class factory final {
class object final {
int x;
inline static std::shared_ptr<object> createObject() { return std::make_shared<object>(); }
int main() {
auto item1 = factory::createObject();
std::shared_ptr<factory::object> item2 = factory::createObject();
return std::getchar();
Hello. The code above fails to compile with VS2015 because I cannot access private member (class object) of class factory. So far so good and it makes alot of sense. I am curious why does the auto line works. It does resolve to correct type and works as intended.
class Base
Base(Base&&) = default;
class Derived: public Base
Derived(Derived&&) = default;
int main()
static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Derived>, "Error noexcept");
In this code even if neither Derived nor Base declared move constructor noexcept but still this passes static assert on std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Derived>.
Here I have some interesting code. Does anyone know how to get subtype from myClass without auxiliary parameter in template?
Note: Maybe myClass template too.
class myClass
struct tPacaje
int data;
template <class T>
class executorClass
void todo(T::tPacaje ob)
You are trying to use a type so need to tell the compiler you are using a typename:
template <class T>
class executorClass
void todo(typename T::tPacaje ob)
Can someone explain me what am I doing wrong here?
I have two classes and I have to access the value of class A variables into Class B and then compare them and this is what I am doing and I am unable to access the variable
public ref class A : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
String^ name;
String^ address;
private: System:: void foo()
public ref class B : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
String^ name1;
String^ address1;
A^ obj;
private: void foo()
This gives me an error saying syntax error on line A^ obj; when I have one and saying missing type specifier both these classes are in a different header files
In an attempt to be helpful, and i will probably get some down votes... haters be nice.
This is C++/CLI, so asking about just C++ will get you no help as that is a very special type of C++ that i will not attempt to explain. Gordon Hogenson has written an excellent book on the subject.
Class A has a Class B
However, you show nothing that would set name and address as part of foo() being executed
If you are suggesting this is a compile error, this compiles for me
public ref class A : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
String^ name;
String^ address;
private: void foo()
name = "Test this";
address ="Test 2";
public ref class B : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
String^ name1;
String^ address1;
A^ obj;
private: void foo()
I do not think it will do what you expect, but that is a different issue if you are battling a compile time error. To address the compile time issue, provide the real .h and .cpp and not a hybrid that you think is the problem.
Regarding the setting of A within B, this is a variable scope issue of OO and is independent discussion of compile time
This is a class library clr/c++ project.
Class A is unmanaged c++, class B managed c++.
I would like to create an object of B from a C# application and call the "void Sign" with that object and catch the StatusEvent in C#.
How to call B::Showsts from A::call_A in order to achieve this? Please keep in mind that call_A is called from a delegate of the B class object.
Thank you in advance!
public class A{
int call_A();
public ref class B{
A* a1;
void Sign(String^ ufile);
void Showsts(string sts);
delegate void GetResult(String^);
event GetResult^ StatusEvent;
a1=new A();
protected: ~SpyrusLib(){
delete a1;
String^ str;
delegate int MySignDelegate(String^);
int MySign(String^ file);
void Callbacksign(IAsyncResult ^ar);
void B::Sign(String^ ufile){
MySignDelegate^ signDel = gcnew MySignDelegate( this, &B::MySign );
AsyncCallback^ cb = gcnew AsyncCallback( this, &B::Callbacksign);
signDel->BeginInvoke( ufile , cb, signDel );
int B::MySign(String^ file){
void B::Showsts(string sts){
str = gcnew String(sts.c_str());
int A::call_A(string stat){
I'm not sure it's the best solution but I solved it adding the following things to the classes:
typedef void (__stdcall * Unmanagedstatus)(string sts);
using namespace std;
public class A{
Unmanagedstatus sendmsg;
int call_A();
spyrus(Unmanagedstatus unm)
public ref class B
delegate void Managedstatus(string);
Managedstatus^ managed;
IntPtr unmanaged;
A* a1;
managed = gcnew Managedstatus(this, &B::Showsts);
unmanaged = Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(managed);
a1=new A((Unmanagedstatus)(void*)unmanaged);
int A::call_A(string stat){
sendmsg(stat); // this will call B::Showsts and the events raised
//from Showsts are also working in the C# app
I have an interface, and I was trying an example on dynamic polymorphism as follows:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class foo{
virtual void set();
virtual void printValue();
class fooInt : public foo{
int i;
int get(){
return i;
void set(int val){ //override the set
i = val;
void printValue(){
cout << i << endl;
int main(){
foo *dt; //Create a base class pointer
dt = new fooInt; //Assign a sub class reference
However when I compile this, I get no matching function for call to ‘foo::set(int)’. Where am I going wrong? I tried to read this article, and I still couldn't figure out the mistake.
class foo has no method set(int). It has a method set(), but no method set(int).
If you intend to override an inherited method, the superclass method and your method must have the same signature:
class foo {
// If you really want an abstract class, the `= 0`
// ensures no instances can be created (makes it "pure virtual")
virtual void set(int) = 0;
This is because your definition of
virtual void set();
Should be
virtual void set(int val);
The corrected program is given here
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class foo {
virtual void set(int val)=0;////////here you have void set() function with no argument but you tried to override void set(int val) which take one argument.
virtual void printValue()=0;
class fooInt : public foo{
int i;
cout<<"constructor called\n";
int get(){
return i;
void set(int val){ //override the set
i = val;
void printValue(){
cout << i << endl;
int main(){
foo *dt; //Create a base class pointer
dt=new fooInt;
Fault of the previous program were
1.You tried to override set() {no argument} with set(int val){one argument}.
2.When a class contain a pure virtual function,it must be implemented by its derived classes.
3. No object can be created of a class which contain a pure virtual function.But ref can be created.