Making actions based on video audio codec [duplicate] - bash

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Difference between single and double quotes in Bash
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Currently, I have a simple script that will detect video audio codec using ffmpeg and output a message specifing if the codec is mp4 or aac. Here is my code:
for i in *.mp4; do
OUTPUT=$(ffmpeg -i '$i' 2>&1 | grep -o 'Audio:.*' | cut -f2 -d' ' | awk '{print $0}' | tr -d ,)
if [[ $OUTPUT == "mp3" ]]; then
echo "${i} = audio codec mp3"
if [[ $OUTPUT == "aac" ]]; then
echo "${i} = audio codec aac"
But this script isn't working! There are no errors and I don't know what should I do to solve this. Also, ffmpeg -i <input.mp4> 2>&1 | grep -o 'Audio:.*' | cut -f2 -d' ' | awk '{print $0}' | tr -d , returns aac or mp3, this line is working perfeclty! I guess that the problem is related to if case, but as I've said, I'm unable to solve this alone, can you help me?
Thank you

if [[ $OUTPUT == "mp3" ]]; then if [[ $OUTPUT == "aac" ]]; then
Replace this with
if [[ "$OUTPUT" = "mp3" ]]; then
if [[ "$OUTPUT" = "aac" ]]; then


Bash script, if statement in while loop, unwanted duplicate output

I'm doing a script to parse m3u files.
The goal is to retrieve the variable tag and the url.
I tested with this file.
echo "name,tvg-id,tvg-name,tvg-country,group-title,languages,url"
while IFS= read -r line; do
tags_detect="$(echo "$line" | grep -Eo '^#EXTINF:')"
if [[ -n ${tag_detect} ]]; then
get_chno="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'tvg-chno="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
get_id="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'tvg-id="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
get_logo="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'tvg-logo="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
get_grp_title="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'group-title="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
get_title="$(echo "$line" | grep -o ',[^*]*' | cut -d ',' -f2)"
get_tvg_name="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'tvg-name="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
get_country="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'tvg-country="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
get_language="$(echo "$line" | grep -o 'tvg-language="[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f2)"
echo "${phrase},${url}"
done <"${1}"
So, Without "If" it works but i don't have url.
I add a "IF" and ... :
4 Turk Music,,4 Turk Music,FR;TK,Music,Turkish,#EXTM3U
4 Turk Music,,4 Turk Music,FR;TK,Music,Turkish,
Alpe d’Huez TV,,Alpe d’Huez TV,FR,,French,
Alpe d’Huez TV,,Alpe d’Huez TV,FR,,French,
... It's broken and I don't found my error.
desired output:
4 Turk Music,,4 Turk Music,FR;TK,Music,Turkish,
Alpe d’Huez TV,,Alpe d’Huez TV,FR,,French,
I don't understand my mistake.
It's broken and I don't found my error.
Paste you script at for validation/recommendation.
Here is how I would do it in bash.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
printf '%s\n' "name,tvg-id,tvg-name,tvg-country,group-title,languages,url"
while IFS= read -r data; do
[[ $data != '#EXTINF:-1'* ]] && continue
IFS= read -r url && [[ $url != 'http'* ]] && echo "$url" && continue
if [[ "$data" == '#EXTINF:-1'* && "$url" == 'http'* ]]; then
tvg_id=${data#*tvg-id=\"} tvg_id=${tvg_id%%\"*}
tvg_name=${data#*tvg-name=\"} tvg_name=${tvg_name%%\"*}
tvg_country=${data#*tvg-country=\"} tvg_country=${tvg_country%%\"*}
group_title=${data#*group-title=\"} group_title=${group_title%%\",*}
tvg_language=${data#*tvg-language=\"} tvg_language=${tvg_language%%\"*}
printf '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n' "$title" "$tvg_id" "$tvg_name" "$tvg_country" "$group_title" "$tvg_language" "$url"
done < file.txt
Although I'm not sure what should happen at line 233 and 238 those lines starts with #EXTVLCOPT
An ed solution if available/acceptable.
The script, name it anything you like. I'll just name it script.ed
g/^#EXTINF:-1/s/$/ /\
,s/^#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="\([^"]*\)" tvg-name="\([^"]*\)" tvg-country="\([^"]*\)" tvg-language="\([^"]*\).* group-title="\([^"]*\)",\(.*\) \(http.*\)\{0,1\}/\6,\1,\2,\3,\5,\4,\7/
Now run it against the file in question.
ed -s file.txt < script.ed
Remove the ,p from the script to silence the output to stdout or if you're satisfied with the output.
Change Q to w from the script if in-place editing is needed.
Should give more or less same result as the bash solution, but since it is still unknown what should happen at line 233 and 238 those lines starts with #EXTVLCOPT
You probably better use a more capable language like Perl.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
print "name,tvg-id,tvg-name,tvg-country,group-title,languages,url\n";
my %tags;
my $title;
while (<>)
next if /^#EXTM3U/;
if (s/^#EXTINF:-1//) {
%tags = ();
$tags{$1} = $2 while (s/\s*(\S+)="([^"]*)"//);
($title) = $_ =~ /,(.*)/;
} else {
print join (',', $title,
A quick refactor (untested) -
declare -A tag
while IFS= read -r line; do
case "$line" in
if [[ "$line" =~ ,([^*]+) && -n "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}" ]]; then
for id in tvg-id tvg-name tvg-country group-title tvg-language tvg-chno tvg-logo; do
[[ "$line" =~ $pat ]] && tag[$id]="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}";
*) url="$line"
echo "${phrase},${url}"
done <"${1}"
Needs a lot more error checking...

