Not sure whether maven is installed or not - macos

I use intellij for development purpose on my mac. It has support of maven in it. But when I thought of running mvn command via terminal, it was not able to identify and maven on my system. Why?

Maven of your IDE (embedded maven) & Maven of your operating system are Different by default.
If you don't install Maven on your Op.System then you can't use Maven command line in your terminal.
If you have installed maven on your Op.System so probably you fall with 2 different maven version (IDE Embedded maven and Op.system maven)
To evoid this problem install maven on your Op.system (dont forget to configure env variable M2_HOME) and configure your IDE to use this installation of Maven.


Jenkins uses different version of Maven than cmd

First I installed Maven version 3.0.5 on our build system and then I upgraded it to 3.6.0 following this guide . Using the cmdline on the system executing:
mvn -v
I always get 3.6.0 as the version. But when executing the same command in a Jenkins job I get 3.0.5 . So somewhere it looks like it still refers to the older version. But I have no clue where. Any ideas how to check this?
The version you see in the shell depends on your PATH variable.
Jenkins can handle multiple installations of maven.
To configure it:
Open the Jenkins dashboard.
Go to Manage Jenkins.
Go to Global Tool Configuration
Go to the Maven section and click Maven installations
When adding a new installation, you have 2 options:
install a selected version automatically
use existing installation on your system
Then, when configuring a project in jenkins, you can select one of the configured installations.
For Maven Project under Build / Maven Version
For Freestyle project under Build Steps / Build / Invoke top level maven targets / Maven Version

whats the purpose of installing maven on MAC

when I search for installing maven, I found videos on how to instal maven on eclipse and how to instal maven on MAc.It may be very basic question but just wondering whats the purpose of installing maven on MAC? I use maven on eclipse already
You would install Maven to be able to execute the mvn command from the command line (usually This is usually because you need to do things that your IDE does not easily allow you to do, or to ensure that your project builds correctly with plain Maven.
This is important because the Maven emulation in Eclipse is good but not perfect (as there are some design decisions in Eclipse that do not work well with the Maven mindset). A typical situation is that Eclipse does not treat src/test different from src/main and Maven does. The easiest way to ensure this, is to build your projects from the command line once in a while.

Base command line for builds in Maven

I am using apache maven version 3.5.0 in Eclipse. I have problem with this error - "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.10:eclipse". I guess it makes by wrong command in Preferences->Anypoint Studio->Maven->Base command line for builds. Now, I have command - "mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0".
The maven-eclipse-plugin is deprecated and should not be used. Actually, it can destroy your project.
Newer Eclipse versions (like Mars, Neon, Oxygen) have m2e included, which does all the Maven-Eclipse magic for you.

Install m2e in eclipse without install maven in system

I recently try to use maven in my eclipse project. In maven official website there are several step that I must to accomplish to configure maven side by side with eclipse. But I know there is a m2eclipse plugins if I need to use maven. But I don't know if I can use this plugins with maven installed in system or not.
So can I use this plugins without maven been installed in system or not ?
The m2e plugin brings a copy of Maven 3.0.4 and installs it inside of Eclipse so the plugin can use it. This is enough to build Maven projects inside of Eclipse. No external installation is needed.
You must start Eclipse with a JDK, though. A JRE isn't enough. If you're unsure: Look for the file lib/tools.jar. When it's there: You're good.
This copy isn't accessible from the command line. If you want to build from the command line as well or if you need a newer version of Maven than 3.0, you need to install Maven and configure the plugin accordingly.

IntelliJ cannot find Maven M2_HOME environment variable

I'm trying to make my first step with Maven system. But I cannot understand if I should install it separately or if it comes built-in with IntelliJ 13 Community Edition? My system is Windows 7.
Maven does not come bundled with Intellij. You need to install the version of Maven you'd like to use on your computer.
Intellij has a Maven plugin, which requires that you either set M2_HOME or supply it with the location of your Maven install.
First you should it install it separately cause you will need it on command line. Furthermore it's best to understand maven on command line first and than make the integration step into Maven with an IDE of your choice.
