Does creating snapshot make cluster slow? - elasticsearch

I use ElasticSearch 5.6.
When running snapshot, I run
but did not get response for more than 10 sec.
I can also see when snapshot runs, machines have a lot of costs at disk/network IO.
Such a delay does not happen if I do not run snapshot.
I check _cluster/health with timeout to ensure that creating snapshot does not slow-down queries.
Is it the correct way to check this?
In practice will creating snapshots make queries slow down?

Yes, there is increased disk activity as indices are read however excerpt from elastic documentation states:
The index snapshot process is incremental. In the process of making the index snapshot Elasticsearch analyses the list of the index files that are already stored in the repository and copies only files that were created or changed since the last snapshot. That allows multiple snapshots to be preserved in the repository in a compact form. Snapshotting process is executed in non-blocking fashion. All indexing and searching operation can continue to be executed against the index that is being snapshotted.
Apart from _cluster/health check taking more than 10 secs do you see any impact to data indexing/ searching etc ?
How frequently are you running the snapshots ? Is it a full cluster snapshot ? Where is the snapshot repository - filesystem / s3 / Azure/ Google cloud ?


ElasticSearch backup and restore

as a PoC we are looking to define a method of backing up and restoring elasticsearch clusters that are running on AWS EC2 instances. The clusters each have more than 1 node running on different EC2 instances.
Being new to elasticsearch the main method that appears is to use the elasticsearch snapshot API, however are there any issues with using AWS Backup as a service to take snapshots of the EC2 instances themselves?
The restoration process would then be to create a new EC2 instance from a specified AMI that is created by the AWS Backup snapshot of the original EC2 instance running elasticsearch.
You can do that, but it has some drawbacks and it is not recommended.
First, to make a snapshot of any instance, you will need to stop your entire elasticsearch cluster. If, for example, your cluster has 3 nodes, you will need to stop all your nodes and make the snapshots, you can't make a snapshot of only one node, you will need to make a snapshot of the entire cluster at the same moment, always.
Second, since you are making snapshots of the entire instance, not only the elasticsearch data, you lose the flexiblity of restoring the data in another place, or restore just part of the data, you need to restore everything. Also, if you make snapshots everyday at 23:00 P.M. and for some reason you need to restore your snapshot at 17:00 P.M. next day, everything stored after your last snapshot will be lost.
And Third, even if you took those precautions, there is no guarantee that you will not have problems or corrupted data.
As per the documentation:
The only reliable way to back up a cluster is by using the snapshot
and restore functionality
Since you are using AWS, the best approach would be to use a s3 repository for your snapshots and automate your backups using the snapshot lifecycle managment in kibana.

Archive old data from Elasticsearch to Google Cloud Storage

I have an elasticsearch server installed in Google Compute Instance. A huge amount of data is being ingested every minute and the underline disk fills up pretty quickly.
I understand we can increase the size of the disks but this would cost a lot for storing the long term data.
We need 90 days of data in the Elasticsearch server (Compute engine disk) and data older than 90 days (till 7 years) to be stored in Google Cloud Storage Buckets. The older data should be retrievable in case needed for later analysis.
One way I know is to take snapshots frequently and delete the indices older than 90 days from Elasticsearch server using Curator. This way I can keep the disks free and minimize the storage cost.
Is there any other way this can be done without manually automating the above-mentioned idea?
For example, something provided by Elasticsearch out of the box, that archives the data older than 90 days itself and keeps the data files in the disk, we can then manually move this file form the disk the Google Cloud Storage.
There is no other way around, to make backups of your data you need to use the snapshot/restore API, it is the only safe and reliable option available.
There is a plugin to use google cloud storage as a repository.
If you are using version 7.5+ and Kibana with the basic license, you can configure the Snapshot directly from the Kibana interface, if you are on an older version or do not have Kibana you will need to rely on Curator or a custom script running with a crontab scheduler.
While you can copy the data directory, you would need to stop your entire cluster everytime you want to copy the data, and to restore it you would also need to create a new cluster from scratch every time, this is a lot of work and not practical when you have something like the snapshot/restore API.
Look into Snapshot Lifecycle Management and Index Lifecycle Management. They are available with a Basic license.

Is there any way to restore Elasticsearch snapshots apart from using the Elasticsearch restore API?

my company wants to use an existing Elasticsearch snapshot repository (consisting of various hundreds of gigabytes) to obtain the original documents and store them elsewhere. I must state that the snapshots have been obtained using the Elasticsearch snapshot API.
My company is somehow reluctant to use Elasticsearch to restore the snapshots, as they fear that would involve creating a new Elasticsearch cluster that would consume considerable resources. So far, I have not seen any other way to restore the snapshots than to use Elasticsearch, but, given my company's insistence, I ask here: is there any other tool that I could use to restore said snapshots? Thank you in advance for any help resolving this issue.
What I would do in your shoes is to spin up a local cluster and restore the existing snapshot into it (here is the relevant Elastic documentation: Restoring to a different cluster). Then, from there, I would either export the data by using the Kibana Reporting plugin (, or by writing a Logstash pipeline to export the data from the local cluster to - say - a CSV file.

Elastic Search - How to get lost records

We have a 5 node, 16 shards ElasticSearch cluster across 5 servers, plus a routing server and a monitoring server
A developer has accidentally deleted a number of documents from an index within the cluster. ES snapshots have not been set up, though through our VPS provider, each of the servers has regular server-wide backups, and we can spin up and down extra instances easily as necessary. What is the fastest way to restore the lost records?
there is no guarantee that those backups from a regular backup tool are useful, because they do not guarantee a consistent point-in-time snapshot.
You should not try to bring those backups into your production cluster, you can try to have a second cluster in your non-production environment and load those backups, but there is zero guarantee that this will work.
The fastest way would be reindexing from the original source I guess.

Setting up a single backup node for an elasticsearch cluster?

Given Elasticsearch cluster with several machines, I would want to have a single machine(special node) that is located on a different geographical region that can effectively sync with the cluster for read only purpose. (i.e. no write for the special node; and that special node should be able to handle all query on its own). Is it possible and how can this be done?
With elasticsearch 1.0 (currently available in RC1) you can use the snapshot & restore api; have a look at this blog too to know more.
You can basically make a snapshot of your indices, then copy the snapshot over to the secondary location and restore it into a different cluster. The nice part is that snapshots are incremental, which means that only the files that have changed since the last snapshot are actually backed up. You can then create snapshots at regular intervals, and import them into the secondary cluster.
If you are not using 1.0 yet, I would suggest to have a look at it, snapshot & restore is a great addition. You can still make backups manually and restore them with 0.90, but you don't have a nice api to do that and you need to do everything pretty much manually.
