I am using Dropwizard metrics with the rolling-metrics library to get performance metrics. For throughput, I am able to get 1, 5 and 15 minute rates by using getOneMinuteRate(), getFiveMinuteRate() and getFifteenMinuteRate() methods.
I want to get the throughput for a custom duration, say 10 second rate. Is this possible and if so can someone please tell me how I can do this?
I hava a spring boot application,I want to monitor the max and avg request’s number per minute.
Since the server assigns a thread to a request, I can observe the thread number.I use micrometer to expose the metric, and use a prometheus to pull the metrics.I chose the Gauge type to track the thread number.
AtomicInteger concurrentNumber = meterRegistry.gauge(“concurrent_thread_number”, new AtomicInteger(0));
But in prometheus, the gauge value remains 0 while I make lots of requests to the spring boot application.
I have found the reason.
My application deals with the request pretty fast, it may finish processing many requests in 1 second. I set the prometheus scrape_interval to 30s(because I don't want my machines to suffer the great load).so between the scrape intervals, the thread number changes from 0 to 1,2,3,4,..,and finally to 0. So the samples are 0 and 0.
My Question:
I don’t want to shorten the scrape_interval, is there any trick to monitor the max and avg request’s number per minute while scrape_interval is 30s? Maybe choosing another type of metric instead of gauge? Any advice would be appreciated.
In Jmeter I have a scenario like
Load tested with 4000 users and 1 hour duration
759965 requests made and out of which one request failed on an average 18894.13 requests made per second.
This was the earlier scenario and I want to make the same scenario again with the above information. Can someone guide me how to set up the environment and also the results. I have designed my script using Co-relation with the help regular expression extractor.enter image description here
For the normal Thread Group the configuration would be something like:
It would also be a good idea to use some ramp-up period so the load would increase gradually and you could correlate increasing load with other metrics like response time or transactions per second.
You might also want to use one of Custom Thread Groups which can be installed as JMeter Plugins, they provide easy visual way to define the number of threads, test duration, ramp-up, ramp-down, time to hold the load, eventual spikes, etc.
Once you define your desired workload you should run your test in command-line non-GUI mode, with regards to the test results the easiest option is to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard
I am trying to load test an API and I am trying to make sure I fire only 2 requests in a second due to the throttling limit set at the API Gateway level so if the third request is sent within a second (this happens if the response time of the earlier request is < 1 sec) then I get HTTP-429 error saying 'too many requests'. Please could someone suggest if I can use any timer to achieve this?
Constant Throughput Timer is the easiest of built-in test elements, 2 requests per second is 120 requests per minute. However it is precise enough only on "minute" level so you might need to play with ramp-up period
Precise Throughput Timer is more "precise" but a little bit harder to use as you need to provide controlled throughput and test duration
If you don't mind using JMeter Plugins there is Throughput Shaping Timer which provides the maximum flexibility and visual way of defining the load
For this particular case, I suggest the Arrivals Tread Group. This TG will let you exactly configure the desired TPS (Arrival Rate), plus the plugin will instantiate the necessary threads to generate the load. No need to guess how many threads/vusers you'll need.
Our ecosystem right now is graphite/grafana and we use the codahale metrics java library.
I define a counter
requestCounter = registry.counter(MetricNamespaces.REQUEST_COUNT);
and increment on every request hit to our app
What we observerd with codahale is that, the counter s a cumalative value... When we look at the raw data in grafana, it is an increasing value over a period of time
What functions do I use in graphite so that I can get request count per min
I tried this
'1m', 'sum', false), 'Request Count')
and also this
hitcount(perSecond(app.request.count.*), '1m')
It doesn't seem right, Can someone please advice what is the recommended way and also if we can have codahale send just the raw data when incremented instead of a cumalative count
You should use nonNegativeDerivative function of the graphite API if you want to see the rate of a counter:
You need to notice that you also need to configure your graphite retention policy for your metrics. Otherwise, if the resolution of your metrics does not fit the way it's sent from codahale, you'll get weird unscaled results.
For example - in our company the codahale is configured to send data every two seconds. The graphite retention policy is 1 second for the first 6 hours and then 10 seconds. If we try to look at results beyond 6 hours, they're scaled incorrectly. I actually got to this question when trying to solve this issue. I'll update here when I have an answer.
i am new to Load testing and would like configure my jmeter setting for the following requirement below. My understanding is Theard are different from request per second. If so what will be values in thread group for the below requirement.
"Initial load 20 request/second, increase load with 100 request/second for each minute.
Perform load test until we see an increase in latency "
You should put something very high into Thread Group and use one of the following approaches to define your load pattern:
Constant Throughput Timer - it comes bundled with JMeter
Throughput Shaping Timer or Concurrency Thread Group- available via JMeter Plugins project
In order to automatically stop the test when latency exceeds threshold you can use AutoStop Listener, again it comes with JMeter Plugins.
In general latency is networking related metric so even if your application is slow as a snail you can have low or even zero latency so I would recommend considering response time and/or transactions per second metrics as well.