How to turn off ConfirmableTrait in Laravel 5? - laravel

I need to switch off ConfirmableTrait in Laravel 5.
On my production server I have many jobs, some of them prompt alert "Do you really wish to run this command?" and for that reason job is failed.
Thanks in advance.

edit ConfirmableTrait like this
public function confirmToProceed($warning = 'Application In Production!', $callback = null)
return true;
second way override confirmToProceed method add in your job or create new trait file and use them
public function confirmToProceed($warning = 'Application In Production!', $callback = null)
return true;


Laravel Console Testing Issue On Confirmation's Exit Code

When I run my command, I want to ask for a confirmation to proceed unless APP_ENV is testing. Command side is easy, but I couldn't make its test work.
// MyConsoleCommand.php
public function handle()
if ($this->isTerminated()) return;
public function isTerminated()
return env('APP_ENV') != 'testing'
? !$this->confirm("my confirmation message")
: false;
// MyConsoleCommandTest.php
public function test_run()
$_ENV['APP_ENV'] = 'something';
config()->set('app.env', 'something');
->expectsConfirmation("my confirmation message", false)
->expectsConfirmation("my confirmation message", true)
The test with assertExitCode(1) always fails regardless of the answer of the confirmation. How can I amke it work correctly?
Thanks in advance.

Error creating session context via php sdk

The goal is to create a session context via the PHP V2 SDK like this:
$session = $this->contextsClient->sessionName($this->projectId, $this->sessionId);
$contextName = $this->contextsClient->contextName($this->projectId, $this->sessionId, 'test-context-name');
$context = new Context();
$context->setParameters(["test-param-key" => "test-param-value"]);
return $this->contextsClient->createContext($session, $context);
The code works fine without the $context->setParameters(["test-param-key" => "test-param-value"]); part. I need to add parameters to the context though.
The error I get is:
Exception {#3554
#message: "Expect message.",
#file: "/home/vagrant/code/vendor/google/protobuf/php/src/Google/Protobuf/Internal/GPBUtil.php",
#line: 197,
I followed the errors trail and the problem is Google's code in line 197:
public static function checkMessage(&$var, $klass)
if (!$var instanceof $klass && !is_null($var)) {
throw new \Exception("Expect message.");
is trying to assert if the array passed to the setParameters function is an instance of \Google\Protobuf\Struct class in this snippet right here
public function setParameters($var)
GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Google\Protobuf\Struct::class);
$this->parameters = $var;
return $this;
I would be really glad if someone could help me. I spent a lot of hours trying to figure this out and nothing yet
As the error message states, the parameters need to be of type \Google\Protobuf\Struct. Also, each of the values need to be of type \Google\Protobuf\Value. For your particular example, you could do the following:
$paramValue = new \Google\Protobuf\Value();
$parameters = new \Google\Protobuf\Struct();
$parameters->setFields(["test-param-key" => $paramValue]);
You can look the implementation of these two classes here:

Requesting Android permissions in a class (Xamarin)

