as
little data as you want, when you want it. You retrieve your data
using familiar JavaScript operations like get, set, and call. If you
know your data, you know your API.
Falcor automatically traverses references in your graph and makes
requests as needed. Falcor transparently handles all network
communications, opportunistically batching and de-duping requests.

Techniques to reduce data harvesting from AJAX/JSON services

I was wondering if anyone had come across any techniques to reduce the chances of data exposed through JSON type services on the server (intended to supply AJAX functions) from being harvested by external agents.
It seems to me that the problem is not so difficult if you had say a Flash client consuming the data. Then you could send encrypted data to the client, which would know how to decrypt it. The same method seems impossible with AJAX though, due to the open nature of the Javascript source.
Has anybody implemented a clever technique here?
Whatever the method, it should still allow a genuine AJAX function to consume the data.
Note that I'm not really talking about protecting 'sensitive' information here, the odd record leaking out is not a problem. Rather I am thinking about stopping a situation where the whole DB is hoovered up by bots (either in one go, or gradually over time).
First, I would like to clear on this:
It seems to me that the problem is not
so difficult if you had say a Flash
client consuming the data. Then you
could send encrypted data to the
client, which would know how to
decrypt it. The same method seems
impossible with AJAX though, due to
the open nature of the Javascrip
It will be pretty obvious the information is being sent encrypted to the flash client & it won't be that hard for the attacker to find out from your flash compiled program what's being used for this - replicate & get all that data.
If the data does happens to have the value you are thinking, you can count on the above.
If this is public information, embrace that & don't combat it - instead find ways to capitalize on it.
If this is information that you are only exposing to a set of users, make sure you have the corresponding authentication / secure communication. Track usage as others have said, and have measures that act on it,
The first thing to prevent bots from stealing your data is not technological, it's legal. First, make sure you have the right language in your site's Terms of Use that what you're trying to prevent is actually disallowed and defensible from a legal standpoint. Second, make sure you design your technical strategy with legal issues in mind. For example, in the US, if you put data behind an authentication barrier and an attacker steals it, it's likely a violation of the DMCA law. Third, find a lawyer who can advise you on IP and DMCA issues... nice folks on StackOverflow aren't enough. :-)
Now, about the technology:
A reasonable solution is to require that users be authenticated before they can get access to your sensitive Ajax calls. This allows you to simply monitor per-user usage of your Ajax calls and (manually or automatically) cancel the account of any user who makes too many requests in a particular time period. (or too many total requests, if you're trying to defend against a trickle approach).
This approach of course is vulnerable to sophisticated bots who automatically sign up new "users", but with a reasonably good CAPTCHA implementation, it's quite hard to build this kind of bot. (see "circumvention" section at
If you are trying to protect public data (no authentication) then your options are much more limited. As other answers noted, you can try IP-address-based limits (and run afoul of large corporate proxy users) but sophisticated attackers can get around this by distributing the load. There's also likley sophisticated software which watches things like request timing, request patterns, etc. and tries to spot bots. Poker sites, for example, spend a lot of time on this. But don't expect these kinds of systems to be cheap. One easy thing you can do is to mine your web logs (e.g. using Splunk) and find the top N IP addresses hitting your site, and then do a reverse-IP lookup on them. Some will be legitimate corporate or ISP proxies. But if you recognize a compeitor's domain name among the list, you can block their domain or follow up with your lawyers.
In addition to pre-theft defense, you might also want to think about inserting a "honey pot": deliberately fake information that you can track later. This is how, for example, maps manufacturers catch plaigarism: they insert a fake street in their maps and see which other maps show the same fake street. While this doesn't prevent determined folks from sucking out all your data, it does let you find out later who's re-using your data. This can be done by embedding unique text strings in your text output, and then searching for those strings on Google later (assuming your data is re-usable on another public website). If your data is HTML or images, you can include an image which points back to your site, and you can track who is downloading it, and look for patterns you can use to bust the freeloaders.
Note that the javascript encryption approach noted in one of the other answers won't work for non-authenticated sessions-- an attacker can simply download the javascript and run it just like a regular browser would. Moral of the story: public data is essentially indefensible. If you want to keep data protected, put it behind an authentication barrier.
This is obvious, but if your data is publicly searchable by search engines, you'll both need a non-AJAX solution for them (Google won't read your ajax data!) and you'll want to mark those pages NOARCHIVE so your data doesn't show up in Google's cache. You'll also probably want a white list of search engine crawler IP addreses which you allow into your search-engine-crawlable pages (you can work with Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. to get these), otherwise malicious bots could simply impersonate Google and get your data.
In conclusion, I want to echo #kdgregory above: make sure that the threat is real enough that it's worth the effort required. Many companies overestimate the interest that other people (both legitimate customers and nefarious actors) have in their business. It might be that yours is an oddball case where you have particularly important data, it's particularly valuable to obtain, it must be publicly accessible without authentication, and your legal recourses will be limited if someone steals your data. But all those together is admittedly an unusual case.
P.S. - another way to think about this problem which may or may not apply in your case. Sometimes it's easier to change how your data works which obviates securing it. For example, can you tie your data in some way to a service on your site so that the data isn't very useful unless it's being used in conjunction with your code. Or can you embed advertising in it, so that wherever it's shown you get paid? And so on. I don't know if any of these mitigations apply to your case, but many businesses have found ways to give stuff away for free on the Internet (and encourage rather than prevent wide re-distribution) and still make money, so a hybrid free/pay strategy may (or may not) be possible in your case.
If you have an internal Memcached box, you could consider using a technique where you create an entry for each IP that hits your server with an hour expiration. Then increment that value each time the IP hits your AJAX endpoint. If the value gets over a particular threshold, fry the connection. If the value expires in Memcached, you know it isn't getting "hoovered away".
This isn't a concrete answer with a proof of concept, but maybe a starting point for you. You could create a javascript function that provides encryption/decryption functions. The javascript would need to be built dynamically, and you would include an encryption key that is unique to the session. On the server side, you'd have an encryption service that uses the key from the session to encrypt your JSON before delivering it.
This would at least prevent someone from listening to your web traffic, pulling information out of your database.
I'm with kdgergory though, it sounds like your data is too open.
Some techniques are listed in Further thoughts on hindering screen scraping.
If you use PHP, Bad behavior is a nice tool to help. If you don't use PHP, it can give some ideas on how to filter (see How it works page).
Incredibill's blog is giving nice tips, lists of User-agents/IP ranges to block, etc...
Here are a variety of suggestions:
Issue tokens required for redemption along with each AJAX request. Expire the tokens.
Track how many queries are coming from each client, and throttle excessive usage based on expected normal usage of your site.
Look for patterns in usage such as sequential queries, spikes in requests, or queries that occur faster than a human could conduct.
Check user-agents. Many bots don't completely replicate the user agent info of a browser, and you can eliminate programatic scraping of your data using this method.
Change the front-end component of your website to redirect to a captcha (or some other human verifying mechanism) once a request threshold is exceeded.
Modify your logic so the respsonse data is returned in a few different ways to complicate the code required to parse.
Obsfucate your client-side javascript.
Block IPs of offending clients.
Bots usually doesn't parse Javascript, so your ajax code won't be instantly executed. And if they even do, bots usually doesn't maintain sessions/cookies as well. Knowing that, you could reject the request if it is invoked without a valid session/cookie (which is obviously set on the server side beforehand by the request on the parent page).
This does not protect you from human hazard though. The safest way is to restrict access to users with a login/password. If that is not your intent, well, then you have to live with the fact that it's a public application. You could of course scan logs and maintian blacklists with IP addresses and useragents, but that goes extreme.
