bash: alias: Added by Anaconda2 5.3.0 Installer appears on terminal - bash

This image appears every time I load up the terminal after installing Anaconda2 5.3.0 for Mac.
How do I get rid of this?

This appears to be an error on the part of the Anaconda installer, as they added unnecessary information to the bash_profile. To fix this issue, open your bash profile (on Mac, run the command open ~/.bash_profile from user's base directory i.e. /Users/[your-username]).
At the bottom of the file, you will see where the Anaconda installer added the following text:
"# added by Anaconda2 5.3.0 installer"
Delete that, and you will be good to go! The message will no longer appear the next time you open a terminal.


Uninstalled Anaconda now Powershell is Showing Error Everytime I Open It

I uninstalled Anaconda3 following all the steps of the official documentation, but now whenever I open PowerShell or Terminal I get this prompt-
How do I remove it? It's really annoying.
Have a look at your PowerShell profile and remove that "conda.exe" line.

After updating my Mac OS to Catalina, Flutter is not working anymore in Android Studio. I deleted and re-installed, but still not working

Please Please help. After updating the OS to Catalina, Android Studio would still open, but none of my Flutter apps will work and the emulators do not open (they say 'Loading')
I unistalled Flutter and re-installed it, but in the Terminal when I type in flutter doctor -v, it says "zsh: command not found: flutter"
Is this because I'm no longer using bin (or bash), and now using zsh?
Can someone tell me what I can do to solve this issue? Im not very good at entering Terminal commands, so what exactly would I type to fix this issue? (I'm a beginner)
When I was entering vim bash_profile in the Terminal, I entered the following as the Export Path:
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/raymondfontaine/Developer/flutter/bin"
I had the same problem and it occurred after switching from bash to zsh. A far as I know, you have three different options.
Switch your Terminal back from zsh to bash by typing chsh -s /bin/bash and restart your Terminal. Note: You can always switch back to zsh by typing chsh -s /bin/zsh and restarting your Terminal.
You can tell zsh to use the paths specified in your bash_profile file by typing source ~/.bash_profile into your Terminal. Note: You have to do this every time you open a new Terminal.
The two options above are probably not "Best Practice". The best solution would be to set environment variables for zsh as suggested by the flutter Tutorial: Update your Path.
In your case you have to type nano $HOME/.zshrc into your Terminal enter export PATH="$PATH:/Users/raymondfontaine/Developer/flutter/bin" there, save the file and restart the Terminal. After that flutter doctor -v should run as usual.
Also the emulators in Android Studio should load again. But if you still cannot start them via the Dropdown, try opening them via Tools > AVD Manager. This worked for me while they were not visible in the Dropdown Menu.

Duck Spyder as a launcher which is installed through Anaconda on Ubuntu17.4

After installing Anaconda(3 or higher) it includes Spyder. So it isn't known as an independent application. The problem with this kind of having Spyder is that Ubuntu doesn't allow to Duck it or add a Spyder shortcut on Desktop or add it as a Favorite. Therefore, every time I need to run Spyder, I have to run it through command line: $ spyder which is not the best and a fast way to run it.
On the other hand, I already have spyder and based on it's official website is not recommended to have it double installed:
So I need a way which allows me to have a shortcut for my Spyder on Desktop or Favorites list or on Duck.
after searching a lot, here is what has worked for me: Copy any launcher from:
Right click and go to properties, change the command line to spyder path:
~/anaconda3/bin/spyder or ~/anaconda/bin/spyder
Note: You can get the correct spyder path by typing: $ which spyder
Change the rest of the info like description and icon path as you like.
Save the file under something like spyder.desktop in order to set it as a desktop configuration file.
Now you have a app launcher which is connected to spyder (in Anaconda), copy the launcher to:
Now the icon should pop up in your application menu.
Note: You should set the user as the owner. So this is the last step:
sudo chown <username> ~/.local/share/applications/spyder.desktop

zsh - OSX - visual studio command line won't stick

which code
code not found
Selecting the Install 'code' command in Path option from the VSCode command palette only fixes the problem temporarily.
The code command works then, even when I restart the terminal.
However, when I restart my computer I am back to
code not found
I can see that code is at /usr/local/bin/code
/usr/local/bin is already in my path.
Check that the symlink /usr/bin/local/code isn't pointing to a translocated version of the VSCode binary. Mine was.
$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/code
code -> /private/var/folders/hz/w...n/T/AppTranslocation/...
To fix
Ensure your VSCode installation is not running in App Translocation. This can happen if you move the VSCode binary to /Applications by, for example, using an Alfred workflow. You must manually drag the binary in to the folder in Finder. (What a drag. Ha ha. But seriously, WTF Apple?)
You can fix this by dragging your existing binary out to the Desktop then back to the Applications folder.
Delete the broken symlink: sudo rm /usr/local/bin/code.
Re-install the link using the command in VSCode ("Install 'code' command in PATH").

get vim working in mobaxterm

I have installed gvim and vim in mobaxterm 8 (using apt-get and mobapt respectively), and can't get either to work. nano works fine.
When I run the program, the cursor moves to a new line in the terminal but nothing happens.
I have also tried creating a .vimrc. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
I installed the latest version of MobaXterm as up today which is 9.1 ( and the list of bug fixes includes the freezing problem you are are talking about. It works for me now and I no longer see that issue. The only thing is that after the installation is completed you need to download the CygUtils plugin and copy it to the same folder where the MobaXterm executable is located and then restart the application. It seems overall more stable now. Hope that helps.
I am using V9.4 which already has the vim. To configure the environment for your vim you may creat a .vimrc file in your home directory (go to the directory using cd command only).
