The Mathematical Relationship Between Big-Oh Classes - algorithm

My textbook describes the relationship as follows:
There is a very nice mathematical intuition which describes these classes too. Suppose we have an algorithm which has running time N0 when given an input of size n, and a running time of N1 on an input of size 2n. We can characterize the rates of growth in terms of the relationship between N0 and N1:
Big-Oh Relationship
O(log n) N1 ≈ N0 + c
O(n) N1 ≈ 2N0
O(n²) N1 ≈ 4N0
O(2ⁿ) N1 ≈ (N0)²
Why is this?

That is because if f(n) is in O(g(n)) then it can be thought of as acting like k * g(n) for some k.
So for example if f(n) = O(log(n)) then it acts like k log(n), and now f(2n) ≈ k log(2n) = k (log(2) + log(n)) = k log(2) + k log(n) ≈ k log(2) + f(n) and that is your desired equation with c = k log(2).
Note that this is a rough intuition only. An example of where it breaks down is that f(n) = (2 + sin(n)) log(n) = O(log(n)). The oscillating 2 + sin(n) bit means that f(2n)-f(n) can be basically anything.
I personally find this kind of rough intuition to be misleading and therefore worse than useless. Others find it very helpful. Decide for yourself how much weight you give it.

Basically what they are trying to show is just basic algebra after substituting 2n for n in the functions.
O(log n)
log(2n) = log(2) + log(n)
N1 ≈ c + N0
2n = 2(n)
N1 ≈ 2N0
(2n)^2 = 4n^2 = 4(n^2)
N1 ≈ 4N0
2^(2n) = 2^(n*2) = (2^n)^2
N1 ≈ (N0)²

Since O(f(n)) ~ k * f(n) (almost by definition), you want to look at what happens when you put 2n in for n. In each case:
N1 ≈ k*log 2n = k*(log 2 + log n) = k*log n + k*log 2 ≈ N0 + c where c = k*log 2
N1 ≈ k*(2n) = 2*k*n ≈ 2N0
N1 ≈ k*(2n)^2 = 4*k*n^2 ≈ 4N0
N1 ≈ k*2^(2n) = k*(2^n)^2 ≈ N0*2^n ≈ N0^2/k
So the last one is not quite right, anyway. Keep in mind that these relationships are only true asymptotically, so the approximations will be more accurate as n gets larger. Also, f(n) = O(g(n)) only means g(n) is an upper bound for f(n) for large enough n. So f(n) = O(g(n)) does not necessarily mean f(n) ~ k*g(n). Ideally, you want that to be true, since your big-O bound will be tight when that is the case.


Complexity analysis after multiplication of two functions

Given F(n) = θ(n)
H(n) = O(n)
G(n) = Ω(n)
then what will be order of F(n) + [G(n) . H(n)] ?
edit: F(n) = θ(n) not Q(n)
There isn't enough information to say anything about the function P(n) = G(n)*H(n). All we know is that G grows at least linearly; it could be growing quadratically, cubically, even exponentially. Likewise, we only know that H grows at most linearly; it could only be growing logarithmically, or be constant, or even be decreasing. As a result, P(n) itself could be decreasing or increasing without bound, which means the sum F(n) + P(n) could also be decreasing or increasing without bound.
Suppose, though, that we could assume that H(n) = Ω(1) (i.e., it is at least not decreasing). Now we can say the following about P(n):
P(n) = H(n) * G(n)
>= C1 * G(n)
= Ω(G(n)) = Ω(n)
P(n) <= C1*n * G(n)
= O(n*G(n))
Thus F(n) + P(n) = Ω(n) and F(n) + P(n) = O(n*G(n)), but nothing more can be said; both bounds are as tight as we can make them without more information about H or G.

