Are "data URLs" a good way to improve favicon loading speeds? - performance

While working in my own website, I'm facing a delay loading time (based on waterflow) for my site's favicon. I tried lots of way to reduce to waterflow delay but failed to manage it. After spending over 3 hours, I've figure out this solution which solve the problem like magic!!
Step 1: Convert favicon into a data-URI ( you can create it from here )
Step 2: Replace your existing favicon with the following code ( use it in function.php or child function)
function add_favicon() {
echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=".......=" />';
add_action('wp_head', 'add_favicon');

It`s effective for the icon but it reduces a little when you used image formate like jpg png etc. Buts still its good solution for optimization.


Elimante render-blocking resources

I'm trying to optimalize web for speed and wanna ask about Eliminating render-blocking CSS and JS.
by JS 'm only using async attr. - lets say, throwin' it at plugins like flexslider, lightbox.. but should I also use this with the base scripts like ?:
<script src="" async></script>
<script src="js/script.js" async></script>
Whenever i add async on some script and test it, that .js script won't just operate - as if not linked. What am I doing wrong? And is this enough ... ?
-by CSS - tring to impove it like this :
<link rel="preload" href="" media="print" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'" integrity="sha384-hWVjflwFxL6sNzntih27bfxkr27PmbbK/iSvJ+a4+0owXq79v+lsFkW54bOGbiDQ" crossorigin="anonymous"><noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href=""></noscript>
This cuts down the time of rendering CSS resources, but again when using it on e.g fontawesome - icons are not loaded as if link was't there...So, is this a good way of rendering CSS please ?
When using async you have to ensure that load order does not affect your implementation.
Async basically says "load everything as quickly as you can, I don't care about load order".
If you haven't accounted for this then the easiest fix is to use defer on your JavaScript instead of async. This basically says "load everything after the HTML has loaded but please keep the order as some scripts depend on others".
This will be slightly slower overall but still fix the JavaScript being render blocking.
You should defer all scripts, except any scripts that are essential for above the fold operations (and then you should inline those scripts in a <script> tag in the <header>, obviously keep this to a minimum).
Render blocking CSS is anything sitting in an external file that relates to content "above the fold".
To understand this fully you need to understand how the browser render things but in essence anything that is visible without scrolling ("above the fold" content) is delayed if your CSS is in an external file as it needs that information to know how to present and lay things out.
What you need to do is find all the styles that apply to your above the fold content and inline them in a <style> tag in the page <header>. Yet again this needs to be kept to a minimum so you may need to make the above the fold CSS custom rather than using bootstrap....including the whole of bootstrap inline would not be good!
Then all other styles can sit in external style sheets.
This way the second the page's HTML is downloaded it has everything it needs to layout the page without waiting for any other requests.
Font Awesome
Ah fonts for icons. I won't go into why that is a bad practice from an accessibility and performance perspective as I have covered that numerous times before.
Instead I will simply say that for any "above the fold" icons you should instead swap them for inline SVGs. This is for the same reason as inlining your CSS, inline SVGs do not need a network request to render so the second the HTML is loaded your page can be displayed.
just a suggestion, have no way of testing atm but try putting 'async' before the source attribute. also, try adding a copied line with the attribute defer instead of async for wider browser support.

