wkhtmltopdf version(s) affected: wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.msvc2015-win64
Getting unwanted space in TR
check attached snapshot for clarification.
Issue appears when we use div inside td.
In the div you are using inside td add display: inline-block to see if it solves the problem.
Is it possible to add css rule to an element at some page by adblock?
Something like this
#myElement {
color: white !important;
I tried to find a script that updates style of this element on page load but it seems that it is not a best way.
It's possible to do it on uBlock Origin and Adguard (as far as I know). Each has its own syntax for the styling rules, but uBlock is capable understanding both.
Here is an example of a CSS rule that changes Twitter background:
twitter.com#$#body.logged-in{ background-color: #8c8787 !important; }
The styling filters should be constructed like this:
<domain> + #$# + <selector> + { <style> }
Just avoid puting a space between the selector and the opening brace. Cause it can give you some trouble. Reference:
The other answers weren't working for me but there is a way to change an element's style:
example.com##h1:style(background-color: blue !important)
Make sure not to use curly brackets.
There is also some documentation on GitHub.
EDIT: As BeeLabeille mentioned this advice seems specific to uBlock.
I don't think it's possible for AdBlock to change CSS properties, you can use an extension like Stylish (available for Firefox and Chrome) to do just that though.
For AdBlock Plus, you can try this:
##.ytp-pause-overlay, .ytp-scroll-min
##.html5-endscreen, .ytp-player-content, .videowall-endscreen, .ytp-endscreen-paginate, .ytp-show-tiles
This should disable the display of ads during the pause, and recommended videos, at the end of the video.
PS: Ah.. this is not the subject of the question.. this removes the class from the div element. Well, maybe someone will come in handy, to delete unnecessary blocks in the Youtube player.
browser would be mozilla firefox 5
if the text is:
text is too longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
I would like it to be wrapped:
text is too longggggggggggggg
You could try using the CSS style word-wrap: break-word
Put it in a multiline TextBox.
Actually you need to specify the width of your label. In my case I put it inside the and add this css class: display: inline-block; width:123px;word-break:break-all;
Since I have this problem third time in row I need to know this:
Why is IE8 not showing the logo in the top left of this site??
The image is wrapped in a header > h1 > a
This is so strange, since apparently only IE8 has this problem!
Get rid of the max-width: 100% in the CSS style for the img tag, or clear it for that specific element.
If you have an element following another element that has float:left and turn on contenteditable in IE8, the following element will be precedet by an empty line in IE8 if you turn contentEditable="true".
An example:
<img src="foo.jpg" style="float:left">
<p>Some random text</p>
in IE8 this will be rendered like this:
See the line before "Some random text"?
This is especially annoying if you use a wysiwyg-editor because this affects some of its functionality. Also, this creates markup you don#t want. In CKEditor, you can see that the dom-path of that line is in the body, not inside any element.
I reported that problem to Microsoft some time ago and they didn't want to fix it: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/576042/floated-elements-in-contenteditable-can-generate-an-empty-line
The last time that I checked with IE10 pp2 still had the problem.
Manually setting the css of paragraph elements with:
p {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}
should resolve this issue.
For example,
Text Here
will print out as...
Text Here(../somepage/page.aspx?qs=asdf)
In IE, it looks normal (doesn't print the url). Any ideas why this is acting in this fashion?
Extrapolating from Brett's answer, on Firefox 25, this CSS style removes the offending href:
#media print {
a:visited:after {
content: "" !important;
Also, if you're using Twitter Bootstrap as a framework, this:
... will do the trick! (at least in bootstrap 3)
The answer was in the css framework we are using (Blueprint). There was the below line in the style file:
a:link:after,a:visited:after{content:"(" attr(href) ")";font-size:90%}
Guess this might help others who use Blueprint.
If you want to to be more specific - say remove links within a table, then you could do the following with jQuery.
$(".tableclass tr td a").removeAttr("href");
Just add this in your layout page (Master Page)
a[href]:after {
content: none !important;
There is also the semantic reason to print the url next to the link.
Imagine you print the document without the url. You cannot be sure to completely understand the text as it is meant by the author.
It can be necessary for a quote to print the source as well. That is important i.e. for academic texts.
Indeed Bretts answer is correct.
You can avoid this problem altogether on the screen by including the media attribute on the print style link as follows
<link href="../../Content/blueprint/print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print" type="text/css" />