Eiffel: create at runtime a typed object - runtime

Trying to create an object which is decided #runtime I have a similar situation as:
class ZOO
create animals.make
animals.extend(create {LION})
animals.extend(create {SERPENT})
animals.extend(create {BIRD})
animals as animal
create {ZOO_SECTOR[animal.item.generating_type]} l_sector
on create {ZOO_SECTOR[animal.item.generating_type]} l_sector the compiler disagrees with me, I tried with l_type: TYPE[ANIMAL] and create {ZOO_SECTOR[l_type]} l_sector which neither works.
Am I obligated to do something like that? which will be for me a contradiction with polymorphism flexibility, I think I'm missing a mecanism/statement
animals as animal
if attached {LION} animal.item then
create {ZOO_SECTOR[LION]} l_sector
else if attached {SERPENT} animal.item then
create {ZOO_SECTOR[SERPENT]} l_sector

Eiffel type system relies on the class structure, and the class structure is fixed at compile time. It might be possible to add types dynamically (e.g., it should be possible to come up with a solution using reflection), but this is not directly expressible in the language itself.
If it is allowed for an animal to know its zoo sector, the ZOO_SECTOR types could be encoded directly in the animal class:
class ANIMAL feature ...
sector: ZOO_SECTOR [like Current] do create Result end
Due to the use of like Current, there is no need to add any new code in descendants. The loop from the example would become
animals as animal
l_sector := animal.item.sector
giving ZOO_SECTOR [LION] for an item of type LION, etc.


