Spring boot: Upload several MultipartFile with several additional data - spring

I need to create an endpoint that:
Receives N ItemType.
Receive 1 GroupType.
Each ItemType has:
GroupType only contains attributes.
public class ItemType {
private String description;
private String security;
private Date bestdate;
private MultipartFile content;
public class GroupType {
private String description;
private String security;
private String metadata;
So, my endpoint would be something like:
public ResponseEntity<String> group(
List<ItemType> items,
GroupType group);
I don't know if it's the best approach. Some thinks comes up with this approach:
What about GroupType.security and ItemType.security?
What about MultiPart files?
How might this endpoint be called?
Any ideas?

Here is a solution using Multipart-FormData.
Enabling multipart properties:
# MULTIPART (MultipartProperties)
spring.servlet.multipart.enabled=true # Enable multipart uploads
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=200MB # Max file
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=215MB # Max Request Size
#PostMapping(consumes = "multipart/form-data")
public ResponseEntity<String> uploadWithData(
#RequestPart("itemTypes") List<ItemType> ,
#RequestPart("group") Group group
#RequestPart MultipartFile[] file) {
// your code
ItemType will contain filename field to allow linking of ItemType to the uploaded file.


Creating custom requestParam in springboot controller

i have a use case where the user can send following params with get request
GET localhost/8080/users?filter=alex
GET localhost/8080/users?suffixFilter=lex
GET localhost/8080/users?prefixFilter=a
is it possible to add only one request param instead of 3 in controller
instead of
public String getFoos(#RequestParam String filter, #RequestParam String prefixFilter , #RequestParam String suffixFilter) {
return "ID: " + id;
is it possible to create a dynamic one which includes those three variantes? I was thinking creating class like this
public class FilterCreteria {
private String filter;
private String suffixFilter;
private String prefixFilter;
and then passing this to controller
public String getFoos(#RequestParam FilterCreateria filter) {
return "ID: " + id;
the problem is if i send filter=alex the other attributes in the class FilterCreteria is null and i want to avoid this null.
What i searching for:
is there other way of making this possible?
if my suggestion is ok, how to avoid null attributes when the user only sends one queryparam like filter=alex?

How to handle post and put request data validation

I have following user details model that is used in POST & PUT controllers of /user resource.
public class UserDetails {
private String username;
private String password;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String nic;
private Integer roleId;
// constructor & getters setters
public void createEmployee(#RequestBody EmployeeDetailsModel empDetails) {
public void updateEmployee(#RequestBody EmployeeDetailsModel empDetails) {
Here, UserDetails has #NotNull & #NotBlank validations. POST would work fine because to create a user, all details are mandatory. But when updating with PUT, I don't need all properties of UserDetails to be filled.
So my questions are,
How this kind of scenarios are handled? Do we usually force clients to send all those details whether they are changed or not?
Is it possible to disable request body validation just for a particular endpoint or do I have to create separate model that looks the same but without validations?
Seeing your post I can infer that you are interested in modifying the resource
Well to do this you should to use PATCH method instead of PUT.
In PUT you need to send the entire data since it is intended for replacing the resource which is not in the case of the PATCH.
Well in case of the PUT or PATCH we need to ensure that we have an existing resource. Hence before saving it is necessary that we get the original resource from the data store. Then we can modify it with the help of the validation rules on the Entity itself.
so your code should be like.
Considering you have a repository class named as
public void updateEmployee(#RequestBody EmployeeDetailsModel empDetails, #PathVariable("id") int id) {
Optional<Employee> emp = employeeRepo.findById(id);
if (emp.isPresent()) {
// update the new values using setters
// Finally update the resource.
} else {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Your custom msg");
The repository code should be placed inside the service method ie updateUser but I have placed it here just for demonstration.

Thymeleaf add multiple parameters to URL in one go

Given I have MVC endpoint with mapping:
public String eventHistory(final Model model,
#PageableDefault(sort = {"id"}, direction = DESC) final Pageable pageable,
final EventHistoryFilter eventHistoryFilter) {
model.addAttribute("eventHistoryFilter", eventHistoryFilter);
where EventHistoryFilter is:
final class EventHistoryFilter {
private Long eventId;
private String eventType;
private String eventDateFrom;
private String eventDateTo;
and in thymeleaf template I would like to construct URL with parameters, e.g.:
How can I add multiple parameters into URL in one go?
I didn't find it here: https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/articles/standardurlsyntax.html#adding-parameters
I'd like to avoid specifying each parameter one by one.
I tried to use https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/3.0/thymeleafspring.html#building-uris-to-controllers
String url = MvcUriComponentsBuilder.fromMappingName("EHE#eventHistory").arg(2, eventHistoryFilter).build();
but resolved URL doesn't contain any request parameters.
and thymeleaf counterpart:
fails during evaluation.

Change #RequestBody object based on #PathVariable

Below is my application code
#RequestMapping(value = "app/{version}/register", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json")
public RegisterMemberResponse registerMember(#Valid #RequestBody RegisterMemberRequest request,#PathVariable Integer version){
return registerservice.register(request);
for app version 1 my RegisterMemberRequest class is
public class RegisterMemberRequest{
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
//gatter & setter...
and for app version 2 my request class is
public class LatestRegisterMemberRequest extends RegisterMemberRequest{
private String middleName;
//getter & setter...
so how i can i change my registerMember() method in such a way that i can serve both version 1 & 2 request uri.
If you want to hardcode the version number into the url (which I would not recommend), you could easily use two different controller methods with hardcoded paths like app/v1/register and app/v2/register.
Another way would be to use content negotiation and route the requests according to a given content-type, e.g. application/vnd+<YOURCOMPANY>.<DATATYPE_AND_VERSION>+json, also using separate rest controller methods annotated with #Consumes.
I think you can make use of Requestmapping-uri-templates-regex , version number will be the #PathVariable write your business logic to decide what should be the response body depends on pathvariable version.

handle nest array<object> in #ModelAttribute in Spring Controller

I have the following 2 objects :
public class Form {
private Long id;
private String name;
private ArrayList<FormField> fields;
public class FormField {
private Long id;
private String name;
Is it possible to receive the whole data in
public Result add(#ModelAttribute Form form)
The logical thing I thought of was sending the parameters in the following way
fields.name:field 1
fields.name:field 2
But this doesn't seem to be working, Any idea how to handle a request like this ?
I'm trying to avoid custom renderers or manually parsing the HTTPRequest to fill my object.
