XPATH help needed for text() - xpath

<div class="from">
<span class="label">Reported by: Rhjj,
<span class="ocation">US</span>
</span> <span class="dat"> </span> </div>
Here I just want the output as "Reported by :Rhjj". But when i use the XPATH as
//div[contains(#class,"from")]//span[contains(#class,"label")] "US" also gets selected.
Is there any other way to select only Reported by: Rhjj, other than using text() and using substring_before comma. Even this is not consistent

The text you want is the first node under the span element with an attribute named class (note I've taken the names from the XML, not your code.). This works for the snippet of XML you've provided.


Make XPath stop at a certain depth?

I have the following HTML
<span class="medium bold day-time-clock">
<div class="tooltip-box first-free-tip ">
<div class="tooltip-box-inner">
<span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span>
Some more text
I want an XPath that only gets the text 09:00, not Some more text NOT using text()[1] because that causes other problems. My current XPath looks like this
("//span[1][contains(#class, 'day-time-clock')]/text()")
I want one that ignores this whole part of the HTML
<div class="tooltip-box first-free-tip ">
<div class="tooltip-box-inner">
<span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span>
Some more text
You can limit the level of descendant:: nodes with position().
So the following expression does work:
span/descendant::node()[2 > position()]
Adjust the number in the predicate to your needs, 2 is only an example. A disadvantage of this approach is that the counting of the descendants is only accurate for the first child in the descending tree.
Another approach is limiting the both: the ancestors and the descendants:
span/descendant::node()[3 > count(ancestor::*) and 1 > count(descendant::*)]
Here, too, you have to adjust the numbers in the predicates to get any useful results.
Use normalize-space() for select all non-whitespace nodes of the document:
//span[contains(#class, 'day-time-clock')]/text()[normalize-space()]
I think (if I understand you correctly) that
"..//div[contains(#class, 'tooltip-box')]/parent::span"
gets you there.

Getting single element with similar xpaths but with different same level, "neighboring" node

I'm trying to get the xpath of an element with a similar xpath to others but has a "neighbor" element that's different . Please see example below.
<div id='a'> </div>
<span> Text here </span> #this is what i'm trying to get
<div id='b'> </div>
<span> Text here </span>
I tried using //div//span, but this gives me the 2 spans. So i tried using //div//child::div[#id='a']//ancestor::div//child::span, but it doesn't look pleasant and looks repetitive. Does this have a better implementation?
it says get the span child node of all div nodes with child node div (with an #id equal to 'a').

xpath:how to find a node that not contains text?

I have a html like:
<div class="grid">
<span class="searchMatch">def</span>
<div class="grid">
<span class="searchMatch">def</span>
I want to get the div which not contains text,but xpath
//div[#class='grid' and text()='']
seems doesn't work,and if I don't know the text that other divs have,how can I find the node?
Let's suppose I have inferred the requirement correctly as:
Find all <div> elements with #class='grid' that have no directly-contained non-whitespace text content, i.e. no non-whitespace text content unless it's within a child element like a <span>.
Then the answer to this is
//div[#class='grid' and not(text()[normalize-space(.)])]
You need a not() statement + normalize-space() :
//div[#class='grid' and not(normalize-space(text()))]
//div[#class='grid' and normalize-space(text())='']

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

With the help of this SO question I have an almost working xpath:
//div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab') and contains(., 'someText')]
However this gets two divs: in one it's the child td that has someText, the other it's child span.
How do I narrow it down to the one with the span?
<div class="measure-tab">
<!-- table html omitted -->
<td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab"> <-- I want to select this div (and use contains #class)
<span> someText</span> <-- that contains a deeply nested span with this text
To find a div of a certain class that contains a span at any depth containing certain text, try:
//div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab') and contains(.//span, 'someText')]
That said, this solution looks extremely fragile. If the table happens to contain a span with the text you're looking for, the div containing the table will be matched, too. I'd suggest to find a more robust way of filtering the elements. For example by using IDs or top-level document structure.
You can use ancestor. I find that this is easier to read because the element you are actually selecting is at the end of the path.
//span[contains(text(),'someText')]/ancestor::div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab')]
You could use the xpath :
//div[#class="measure-tab" and .//span[contains(., "someText")]]
Input :
<div class="measure-tab">
<td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab">
Output :
Element='<div class="measure-tab">
You can change your second condition to check only the span element:
...and contains(div/span, 'someText')]
If the span isn't always inside another div you can also use
...and contains(.//span, 'someText')]
This searches for the span anywhere inside the div.

How to write the single xpath when the text is in two lines

How to write the single xpath for this
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 profilesky"> <div class="career_icon">
<span> Boost </span> <br/>
Your Profile </div>
I am able to write by two line using "contains" method.
.//*[contains(text(),'Your Profile')]
But i want in a single line to write the xpath for this.
You can try this way :
.//*[#class='career_icon' and contains(., 'Boost') and contains(., 'Your Profile')]
Above xpath check if there is an element having class attribute equals career_icon and contains both Boost and Your Profile texts in the element body.
Note that text() only checks direct child text node. To check entire text content of an element simply use dot (.).
You can combine several rules just by writing them one after another since they refer to the same element:
.//[contains(text(),'Boost')][contains(text(),'Your Profile')]
