Confusing for these pieces of code of interface implementation and calling? - go

Version of Go
go version go1.11 darwin/amd64
Code 1:
package main
import "fmt"
type myintf interface {
type esc struct {
i int
//func GotU(t esc);
func (e esc)GotU() {
e.i = 10
func TestFunc(it myintf) string {
return "kk"
func main() {
var test esc
test.i = 9
Code 2:
package main
import "fmt"
type myintf interface {
type esc struct {
i int
func (e esc)GotU() {
e.i = 10
func TestFunc(it myintf) string {
return "kk"
func main() {
var test esc
test.i = 9
Code 3:
package main
import "fmt"
type myintf interface {
type esc struct {
i int
func (e *esc)GotU() {
e.i = 10
func TestFunc(it myintf) string {
return "kk"
func main() {
var test esc
test.i = 9
The outputs:
code 1 output: 9
code 2 output: 9
code 3 cannot be compiled due to a type mismatch
Since only func (e esc)GotU() implemented, why should both pieces of code work and deliver the same result?
It's kind of confusing for me to pass a pointer of struct to that function (TestFunc) to get the same answer.

The last code snippet has implemented a method receiver of pointer type. This will consider the situation if you want to modify the value of receiver.
func (e *esc) GotU() {
e.i = 10
In above case Since you are passing pointer type receiver on a method which is implementing the interface.
type myintf interface {
So you need to pass address of struct in TestFunc. This is the reason you are getting type mismatch error, because you are passing variable of esc type while your method requires variable of *esc.
func main() {
var test esc
test.i = 9
Working example on Go playground
In Golang there are two ways to pass a method receiver.
func (s *MyStruct) pointerMethod() { } // method on pointer
func (s MyStruct) valueMethod() { } // method on value
For programmers unaccustomed to pointers, the distinction between
these two examples can be confusing, but the situation is actually
very simple. When defining a method on a type, the receiver (s in the
above examples) behaves exactly as if it were an argument to the
method. Whether to define the receiver as a value or as a pointer is
the same question, then, as whether a function argument should be a
value or a pointer. There are several considerations
First, and most important, does the method need to modify the receiver? If it does, the receiver must be a pointer. (Slices and maps act as references, so their story is a little more subtle, but for instance to change the length of a slice in a method the receiver must still be a pointer.) In the examples above, if pointerMethod modifies the fields of s, the caller will see those changes, but valueMethod is called with a copy of the caller's argument (that's the definition of passing a value), so changes it makes will be invisible to the caller.

The difference between the 1st and second version is, that you pass the struct directly in one version and the pointer to the struct in the other version. In this case these programs work the same, as the pointer also includes the all defined funcs on the struct.
But this does not work the other way around. You define the method GotU on the pointer receiver. The struct does not know about this func. If you would call
in the third program, it would compile but work differently than the other two: The output is: "10"
As the GotU is defined on the pointer receiver test is passed as reference and the modifications persist. In the other programs test is passed as value, i.e. it is copied, the copy is modified in GotU. When the func exits, the copy is discarded and the old version is still the same as before.


