Sage 200 workspace creation - linq - linq

New to stack but hoping for some slight help.
I am new to the linq coding language but I have programmed in vba, some sql etc.
We had a company produce some dev work to create various new bespoke screens/fields into our sage 200 extra (an extra 20 to 30 data contexts with each containing multiple fields and varying primary keys which don't match between them. I want to show list views through workspaces from 2 or 3 different data contexts but I am struggling how to join the data contexts so that the list view will show all data from the fields of the 3 data contexts, however, I am struggling with the correct linq coding to join the data contexts, below is the code from one of them but this is showing purely the headers with no data, so I assume this is due to the wrong 'join' statement.
Please can you correct or give tips for the below, so I can further understand how linq works. The example shows the standard sage 200 data context SOPOrderReturns from sage 200 as well as the bespoke we added called I8TFWorkFlows, which I need to join to display along with SOPOrderReturns:
var q = from SOP in cxt.SOPOrderReturns
from WF in cxt.I8TFWorkFlows
select new
DocumentStatus = SOP.DocumentStatus.Name,
return q;


SSIS Google Analytics - Reporting dimensions & metrics are incompatible

I'm trying to extract data from Google Analytics, using KingswaySoft - SSIS Integration Toolkit, in Visual Studio.
I've set the metrics and dimensions, but I get this error message:
Please remove transactions to make the request compatible. The request's dimensions & metrics are incompatible. To learn more, see
I've tried to remove transactions metric and it works, but this metric is really necessary.
Metrics: sessionConversionRate, sessions, totalUsers, transactions
Dimensions: campaignName, country, dateHour, deviceCategory, sourceMedium
Any idea on how to solve it?
I'm not sure how helpful this suggestion is but could a possible work around include having two queries.
Query 1: Existing query without transactions
Query 2: The same dimensions with transactionId included
The idea would be to use the SSIS Aggregate component to group by the original dimensions and count the transactions. You could then merge the queries together via a merge join.
Would that work?
The API supports what it supports. So if you've attempted to pair things that are incompatible, you won't get any data back. Things that seem like they should totally work go together like orange juice and milk.
While I worked on the GA stuff through Python, an approach we found helped us work through incompatible metrics and total metrics was to make multiple pulls using the same dimensions. As the data sets are at the same level of grain, as long as you match up each dimension in the set, you can have all the metrics you want.
In your case, I'd have 2 data flows, followed by an Execute SQL Task that brings the data together for the final table
DFT1: Query1 -> Derived Column -> Stage.Table1
DFT2: Query2 -> Derived Column -> Stage.Table2
Execute SQL Task
T1.*, T2.Metric_A, T2.Metric_B, ... T2.Metric_Z
Stage.T1 AS T1
Stage.T2 AS T2
ON T2.Dim1 = T1.Dim1 /* etc */ AND T2.Dim7 = T1.Dim7
-- Update you have solid data aka
-- isDataGolden exists in the "data" section of the response
-- Usually within 7? days but possibly sooner
metric1 = S.metric1 /* etc */
dbo.X AS X
ON T.Dim1 = X.Dim1
X.isDataGolden IS NULL
AND T.isDataGolden IS NOT NULL;
-- Add new data but be aware that not all nodes might have
-- reported in.
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.X AS X WHERE X.Dim1 = T.Dim1 /* etc */);

Linq to SharePoint broken after converting columns to content types

We're working on a project that uses Linq to SharePoint. The list had several columns. After using SPMetal to make the class, it was imported into VS to access the data context. The Linq queries worked fine.
We went in a different direction, by deleting the list columns and using content types with site columns. OOTB, the add/edit forms work fine. But after updating the class with SPMetal and importing the class into VS for the data context, all the Linq query show as errors. Visual Studio cannot recognize the columns any longer because they don't appear to be there in the data context from the updated class. The columns are in the content types now, instead of the list.
Is there a way to get the content type's columns to export in the class file with SPMetal? Is there another library to import to write Linq to SharePoint queries with lists that have content types? How do you write Linq queries that use content type columns?
So say you have a list called Documents. It has two columns called 'One' and 'Two'. You make your Linq to SP queries just fine:
DataContext dc = new DataContext("http://sharepoint");
var varResults = (from item in dc.Documents
where item.Two == "blah"
orderby item.One descending
select item);
Then you decide you want to use content types with site columns. The above query breaks when you delete columns 'One' and 'Two' from the list. You make site columns and assign them to a content type called 'Master', parent being item. Master has two content types deriving from it called 'CloneA' and 'CloneB'. Since the clone content type's parent is Master, then they automatically get it's site columns. When you assign the content types to the list, the definition looks like:
Column - Content types
Title - Documents, Master, CloneA, CloneB
One - Master, CloneA, CloneB
Two - Master, CloneA, CloneB
The clone content types will later be used for different Information Policies for retention on the Documents list. After breaking the inheritance and setting up the retention policies on the content types, now items can individually set to a content type which will cause the retention (1 day - CloneA, 1 week - CloneB) to kick off.
But the linq to SP queries are still broken. Even though the site columns show up, SPMetal only captures the bases content type for some reason. So to linq, the columns are not really there with the above query. Typing "where item." the 'Two' doesn't even show up. You have to cast it to make it work (probably not explaining it right). So here's the working code:
DataContext dc = new DataContext("http://sharepoint");
var varResults = (from item in dc.Documents.OfType<Master>()
where item.Two == "blah"
orderby item.One descending
select item);
You may be tempted to use
var varResults = (from item in dc.Documents.OfType<DocumentsMaster>()
Unfortunately, that will only return the items that are associated with that content type in the list. So if you want to get items of a certain content type to filter, knock yourself out.

