how to define a CAPL function taking a sysvar argument - capl

In Vector CANoe, is it possible to define a function that takes a system variable argument like the system function TestWaitForSignalMatch()?
For my use case it is not sufficient to supply the current value of the system variable because I want to pass the system variable to TestWaitForSignalMatch() or similar system functions.
The CANoe help seems to show examples:
long TestWaitForSignalMatch (Signal aSignal, float aCompareValue, dword aTimeout); // form 1
long TestWaitForSignalMatch (sysvar aSysVar, float aCompareValue, dword aTimeout); // form 3
I tried like this
void foo(sysvar aSysvar) {}
or this
void foo(sysvar *aSysvar) {}
but I get a parse error at the marked position of the sysvar keyword in both cases.
I successfully created functions that take a signal argument, but unlike the syntax in the CANoe help I have to use a pointer.
This works:
void foo(signal *aSignal) {}
Obviously the documentation in the help is not correct in this point. It results in a parse error after the signal keyword when I omit the * as shown in the help:
void bar(signal aSignal) {}
So what's the correct syntax for defining a function that takes a sysvar argument? (if possible)
In case the version matters, I'm currently testing with CANoe 9.0.53(SP1), 9.0.135(SP7) or 10.0.125(SP6).

You have to use the correct type. You have the following possibilities to declare system variables in functions:
Integer: sysvarInt*
Float: sysvarFloat*
String: sysvarString*
Integer Array: sysvarIntArray*
Float Array: sysvarFloatArray*
Data: sysvarData*
void PutSysVarIntArrayToByteArray (sysvarIntArray * from, byte to[], word length)
word ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < length; ii++)
to[ii] = (byte)#from[ii];
You can also write to the system variable:
void PutByteToSysVarInt (byte from, sysvarInt * to) {
#to = from;
See also CANoe Help page "Test Features » XML » Declaration and Transfer of CAPL Test Case and Test Function Parameters"

Yes, you can. Just define a bit further your sysvar type, not just sysvar.
System variables, with indication of type and *. Possible types:
Data, Int, Float, String, IntArray, and FloatArray. Example
declaration: sysvarFloat * sv
You didn't specify the CANoe SP version, so it may not be supported in older versions, but to make sure of this, search for Function parameter in Help/Index, then you should get the full list of possible function parameters you can use in your current CANoe setup. Should start like this:
Integers (byte, word, dword, int, long, qword, int64) Example
declaration: long 1
Integers (byte, word, dword, int, long, qword, int64) Example
declaration: long 1
Individual characters (char) Example declaration: char ch
Enums Example declaration: enum Colors c
Associative fields Example declaration: int m[float]. Associative
fields are transferred as reference automatically.
System variables, with indication of type and *. Possible types:
Data, Int, Float, String, IntArray, and FloatArray. Example
declaration: sysvarFloat * sv


How to convey multiple variables through single emit() in OMNET++?

According to OMNET++ Simulation Manual the types can be carried by emit() are, "The value can be of type bool, long, double, simtime_t, const char * , or (const) cObject * . Other types can be cast into one of these types, or wrapped into an object subclassed from cObject."
So to pass multiple vairables through single emit(), cObject must be used. The Manual's solution for this is to create a class driven from cObject to hold the values and pass it to the emit().
class cRawTableData : public cObject, noncopyable
unsigned int sVehicleID;
double sPositionX;
double sPositionY;
double sSpeed;
if (hasListeners(rawTableSignal)){
cRawTableData tmp;
emit(rawTableSignal, &tmp);
However, when I run the simulation I get this error:
omnetpp::VectorRecorder: Cannot convert cObject* to double
What is that I am doing wrong? thank you for the help

How to use element wise integer power with Eigen

I would like to take the element wise power of an array of double with and array of int using Eigen power function.
Here is a sample code that reproduce the issue using Eigen v3.3.4 and v3.3.7:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
int main() {
Eigen::ArrayXd x(10);
Eigen::ArrayXd res(10);
Eigen::ArrayXi exponents(10);
x = Eigen::ArrayXd::Random(10);
exponents = Eigen::ArrayXi::LinSpaced(10, 0, 9);
res = Eigen::pow(x, exponents);
return (0);
The error message is quite long but in essence I get
which does not seem appropriate to me in this context, along with
Eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/functors/BinaryFunctors.h:294:84: error: no type named ‘ReturnType’ in ‘struct Eigen::ScalarBinaryOpTraits<double, int, Eigen::internal::scalar_pow_op<double, int> >’
typedef typename ScalarBinaryOpTraits<Scalar,Exponent,scalar_pow_op>::ReturnType result_type;
As the error message indicated, you can't mix scalar types implicitly. You have to explicitly cast so that the types match:
res = Eigen::pow(x, exponents.cast<double>());
As for a specialization for integer types, the template of the power function (as a functor) is:
template<typename ScalarX,typename ScalarY, bool IsInteger =
and calls a simple pow(x,y) unless both types are integers (IsInteger), in which case there is a different specialization.
There is also an overload for an array to the power of a constant, which doesn't seem to be what you are looking for. In that case (unless ggael corrects me), you can definitely implement your own CustomBinaryOp

