laravel seeding db through routes - laravel-5

I want to run a seeder command through web.php
here is my code
Artisan::call("db:seed --class=$class"); });
I am getting this error
Symfony \ Component \ Console \ Exception \ CommandNotFoundException
The command "db:seed --class=PermissionSeeder" does not exist.
Although this seeder exists in the directory
can anyone sort it out

the way of passing parameter was wrong,
this is the right method to run seeders through routes
Artisan::call("db:seed",array('--class'=>$class)); });


Liquibase - mvn generateChangeLog - diffExcludeObjects doesn't work with columns

i migrated from Flyway to Liquibase and now i want to use the following command to export our data.
The diffExcludeObjects functionality works great with tables. In my example, it doesn't export the tables CONTENT_IMAGE and schema_version.
It should work with columns, too (, but it doesn't. My export csv contains the column MAIL_ADDRESS. I haven't found a way to exclude specific columns from an export. My table with the column looks like this.
Also the mvn command doc ( sais, that it should work.
mvn org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:generateChangeLog \
-Dliquibase.propertyFile="src/main/resources/db/liquibase/" \
-Dliquibase.dataDir="src/main/resources/db/liquibase/export" \
-Dliquibase.diffTypes="data" \
-Dliquibase.diffExcludeObjects="table:CONTENT_IMAGE, column:MAIL_ADDRESS, table:schema_version" \
Do i understand this feature wrong? Do i use it wrong? Please, i need help.
Thank you.

Laravel: create an upload directory on the fly

I have got this,
$destinationPath = public_path(). '/img/'. $username;
which I thought would create the directory alright, but it came up with a
Symfony \ Component \ HttpFoundation \ File \ Exception \ FileException
Unable to create the "/img/alvarito" directory
Any idea what is wrong? seems to me that it is trying to create also the /img/, which already exists, what I naturally want is that inside that 'img' directory creates me subdirectories for each user as they upload their files.
thanks a lot
You may try this:
$destinationPath = public_path(). '/img/'. $username;
if(!file_exists($destinationPath)) File::makeDirectory($destinationPath);
This will create the directory if it doesn't exist.

laravel4.1 can't render template when upload to server

it's weird, when developing localhost, everything works fine, the default page shows.
after upload to server, it just show blank page !
it's driving me crazy !
echo 'outside route';
Route::get('/', function()
echo 'inside route';
return View::make('hello');
both echo works, but View::make('hello') just don't work, views/hello.php is the default file.
You might have to fix your permissions on the remote server, as it might be a cache issue.
1) Run recursive chmod on you storage path (*assuming you already have proper file ownage)
cd /path/to/laravel
chmod -R 755 app/storage
2) Clear cache with Artisan
php artisan cache:clear
3) Refresh page, should work now.
*if you are running the http server as different user (for example you're on Ubuntu and Apache runs as user www-data), you might want to set file ownage for Laravel app files as well
chown -R www-data .
Just a remark about your code example - remember that if you want to use Blade templating engine you have to name your files accordingly. If you want to have a blade template called 'something', you will place your code in app/views/something.blade.php and than reffer to it for example View::make('something').

