Spring JDBCTemplate. Null pointer exception - spring

I'm trying to set up a SpringMVC website from scratch, but I've hit a dead end.
I'm using autowiring to instanciate JdbcTemplate with a DataSource, but somehow I'm getting a Null pointer exception. I'd appreciate your help with this.
My AppConfig is the next:
public class AppConfig {
public DriverManagerDataSource dataSource() {
DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
return dataSource;
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
/*Deleted this code, still doesn't work
public Book Book() {
return new Book();
My Book class is as follows:
public class Book {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private String title;
private String author;
private String isbn;
public Book() {
public Book(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
public ModelMap getBooks() {
ModelMap model = new ModelMap();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM Books";
model.put("data", jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql));
return model;
And this is the infamous NullPointer Exception:
Any help would be highly appreciated. I probably forgot to do something, but I can't solve it myself, and I can't find anything on StackOverflow that helps me, either (although I've read many articles by now).
My project structure is the next:
And I'm using the Book object in this controller:
public class BookController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getBookData(Book book, ModelMap model) {
model.put("data", book.getBooks());
return "BookView";

When you have #Component over the class, it means Spring will create a Bean for you provided your component scanner is scanning Book class. You don't need
public Book Book() {
return new Book();
It's because of this bean that doesn't have jdbcTemplate injected which is throwing NullPointerException.
Your understanding about spring injection is wrong. I have updated the controller code that should work.
public class BookController {
Book book;
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getBookData(ModelMap model) {
model.put("data", book.getBooks());
return "BookView";
Update: Component Scan
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "models")
public class AppConfig {


Sprinboot Jackson Date Serialize

i face a litle problem with Jackson on springboot web, i'm expecting this kind of response.
'date': 'string of date'
but i get back this
0: java.sql.date,
1: long number of timestamp
please how to configure springboot to avoid this?
public class BootConfiguration {
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder();
public JavaTimeModule javaTimeModule() {
return new JavaTimeModule();
public Jdk8Module jdk8TimeModule() {
return new Jdk8Module();
public CoreJackson2Module coreJackson2Module() {
return new CoreJackson2Module();
public OAuth2AuthorizationServerJackson2Module authorizationServerJackson2Module(){
return new OAuth2AuthorizationServerJackson2Module();
public List<Module> securityModules(){
ClassLoader classLoader = JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.class.getClassLoader();
return SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(classLoader);
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules();
mapper.addMixIn(UserPrincipal.class, Object.class);
return mapper;
this is the controller method where
#GetMapping(value = "/authentications", params = {"pge","lmt", "slug"})
public ResponseEntity<?> getLastLogins(
Authentication authentication,
#RequestParam("lmt")Integer limit,
#RequestParam("pge")Integer page,
#RequestParam("slug")String slug){
return new ResponseEntity<>(loginManager.findAllAuthentications(authentication.getName(),slug,limit,page), HttpStatus.OK);
and this is the model containing the properties i try to get back
public class User implements Serializable {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Date date;
private Role role;

Spring Data Redis with JSON converters gives "Path to property must not be null or empty."

I am trying to use a CrudRepository in association with spring-data-redis and lettuce. Following all the advice I can find I have configured my spring-boot 2.1.8 application with #ReadingConverters and #WritingConverters but when I try to use the repository I am getting "Path to property must not be null or empty."
Doing some debugging, this seems to be caused by org.springframework.data.redis.core.convert.MappingRedisConverter:393
writeInternal(entity.getKeySpace(), "", source, entity.getTypeInformation(), sink);
The second parameter being the path. This ends up at line 747 of MappingRedisConverter running this code:
} else if (targetType.filter(it -> ClassUtils.isAssignable(byte[].class, it)).isPresent()) {
sink.getBucket().put(path, toBytes(value));
Ultimately, the put with an empty path ends up in org.springframework.data.redis.core.convert.Bucket:77 and fails the Assert.hasText(path, "Path to property must not be null or empty."); even though the data has been serialized.
Is this a bug with spring-data-redis or have I got to configure something else?
public class RedisConfiguration {
private final RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory;
public RedisTemplate<?, ?> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<byte[], byte[]> template = new RedisTemplate<byte[], byte[]>();
return template;
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
return objectMapper;
public RedisCustomConversions redisCustomConversions(List<Converter<?,?>> converters) {
return new RedisCustomConversions(converters);
I've just included one writing converter here but have several reading and writing ones...
public class CategoryWritingConverter implements Converter<Category, byte[]> {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer<Category> serializer;
public byte[] convert(Category category) {
return getSerializer().serialize(category);
private Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer<Category> getSerializer() {
if (serializer == null) {
serializer = new Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer<>(Category.class);
return serializer;
The object to write:
#EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
public class Category {
private String categoryCode;
private String categoryText;
And the repo:
public interface CategoryRepository extends CrudRepository<Category, String> {
Page<Category> findAll(Pageable pageable);
Can anybody advise what I have missed or if this is a bug I should raise on spring-data-redis?

