Adding CoreBluetooth assembly in xamarin cross platform project - xamarin

I am developing a xamarin cross platform project in visual studio environment, I want to add CoreBluetooth library to my project. According to this link xamarin link
I am new to develop xamarin.Please let me know how to add this library.


No portable class library folder found in Xamarin Forms

I am a newbie working with Xamarin Forms in Visual studio 2019.
When I create a blank page for Mobile App(Xamarin.Forms) , I do not see a Xamarin.forms portable template app in my project solution.
There is no PCL anymore. PCL is outdated. Just use the Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) template. It will create all you need.
The core project (that contains your shared code) will be a .net standard project.
.net standard is way better than PCL, because you don't have a artificially limited set of APIs.
this creates the following 3 projects
Your shared code should go into the App8 project

Cannot find "cross-platform using PCL" while creating a xamarin app

I want to create a xamarin cross platform using PCL. I do not find this option while creating a project. Am I missing any installations?
Is "Xamarin.UITest Cross Platform Test Project" similar to that? But that does not open Android and IOS directories in it
The PCL option is deprecated .
From the official documentation:
Portable Class Libraries (PCLs) are considered deprecated in the
latest versions of Visual Studio. While you can still open, edit, and
compile PCLs, for new projects it is recommended to use .NET Standard
libraries to access a larger API surface area.
If you wan't to create a Xamarin.Forms solution, you must select the Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) template. Nowadays, everything moved to .netstandard 2.0

UI Technology options are missing in Cross-Platform template

Project > Visual C# > Cross-Platform > Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms)enter image description here. The form that appears after hitting "OK" does not provide UI Technology options: (Xamarin Forms/Native) like it used to.
This issue has been logged on the Visual Studio developer community forum:
In the meantime, if you are looking to develop a new Xamarin solution using Xamarin native instead of Xamarin.Forms, you can do this by creating each platform app individually, and then creating your shared project or class library all within one solution.
For Android native: Project > Visual C# > Android > Blank App (Android)
For iOS: Project > Visual C# > iOS > Universal > Blank App (iOS)
If you're using a class library to host your shared code, remember to add a reference to the class library in both the Android and iOS projects.

How to integrate Native ios and android sdk in Xamarin

I have to integrate one third party sdk in xamarin project.
They are providing the native sdk's for android and ios. I need to use them in Xamarin project to develop app for ios and android.
Xamarin offers in depth documentation for linking native libraries.
Linking native library iOS here and Binding a java Library here.
If you want to go further and use these sdk's in Xamarin.Forms you can make a wrapper in each platform dependent project and link them to your Forms project using Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.
To use Firebase Crashlytics in your application follow the steps:
Install packages: Xamarin.firebase.iOS.Crashlytics and Xamarin.firebase.iOS.Core
Download GoogleService-Info.Plist file and add it to your project.
Set the build action as "Bundle Resource".
Build the project and run.

Xamarin: Can I do in a cross platform project the "Android part" and do IOS when the rest is finish?

I have a project in Android Studio (on a pc), and as far as I know now Microsoft owns Xamarin and its free once you have a Visual Studio license, then you can develop apps using C#(Already know that I have to port the JAVA code) and then compile in a MAC the IOS app.
My 2 concerns are:
When you can't compile, will the IDE show the IOS related errors?
There is a clear implementation of "cross platform code" vs "specific code"?
How Xamarin manage it?
In addition, our plan is to finish the app for Android which is our primary target and then manage the IOS, besides the other questions, what I need to know is if that is possible.
Yes, the VS IDE will show you build errors from the iOS build server.
Yes, you can build an Android app using Xamarin and later extend it to build an iOS app also. This is easiest if you use Xamarin Forms, but it also possible with native Android/iOS UI, but will be much more dependent on how you architect your applications.