cronjob in codeigniter using cpanel

My website hosting server is
My application uses codeigniter framework.
I have a code which sends emails to my users and I want to make it automatic.
I have used the cpanel of the hosting service and I tried to give the command as
php -q admin sendDailyEmail
my controller is admin and the method is sendDailyEmail and the controller is present inside the application/controllers/admin folder.
I have also set a reminder email to me whenever the cronjob is run.
The email subject reads
Cron php -q /home1/username/public_html/admin admin sendDailyEmail
and the body says
No input file specified
Where do I go wrong.
I have never run cronjobs and this is my first time.
I am no good in giving command line instuctions too.
My admin sendDailyEmail code is as follows
function sendDailyEmail() {
$data = $this->admin_model->getDailyData();
foreach ($data as $u) {
if ($u->Email=='') {
$user['user_data']['FirstName'] = $u->FirstName;
$user['user_data']['LastName'] = $u->LastName;
$this->email->from('', 'MySite');
$this->email->subject("My Subject");
$msg = $this->load->view('emails/daily_view', $user, true);
if ($this->email->send())
$data['message'] = "Daily Emails has been sent successfully";
$data['message'] = "Daily Emails Sending Failed";
$data['main_content']['next_view'] = 'admin_home_view';
$this->load->view('includes/admin_template', $data);
You can use wget and set the time for whatever you like:
You can also use curl:
curl --silent
For CodeIgniter 2.2.0
You can try this:
php-cli /home/username/public_html/index.php controller method
or at your case
php-cli /home/username/public_html/index.php admin sendDailyEmail
It works fine with me..
Codeigniter sets up command line differently for running crons, etc.
So you should run:
php index.php admin admin sendDailyEmail
(that may need adjusted; based on your code above)
Have a look at an article I just wrote that goes a little deeper into it all:
i have facing same issue while, but following work for me

CodeIgniter Cron Job on Shared Hosting?

I am trying to learn how to do my first cron job using CodeIgniter. In the past, it seemed the only way to do this with CI was to use the wget command instead of php.
The CodeIgniter User Guide, however, says that now you can do this from the command line, for example by running:
$ cd /path/to/project;
$ php index.php controller method
This works great using Terminal on my local setup. But when I use a similar command in the cron section of cPanel on my shared hosting, the task just returns the contents of index.php.
I'm not entirely sure what cPanel does with this command, so unsure as to whether it's using the command line at all.
Could someone explain how I might be able to set up a cron job on shared hosting using CodeIgniter please?
Here is the example code from the CodeIgniter user guide:
public function message($to = 'World')
echo "Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL;
It's going to depend on your host. Cron jobs could really screw stuff up if you're not careful, so a lot of shared hosts don't allow it. You probably need to be on some virtual container (like a VPS, virtuozo, etc.) to do this. This isn't a CodeIgniter issue, but a hosting provider issue. Call them first.
We worked around this exact issue as follows:
Set up a normal php file that is scheduled by cron. Nothing to do with codeigniter yet
Inside it, you can make an fsocket or curl request to perform your regular CodeIgniter call as you do from the web.
Here's an example (say, cron.php)
DEFINE('CRON_CALL_URL','https://my_server/'); //
DEFINE('CRON_HTTPS_PORT', 443); // port to use during fsocket connetion
DEFINE('CRON_SSL_PREFIX', 'ssl://'); // prefix to be used on the url when using ssl
$current_time = now();
$md5_hash = md5('somevalue'.$current_time);
$fp = fsockopen(CRON_SSL_PREFIX.$parts['host'],
$errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fp) {
} else {
if (!array_key_exists('query', $parts)) $parts['query'] = null;
$out = "POST ".$parts['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out.= "Host: ".$parts['host']."\r\n";
$out.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$out.= "Content-Length: ".strlen($parts['query'])."\r\n";
$out.= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
if (isset($parts['query'])) $out.= $parts['query'];
fwrite($fp, $out);
NOTE: Make sure that in your MYCTRL/MYMETHOD function you have
that way when you fsocket connection is closed, your script will still run to the end.
We actually have a bunch of these fsockets for various reasons. If you need to make sure that the call to that controller/method came from the cron script, you need to pass some additional hash values so that only cron and the script know it. Once the script is called it has access to any codeigniter functions. Works like a charm.
I've set up 100s of CI cronjob on shared hosting like this: create a short php script which calls the CI controller as if it was a webbrowser.
So, script.php contains this:
script #! /usr/local/bin/php -f /home/example/public_html/script.php
Then set your cronjob in cPanel to call script.php
When it runs Script.php will call the Codeigniter Cronjob controller. There you have the entire CI framework at your disposal.
If you are going to call it like a web browser, why not replace the cronjob
command with:
instead of creating something new or simply
curl --suppress`