How to get high resolution website logo (favicon) for a given URL

I'm developing a web browser on Android and want to show the URL logo for the most visited sites like in Chrome (4 X 2). But the problem is that most favicons (eg: are of size either 16X16 or 32X32 and they don't look good when scaled up.
Is there a way I can download a high resolution icon/bitmap for an URL in a standard way? How about opening the home page and then extracting all the image links and then choose an image with the name logo in it? Would this method work for all the URLs? I want to know if there is a standard way to obtain a high resolution icon for a given URL or favicon is the only standard way to get the website logo?
You can code it yourself or use an existing solution.
Do-it-yourself algorithm
Look for Apple touch icon declarations in the code, such as <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">. Theses pictures range from 57x57 to 152x152. See Apple specs for full reference.
Even if you find no Apple touch icon declaration, try to load them anyway, based on Apple naming convention. For example, you might find something at /apple-touch-icon.png. Again, see Apple specs for reference.
Look for high definition PNG favicon in the code, such as <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon-196x196.png" sizes="196x196">. In this example, you have a 196x196 picture.
Look for Windows 8 / IE10 and Windows 8.1 / IE11 tile pictures, such as <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="/mstile-144x144.png">. These pictures range from 70x70 to 310x310, or even more. See these Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 references.
Look for /browserconfig.xml, dedicated to Windows 8.1 / IE11. This is the other place where you can find tile pictures. See Microsoft specs.
Look for the og:image declaration such as <meta property="og:image" content=""/>. This is how a web site indicates to FB/Pinterest/whatever the preferred picture to represent it. See Open Graph Protocol for reference.
At this point, you found no suitable logo... damned! You can still load all pictures in the page and make a guess to pick the best one.
Note: Steps 1, 2 and 3 are basically what Chrome does to get suitable icons for bookmark and home screen links. Coast by Opera even use the MS tile pictures to get the job done. Read this list to figure out which browser uses which picture (full disclosure: I am the author of this page).
APIs and open source projects
RealFaviconGenerator: You can get any web site favicon or related icon (such as the Touch Icon) with this favicon retrieval API. Full disclosure: I'm the author of this service.
BestIcon: Although less comprehensive, Besticon offers a good alternative, especially if you want to host the code yourself. There is also a hosted version you can use right away.
The Go code at tries to solve this problem.
For example
$ besticon
There is also an accompanying hosted version of the code, see for example
(Disclaimer: I wrote it because I needed to solve the same problem a while ago.)
another option is getting favicons from any domain using a hidden google API
the favicon link pattern will be{domain}&sz={size}
for example
Logos are not going to be consistently named and very difficult to identify consistently. Consider putting the favicon on a colour tile of suitable dimensions. People will quickly associate the colour with the website. You could either extract a dominant colour from the website or favicon using something like colorthief, or make each one unique using a golden angle formula to choose a hue.
Here is a new and genuine solution which will always give you the best results-
Webchromeclient gives a callback of onReceivedTouchIconUrl method for all the websites just hold the url from here.
Next step is to convert this url to bitmap which can be done like this-
try {
URL url = new URL(touchiconUrl);
HttpURLConnection connection =
InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();
Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input);
return myBitmap;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
Next step is to send this bitmap for the shortcut.
Note: Remember to create bitmap on background thread like asynctask.
This HTML document requires a base url and the HTML/"View Page Source" of the web page and should output the values.
<!doctype html>
<input type=text placeholder=URL><br>
Place "View Page Source" of HTML homepage<br>
<textarea id=HTML placeholder="HTML content of webpage">
<input type=Submit>
function url(u,n){
u = u.getAttribute(n);
return 'null';
if(u.slice(0,2) == "//"){
u = "http:"+u;
else if(u.slice(0,1) == "/"){
u = u.slice(0,1);
return '<img src="'+u+'">';
document.querySelector('input[type=Submit]').onclick = function(){
var output = '';
var HTML = document.getElementById('HTML').value;
var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("New Document");
doc.documentElement.innerHTML = HTML;
output = output + "apple-touch-icon<br>"+url([].slice.apply(doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="apple-touch-icon"]')).reverse()[0],'href')
// deprecated output = output + "apple-touch-icon-precomposed<br>"+url([].slice.apply(doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"]')).reverse()[0],'href')
output = output + "<br>image/png<br>" + url(doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="icon"][type="image/png"]')[0],'href');
// <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="/mstile-144x144.png">
// deprecated output = output + "<br>msapplication-Ti:<br>"+ url(doc.querySelectorAll('link[name="msapplication-TileImage"]')[0],'content');
// <meta name="msapplication-config" content="/browserconfig.xml/ ">
//output = output + "<br>msapplication-con: "+ url(doc.querySelectorAll('meta[name="msapplication-config"]')[0],'content');
// <meta property="og:image" content=""/>
output = output + "<br>og:image<br>" + url(doc.querySelectorAll('meta[property="og:image"]')[0],'content');
// <link rel="image_src" href="">
output = output + "<br>image_source<br>" + url(doc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="image_src"]')[0],'href');
var URL = window.location.hash;
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = output;
<div id=output></div>
If you would like to automate the retrieval of the HTML you could use something like the following for PHP.
<? echo file_get_contents($_GET["url"]);
Usually favicon is small (like 16x16 or 32x32). If you need bigger dimensions, extract not favicon, but logo from homepage/header.

Codeigniter - Snapshot of the view - Generate PDF

I want to create a pdf based on one view, generated by Codeigniter. However, this view has a lot of styled elements, and media queries associated with them, so the rendered pdf doesn't correspond at all, with the desired final document.
What's the best way to acomplish this? Right now I'm using mPDF. Is there anyway to take a snapshot of the view and then generate a pdf with it, so the associated styles render correctly on the document?
Right now my code looks like this
public function generatePDF()
// $this->load->helper('url');
//echo('error aki <br />');
$data['user'] = $this->user_model;
$data['objective'] = $this->db_interface->db_get_objectives($this->user_model->get_id());
$data['list_work'] = $this->db_interface->db_get_list_work_experience($this->user_model->get_id());
$data['list_education'] = $this->db_interface->db_get_list_education($this->user_model->get_id());
$data['list_skills'] = $this->db_interface->db_get_skills($this->user_model->get_id());
$data['list_personal'] = $this->db_interface->db_get_personal_skills($this->user_model->get_id());
$data['list_links'] = $this->db_interface->get_user_links($this->user_model->get_id());
$html = $this->load->view('display_user',$data,TRUE);
//$html = $this->load->view('display_user',$data,TRUE);
// $this->load->view('display_user', $html);
Thanks in advance
Short answer: kind of.
Long answer: you have 2 options. You can a) take a screenshot (See Website screenshots using PHP ); or b) you can create a custom stylesheet for print.
The latter will likely be much easier to do. There are limits on what the library you are using can do insofar as CSS is concerned, so read up:
Best bet is probably to create separate stylesheets for screen and printing:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
for viewing, and
<link rel="stylesheet" href="print.css" type="text/css" media="print">
for printing.
Style print.css to look good. It is highly unlikely you will be able to mimic the screen exactly, but it should be easy enough to present the information you need to print coherently.