Confused on big O notation

According to this book, big O means:
f(n) = O(g(n)) means c · g(n) is an upper bound on f(n). Thus there exists some constant c such that f(n) is always ≤ c · g(n), for large enough n (i.e. , n ≥ n0 for some constant n0).
I have trubble understanding the following big O equation
3n2 − 100n + 6 = O(n2), because I choose c = 3 and 3n2 > 3n2 − 100n + 6;
How can 3 be a factor? In 3n2 − 100n + 6, if we drop the low order terms -100n and 6, aren't 3n2 and 3.n2 the same? How to solve this equation?
I'll take the liberty to slightly paraphrase the question to:
Why do and have the same asymptotic complexity.
For that to be true, the definition should be in effect both directions.
Then for the inequality is always satisfied.
The other way around:
We have a parabola opened upwards, therefore there is again some after which the inequality is always satisfied.
Let's look at the definition you posted for f(n) in O(g(n)):
f(n) = O(g(n)) means c · g(n) is an upper bound on f(n). Thus there
exists some constant c such that f(n) is always ≤ c · g(n), for
large enough n (i.e. , n ≥ n0 for some constant n0).
So, we only need to find one set of constants (c, n0) that fulfils
f(n) < c · g(n), for all n > n0, (+)
but this set is not unique. I.e., the problem of finding the constants (c, n0) such that (+) holds is degenerate. In fact, if any such pair of constants exists, there will exist an infinite amount of different such pairs.
Note that here I've switched to strict inequalities, which is really only a matter of taste, but I prefer this latter convention. Now, we can re-state the Big-O definition in possibly more easy-to-understand terms:
... we can say that f(n) is O(g(n)) if we can find a constant c such
that f(n) is less than c·g(n) or all n larger than n0, i.e., for all
Now, let's look at your function f(n)
f(n) = 3n^2 - 100n + 6 (*)
Let's describe your functions as a sum of it's highest term and another functions
f(n) = 3n^2 + h(n) (**)
h(n) = 6 - 100n (***)
We now study the behaviour of h(n) and f(n), respectively:
h(n) = 6 - 100n
what can we say about this expression?
=> if n > 6/100, then h(n) < 0, since 6 - 100*(6/100) = 0
=> h(n) < 0, given n > 6/100 (i)
f(n) = 3n^2 + h(n)
what can we say about this expression, given (i)?
=> if n > 6/100, the f(n) = 3n^2 + h(n) < 3n^2
=> f(n) < c*n^2, with c=3, given n > 6/100 (ii)
From (ii) we can choose constant c=3, given that we choose the other constant n0 as larger than 6/100. Lets choose the first integer that fulfils this: n0=1.
Hence, we've shown that (+) golds for constant set **(c,n0) = (3,1), and subsequently, f(n) is in O(n^2).
For a reference on asymptotic behaviour, see e.g.
y=3n^2 (top graph) vs y=3n^2 - 100n + 6
Consider the sketch above. By your definition, 3n^2 only needs to be bigger than 3n^2 - 100n + 6 for large enough n (i.e. , n ≥ n0 for some constant n0). Let that n0 = 5 in this case (it could be something a little smaller, but it's clear which graph is bigger by n=5 so we'll just go with that).
Clearly from the graph, 3n^2 >= 3n^2 - 100n + 6 in the range we've plotted. The only way for 3n^2 - 100n + 6 to get bigger than 3n^2 then is for it to grow more steeply.
But the gradients of 3n^2 and 3n^2 - 100n + 6 are 6n and 6n - 100 respectively, so 3n^2 - 100n + 6 can't grow more steeply, therefore must always be underneath.
So your definition holds - 3n^2 - 100n + 6 <= 3n^2 for all n>=5
I am not an expert, but this looks a lot similar to what we just had in our real analysis course.
Basically if you have something like f(n) = 3n^2 − 100n + 6, the "fastest growing" term "wins" the other terms, when you have really really big n.
So in this case 3n^2 surpasses what ever 100n is, when the n is really big.
Another example would be something like f(n) = n/n^2 or f(n) = n! * n^2.
The first one gets smaller, as n simply cannot "keep up" with n^2. In the second example n! clearly grows faster than n^2, so I guess the answer for that should be f(n) = n! then, because the n^2 technically stops mattering with big n.
And terms like +6, which have no n affecting them are constants and matter even less as they cannot grow even if n grows.
It is all about what happends when n is really big. If your n is 34934854385754385463543856, then n^2 is hell of a bigger than 100n, because n^2 = n * n = 34934854385754385463543856 * 34934854385754385463543856.

