how metadata journal stalls write system call? - linux-kernel

I am using CentOS 7.1.1503 with kernel linux 3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64, ext4 file system with ordered journal mode, and delalloc enabled.
When my app writes logs to a file continually (about 6M/s), I can find the write system call stalled for 100-700 ms occasionally, When I disable ext4's journal feature, or set the journal mode to writeback, or disable delay allocate, the stalling disappears. When I set linux's writeback more frequent, dirty page expire time shorter, the problem reduced.
I printed the process's stack when stalling happends, I got this:
[<ffffffff812e31f4>] call_rwsem_down_read_failed+0x14/0x30
[<ffffffffa0195854>] ext4_da_get_block_prep+0x1a4/0x4b0 [ext4]
[<ffffffff811fbe17>] __block_write_begin+0x1a7/0x490
[<ffffffffa019b71c>] ext4_da_write_begin+0x15c/0x340 [ext4]
[<ffffffff8115685e>] generic_file_buffered_write+0x11e/0x290
[<ffffffff811589c5>] __generic_file_aio_write+0x1d5/0x3e0
[<ffffffff81158c2d>] generic_file_aio_write+0x5d/0xc0
[<ffffffffa0190b75>] ext4_file_write+0xb5/0x460 [ext4]
[<ffffffff811c64cd>] do_sync_write+0x8d/0xd0
[<ffffffff811c6c6d>] vfs_write+0xbd/0x1e0
[<ffffffff811c76b8>] SyS_write+0x58/0xb0
[<ffffffff81614a29>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
[<ffffffffffffffff>] 0xffffffffffffffff
I read the source code of linux kernel, and found that call_rwsem_down_read_failed will call rwsem_down_read_failed which will keep waiting for rw_semaphore.
I think the reason is that metadata journal flushing must wait for related dirty pages flushed, when dirty pages flushing took long time, the journal blocked, and journal commit has this inode's rw_semaphore, write system call to this inode is stalled.
I really hope I can find evidence to prove it.


Call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag never returns

I am having some issues with my virtualHBA driver on Windows Server 2016. A ran the HLK crashdump support test. 3 times out of 10 the test passed. In those 3 failing tests, the crashdump hangs at 0% while taking Complete dump, or Kernel dump or minidump.
By kernel debugging my code, I found that the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag() for buffer allocation never actually returns.
Below is the statement which never returns.
pDeviceExtension->pcmdbuf=(struct mycmdrsp *)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPoolCacheAligned,pcmdqSignalSize,((ULONG)'TA1'));
I searched on the web regarding this. However, all of the found pages are focusing on this function returning NULL which in my case never returns.
Any help on how to move forward would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can't allocate memory in crash dump mode. You're running at HIGH_LEVEL with interrupts disabled and so you're calling this API at the wrong IRQL.
The typical solution for a hardware adapter is to set the RequestedDumpBufferSize in the PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION structure during the normal HwFindAdapter call. Then when you're called again in crash dump mode you use the CrashDumpRegion field to get your dump buffer allocation. You then need to write your own "crash dump mode only" allocator to allocate buffers out of this memory region.
It's a huge pain, especially given that it's difficult/impossible to know how much memory you're ultimately going to need. I usually calculate some minimal configuration overhead (i.e. 1 channel, 8 I/O requests at a time, etc.) and then add in a registry configurable slush. The only benefit is that the environment is stripped down so you don't need to be in your all singing, all dancing configuration.

ext4 commit= mount option and dirty_writeback_centisecs

I'm tring to understand the way bytes go from write() to the phisical disk plate to tune my picture server performance.
Thing I don't understand is what is the difference between these two: commit= mount option and dirty_writeback_centisecs. Looks like they are about the same procces of writing changes to the storage device, but still different.
I do not get it clear which one fires first on the way to the disk for my bytes.
Yeah, I just ran into this investigating mount options for an SDCard Ubuntu install on an ARM Chromebook. Here's what I can tell you...
Here's how to see the dirty and writeback amounts:
user#chrubuntu:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep "Dirty" -A1
Dirty: 14232 kB
Writeback: 4608 kB
(edit: This dirty and writeback is rather high, I had a compile running when I ran this.)
So data to be written out is dirty. Dirty data can still be eliminated (if say, a temporary file is created, used, and deleted before it goes to writeback, it'll never have to be written out). As dirty data is moved into writeback, the kernel tries to combine smaller requests that may be into dirty into single larger I/O requests, this is one reason why dirty_expire_centisecs is usually not set too low. Dirty data is usually put into writeback when a) Enough data is cached to get up to vm.dirty_background_ratio. b) As data gets to be vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs centiseconds old (3000 default is 30 seconds) it is put into writeback. vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs, a writeback daemon is run by default every 500 centiseconds (5 seconds) to actually flush out anything in writeback.
fsync will flush out an individual file (force it from dirty into writeback and wait until it's flushed out of writeback), and sync does that with everything. As far as I know, it does this ASAP, bypassing any attempt to try to balance disk reads and writes, it stalls the device doing 100% writes until the sync completes.
commit=5 default ext4 mount option actually forces a sync() every 5 seconds on that filesystem. This is intended to ensure that writes are not unduly delayed if there's heavy read activity (ideally losing a maximum of 5 seconds of data if power is cut or whatever.) What I found with an Ubuntu install on SDCard (in a Chromebook) is that this actually just leads to massive filesystem stalls like every 5 seconds if you're writing much to the card, ChromeOS uses commit=600 and I applied that Ubuntu-side to good effect.
The dirty_writeback_centisecs, configures the daemons of the kernel Linux related to the virtual memory (that's why the vm). Which are in charge of making a write back from the RAM memory to all the storage devices, so if you configure the dirty_writeback_centisecs and you have 25 different storage devices mounted on your system it will have the same amount of time of writeback for all the 25 storage systems.
While the commit is done per storage device (actually is per filesystem) and is related to the sync process instead of the daemons from the virtual memory.
So you can see it as:
writing from RAM to all filesystems
each filesystem fetches from RAM