I'm trying to request a permission at runtime for my app. I use a service provider to talk between the portable class and Android.
I start by calling this code on button press in the PCL:
using (new Busy(this))
var locationHelper = scope.Resolve<ILocationHelper>();
This calls my Android level service:
public class AndroidLocationHelper : ILocationHelper, ILocationListener
readonly string[] PermissionsLocation =
const int RequestLocationId = 0;
public void GetLocation(SearchViewModel viewModel)
const string permission = Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation;
if (((int)Build.VERSION.SdkInt < 23) || (CheckSelfPermission(permission) == Permission.Granted))
RequestPermissions(PermissionsLocation, RequestLocationId);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Error while getting Location service");
Messaging.AlertUser("There was an error with determining your location");
However, I get two errors on CheckSelfPermission and RequestPermissions. These two methods are only available to activities. The code works fine in MainActivity; however, I want to ask for permissions when the user hits a button, not in OnCreate or OnResume, etc.
Thanks for any help.
In your Android project, You can use this and use the Dependency Service to call it in Xamarin.Forms PCL project later:
var thisActivity = Forms.Context as Activity;
ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions(thisActivity, new string[] {
Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation }, 1);
new String[] { Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation },
You can try with ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission, passing the application context, like this:
ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(Android.App.Application.Context, permission)
In case of ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions, which requires an activity reference, you can keep track of the current activity. There is a very handy lib for that, called "CurrentActivityPlugin". You can find at
Rafael came up with a solution but I found another option that is a lot less effort just using MessagingCenter. In the MainActivity's OnCreate add a receiver that runs all the location code, that way you have access to all of the activities methods (and there are a bunch of tutorials on doing location services in MainActivity). Then add the Send inside of your service (the class).
To expound Rafael Steil's answer, I tried the suggested CurrentActivityPlugin and it worked on me. In my case I am trying to execute a voice call which needs CALL_PHONE permission. Here is the code snippet in your case: I used the ContextCompat & ActivityCompat so that I don't need to check the VERSION.SdkInt
using Plugin.CurrentActivity;
public void GetLocation(SearchViewModel viewModel){
var context = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.AppContext;
var activity = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;
if (ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(context, Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation) == (int)Android.Content.PM.Permission.Granted)
//Permission is granted, execute stuff
ActivityCompat.RequestPermissions(activity, new string[] { Manifest.Permission.AccessCoarseLocation }, YOUR_ASSIGNED_REQUEST_CODE);
It's dead simple
public bool CheckPermission()
const string permission = Manifest.Permission.ReceiveSms;
return ContextCompat.CheckSelfPermission(Forms.Context, permission) == (int) Permission.Granted;

Stop the installation from a custom action

Is it possible to exit msi installar from a custom action without errors?
I am using visual studio setup project to create the msi and I have added a custom action exe to install. If I return a value other than 0 from exe it terminate the installation. But it shows an error. I need to exit installation without showing errors.
Finally I found a way to do it using a vbscript custom action from
Try this code in your installer class. I hope it will resolve your problem.
protected override void OnBeforeInstall(IDictionary savedState)
if (LaunchOnBeforeInstall())
throw new Exception("You cancelled installation");
public bool LaunchOnBeforeInstall()
Form2 frm2 = new Form2();
DialogResult result = frm2.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
return false;
return true;

How to 'unset' session save handler?

For some reason I have to initialize session with default save handler.
Previous code explicitly sets custom handler with session_set_save_handler().
Changing previous code is not a realistic option in my situation, so does anyone know how to restore handler to default eg is there session_restore_save_handler or session_unset_save_handler functions or equivalents?
As of PHP 5.4 you can revert to the default session handler by instantiating the SessionHandler class directly:
session_set_save_handler(new SessionHandler(), true);
Here I have to answer on my own question since no one said anything:
First, there is no session_restore_save_handler or session_unset_save_handler given from PHP and (by so far) no native way to get things back as they were before. For some reason, PHP team didn't give us option to juggle with session handlers in this way.
Second, native session mechanism can be emulated with following code
class FileSessionHandler
private $savePath;
function open($savePath, $sessionName)
$this->savePath = $savePath;
if (!is_dir($this->savePath)) {
mkdir($this->savePath, 0777);
return true;
function close()
return true;
function read($id)
return (string)#file_get_contents("$this->savePath/sess_$id");
function write($id, $data)
return file_put_contents("$this->savePath/sess_$id", $data) === false ? false : true;
function destroy($id)
$file = "$this->savePath/sess_$id";
if (file_exists($file)) {
return true;
function gc($maxlifetime)
foreach (glob("$this->savePath/sess_*") as $file) {
if (filemtime($file) + $maxlifetime < time() && file_exists($file)) {
return true;
$handler = new FileSessionHandler();
array($handler, 'open'),
array($handler, 'close'),
array($handler, 'read'),
array($handler, 'write'),
array($handler, 'destroy'),
array($handler, 'gc')
This logic is closest to PHP's native session dealing one, but with , of course, unpredictable behavior in different circumstances. All I can right now conclude is that basic session operations is full covered with it.