Nesting modules in classes and directly calling module functions

For testing and administration purposes I am looking to build a class to communicate with an API. I've got the connection and authentication down but am struggling with the base structure and size of the class.
My main goal is to keep each application domain split, but still easy to access by one class/connection.
I've made an simpler example of what I'm looking for. In reality each domain has its own set of business rules to follow, which is why I want to keep them separate, whilst the API connection stays the same.
For instance, on CLI level I want to invoke:
$ client_one = Api.new("one")
$ client_two = Api.new("two")
$ client_one.Bikes.delete(1)
> deleted bike 1 from one
$ client_two.Phones.new(phone)
> posted phone iPhone to two
My thought proces was to nest modules inside an Api class but I can't get it to work or find the right syntax.
class Api
def initialize(client)
#client = client
#connection = Authentication.get_connection(#client)
#preferable put each submodule in a separate file
module Authentication
def get_connection(client)
#code to get Faraday connection
module Bikes
def new(object)
#code to post new bike
puts "posted bike #{object.name} to #{#client}"
def delete(id)
#code to delete old bike
puts "deleted bike #{id} from #{#client}"
module Phones
def new(object)
#code to post new phone
puts "posted phone #{object.name} to #{#client}"
This results in errors like:
NoMethodError: undefined method `Bikes' for #<Api:0x0000000003a543a0>
Is it possible to achieve my goal or are there better 'Ruby' ways to accomplish it?
Furthermore, is it possible to split the submodules to different files? eg:
+ -- authentication.rb
+ -- bikes.rb
+ -- phones.rb
There are some fundamental misconceptions of how Ruby OOP works in your example, and without a full code sample and the opportunity to interrogate you about what you're trying to accomplish it's hard to guide you to what might be the most appropriate answer. Any answer I give will be based partly on experience and partly on opinion, so you may see other answers as well.
At a high level, you should have classes in modules and not modules in classes. Although you can put modules in classes you better have a good understanding of why you're doing that before doing it.
Next, the modules and methods you've defined in them do not automatically become accessible to instances of the parent class, so client.Bikes will never work because Ruby expects to find an instance method named Bikes inside the Api class; it won't look for a module with that name.
The only way to access the modules and module methods that you have defined is to use them at the class/module level. So if you have this:
class Foo
module Bar
def baz
puts 'foobarbaz'
You can do this at the class/module level:
=> nil
But you can't do anything at the instance level:
TypeError: #<Foo:0x00007fa037d39260> is not a class/module
NoMethodError: undefined method `Bar' for #<Foo:0x00007fa037162e28>
So if you understand so far why the structure of your example doesn't work, then you can work on building something a little more sensible. Let's start with naming and the class/module structure.
First, Api is a poor name here because you'll typically use Api for something that provides an API, not connects to one, so I would recommend making the name a bit more descriptive and using a module to indicate that you are encapsulating one or more related classes:
module MonthyApiClient
Next, I'd recommend adding a Client class to encapsulate everything related to instantiating a client used to connect to the API:
module MonthyApiClient
class Client
def initialize
#client = nil # insert your logic here
#connection = nil # insert your logic here
The relationship between client and connection in your code example isn't clear, so for simplicity I am going to pretend that they can be combined into a single class (Client) and that we are dropping the module Authentication entirely.
Next, we need a reasonable way to integrate module Bikes and module Phones into this code. It doesn't make sense to convert these to classes because there's no need to instantiate them. These are purely helper functions that do something for an instance of Client, so they should be instance methods within that class:
module MonthyApiClient
class Client
def initialize
# insert your logic here
#client = nil
#connection = nil
def create_bike
# insert your logic here
# e.g., #connection.post(something)
def delete_bike
# insert your logic here
# e.g., #connection.delete(something)
def create_phone
# insert your logic here
# e.g., #connection.post(something)
Note that we've swapped new for create; you don't want to name a method new in Ruby, and in the context we're using this new would mean instantiate but do not save a new object whereas create would mean instantiate and save a new object.
And now that we're here, and now that we've eliminated all the nested modules by moving their logic elsewhere, we can see that the parent module we set up originally is unnecessarily redundant, and can eliminate it:
class MonthyApiClient
def initialize
# insert your logic here
#client = nil
#connection = nil
def create_bike
# insert your logic here
# e.g., #connection.post(something)
def delete_bike
# insert your logic here
# e.g., #connection.delete(something)
def create_phone
# insert your logic here
# e.g., #connection.post(something)
Then you can accomplish your original goal:
client_one = MonthyApiClient.new
client_two = MonthyApiClient.new
Having worked through this explanation, I think your original code is an example of spending a lot of time trying to over-optimize prematurely. It's better to plan out your business logic and make it as simple as possible first. There's some good information at https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/80094 that may help explain this concept.
I've even skipped trying to optimize the code I've shown here because I don't know exactly how much commonality there is between creating and deleting bikes and phones. With this functional class, and with a better understanding of other code within this app, I might try to DRY it up (and that might mean going back to having a module with a Client class and either module methods or other classes to encapsulate the DRY logic), but it would be premature to try.
Your last question was about how to structure files and directories for modules and classes, and I would refer you to Ideal ruby project structure (among many other questions on this site) for more information.

DelegateClass vs Class Inheritance in Ruby

Can someone please provide some insight as to when to use delegation via DelegateClass (e.g. Seller < DelegateClass(Person)) and when to use class inheritance (e.g. Seller < Person) in ruby?
class Seller < DelegateClass(Person)
def sales
class Seller < Person
def sales
When I was looking over the Ruby on Rails source on Github I found quite a few uses of DelegateClass.
There are a couple of differences that can help provide insight as to which approach to use.
1) You can safely delegate to primitives (e.g. String), but cannot always safely inherit from them
If you're building on top of Hash or String or Fixnum, you're safer using DelegateClass (or another delegator). For more on why, Steve Klabnik's cautioning is a good place to start).
2) DelegateClass makes it easy to “convert” a more general object into a more specific one
This makes it easier to accept an instance of a general object and make it behave in a way that's specific to your implementation:
class Message < DelegateClass(String)
def print
# […]
def log(message)
message = Message.new(message) unless message.is_a?(Message)
3) A gotcha: DelegateClass subclasses expect an instance of the delegated class as an argument to new
This can make it tricky to “subclass” classes that you're handing to library code. For example, this is a fairly common practice that won't work out of the box with DelegateClass:
class MyLogger < DelegateClass(ActiveSupport::Logger); end
Foo::ThirdParty::Library.configure do |c|
c.logger = MyLogger # no good
This doesn't work because our library expects to behave like most loggers and instantiate without arguments. This can be addressed by defining initialize and creating an instance of ActiveSupport::Logger, but probably not the right solution in this case.
delegates model different behaviors of Person based on the context. e.g. the same person could be a seller in one context or a buyer in a different context. Inheritance is more rigid: a Bear and Tiger inherit from Animal, but an instance of Animal would never need to sometimes behave like a Bear and sometimes behave like a Tiger. An instance of a descendent of Animal is either one or the other.