bash script to scan for repeated episode numbers, append episode modifier

I use youtube-dl to archive specific blogs. I use a custom bash script (called tvify) to help me organize my content into Plex-ready filenames for later replay via my home Plex server.
Archiving the content works fine, unless a blogger posts more than one video on the same date - if that happens my script creates more than one file for a given month/date and plex sees a duplicate episode. In the plex app, it stuffs them together as distinct 'versions' of the same episode. The result is that the description of the video no longer matches its contents, and only one 'version' appears unless I access an additional sub menu.
The videos get downloaded by you tube-dl kicked off from a cron-job, and that downloader script runs the following to help format their filenames and stuff them into appropriate folders for 'seasons'.
The season is the year when the video was released, and the episode is the combination of the month and date in MMDD format.
Below is my 'tvify' script, which helps perform the filename manipulation and stuffs the file into the proper folder for the season.
echo mySuff="$mySuff"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
for i in $mySuff
prb=`ffprobe -- "$i" 2>&1`
myDate=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'date\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myartist=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'artist\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myTitle=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'title\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
cwd_stub=`pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
if [ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]; then echo "Directory found" > /dev/null; else mkdir "s${myDate:1:4}"; fi
[ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ] && mv -- "$i" "s${myDate:1:4}/${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8} - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i" || mv -- "$i" "${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8} - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"
How can I modify that script to identify if a conflicting year/MMDD file exists, and if so, append an appropriate suffix to the episode number so that plex will interpret them as distinct episodes?
I ended up implementing an array, counting the number of elements in the array, and using that to append the integer:
echo mySuff="$mySuff"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
for i in $mySuff
prb=`ffprobe -- "$i" 2>&1`
myDate=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'date\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myartist=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'artist\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2`
myTitle=`echo "$prb" | grep -E 'title\s+:' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
cwd_stub=`pwd | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'`
readarray -t conflicts < <(find . -maxdepth 2 -iname "*s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}*" -type f -printf '%P\n')
[ ${#conflicts[#]} -gt 0 ] && _inc=${#conflicts[#]} || _inc=
if [ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]; then echo "Directory found" > /dev/null; else mkdir "s${myDate:1:4}"; fi
[ -d "s${myDate:1:4}" ]
&& mv -- "$i" "s${myDate:1:4}/${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}$_inc - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"
|| mv -- "$i" "${myartist[#]:1} - s${myDate:1:4}e${myDate:5:8}$_inc - ${myTitle[#]:1:40} _$i"