I don't understand when to use pointers on go [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Pointers vs. values in parameters and return values
(5 answers)
When to use pointers [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Difference between returning a pointer and a value in initialization methods [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Why should constructor of Go return address?
(2 answers)
Why should I use a pointer ( performance)?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am doing a tour of go language, and I have a question about pointers.
Example code (
package main
import (
type MyError struct {
When time.Time
What string
func (e *MyError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("at %v, %s",
e.When, e.What)
func run() error {
return &MyError{
"it didn't work",
func main() {
if err := run(); err != nil {
In this case it is using *MyError and &MyError, but I try to remove the * and & and it works correctly. Why are they using pointers in this example? What is the difference with normal variables? When should I use pointers or not?
"When should I use pointers?" is a very large question without a simple answer. Pointers are a way of passing a reference to a value, rather than a value itself, around, allowing you to modify the original value or "see" modifications to that value. It also prevents copying, which can be a performance improvement in very limited circumstances (do not pass pointers around all the time because it might be a performance improvement). Finally, pointers also let you represent "nothingness", which each pointer being able to be nil. This is both a blessing and a curse as you must check if each pointer is nil before accessing it, though.
In your specific example, the reason why returning &MyError works is because your Error() function operates on a value of *MyError (a pointer to MyError), rather than on a value of MyError itself. This means that *MyError implements the Error interface and is thus assignable to the error type, and so it can be returned from any function that expects an error as a return value.
Returning MyError wouldn't work on its own because MyError is not a *MyError. Go does some helpful things when dealing with function receivers: It will let you call any method on a MyError or *MyError if the receiver is *MyError, but it will only let you call methods on a *MyError if the type is *MyError - That is, Go will not "create" a pointer for you out of thin air.
If you were to remove * from func (e* MyError), you would be telling Go that Error() works on any instance of a MyError, which means that both *MyError and MyError would fulfill that contract. That's why both of the following are valid when you don't use a pointer receiver:
func (e MyError) Error() string {}
var _ error = MyError{} // Valid
var _ error = &MyError {}
In this particular case, using pointers will not make a difference. Here's one way to look at it:
In Go, all variables are passed by value. That means:
type T struct {...}
func f(value T) {..}
Above, t is passed as value. That means when f is called, the compiler creates a copy of t and passed that to f. Any modifications f makes to that copy will not affect the t used to call f.
If you use pointers:
func f(value *T) {...}
Above, the compiler will create a pointer pointing to t, and pass a copy of that to f. If f makes changes to value, those changes will be made on the instance of t used to call f. In other words:
type T struct {
x int
func f(value T) {
func main() {
This will print 0, because the modifications made by f is done on a copy of t.
func f(value *T) {
func main() {
Above, it will print 1, because the call to f changes t.
Same idea applies to methods and receivers:
type T struct {
x int
func (t T) f() {
func main() {
Above program will print 0, because the method modifies a copy of t.
func (t *T) f() {
func main() {
Above program will print 1, because the receiver of the method is declared with a pointer, and calling t.f() is equivalent to f(&t).
So, use pointers when passing arguments or when declaring methods if you want to modify the object, or if copying the object would be too expensive.
This is only a small part of the story about pointer arguments.

Is empty interface in golang as function argument is Pass by Value or pointer

If I have function like this
func TestMethod ( d interface{} ) {
If I am calling this as
Is this pass by value or pass by pointer ?
To summarise some of the discussion in the comments and answer the question:
In go everything in Go is passed by value. In this case the value is an interface type, which is represented as a pointer to the data and a pointer to the type of the interface.
This can be verified by running the following snippet (
func main() {
var s string = "syz"
func read(i interface{}) {
which will return (0x999c0,0x41a788), one pointer to the data and one pointer to the type of interface.
Updated: Answer and comments above are correct. Just a lite bit of extra information.
Some theory
Passing by reference enables function members, methods, properties,
indexers, operators, and constructors to change the value of the
parameters and have that change persist in the calling environment.
Little code sniped to check how function calls work in GO for pointers
package main_test
import (
func MyMethod(d interface{}) {
// assume that we received a pointer to string
// here we reassign pointer
newStr := "bar"
d = &newStr
func TestValueVsReference(t *testing.T) {
data := "foo"
dataRef := &data
// sending poiner to sting into function that reassigns that pointer in its body
// check is pointer we sent changed
if *dataRef != "foo" {
t.Errorf("want %q, got %q", "bar", *dataRef)
// no error, our outer pointer was not changed inside function
// confirms that pointer was sent as value

How to cast interface{} back into its original struct?