Inheritance/namespacing in Ruby gem

I am working on a Ruby gem that faces off to a sports api. I do not fully understand classes/inheritance and am looking for some guidance.
The predicament is I have multiple sports, baseball, basketball etc. and they all have some similar overlap in resources, i.e. players, teams etc.
Currently I have it structured as follows:
module SportsApi
module Mlb
class Player
If I have the following, would my player class be overwritten or is it ok because it is wrapped inside of a module?
module SportsApi
module Nfl
class Player
Should I just have a player class that is common across all sports and then create separate MlbPlayer, NflPlayer classes that inherit from the generic player class? I feel like I kind of need a rails single table inheritance structure but now sure how I would reimplement that in this gem structure.
If I have the following, would my player class be overwritten or is it ok because it is wrapped inside of a module?
No, your class won't be overwritten. Except if someone does it on purpose by accessing the SportsApi::Mlb namespace.
Should I just have a player class that is common across all sports and then create separate MlbPlayer, NflPlayer classes that inherit from the generic player class?
The question is, what MlbPlayer & NflPlayer would need from Player? Would it need all of its functionality and would diverge a little from it or it would share some functionality with it?
Inheritance is considered not-so-good by many for a bunch of reasons, mostly because it fails to model the real world (where relationships are mostly "has-a" and not "is-a") so I'd suggest that you consider using Composition: http://rubysource.com/composition-inheritance/
Hope this helps:
module SportsApi
# Common methods go here
class Player
include SportsApi
# Super class
class NFLPlayer < Player
# Child class
class NBAPlayer < Player
# Child class

Ruby: instantiate objects from files

Every file in items/ should have a human readable description (serialization is out), like so (but maybe a DSL would be better?):
class One < BaseItem
name "Item one"
def meth
main.rb should be able to instantiate all objects from the items/ directory. How could this be accomplished? Not familiar with Ruby, I see the object model allows for some pretty cool things (those class hooks, etc), but I'm having trouble finding a way to solve this.
Any input way appreciated.
Shoot, I may have missed the gist of it - what I didn't mention was the stuff in the items/ dir would be dynamic — treat items as plugins, I'd want main.rb to autodetect everything in that dir at runtime (possibly force a reload during execution). main.rb has no prior knowledge of the objects in there, it just knows what methods to expect from them.
I've looked at building DSLs, considering defining (in main.rb) a spawn function that takes a block. A sample file in items/ would look something like:
spawn do
name "Item name"
def foo
And the innards of spawn would create a new object of the base type and pass the block to instance_eval. That meant I'd need to have a method name to set the value, but incidentally, I also wanted the value to be accessible under name, so I had to go around it renaming the attr.
I've also tried the inherit route: make every item file contain a class that inherits from a BaseItem of sorts, and hook into it via inherited ... but that didn't work (the hook never fired, I've lost the code now).
You could look at what homebrew does with its formulas, that's very close to what I'd want - I just didn't have the ruby prowess to reverse engineer how it handles a formula.
It all boils down to requiring those files, and make sure that you implemented the functionality you want in them.
If you want a more specific response, you need to ask a more specific question.
I am no expert on object persistence, but answer to your specific question is, that you have 2 good choices: One is YAML, and the other is Ruby itself: a DSL written by you or someone else, and specific to your business logic.
But I think that more general answer would require reviewing object persistance in Ruby more systematically. For example, ActiveRecord::Base descendants persists as database tables. There are other ways, I found eg. this http://stone.rubyforge.org/ by googling. This is my problem as well, I'm facing the same question as you in my work.
What you are asking for looks and smells a lot like a normal Ruby script.
class One < BaseItem
name "Item one"
def meth
We'd close the class definition with another end statement. name "Item one" would probably be done inside the initialize method, by setting an instance variable:
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
#name = name
Typically we wouldn't call the folder "items", but instead it would be "lib", but otherwise what you are talking about is very normal and expected.
Instantiating all items in a folder is easily done by iterating over the folder's contents, requiring the files, and calling the new method for that item. You can figure out the name by mapping the filename to the class name, or by initializing an instance at the end of the file:
one = One.new("item one")
You could keep track of the items loaded in an array or hash, or just hardwire them in. It's up to you, since this is your code.
It sounds like you haven't tried writing any Ruby scripts, otherwise you would have found this out already. Normal Ruby programming books/documentation would have covered this. As is, the question is akin to premature optimization, and working with the language would have given you the answer.