How do i check the big O for complexity function

I have this:
a) f(n) = n
b) f(n) = 1045n
c) f(n) = n2 + 70
d) f(n) = 7n + 3
e) f(n) = Cn + D (where C and D are both constants)
f) f(n) = 8
g) f(n) = n3 + n + 1
h) f(n) = 4n + 2log n + 5
I want to check if the Big O notation of them is O(n).
How can I determinate it?
And how to find the Big-O notation for the functions below:
a) f(n) = 3n3 + n
b) f(n) = 3 log n + 5n
c) f(n) = 3n2 + 5n + 4
d) f(n) = 3n3 + n2 + 5n + 99
f(x) is O(g(x)) if there exists a constant c such that f(x) < c*g(x)
You should look at the "biggest" asymptoticall factor in your function (highest exponent or something like that) and that would be your big O
Example: f(n) = 2^n + n^5 + n^2 + n*log(n) + n
This function has 5 different factors that influence big O, sorted from biggest to smallest, so this one would be O(2^n). Drop the 2^n and now f(n) is O(n^5).
Constants are O(1).
Hope I explained it well
Generally the Big O notation of a function is measured by the largest power of n that appears. In your case, this would be n², since the only other factor is the 70 which is constant.
Edit: Original post only contained the function f(n) = n² + 70.
See this answer.
In short, there's no set way to determine Big O results. Strictly speaking any function which eventually (for some n) will always be bigger than your function, is Big O of it. In practice you're looking for as tight a bound as you can get. If the only components of the function are polynomial in n, then the Big O will just be the largest power of n that appears (or rather, n to that power). Another useful thing to know is that log n is of a lower order than n (but higher than constant).

ratio of running times when N doubled in big O notation

I learned that,using Big O notation
O(f(n)) + O(g(n)) -> O(max(f(n),g(n))
O( f(n) )* O( g(n)) -> O( f(n) g(n))
but now, I have this equation for running time T for input size N
T(N) = O(N^2) // O of N square
I need to find the ratio T(2N) / T(N)
I tried this
T(2N) / T(N) --> O((2N)^2) /O( N^2) --> 4
Is this correct? Or is the above division invalid?
I would also say this is incorrect. My intuition was that if T(N) is O(N^2), then T(2N)/T(N) is O(1), consistent with your suggestion that T(2N)/T(N) = 4. I think however that the intuition is wrong.
Consider a counter-example.
Let T(N) be 1 if N is odd, and N^2 if N is even, as below.
This is clearly O(N^2), because we can choose a constant p=1, such that T(N) ≤ pN^2 for sufficiently large N.
What is T(2N)? This is (2N)^2 = 4N^2, as below, because 2N is always even.
Hence T(2N)/T(N) is 4N^2/1 = 4N^2 when N is odd, and 4N^2/N^2=4 when N is even, as below.
Clearly T(2N)/T(N) is not 4. It is, however, O(N^2), because we can choose a constant q=4 such that T(2N)/T(N) ≤ qN^2 for sufficiently large N.
R code for the plots below
t1=ifelse(x%%2, 1, x^2)
t2=ifelse(x2%%2, 1, x2^2)
This problem is an interesting one and strikes me as belonging in the realm of pure mathematics, i.e. limits of sequences and the like. I am not trained in pure mathematics and I would be nervous of claiming that T(2N)/T(N) is always O(N^2), as it might be possible to invent some rather tortuous counter-examples.
Even if T(N) = Θ(N²) (big-theta) this doesn't work. (I'm not even going to talk about big-O.)
c1 * N² <= T(N) <= c2 * N²
c1 * 4 * N² <= T(2N) <= c2 * 4 * N²
T(N) = c_a * N² + f(N)
T(2N) = c_b * 4 * N² + g(N)
For c_a and c_b somewhere between c1 and c2, and f(N) and g(N) small-o of N². (Thanks G. Bach!) And there is nothing to guarantee that the quotient will be equal to 4 since both c_a, c_b, f(N) and g(N) can be all sorts of things. For example, take c_a = 1, c_b = 2 and f(N) = g(N) = 0. Divide them and you get
T(2N)/T(N) = (2 * 4 * N²)/N² = 8
Good question!
This is incorrect.
Running time is not the same as time complexity(here Big O).Time complexity says like it can't have a running time worse that a constant times N^2.Running time can be quite different, maybe very low, maybe close to the asymptotic limit.That purely depends on the hidden constants.If someone asked you this question, it's a trick question.
Hidden constants refers to the actual number of primitive instructions carried out.So in this case the total number of operations could be:
or maybe
or maybe just
100*N (Recall this is also O(N^2))
The factor depends on the implementation and the actual instructions carried out.This is found out from the algorithm.
So whichever the case we simply say the Big-O is O(N^2).