Spring #Transactional rollback not working

public class OrderController {
private OrderService service;
private RefundService refundService;
#DeleteMapping(value = "/{orderID}/RefundApplication")
#Transactional(rollbackFor = RuntimeException.class)
public Map cancelRefundApplication(#SessionAttribute("user") User user,
#PathVariable("orderID") String orderID) {
Order order = service.getOrderByID(orderID);
RefundApplication application = refundService.get(orderID);
throw new EntityNotFoundException("test");
I want transaction created in cancelRefundApplication method to be rolled back when a RuntimeException is thrown, and to be commit if no RuntimeException is thrown. But I find the transaction is not rolled back even if a RuntimeException is thrown. For test perpose, I change the code to make it always throw a EntityNotFoundException, and test it with following test method. After running the test, I check database and find refund application data is deleted, which means transaction is not rolled back and #Transactional annotation is not working.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {WebConfig.class, RootConfig.class, DataConfig.class})
class OrderControllerTest {
OrderController controller;
UserService userService;
OrderService orderService;
AppWideExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
private User customer;
private User seller;
private HashMap<String, Object> sessionAttrs;
private ResultMatcher success = jsonPath("$.code")
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void cancelRefundApplication() throws Exception {
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
String path = String.format("/Api/Order/%s%d0001/RefundApplication"
, simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()), customer.getID());
This is DataConfig class:
public class DataConfig {
public DataSource dataSource() {
// org.apache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory.useLog4J2Logging();
PooledDataSource pds = new PooledDataSource();
return pds;
public JdbcOperations jdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory() throws Exception {
SqlSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
return sessionFactory.getObject();
public DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager() {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource());
public SqlSessionTemplate sqlSession(SqlSessionFactory factory){
return new SqlSessionTemplate(factory);
Transactions need to be enabled manually by annotating config class with #EnableTransactionManagement
Check include or not TransactionalTestExecutionListener in your test, if not add: #TestExecutionListeners(listeners = {TransactionalTestExecutionListener.class})

don't understand ioc java behavior

I try use IoC without xml. But I don't understand why #Autowired workin in the first case, and doesn't work in second case:
I have 3 classes:
public class DataSourceBean{
public DataSource dataSource(){
DataSource ds = new DataSource();
return ds;
public class AbstractDao {
private DataSource dataSource;
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
public AbstractDao(){
System.out.println("dataSource = " + dataSource);
public class PageController {
private DataSource dataSource;
private AbstractDao dao;
#RequestMapping(value = "/test" , method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String homePage(){
// System.out.println("$$ dataSource = " + dataSource);
AbstractDao dao = new AbstractDao();
return "";
and in a PageControllers autowiring works properly, I see that it doesn't null. And when I create new AbstractDao autowired doesn't work and dataSourse == null . I try add some annotations to class AbstractDao, but it doesn't work. what am I doing wrong? and how I must do it properly? Thanks
In your PageController you have to inject AbstractDao. Autowiring does not work when instantiating Objects with new operator. Try this instead in your PageController:
public class PageController {
private DataSource dataSource;
private AbstractDao dao;
#RequestMapping(value = "/test" , method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String homePage(){
// System.out.println("$$ dataSource = " + dataSource);
return "";