I need a way to dynamically cast a struct/interface back to its original object.
I can add methods / functions inside. basically I need something like this:
MyStruct => Interface{} => MyStruct
When on the final conversion I don't know anything about the original struct besides what come inside the struct, so I can't just so:
You need to know at least the possible types it could be. There's a couple cases, 1. You think you might know what it is. 2. You have a list of possible types it could be, 3. Your code knows nothing about the underlying types.
If you think you know it, you can use type assertion to convert back to the original struct type.
package main
import (
type MyStruct struct {
Thing string
func (s *MyStruct) Display() {
type Thingable interface {
func main() {
s := &MyStruct{
Thing: "Hello",
// print as MyThing
var thinger Thingable
thinger = s
// print as thingable interface
// convert thinger back to MyStruct
s2 := thinger.(*MyStruct) // this is "type assertion", you're asserting that thinger is a pointer to MyStruct. This will panic if thinger is not a *MyStruct
You can see this in action here:
Note if you want to test the type without panicking if you're wrong, do s2, ok := thinger.(*MyStruct). ok will be true if it was successful and false otherwise.
if you want to test your interface variable against a bunch of types, use a switch: (scroll to bottom)
package main
import (
type MyStruct struct {
Thing string
type MyStruct2 struct {
Different string
func (s *MyStruct) Display() {
func (s *MyStruct2) Display() {
type Thingable interface {
func main() {
s := &MyStruct{
Thing: "Hello",
// print as MyThing
var thinger Thingable
thinger = s
// print as thingable interface
// try to identify thinger
switch t := thinger.(type) {
case *MyStruct:
fmt.Println("thinger is a *MyStruct. Thing =", t.Thing)
case *MyStruct2:
fmt.Println("thinger is a *MyStruct2. Different =", t.Different)
fmt.Println("thinger is an unknown type:", reflect.TypeOf(thinger))
You can try that out here
If you really don't know anything about the underlying types, you'll have to expose the things you need through interface functions and call those. Chances are you can do this without knowing anything about the underlying type. If all else fails, you can use the reflect package to introspect your interface object and gather information about it. this is how the json package reads json text and returns populated structs—though this is an advanced topic and expect to sink a lot of time into it if you go this route. it’s best to hide reflection code inside a package with a clean interface(ie the package api).
No: as mentioned in this thread
Go is neither covariant nor contravariant. Types are either equal or they aren't.
You have to either take the structs apart and deal with the pieces, or use reflection.
Type assertions are only "assertions", not "coercions" of any kind.
See also this thread, which reminds us that:
A pointer is one kind of type.
A struct is another kind of type.
An integer is another kind of type.
A floating point number is another kind of type.
A boolean is another kind of type.
The principle of an interface concerns the methods attached to a type T, not what type T is.
An interface type is defined by a set of methods.
Any value that implements the methods can be assigned to an interface value of that type.
That would make the conversion from interface to concrete type quite difficult to do.

Method receivers

Go method receivers take a type along with a variable name for the type, example:
type MyFloat float64
func (x MyFloat) Abs() float64 {
if x < 0 {
return float64(-x)
return float64(x)
func main() {
f := MyFloat(-math.Sqrt2)
The receiver takes "x" along with the type receiving the method. What is the significance of the name 'x'. Since i am able to invoke the method on any instance of MyFloat ( not just on the one named as x ) why do i have to specify the x ? Since the receiver is a Type or a reference to a type why not simply take the type or the pointer alone like this
func (MyFloat) Abs() float64 {
if this < 0 {
return float64(-this)
return float64(this)
My assumption is instead of this in Java golang allows any name? Is that so ?
Your assumption is exact: the receiver has to be explicitly named in a method definition. It avoids any ambiguity. In your example, how could the Go compiler guess that x is the receiver?
Note that using "self" or "this" or "me" as the receiver name is considered as bad style in go. The name should be short - one letter is fine. See more information at
It's a design choice.
Java use this, Go-lang choose another mechanic.
In Go, it's legal to make the receiver a pointer or not.
Let's see:
func (t Type) Id() { return t }
func (t *Type) IdPointer() { return t }
What if Go use Java's design?
It will became:
func (Type) Id() { return this }
func (*Type) IdPointer() { return this }
Firstly, it is confused that what (*Type) is.
Secondly, this can also be a pointer or a value. Also confused.
But, anyway, you can design Go-lang like this.
It is a choice after all.
I think you are not using correctly you should use it in a struct.Where the receiver makes a reference to the struct's fields.
For example:
package main
import "fmt"
type Decimal struct {
first float64
func (x Decimal) out() float64 {
return x.first
func main() {
var start Decimal
start.first = 10.8
show := start.out()