module_param: display value in hex instead of decimal

Is it possible to display value of module_param when read, in hex?
I have this code in my linux device driver:
module_param(num_in_hex, ulong, 0644)
$cat /sys/module/my_module/parameters/num_in_hex
Would like to see that value in hex, instead of decimal. Or, should I use different way like debugfs for this?
There is no ready parameter type (2nd argument of module_param macro), which output its argument as hexadecimal. But it is not difficult to implement it.
Module parameters are driven by callback functions, which extract parameter's value from string and write parameter's value to string.
// Set hexadecimal parameter
int param_set_hex(const char *val, const struct kernel_param *kp)
return kstrtoul(val, 16, (unsigned long*)kp->arg);
// Read hexadecimal parameter
int param_get_hex(char *buffer, const struct kernel_param *kp)
return scnprintf(buffer, PAGE_SIZE, "%lx", *((unsigned long*)kp->arg));
// Combine operations together
const struct kernel_param_ops param_ops_hex = {
.set = param_set_hex,
.get = param_get_hex
* Macro for check type of variable, passed to `module_param`.
* Just reuse already existed macro for `ulong` type.
#define param_check_hex(name, p) param_check_ulong(name, p)
// Everything is ready for use `module_param` with new type.
module_param(num_in_hex, hex, 0644);
Check include/linux/moduleparam.h for implementation module_param macro and kernel/params.c for implementation of operations for ready-made types (macro STANDARD_PARAM_DEF).

GCC: Customizing printf for string output

GCC allows customization of printf specifiers. However, I don't see how I can "teach" it to accept my string class for %s specifier. My string class is a simple wrapper over char pointer and has exactly one member variable (char * data) and no virtual functions. So, it's kind of ok to pass it as-is to printf-like functions in place of regular char *. The problem is that on gcc static analyzer prevents me from doing so and I have to explicitly cast it to const char * to avoid warnings or errors.
My cstring looks something like this:
class cstring
cstring() : data(NULL){}
cstring(const char * str) : data(strdup(str)){}
cstring(const cstring & str) : data(strdup({}
const char * c_str() const
return data;
char * data;
Example code that uses cstring:
cstring str("my string");
printf("str: '%s'", str);
On GCC I get this error:
error: cannot pass objects of non-trivially-copyable type 'class cstring' through '...'
error: format '%s' expects argument of type 'char*', but argument 1 has type 'cstring' [-Werror=format]
cc1plus.exe: all warnings being treated as errors
The C++ standard doesn't require compilers to support this sort of code, and not all versions of gcc support it. ( suggests that gcc-6.0 does, at least - an open question whether it will work with classes such as the one here.)
The relevant section in the C++11 standard is 5.2.2 section 7:
When there is no parameter for a given argument, the argument is passed in such a way that the receiving function can obtain the value of the argument by invoking va_arg ...
Passing a potentially-evaluated argument of class type (Clause 9)
having a non-trivial copy constructor, a non-trivial move constructor,
or a non-trivial destructor, with no corresponding parameter, is
conditionally-supported with implementation-defined semantics.
(But look on the bright side: if you get into the habit of using c_str, then at least you won't get tripped up when/if you use std::string.)

GCC error when compiling: "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" with function pointer

I have a C code which records a procedure address in an array
void* lpProcAddress[5];
typedef unsigned long (*MyFunction_TYPE) (void*);
#define MyFunctionInArray ( (MyFunction_TYPE) lpProcAddress[0] )
unsigned long AnyFunction ( void* lpPointerToAny )
/* Some Code */
return 0;
int main()
MyFunctionInArray =
AnyFunction; // Displays: "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment"
GCC displays "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment".
How can I fix this?
For my purpose, I could not call directly AnyFunction().
This will expand to:
(type)xxx = ...
This is not legal. However, you could use something like:
* (type *)& xxx = ...
Try assigning to lpProcAddress[0] directly instead of to MyFunctionInArray.
This should work and you can just keep it that way.
However, if you are interested in why it did not work with your define keep reading, there is a way to do that too:
What you are doing in your #define is cast a pointer-type to MyFunction_TYPE
1) you dont really need to cast the pointer-array to anything, you can just assign the function-pointers into its slots
2) if you really want to cast the pointer-array before assigning into it you have to cast it to a function-pointer-type (and do that before dereferencing so use parenthesis before [0]).
Instead of defining lpProcAddress as void* why not just define as MyFunction_TYPE, e.g.:
typedef unsigned long (*MyFunction_TYPE) (void*);
MyFunction_TYPE lpProcAddress[5];
Then in your main function you can just do:
lpProcAddress[0] = AnyFunction;
Without needing to care about casting.
Likewise to call the function you can then just do:
result = lpProcAddress[0]( some_ptr );
