How to retrieve Authenticated Adwords User 10 Digit Account ID? - google-api

This is the SCOPE I'm using while authenticating the User.
SCOPES = [""];
I'm able to authenticate the user using oAuth2.0 and saving the refresh_token and access_token.
How do I get the Authenticated User's Ad Account Id which is in the below format.
Ad Words Account ID : XXX-XXX-XXXX

You could make a call to the CustomerService and get a list of Google Ads accounts that the authorised user has access to. If they only have access to one account that's all you'll see.


How to get userId for Google Fit API?

How to get userId for getting the activity data of the user from google fit API.
I can able to get my data by replacing userId with me but I want to create an application for other users.
As stated in the documentation, the only supported value for the user id is "me".
The identity of the user that "me" refers to is conveyed by the OAuth token you pass with your request.
If you want to access the data for a user, they will need to grant an OAuth token to you.

How to pass email suggestion to Azure AD B2C SignUp page

Is there a way to suggest the signup email in a custom policy. I have users that need to signup only from invitational emails.
I saw in the docs ( that there is a way to suggest the login email in a custom policy Sign In by passing it as login_hint parameter in the request and adding DefaultValue="{OIDC:LoginHint} in the XML definition for "SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email" TechnicalProfile. This works for Sign in but fails when I try to use the same trick in the "LocalAccountSignUpWithLogonEmail"
As #chris-padgett mentioned, you can create an invitation link.
The WingTip Games Application uses client_assertion to pass JSON to the User Journey but this approach has been deprecated: see B2C Documentation.
The recommended way is to pass JSON to the user journey, using id_token_hint.
You can find more information in this GitHub repo: SignUp with email invitation.
The application generates a sign-in invitation link(with a id_token_hint).
User clicks on the link, that takes the user to Azure AD B2C policy.
Azure AD B2C validates the input id_token_hint, asks the user to provide the password and user data (the email is read only).
User clicks continue, Azure AD B2C creates the account, issues an access token, and redirect the user back to the application.
For a code example for invitations, see the Wingtip Games application, which generates an invitation link that contains:
The e-mail address of the invited user
An invitation expiration, and
A HMAC-based signature
When the invitation link is opened, this application validates the HMAC-based signature and the invitation expiration and, if they are valid, then it redirects the invited user to an invitation policy.
This policy redirection contains a signed JWT with the email address of the invited user so that they must register with this email address.

What User info that should be saved in the application data base

I'm implementing authentification for a Xamarin application using Azure B2C.
To signup user we will need the user firstname, last name and his email.
later in the application the user will be asked to add his address and his user photo.
Should I add the user address and photo to be saved in the B2C or I should keep them saved in the application data base?
what is the user unique identifier that I should share between B2C and application data base? should I use the email or the userId?
In the auth token you receive back from Azure AD, you have an object ID that is unique to each user.
The B2C token is slightly different to the regular AD token, you don't get back all the values listed in the Token Reference (e.g. Groups, you have to query for these separately), but you will get the object ID that you can then use to lookup your DB.
Please visit here for further reference.
You can decode your JWT token here to see what you get back:
Hope it helps.

How do I get a user's organization id when they login with Google oauth?

I'm using Laravel Socialite to handle logging in with Google. In response I can see the user's domain. I was wondering if there was also a way to get an organization id that's user belongs to.
I was wondering if there was also a way to get an organization id
that's user belongs to.
No. The only information that you have access to is stored in the Access Token and ID Token. The exception being if the Access Token also provides API access (privileges) to GCP or G Suite.
You'll need to request additional scopes to find the organization ID [1].

Google Adwords API + Access multiple adwords account from my website

I want to access multiple account of ad words from my website. Is there any possibilities to access using one client id and secret key.
Because when I change the client customer id (xxx-xxx-xxxx). I always need to change client id and secret key. And also I need to generate refresh token.
If all your Ad Words accounts are grouped under a single MCC account, then you need not change client id, secret key, refresh token every time. Changing client customer id is sufficient.
You will need to create a top level mcc adwords account - then put all the accounts under this and you will be able to access all accounts with one refresh token.