Adding a func never called improves behavior?

The code below produces undesirable
[20010101 20010102].
When uncommenting the String func it produces better (but not my implementation):
[{20010101 1.5} {20010102 2.5}]
However that String func is never called.
I see that Date in DateValue is anonymous and therefore func (Date) String is being used by DateValue.
So my questions are:
1) Is this a language issue, a fmt.Println implementation issue, or
something else? Note: if I switch from:
func (*DateValue) String() string
func (DateValue) String() string
my function is at least called and panic ensues. So if I really want my method called I could do that, but assume DateValue is really a very large object which I only want to pass by reference.
2) What is a good strategy for mixing anonymous fields with
functionality like Stringer and json encoding that use reflection
under the covers? For example adding a String or MarshalJSON method
for a type that happens to be used as an anonymous field can cause
strange behavior (like you only print or encode part of the whole).
package main
import (
type Date int64
func (d Date) String() string {
t := time.Unix(int64(d),0).UTC()
return fmt.Sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", t.Year(), int(t.Month()), t.Day())
type DateValue struct {
Value float64
type OrderedValues []DateValue
// ADD THIS BACK and note that this is never called but both pieces of
// DateValue are printed, whereas, without this only the date is printed
func (dv *DateValue) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DV(%s,%f)", dv.Date, dv.Value )
func main() {
d1, d2 := Date(978307200),Date(978307200+24*60*60)
ov1 := OrderedValues{{ d1, 1.5 }, { d2, 2.5 }}
It's because you've passed in a slice of DateValues and not DateValue pointers. Since you've defined the String method for *DataValue, *DateValue is what fulfills the Stringer interface. This also prevents DateValue from fulfilling the Stringer interface via its anonymous Date member, because only one of either the value type (DateValue) or the pointer type (*DateValue) can be used to fulfill an interface. So, when fmt.Println is printing the contents of the slice, it sees that the elements are not Stringers, and uses the default struct formatting instead of the method you defined, giving [{20010101 1.5} {20010102 2.5}].
You can either make OrderedValues a []*DateValue or define func (dv DateValue) String() string instead of the pointer version.
Based on what #SteveM said, I distilled it to a simpler test case:
package main
import "fmt"
type Fooable interface {
type A int
func (a A) Foo() { }
type B struct {
// Uncomment the following method and it will print false
//func (b *B) Foo() { }
func main() {
var x interface{} = B{}
_, ok := x.(Fooable)
fmt.Println(ok) // prints true
In other words, the Foo method is not part of the method set of B when the Foo method for *B is defined.
From reading the spec, I don't see a clear explanation of what is happening. The closest part seems to be in the section on selectors:
For a value x of type T or *T where T is not an interface type, x.f
denotes the field or method at the shallowest depth in T where there
is such an f.
The only way I can see this explaining what is going on is if when it is looking for a method Foo at shallowest depth in B, it takes into consideration the methods for *B too, for some reason (even though we are considering type B not *B); and the Foo in *B is indeed shallower than the Foo in A, so it takes that one as the candidate; and then it sees that that Foo doesn't work, since it's in *B and not B, so it gets rid of Foo altogether (even though there is a valid one inherited from A).
If this is indeed what is going on, then I agree with the OP in that this is very counter-intuitive that adding a method to *B would have the reverse consequence of removing a method from B.
Maybe someone more familiar with Go can clarify this.