Understanding Big(O) in loops

I am trying to get the correct Big-O of the following code snippet:
s = 0
for x in seq:
for y in seq:
s += x*y
for z in seq:
for w in seq:
s += x-w
According to the book I got this example from (Python Algorithms), they explain it like this:
The z-loop is run for a linear number of iterations, and
it contains a linear loop, so the total complexity there is quadratic, or Θ(n2). The y-loop is clearly Θ(n).
This means that the code block inside the x-loop is Θ(n + n2). This entire block is executed for each
round of the x-loop, which is run n times. We use our multiplication rule and get Θ(n(n + n2)) = Θ(n2 + n3)
= Θ(n3), that is, cubic.
What I don't understand is: how could O(n(n+n2)) become O(n3). Is the math correct?
The math being done here is as follows. When you say O(n(n + n2)), that's equivalent to saying O(n2 + n3) by simply distributing the n throughout the product.
The reason that O(n2 + n3) = O(n3) follows from the formal definition of big-O notation, which is as follows:
A function f(n) = O(g(n)) iff there exists constants n0 and c such that for any n ≥ n0, |f(n)| ≤ c|g(n)|.
Informally, this says that as n gets arbitrary large, f(n) is bounded from above by a constant multiple of g(n).
To formally prove that n2 + n3 is O(n3), consider any n ≥ 1. Then we have that
n2 + n3 ≤ n3 + n3 = 2n3
So we have that n2 + n3 = O(n3), with n0 = 1 and c = 2. Consequently, we have that
O(n(n + n2)) = O(n2 + n3) = O(n3).
To be truly formal about this, we would need to show that if f(n) = O(g(n)) and g(n) = O(h(n)), then f(n) = O(h(n)). Let's walk through a proof of this. If f(n) = O(g(n)), there are constants n0 and c such that for n ≥ n0, |f(n)| ≤ c|g(n)|. Similarly, since g(n) = O(h(n)), there are constants n'0, c' such that for n ≥ n'0, g(n) ≤ c'|h(n)|. So this means that for any n ≥ max(c, c'), we have that
|f(n)| ≤ c|g(n)| ≤ c|c'h(n)| = c x c' |h(n)|
And so f(n) = O(h(n)).
To be a bit more precise - in the case of the algorithm described here, the authors are saying that the runtime is Θ(n3), which is a stronger result than saying that the runtime is O(n3). Θ notation indicates a tight asymptotic bound, meaning that the runtime grows at the same rate as n3, not just that it is bounded from above by some multiple of n3. To prove this, you would also need to show that n3 is O(n2 + n3). I'll leave this as an exercise to the reader. :-)
More generally, if you have any polynomial of order k, that polynomial is O(nk) using a similar argument. To see this, let P(n) = ∑i=0k(aini). Then, for any n ≥ 1, we have that
∑i=0k(aini) ≤ ∑i=0k(aink) = (∑i=0k(ai))nk
so P(n) = O(nk).
Hope this helps!
n(n+n2) == n2 + n3
Big-O notation only cares about the dominant term as n goes to infinity, so the whole algorithm is thought of as Θ(n3).
O(n(n+n^2)) = O(n^2 + n^3)
Since the n^3 term dominates the n^2 term, the n^2 term is negligible and thus it is O(n^3).
The y loop can be discounted because of the z loop (O(n) + O(n^2) -> O(n^2))
Forget the arithmetic.
Then you're left with three nested loops that all iterate over the full length of 'seq', so it's O(n^3)