Cleared RW (write protect) flag for PTEs of a process in kernel yet no segmentation fault on write

I implemented incremental process checkpointing at page level(I just dump the data from the process address space into a file).
The approach I used is as follows. I used two system calls:
Complete Checkpoint: copy entire address space. Also if write bit
is set for a page, clear it.
Incremental checkpoint: only dump data if write bit is set and clear it again. So basically, I check if write bit is set for an incremental checkpoint. If yes, dump the page data.
Test program:
char a[10000];
From what I know, the kernel should be doing page fault and handle illegal write case by killing the process with SIGSEGV. Yet the program is successfully checkpointed.
What is exactly happening here ?
If you modify a PTE when it's still cached in the TLB, the effect of the modification may be unseen for a while (until the PTE gets evicted from the TLB and has to be reread from the page table).
You need to invalidate the PTE in the TLB with the invlpg (I'm assuming x86) instruction after PTE modification. And it has to be done on all CPUs. There must be a dedicated function for this purpose in the kernel.
Also it wouldn't hurt to double check that the compiler didn't reorder or throw away anything from the above code.

Page fault and dirty pages

I have started reading about CPU caches and I have two questions:
Lets say the CPU receives a page fault and transfers control to the kernel handler. The handler decides to evict a frame in memory which is marked dirty. Lets say the CPU caches are write back with valid and modified bits. Now, the memory content of this frame are stale and the cache contains the latest data. How does the kernel force the caches to flush?
The way the page table entry (PTE) gets marked as dirty is as follows: The TLB has a modify bit which is set when the CPU modifies the page's content. This bit is copied back to the PTE on context switch. If we get a page fault, the PTE might be non-dirty but the TLB entry might have the modified bit set (it has not been copied back yet). How is this situation resolved?
As for flushing cache, that's just a privileged instruction. The OS calls the instruction and the hardware begins flushing. There's one instruction for invalidating all values and signaling an immediate flush without write back, and there's another instruction that tells the hardware to write data back before flushing. After the instruction call, the hardware (cache controller and I/O) takes over. There are also privileged instructions that tell the hardware to flush the TLB.
I'm not certain about your second question because it's been a while since I've taken an operating systems course, but my understanding is that in the event of a page fault the page will first be brought into the page table. Any page that is removed depends on available space as well as the page replacement algorithm used. Before that page can be brought in, if the page that it is replacing has the modified bit set it must be written out first so an IO is queued up. If it's not modified, then the page is immediately replaced. Same process for the TLB. If the modified bit is set then before that page is replaced you must write it back out so an IO is queued up and you just have to wait.

WSASYSCALLFAILURE with overlapped IO on Windows XP

I hit a bug in my code which uses WSARecv and WSAGetOverlapped result on an overlapped socket. Under heavy load, WSAGetOverlapped returns with WSASYSCALLFAILURE ('A system call that should never fail has failed') and my TCP stream is out of sync afterwards, causing mayhem in the upper levels of my program.
So far I have not been able to isolate it to a given set of hardware or drivers. Has somebody hit this issue as well, and found a solution or workaround?
How many connections, how many pending recvs, how many outsanding sends? What does perfmon or task manager say about the amount of non-paged pool used? How much memory in the box? Does it go away if you run the program on Vista or above? Do you have any LSPs installed?
You could be exhausting non-paged pool and causing a badly written driver to misbehave when it fails to allocate memory. This issue is less likely to bite on Vista or later as the amount of non-paged pool available has increased dramatically (see for details). Alternatively you might be hitting the "locked pages" limit (you can only lock a fixed number of pages in memory on the OS and each pending I/O operation locks one or more pages depending on buffer size and allocation alignment).
It seems I have solved this issue by sleeping 1ms and retrying the WSAGetOverlapped result when it reports a WSASYSCALLFAILURE.
I had another issue related to overlapped events firing, even though there is no data, which I also had to solve first. The test is now running for over an hour, with a few WSASYSCALLFAILURE handled correctly. Hopefully the overnight test will succeed as well.
#Len: thanks again for your help.
EDIT: The overnight test was successful. My bug was caused by two interdependent issues:
Issue 1: WaitForMultipleObjects in ConnectionSet::select occasionally
signals data on an empty socket, causing SocketConnection::readSync to
Fix: Do a non-blocking read on the first byte of each packet. Reset
ConnectionSet if socket was empty
Issue 2: WSAGetOverlappedResult returns occasionally WSASYSCALLFAILURE,
causing out-of-sync on the TCP stream.
Fix: Retry WSAGetOverlappedResult after a small sleep period.