Grails Resources plugin, modules and <r:img> to render images?

trying to learn the Resources plugin
From my understanding, it helps to define 'resources' such as css and javascript files and automatically pull them into your gsp's when needed. I understand how to create modules that can then be loaded in using tags etc.
The part im not understanding is this:
So ive created a module called 'images' in Config.groovy as follows:
grails.resources.modules = {
images {
resource url:'/images/view.jpg', attrs:[width: 1280, height:720 , alt: 'my view']
resource url:'/images/breakfast.jpg', attrs:[width: 1280, height:720, alt: 'breakfast']
The resources are included in the .gsp page in the head section as follows:
<r:require modules="jquery-ui, blueprint"/>
i know the resources have been successfully added to the head section because when i inspect the page source i see them there:
<link href="/ResourceTest/static/Aa7jV0N2qZjOz7TLZ9cl5cREIh2y5jJYV0ytn4nQg9r.jpg" rel="shortcut icon" width="1280" height="720" alt="my view" />
<link href="/ResourceTest/static/IpQBSjrYeLDdSUBGbP3jhf6Kkhvu1zV3XRtwWfKOIMn.jpg" rel="shortcut icon" width="1280" height="720" alt="breakfast" />
My question is this: how are the image resources then used? i mean i know if it was javascript, the importing of the resource gives you access to use the functions in the html code, but with regards to images, the site says "Once you have done this, using to reference them would automatically set the width, height and other attributes."
How? I've tried the following:
<r:img module="images">
<r:img alt="breakfast">
and a handful of others with no success
what does work is:
<r:img uri="/images/breakfast.jpg">
but this works regardless of whether or not you add the module with the r:require tag.. So whats the point of using this plugin for images then and how would i use it?
The <r:img> tag works just fine with our without <r:require>; it even works with undeclared image resources.
The point of the require tag is to prevent resource duplication. So, for instance, suppose you have multiple javascript resources that rely on jQuery, and they're all required. Add another layer of complication: say you're actually pulling together different gsp templates via sitemesh, and they each have their own resource dependencies. If you just put the normal HTML code to reference those resources in the head of each gsp layout, you might get multiple instances of them in your page header, which could prove problematic. Using the resources plugin makes sure you only get one instance of the required resource.
See and
With images, though, this is not really necessary. If you have an image more than once on a page, it's probably because you wanted it, or because you're applying redundant layouts and need to refactor a bit. So, you are correct that the require tag doesn't really do much for images called via <r:img>. This is simply because images are a different sort of resource, so they're treated differently. Don't sweat it. :)

are you sure that ie6 caches images locally?

i have a site and i have the same image referenced on the site about 1000 times. In all other browsers (ie7+, ff, etc) the pages loads in less than a second.
in IE6, it says . .
(1000 items remaining. . )
(999 items remaining. . )
(998 items remaining. . )
(997 items remaining. . )
etc . .
and linearly does a single countdown to 0.
If ie6 is caching these images and since its the same image, just:
<img src='../../test.png'>
why would it do this countdown. The IE 6 takes about 3 minutes to load, where, as mentioned, other browsers are less than a second.
any suggestions?
i also have the following code for the transparent PNG issue. I am not sure if this is related but wanted to mentioned it, if it was.
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link href="../../Content/iefix/Site_ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
img, div { behavior: url(../../Content/iefix/ }
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../Scripts/iepngfix_tilebg.js"></script>
pngfix is definitely the problem. It has to, one by one, re-render each one of those images after they've loaded. Use with care!
Try removing pngfix and see if your speed increases, or do some profiling - log the time before and after the execution of pngfix.
Yes, IE6 caches locally, provided the HTTP headers are set correctly.
What do your HTTP headers look like? You can see them with a web debugger such as Fiddler.
There are some known bugs in IE6 that relate to the way it caches HTC files (such as the one referenced in the code fragment you posted): they can get loaded twice, even when caching is enabled.