Ruby modules and classes

I am just starting Ruby and learning the concept of modules. I understand that one use of modules is to better organize your code and avoid name clashes. Let's say I have bunch of modules like this (I haven't included the implementation as that's not important)
module Dropbox
class Base
def initialize(a_user)
class Event < Base
def newFile?
def newImage?
class Action < Base
def saveFile(params)
and another module:
module CustomURL
class Base
def initialize(a_user, a_url, a_method, some_args, a_regex)
class Event < Base
def initialize(a_user, a_url, a_method, some_args, a_regex)
def change?
class Action < Base
def send_request(params)
I am going to have a bunch of these modules (10+, for gmail, hotmail, etc...). What I am trying to figure out is, is this the right way to organize my code?
Basically, I am using module to represent a "service" and all services will have a common interface class (base for initializing, action for list of actions and event for monitoring).
You are defining families of related or dependent classes here. Your usage of modules as namespaces for these families is correct.
Also with this approach it would be easy to build abstract factory for your classes if they had compatible interface. But as far as I see this is not the case for current classes design: for example Dropbox::Event and CustomURL::Event have completely different public methods.
You can reevaluate design of your classes and see if it is possible for them to have uniform interface so that you can use polymorphism and extract something like BaseEvent and BaseAction so that all Events and Actions will derive from these base classes.
Update: As far as you define services, it might be useful to define top-level module like Service and put all your classes inside this module. It will improve modularity of your system. If in the future you would refactor out some base classes for your modules services, you can put them in the top-level namespace. Then your objects will have readable names like these:
I have some similar code at work, only I'm modeling networking gear.
I took the approach of defining a generic class with the common attributes and methods, including a generic comparator, and then sub-class that for the various models of hardware. The sub-classes contain the unique attributes for that hardware, plus all the support code necessary to initialize or compare an instance of that equipment with another.
As soon as I see the need to write a method similar to another I wrote I think about how I can reuse that code by promoting it to the base-class. Often this involves changing how I am passing parameters, and instead of using formal parameters, I end up using a hash, then pulling what I need from it, keeping the method interface under control.
Because you would have a lot of sub-classes to a base class, it's important to take your time and think out how that base-class should work. As you add sub-classes the task of refactoring the base will get harder because you will have to change other sub-classes. I always find I go down some blind-alleys and have to back up a bit, but as the class matures that should happen less and less.
As you will notice soon, there is no 'right way' of organizing code.
There are subtle differences in readability that are mostly subjective. The way you are organizing classes is just fine for releasing your code as a gem. It usually isn't needed in code that won't be included in other peoples projects, but it won't hurt either.
Just ask yourself "does this make sense for someone reading my code who has no idea what my intention is?".