Spring jdbc configuration

I have been trying to implement a web service using spring. This webservice will provide data access to a mySQL database using JDBC. I am trying to not use any xml configuration files, so I have come across a problem trying to connect to the database.
I am following the tutorial: http://spring.io/guides/tutorials/rest/ but I changed a few things along the way.
Now that I am trying to implement the connection with the database I get an error when trying to execute the tomcat instance, and I guess the problem is within the configurations.
Here follows some of my code:
Datasource configuration:
public class MySQLDataSourceConfiguration implements DataSourceConfiguration{
private Environment environment;
public DataSource dataSource() throws Exception {
BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource();
dataSource.setDriverClassName(environment.getPropertyAsClass("dataSource.driverClass", Driver.class).getName());
return dataSource;
the file service.properties is where I keep my configurations for the database, so when I desire to change the database I will just have to change 4 fields.
The JDBCConfiguration class for the setup of the JDBCtemplate
#Import( { MySQLDataSourceConfiguration.class })
public class JdbcConfiguration {
private DataSourceConfiguration dataSourceConfiguration;
private Environment environment;
public JdbcTemplate setupJdbcTemplate() throws Exception {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSourceConfiguration.dataSource());
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);
Then there is the Repository, that recieves the template.
public class JdbcIndividualRepository implements IndividualsRepository{
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JdbcIndividualRepository.class);
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public JdbcIndividualRepository(DataSource jdbcDataSource) {
LOG.info("JDBCRepo arg constructor");
this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(jdbcDataSource);
public Individual save(Individual save) {
String sql = "INSERT INTO Individual(idIndividual, Name) VALUES(?,?)";
this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql, save.getId(), save.getName());
return save;
public void delete(String key) {
String sql = "DELETE FROM Individual WHERE idIndividual=?";
jdbcTemplate.update(sql, key);
public Individual findById(String key) {
String sql = "SELECT i.* FROM Individual i WHERE i.idIndividual=?";
return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new IndividualRowMapper(), key);
public List<Individual> findAll() {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM Individual";
return new LinkedList<Individual>(this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new IndividualRowMapper()));
Then I register the jdbc configuration in the initializer class when creating the root context of the application as follows:
private WebApplicationContext createRootContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rootContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
rootContext.register(CoreConfig.class, SecurityConfig.class, JdbcConfiguration.class);
servletContext.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(rootContext));
servletContext.setInitParameter("defaultHtmlEscape", "true");
return rootContext;
However, the Tomcat server wont run because it can't autowire the class MySQLDataSourceConfiguration.
Anyone knows what the problem might be? I can give more details on the code, but the question is already really large.
Appreciate any kind of help!
Solved changing the JdbcConfiguration class to:
#Import( { MySQLDataSourceConfiguration.class })
public class JdbcConfiguration {
private DataSource dataSource;
private Environment environment;
public JdbcTemplate setupJdbcTemplate() throws Exception {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);
public IndividualsRepository createRepo(){
return new JdbcIndividualRepository(dataSource);
private DataSourceConfiguration dataSourceConfiguration;
Because that's not how it's supposed to be used. Instead add to the same class the following:
#Autowired DataSource dataSource;
and use it like this: new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
Also, try adding #ComponentScan to JdbcConfiguration class. From what I see in your code the class JdbcIndividualRepository is not picked up by anything.
In your class JdbcConfiguration, you are trying to autowire DataSourceConfiguration. I'm not really sure if that's possible - typically you should try to autwire the DataSource, not the DataSourceConfiguration.
#Import( { MySQLDataSourceConfiguration.class })
public class JdbcConfiguration {
private DataSource dataSource;
public JdbcTemplate setupJdbcTemplate() throws Exception {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
Also if you have several DataSources and you're using Spring profiles to separate them, it's easier to provide all the DataSource beans in one file and annotate each bean with a different profile:
public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSource devDataSource() {
.... configure data source
public DataSource prodDataSource() {
... configure data source