Linq equivalent of SQL LEFT function?

We have a database with some fields that are varchar(max) which could contain lots of text however I have a situation where I only want to select the first for example 300 characters from the field for a paginated table of results on a MVC web site for a "preview" of the field.
for a simplified example query where I want to get all locations to display in the table
(this would be paginated, so I don't just get everything - I get maybe 10 results at a time):
return db.locations;
However this gives me a location object with all the fields containing the massive amounts of text which is very time consuming to execute.
So what I resorted to before was using SQL stored procedures with the:
LEFT(field, 300)
to resolve this issue and then in the Linq to SQL .dbml file included the stored procedure to return a "location" object for the result.
However I have many queries and I don't want to have to do this for every query.
This maybe a simple solution, but I am not sure how I can phrase this on a search engine, I would appreciate anyone who can help me with this problem.
You can use functions that directly translate to those functions too, this is useful when you need to translate code that functionally works just fine in SQL at no risk in LINQ.
Have a look at System.Data.Objects.EntityFunctions
This will get directly translated into a LEFT on the server side.
EDIT: I misread LEFT for LTRIM. Here's all the String functions that can't be used in LINQ to SQL. Have you tried String.Substring()?
Your best option is to map the stored procedure and continue using it. Here is an excellent article with screen shots showing you how to do so.
If you're not using the designer tool you can also call ExecuteCommand against the DataContext. It isn't pretty, but it's what we have for now.
I found something like this worked for me:
return from locationPart in db.locations
select new LocationPart
Description = locationPart.description,
Text = locationPart.text.Substring(0,300)
Not ideal because I have to use "select new" to return a a different object, but it seems to work.

Shaping EF LINQ Query Results Using Multi-Table Includes

I have a simple LINQ EF query below using the method syntax. I'm using my Include statement to join four tables: Event and Doc are the two main tables, EventDoc is a many-to-many link table, and DocUsage is a lookup table.
My challenge is that I'd like to shape my results by only selecting specific columns from each of the four tables. But, the compiler is giving a compiler is giving me the following error:
'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection does not contain a definition for "Doc' and no extension method 'Doc' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection' could be found.
I'm sure this is something easy but I'm not figuring it out. I haven't been able to find an example of someone using the multi-table include but also shaping the projection.
var qry= context.Event
.Select(n => new
n.EventDoc.Doc.Filename, //<=COMPILER ERROR HERE
EventDoc ed;
DocUsage du = d.DocUsage;
Very difficult to know what is going on without a screencap of your model, including the navigational properties on each entity.
But if your saying it's a many-to-many between Event and Doc (with EventDoc being the join table), and assuming your join table has nothing but the FK's and therefore doesn't need to be mapped, then shouldn't a single Event have many Doc's?
This query:
var query = ctx.Event.Include("EventDoc.Doc");
Would imply (based on the lack of pluralization): a single Event has a single EventDoc which has a single Doc.
But shouldn't that be: a single Event has a single EventDoc which has many Doc's.
Therefore your projection doesn't really make sense. Your trying to project to an anonymous type, with EventDate and Filename for a single Doc, but an Event has many Docs.
Maybe a projection like this would be more suitable:
var query = ctx.Event.Include("EventDoc.Docs.DocUsage")
.Select(x => new
EventDate = x.EventDate,
DocsForEvent = x.EventDocs.Docs
And for that you work you need to fix up your model. Im surprised it even validates/compiles.
Either your model is wrong or your description of the database cardinalities in your question is. :)
Of course, i could be completely misunderstanding your database and/or model - so if i am let me know and i'll remove this answer.

Linq stored procedure with dynamic results

So I'm extremely new to Linq in .Net 3.5 and have a question. I use to use a custom class that would handle the following results from a store procedure:
Set 1: ID Name Age
Set 2: ID Address City
Set 3: ID Product Price
With my custom class, I would have received back from the database a single DataSet with 3 DataTables inside of it with columns based on what was returned from the DB.
My question is how to I achive this with LINQ? I'm going to need to hit the database 1 time and return multiple sets with different types of data in it.
Also, how would I use LINQ to return a dynamic amount of sets depending on the parameters (could get 1 set back, could get N amount back)?
I've looked at this article, but didn't find anything explaining multiple sets (just a single set that could be dynamic or a single scalar value and a single set).
Any articles/comments will help.
I believe this is what you're looking for
Linq to SQL Stored Procedures with Multiple Results - IMultipleResults
I'm not very familiar with LINQ myself but here is MSDN's site on LINQ Samples that might be able to help you out.
EDIT: I apologize, I somehow missed the title where you mentioned you wanted help using LINQ with Stored Procedures, my below answer does not address that at all and unfortunately I haven't had the need to use sprocs with LINQ so I'm unsure if my below answer will help.
LINQ to SQL is able hydrate multiple sets of data into a object graph while hitting the database once. However, I don't think LINQ is going to achieve what you ultimately want -- which as far as I can tell is a completely dynamic set of data that is defined outside of the query itself. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the question, maybe it would help if you provide some sample code that your existing application is using?
Here is a quick example of how I could hydrate a anonymous type with a single database call, maybe it will help:
var query = from p in db.Products
select new
Product = p,
NumberOfOrders = p.Orders.Count(),
LastOrderDate = p.Orders.OrderByDescending().Take(1).Select(o => o.OrderDate),
Orders = p.Orders
