Spring Boot app, content served and app functioning fine but getting a lot of 'Did not find handler method for *...' spam - spring-boot

I've got a few Spring Boot web apps that are functioning fine, but I get a ton of spam related to 'Did not find handler method for X' since using Spring Boot 2.0.4. I get it for static content as well. This is a Spring Boot 2.0.4/Thymeleaf app. It's not affecting the functionality of the app at all as all content is being served but it's quite annoying. Any ideas?

I was able to filter it out through logging.level.org.springframework.boot=INFO.


spring boot with rest endpoints but also JSF

I am having trouble as I have a sample app working with spring-boot and primefaces but can't manage to build a rest endpoint. I know there must be a configuration thing to be done between DispatcherServlet and FacesServlet but I still can't discover it. Can someone provide an example ?. I understand I could set each servlet to start working on a different path but its like being a turkish in the fog...

Spring Reactive WebSocket does not come up when spring-web is present

I have an existing spring web application that uses spring-boot-starter-web; I have been planning to introduce reactive into this application. For a new feature that I am working, I have pulled in spring reactive web socket, configured and coded as specified in the spring doc; but unfortunately it does not work (got 404).
I tried a sample application and that works perfectly.
I used this one as my sample application.
I found that the sample application comes up on Netty, not on Tomcat. So I added spring-boot-starter-web to it, got the server to start in Tomcat and got the same 404 as I got in my application.
I also added TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy unsuccessfully.
should I assume that spring-web and spring-webflux conflict with each other and I should go back to the regular websocket? Please advise.
Spring said that if both spring web and spring webflux present in the classpath; spring web kicks in and reactive websocket won't come up.
More details here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/23236

Web API Notification using Spring Boot

I am looking at creating Notification in Google Chrome, using Spring Boot. The notification is nowadays common on all sites.
The Spring Boot Admin module does create the same notification if the client application monitored goes down or comes up.
Can some help me with the same, very less support on the internet for the same? Even if the concept is clarified I can share a sample code for Spring boot and make it public via git. Else if a working sample help will also be appreciated.
We have JS way of creating the same, using new Notification('Title',) and window.webkitNotifications.createNotification.
I have solved it using 2 parts.
Server-Sent-Events (sse) emitters with Spring boot and Notification Web APIs
Adding the sample code here
Hope it helps someone looking for a similar solution.

Proxying Vaadin Spring Boot application and URL issue

I've asked the same question at Vaadin's forum, but noone responds there, so maybe someone here can help.
I've developed a Vaadin Spring Boot app that works perfectly when I run it as is, but when I tried to run it behind Apache Proxy (so that requests to http://website/vaadin-app/ are forwarded to http://website:8080), I've got a problem: UI is rendered successfully, but the data can't be fetched from the server. The error is: The requested URL /vaadinServlet/UIDL/ was not found on this server.
It looks like Vaadin doesn't make relative requests, but rather absolute ones, so it tries to load http://website/vaadinServlet/UIDL/ instead of http://website/vaadin-app/vaadinServlet/UIDL/
What kind of configuration should I add to address this issue?

Vaadin 8 Spring Boot QuickTickets Dashboard with Spring MVC

I'm trying to adapt Vaadin Spring Boot QuickTickets Dashboard example with my project needs. Everything is working fine except I'm unable to access another (not Vaadin UI) URLs. For example, I have Spring Boot Actuator endpoint - http://localhost:8080/actuator/health but when I try to access it, the application wrongly redirects me to http://localhost:8080/actuator/health#!dashboard. Pretty much the same behavior with my custom login page(not Vaadin UI) - http://localhost:8080/login. I also unable to access it.
How to correctly setup Vaadin to be able to access Spring Boot Actuator endpoints and my custom login page also?
You need to map the servlet to a different path. I think the problem is that the Vaadin-Servlet is mapped to / an is processing all requests.
Adding the following to you application.properties should do the trick.
vaadin.servlet.urlMapping = /myapp/*
Of course the URL of the app changes accordingly.
