I am beginner in jmeter.
I have an excel sheet with 1000 URLs.I want to check if all URLs are available and working or not on live server.
I want to get 200 status for all urls and if url is not present to live then it will give 404 status.
Can someone share me laymen process how to do that with screenshot.
Use following components:
CSV Data Set Config to create the URL from your CSV file
HTTP Request that will use the URL variable
I am trying to upload tar.gz files into google cloud bucket using jmeter. Here i am using File management service, GCS & Jmeter.
Execution flow.
1. Using get Request i am hitting FMS.In response I'll get response message. this response contains the URL to upload the file to GCS.
2. Now the file SJ311.tar.gz file is uploaded in the folder iviu/SJ311 folder in GCS.
3. In GCS cloud function is written a code which will extract the .gz file & all .csv files should be extracted successfully.
Issue : through POSTMAN i am able to do this i.e. file is uploaded & it is decompressing the tar file but using jmeter file is uploaded successfully but its not extracting/decompressing.
If you're able to send the request using Postman and see that JMeter behaves differently than it means that you're not sending the same request using JMeter.
Most probably this is due to missing or incorrectly defined HTTP Header so make sure to compare each and every detail of the request and given you send the same requests you should get the same behaviour/response.
Going forward if something is working in Postman and not working in JMeter you can just record the relevant request using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just configure Postman to use JMeter as the proxy and run your request, JMeter will capture it and properly build the HTTP Request sampler, add HTTP Header Manager, etc.
Just remember to copy the file(s) you will be uploading to the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation prior to recording, otherwise JMeter will not be able to capture the request.
Solution to the above question is, under File upload section-> under Parameter name field i added DOM attribute or webelement value for the "upload file" button which is present in Google cloud storage screen.
Now after removing that parameter value, file is getting uploaded successfully.
If we add the attribute value, file will get uploaded successfully but it will be corrupted.
JMeter - Parameterization(using CSV data),
JMeter - In My local UAT Server same URL request not hitting second time(Error- 500)
In My local UAT Server same URL request is not hitting second time it's displaying a Response code like - 500.
I generate script by using blazemeter chrome addons V.1.5.184.
Kindly give any solution for this.
It is not possible to suggest anything without seeing request details, response message, response body, your CSV Data Set Config details and partial CSV file.
Most likely your parameterization doesn't work as expected, I would recommend comparing what's is being sent in 1st and 2nd request using View Results Tree listener and double check variables coming from CSV using Debug Sampler. See How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article for more details on JMeter tests troubleshooting.
I have a scenario wherein I have to upload a .txt file which inserts records in database, for a batch job operation further. I am using Jmeter scripting to automate this flow. I think I have followed all the rules needed to upload a file but still I face this error:
Response code: 500
Response message: Internal Server Error
Here are the details of scripting the file upload
and the html code showing the paramter name for the input type "file"
<input type="file" size ="40" name="filename" class="textinputgroup_input" title="Use Browse button to select the file.">
I am not sure where I have made the mistake. I have properly used the request attributes in the HTTP sampler as per the Fiddler.
I will not be able to record due to some firewall restrictions
Your config looks good, just make sure that:
File exists under the ${filepath}
${filepath} should contain either full path to the txt file being uploaded or the file needs to live in JMeter's "bin" folder
In case if it doesn't help, check jmeter.log and/or server-side log file to get some clues regarding what's wrong. It may be something like missing header or whatever. As a last resort try comparing the requests which are being sent by JMeter and real browser with a sniffer tool like Wireshark to detect the differences and apply the appropriate JMeter configuration so requests would be identical.
See Performance testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more detailed instructions.
We have changed our web servers. Now, I want to test if the redirects that we've put into are working properly. I've a csv file that lists all these redirects. For example, "url-prev, url-next".
Is there a way I can use JMeter to do this. I'm guessing I can use some assertions to check this.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
To do that you'll use:
CSV Data Set to load the CSV rows into 2 Variables url-prev,url-next
HTTP Request to call the URL but NOT follow redirect
Response Assertion working on Response Header and checking location is ${url-next}
Response Assertion working on Response Code and checking it is equal to 301, 302
I have a scenario of uploading a product image . I recorded the scenario using proxy server
but the image is not uploaded. I tried by moving the images to the bin folder and then did the same still the image is not uploaded. Can anyone help me to rectify this issue.
My code is :
Send parameter with request
Name Value
_method POST
Send files with request
file path Parameter name MIME type
C:/loc/jmeter/bin/img.jpg data[Product][product_image] image/jpeg
Actually the problem is with the HTTP Requests Path because when i add an image using proxy server
HTTP Requests
Server Name: Server.com
Using the same path i was not able to upload images but when i change the
" path:/products/image/1148 "
Was able to upload image but every time i cant change this.
Is there any way to automate it.
Please help me..
Make sure that you have following configuration:
POST method is selected from drop-down.
2.Use multipart/form-data for POST box checked
Parameter name exactly matches relevant input of type "file" at upload page
Any other correlation and session attributes are fine, i.e. session ID, cookies, etc.
Also it worth checking jmeter.log and log of your web/application server or proxy for any errors.
See Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter guide for more details.