Spring batch - multi threaded environment - spring

I want to write a spring boot batch application where I have a database table full of events. What I want to do is have a multi threaded spring boot batch application which will work in this way:
I want to have 5 threads running each thread will keep an offset to track what event it has read so that no other thread reads the same event again. How am I thinking to do it:
Thread 1 will pick up the event if eventId % 5 == 1
Thread 2 will pick up the event if eventId % 5 == 2
Thread 2 will pick up the event if eventId % 5 == 3
Thread 2 will pick up the event if eventId % 5 == 4
Thread 2 will pick up the event if eventId % 5 == 0
so I want to be able to keep offset in a database table for each thread. Is there a way to make Spring boot environment to work in this way?

You can partition your table according to what you described (I guess you will have 5 partitions) and use a partitioned step configured with a TaskExecutorPartitionHandler of 5 threads. With this setup you will achieve what you are looking for.
Hope this helps.


Is it possible to run threads at different time interval- JMeter

I have 8 threads in JMeter, which i am executing for every 5 minutes using Task scheduler.
Now i have included 2 threads which want to run for 5 times per day only (ex: at 12am, 5am,10am...)
when the moment comes, the execution shall be 8+2 & remaining time, it shall be only 8 threads.
Is it possible to configure such usecase in Jmeter..
If you're going to use the same .jmx script and want to execute either 8 or 10 "threads" (whatever it is), you can go for:
If Controller - for conditional execution of this or that test elements
__groovy() function to check current time, an example condition which trigger the test at i.e. 5 AM would be:
${__groovy(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 5 && Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0,)}

Jmeter delay between threads

I am using JMeter for performance testing. I am using csv file and there are 8 lines of data. I want to execute 3 threads in parallel at a time.
1,2,3 - execute in parallel
1 minute time delay
then 4,5,6 - parallel
1 minute time delay
7,8 - parallel execution
I am using JSR223 timer. I used the below code:
if(ctx.getThreadNum()%3==0) {
Here its sleeping at thread 3 and 6 but not as I mentioned above. Could someone please provide a idea on this?
Maybe it would be easier to switch to Parallel Controller like:
Parallel Controller
Flow Control Action for delay
Parallel Controller
Flow Control Action for delay
Parallel Controller
The similar behaviour can be achieved using Synchronizing Timer if you cannot or unwilling to use the Parallel Controller

Control input to itemprocessor in Spring batch

I have a spring batch with reader/processor/writer. which works perfectly fine. The new requirement is the processor should process only 1 or 2 message and sleep for 1 or 2 sec depending on the load in the server (My item-processor calls 3rd party API to send some data, the 3rd party calls should not be continuous).
I have implemented chunk listener, but i m not able to identify how to read the message/item-process call,
chunklistener "readcount" returns the number of message processed in incremental.
paramChunkContext.getStepContext().getStepExecution().getReadCount() //chunkcontext
One option that i m thinking of is to divide the chunkcount/2 and based on the return(if return is 0 - sleep for 1 sec). then
thread.sleep(1000) //
Is there any other better way to perform this? the above process is a dirty job.

Move a range of jobs to another queue with qmove

I have several (idle) jobs scheduled on a cluster that I want to move to another queue.
I can move a single job like this (where 1234 is the job id):
qmove newQueue 1234
But now I have hundreds of jobs that I want to move to newQueue. Is it possible to move them all? Using * as a wildcard operator does not work.
If the job ids are in sequential order, you could use Bash's brace extension. For example:
$ echo {0..9}
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Transferred to moving all jobs ranging from 1000 to 2000, the qmove command would be:
qmove newQueue {1000..2000}
This might even work if there are job ids that you are not allowed to move (from other users or in running state). They should be simply ignored. (not tested)

JMeter - How to implement "N users fire up N different queries simultaneously" scenario

I have trouble implementing the following scenario and Google did't help - may be I am missing something obvious?
Scenario is :
Step 1. 9 sesssions simultaneously running 3 different JDBC queries, i.e
3*Q1,3*Q2,3*Q3 all starting and running at the same time
Clarification: In the beginning of step 1, the following queries will start in 9 different sessions - Q1,Q1,Q1,Q2,Q2,Q2,Q3,Q3,Q3
Step 2. 27 sessions like
above (9 times each query)
Step 3. 54 sessions (18 times each query)
Steps must run sequentially.
To do so:
Step 1)
3 thread groups, each one with 3 threads, each thread group calling a different Qi
3 thread groups, each one with 9 threads, each thread group calling a different Qi with scheduler delayed so that it starts after step1 has finished
Same as step2 with 18 threads and delayed so that it starts after step 2
But I must say I don't understand why you need such behaviour
