How do I fix this Joomla white screen error? - joomla

Joomla q.
I tried updating my Joomla site, and that failed and I got a basic html version of my site. I tried to downgrade by extracting a former version of Joomla in the root folder. when this failed I tried to change it again the same way.
This gave me a white screen on both admin side and front end. After following the first few steps here
I'm finally getting this error:
*Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'ini_set' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in /home/*****/public_html/configuration.php on line 98* (asterisks added)

There shouldn't be any ini_set function call in the configuration.php file. Your website is likely hacked - you should proceed accordingly. First cleanup your configuration.php file and then try this guide for quickly cleaning Joomla sites. Please note that usage of this guide is at your own risk and you must always backup your Joomla site before doing this. Also note that if your Joomla site has core modifications then they will be wiped out. Finally, keep in mind that you may still have reminiscent hacked files on your site even after implementing the above, so you clean those as well.


undefined method Joomla\Registry\Registry::getValue()

I'm having an issue with a Joomla site, It was recently upgraded to Joomla 3.0 but now the home page hows the error "undefined method Joomla\Registry\Registry::getValue()", the only issue is it does not tell me which files are throwing this error.
I have run a file search in cPanel and a grep at command line to find any files with "getValue" in them but all responses are 0. I've even checked the database, just in case a previous developer put it in there but I have nothing.
I've searched the web, checked error logs, disabled plugins and pretty much bashed my skull against the wall for the last week to no avail.
Can anyone help?
I working on the updated site here:
In the backend of your Joomla site, try going to System > Global Configuration > Server, change the error reporting to Maximum and see if you get more details about the source of the problem.
If still no joy, check your server error logs.
Good luck!

Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::load()

I have updated joomla version from 3.6.5 to 3.7 joomla latest version.
Now I am getting fatal error on site backend :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::load() in /public_html/administrator/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php on line 25
Can anyone please provide me solution to get it fixed.
The temp fix does work, (uncomment line 25). However I found it was a component that was causing the error, SP Page Builder, once uninstalled, all worked fine :D
I had the same issue but you don't need to uninstall SPPageBuilder, just go to, filter by Administrator modules and unpublish the one called "SP Page Builder Admin Menu".
I have also received the same error on a couple sites so far after updating. I added a php override to my htaccess file to bring the sites back online. I added the following to the rewrite section of my htaccess file:
php_value memory_limit 128M
This increases the memory to 128MB. Not the best way to fix the issue, but it works right now. I don't know if this issue is related to the 3.7 upgrade or not, but it's awfully coincidental that 2 of my sites, and now coming across this post happened after upgrading. I wonder if there is a bug in the new Joomla version, or if it requires more memory now.
This is faced by many who used JSN Poweradmin. You need to uninstall it to run your Joomla site or you can simply comment out or delete this line on line no 25
//$menu->load($params, $enabled);
in the file /administrator/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php.
I have replaced mod_menu complete Directory/Files with old one (3.6.5) and its working now.
If you are using JSN Poweradmin and you tried to install SP Page Builder, Just go to this directory:
and delete this folder: mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu
Now Joomla Admin panel would work OK and also SP Page Builder component is ready to use.

Fatal error: Class 'Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data' not found

I'm getting an error in the admin page when I try to login, it was working fine and I would like to know if you can please help find out what may be causing the error and how to fix it. The error is:
Fatal error: Class 'Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data' not found in /home/site/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 546
The admin page is only showing the header and the error line code, the search box but the search box is not giving any results neither. However, the front of the store is working find, no issues in front. Please help, thank you
Best Regards,
99% that you were hacked and that you didn't apply the two patches which were released by magento some weeks ago...
I have seen that issue 1 day ago at a client side of mine and they also didn't apply the patch.
check also this:
It also happened to me. Did not install the security patches.
Follow the steps from this post:
Remove all files: app/code/community/Magpleasure/Filesystem/
Clear your cache, login should be possible now.
Check for new "Admin Users"
Patch your System with SUPEE-5344!
This happened to my site AGAIN, even after removing the magepleasure files, and then installing the 2 security patches.
I looked in the community and local folders as noted above in the way that I fixed this the first time around. This time there was one called Ma2.
I deleted the files from both places and deleted the cache folder contents on the server. I was then able to get the backend again. There was another unauthorized user, deleted it.
There is a remaining problem though. Anybody know where to look to fully delete the problem?
This is Compiler Error edit index.php, there just comment out following lines
$compilerConfig = MAGENTO_ROOT . '/includes/config.php'; if
(file_exists($compilerConfig)) {
include $compilerConfig; }
it will fix now..
This looks like an extension has been installed but not completely. The error is because Magento is trying to find the file Magpleasure_Filesystem_Helper_Data which I guess will either be under code base local or community app/code/local/Magpleasure/Filesystem/Helper/Data.php but the file is not there.
I would suggest reinstalling the extension either by magento connect or locally and deploy to your system and if you are still having issues contacting the developer directly may be your best bet.

Joomla error ($this->app) after upgrade

I just upgrade my Joomla website from 3.1.1 to 3.3.6.
As found on I downloaded pack and uploaded all the files over my previous Joomla installation.
Unfortunately, I cannot login and the following error is displayed:
Fatal error: Call to a member function checkSession() on a non-object in /home/www/.../web/plugins/user/joomla/joomla.php on line 209
Line 209: $this->app->checkSession();
I did additional tests and it seems that all the "$this-app->..." command fail!
I opened the 3.1.1 joomla.php file and found another syntax:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
Replacing the 3.3.6 syntax with this one solved my problem, but I can see that similar "calls" are done when logout, so I would need to change them as well.
It looks like the new syntax ($this->app->) is not working in joomla.php after upgrade to 3.3.6 and now I'm afraid similar errors can occurs in other scripts.
Does someone already get similar errors, is that a known problem with Joomla upgrade, how to solve this issue correctely?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Why on earth would you do this? For a long time now Joomla has had a built-in updater that does several things beyond just copying the files to the correct location, like updating the table definitions, adding new tables, data migration and removing old files.
My guess is that your database schema is now out of sync with the PHP. You'll have to role back to your backup as there is no clear way to say if records have been damaged etc.
Once you've restored your backup, use one of the methods described in the Upgrading from an Existing Version FAQ on Joomla's Doc's site.
As this question is about Joomla management and implementation details, you may get a better answer if you, try asking on the Joomla Q&A StackExhange site in the future.

Joomla 'component not found' install error

I made a component that was working find on my local machine but when I tried to put it on live site it gives me '404 - An error has occurred. Component not found' error that doesn't seem to go away. I have tried everything from installing from different admins to putting the files directly to server but nothing works. I even tried installing it on another joomla site but that doesn't help either. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was stuck on this since morning and finally got the solution. This might be of help...
The component name was com_ABCdef and it worked on local like that however when I installed in to site it became all small letters and was calling for option=com_abcdef and my installation files file ABCdef.xml and ABCdef.php and changing those to lower case solved my problem.
how are you doing it ?
Do you have the xml install file ?
name convention? i think name should always be com_componentName
have you placed it in the component directory ?
read more about joomla component here
