Response: {"message":"Un contrôle de routine de votre véhicule a été effectué ","level":"4"}
I'm using content encoding UTF-8 in HTTP Request and included "file.encoding=UTF-8" in But i guess this works on encoding request and not response. It would be great if someone can suggest a solution for this?
This worked for me,
below property needs to be set in file
In a HTTP Sampler, I just added the Content encoding type as UTF-8 and it worked like a charm for me.
I created a SOAP client in my Spring Boot (2.5.5) server.
The envelope is marshalled, the communication works, but I have got an error which said I not attached the binary (file) data.
In my log file the soap message has it and there is a binary attachment.
The only strange thing is, in the Include tags href attibute has a %40 character instead of # character like this:
<ns2:DocuData xmlns:ns2="namespace 1">
<xop:Include xmlns:xop=""
In the multipart data section the Content-ID is:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-ID: <>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Is it the cause of the problem? How can I solve it?
Thanks for any help!
It was my fault! I read out the data from the stream when I logged the request in the interceptor. I turned off the logging and the message sent successfully.
When I remove content-type from Postman laravel request has the file, but if I add any content type in headers it is null? Problem is that browsers add content-type,and I can not exclude them to make it work? Any ideas? Thanks
You should probably get the Content-Type from the UploadedFile instead:
The content-type of the entire request will be set to something like multipart encoding when you send a file with Postman.
I hope this helps.
I'm stuck with this problem for two days now. The jersey verion is 2.6.
I have enabled the logging of the request by adding a loggingfilter. Which works well.
My rerquest is logged using the right charset:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="verskomm"
kleine Änderung
Wenn I want to consume this request using #FormDataParam I get
kleine ?nderung
Where can I set the charset which should be used to decode these parts of the request?
I have no influence on the request, as it is made by a third party program.
I have an application in Java EE and I have my database in ISO-8859-1, thus I need do the jsp encoding in ISO-8859-1... (all my pages are in iso-8859-1)
I have a jsp with a javascript code, which does a request to a Struts action.
This is my js code.
contentType: 'text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1',
url: xUrl,
success: function(){
with IE and Chrome all is correct, because it does the request coding in ISO-8859-1 but Firefox encodes the request in UTF-8 and this is a problem for me, because in server side I need ISO-8859-1 and with FF there are some characters than i can't recover.
mi form is
<html:form action="/" acceptCharset="iso-8859-1">
<input type="text" name="title">
and my java code is
new String((request.getParameter("title")+"").getBytes("iso-8859-1"),"iso-8859-1"));
with it, I can recover fine the text with IE and Chome, but fails with Firefox.
Other option will be send the request in UTF-8 encoding by encodeURI('data') but in the server side I can't convert the text from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1...
Some idea???
Thanks a lot and sorry for me english!!
looking at the documentation, there doesn't seem to be an option called encoding - but theres a nice little hint (including the solution to your problem) on the contentType-option:
Data will always be transmitted to the server using UTF-8 charset; you must decode this appropriately on the server side.
so it seems like firefox is right and the other browsers do it wrong - try to remove the encoding-option and to a serverside conversion.
I use RestSharp in my Windows Phone 7.1 project.
My problem is RestSharp always cache response data.
At the first time I send request, it returns data correctly. After some delete operations, I send that request again, but response seems the same as the first time, nothing's changed.
If I stop debugging and press F5 to start again, it works perfectly as expected.
I also tried request.AddParameter("cache-control", "no-cache", ParameterType.HttpHeader); and got no luck.
How can I fix this problem?
I have the same issue so just add header that specify not to cache response data
client is my RestClient with base url and than add default header Cache-Control with value no-cache.
client.AddDefaultHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
I found solution in Rico Suter comment, thanks! I will mark this as accepted anwser
its a hack but try something like url = originalUrl + "&nocache=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks
The "Cache-Control" header should do the trick!
I think HTTP Headers are case-insensitive, but the server may not agree with me there! You should try using Cache-Control instead of cache-control...
Also, I would also add the Pragma header with no-cache value to the request (some old servers don't use the "Cache-Control" header, but they will sure recognize this one)!
And I would try to use Fiddler to debug the comms and check that the headers are really being sent to the server as expected!
Another solution can be to set the "If-Modified-Since" header with value of DateTime.Now:
client.AddDefaultParameter("If-Modified-Since", DateTime.Now, ParameterType.HttpHeader);