Sync two audio files

I have 2 audio files:
correct.wav (duration 3:07)
incorrect.wav (duration 3:10)
They are almost the same, but was generated with different sound fonts.
The problem: The second file is late for a few seconds.
How can I sync second file with the first one? Maybe there some bash software that could detect first loud sounds appearance in the first sound and compare correct.wav with incorrect.wav, shorten the end of the incorrect.wav file.
I know I can do it manually, but I need automated soulution for a lot of files.
Here is approximate solutions I found:
1) for detecting sound syncing to use this Python script - but it's not perfect, not detecting 100%.
2) use sox for cutting/trimming/comparing/detecting sound durations (code extraction):
length1ok=$(sox correct.wav -n stat 2>&1 | sed -n 's#^Length (seconds):[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)$#\1#p')
length2ok=$(sox incorrect.wav -n stat 2>&1 | sed -n 's#^Length (seconds):[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)$#\1#p')
if [[ $length1ok == $length2ok ]]; then
echo "Everything OK: $length1ok = $length2ok"
echo "Fatal error: Not the same final files"
diff=$(echo "$length2 - $length1" | bc -l)
echo "difference = $diff"
echo "webm $length1 not greater than fluid2 $length2"
sox correct.wav incorrect.wav pad 0 $diff
Comment to UltrasoundJelly's answer:
Here what result I get for your code:
Here what result I need:
Here's one solution:
Use ffmpeg to find the leading silence in each file
If the new file has a longer leading silence, trim the difference with sox
If the new file has a shorter leading silence, pad the start with sox
Trim the new file to the same length as the original with sox
Bash Script:
S1=$(ffmpeg -i $FILEONE -af silencedetect=noise=$THRESH:d=$MINSILENCE -f null - 2>&1 | grep silence_duration -m 1 | awk '{print $NF}')
S2=$(ffmpeg -i $FILETWO -af silencedetect=noise=$THRESH:d=$MINSILENCE -f null - 2>&1 | grep silence_duration -m 1 | awk '{print $NF}')
if [ -z "$S1" ]; then echo "no starting silence found in $FILEONE" && exit 1;fi
if [ -z "$S2" ]; then echo "no starting silence found in $FILETWO" && exit 1;fi
DIFF=$(echo "$S1-$S2"|bc)
ISNEG=$(echo $DIFF'>0'| bc -l)
if [ $ISNEG -eq 1 ]
echo "$1>$2 ... padding $2"
SAMPRATE=$(sox --i -r $FILETWO)
sox -n -r $SAMPRATE -c 2 silence.wav trim 0.0 $DIFF
sox silence.wav $FILETWO $BASE.shift.wav
rm silence.wav
echo "$1<$2 ... trimming $2"
sox $FILETWO $BASE.trim.wav trim $DIFF
length1=$(sox $FILEONE -n stat 2>&1 | sed -n 's#^Length (seconds):[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)$#\1#p')
length2=$(sox $BASE.trim.wav -n stat 2>&1 | sed -n 's#^Length (seconds):[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)$#\1#p')
if (( $(echo "$length2 > $length1" | bc -l) )); then
diff=$(echo "$length2 - $length1" | bc -l)
echo "difference = $diff"
sox $BASE.trim.wav finished.wav trim 0 -$diff

bash: displaying filtered & dynamic output of ffmpeg

After this question whose the answer had partially resolved my problem.
I would like to have a selected result of ffmpeg.
So, with this command:
ffmpeg -y -i "${M3U2}" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "${Directory}/${PROG}_${ID}.mkv" 2>&1 | egrep -e '^[[:blank:]]*(Duration|Output|frame)'
The result is:
Duration: 00:12:28.52, start: 0.100667, bitrate: 0 kb/s
Output #0, matroska, to '/home/path/file.mkv':
But in the result I am missing this dynamic line:
frame= 1834 fps=166 q=-1.0 Lsize= 7120kB time=00:01:13.36 bitrate= 795.0kbits/s
This line changes every second. How can I modify the command line to display this line? My program should read this line and display the "time" updating in-place. Thanks
ffmpeg -y -i "${M3U2}" -vcodec copy -acodec copy "${Directory}/${PROG}_${ID}.mkv" 2>&1 |
{ while read line
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "Duration"); then
echo "$line"
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "Output"); then
echo "$line"
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "Stream #0:1 -> #0:1"); then
while read -d $'\x0D' line
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "time="); then
echo -en "\r$line"
done; }
Thanks to ofrommel
You need to parse the output with CR (carriage return) as a delimiter, because this is what ffmpeg uses for printing on the same line. First use another loop with the regular separator to iterate over the first lines to get "Duration" and "Output":
ffmpeg -y -i inputfile -vcodec copy -acodec copy outputfile 2>&1 |
{ while read line
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "Duration"); then
echo "$line"
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "Output"); then
echo "$line"
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "Stream mapping"); then
while read -d $'\x0D' line
if $(echo "$line" | grep -q "time="); then
echo "$line" | awk '{ printf "%s\r", $8 }'
done; }

Shell Script to download youtube files from playlist

I'm trying to write a bash script that will download all of the youtube videos from a playlist and save them to a specific file name based on the title of the youtube video itself. So far I have two separate pieces of code that do what I want but I don't know how to combine them together to function as a unit.
This piece of code finds the titles of all of the youtube videos on a given page:
curl -s "$1" | grep '<span class="title video-title "' | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1
And this piece of code downloads the files to a filename given by the youtube video id (e.g. the filename given by would be CsBVaJelurE.flv)
curl -s "$1" | grep "watch?" | cut -d\" -f4| while read video;
do youtube-dl "$video";
I want a script that will output the youtube .flv file to a filename given by the title of the video (in this case BASH lesson 2.flv) rather than simply the video id name. Thanks in advance for all the help.
OK so after further research and updating my version of youtube-dl, it turns out that this functionality is now built directly into the program, negating the need for a shell script to solve the playlist download issue on youtube. The full documentation can be found here: ( but the simple solution to my original question is as follows:
1) youtube-dl will process a playlist link automatically, there is no need to individually feed it the URLs of the videos that are contained therein (this negates the need to use grep to search for "watch?" to find the unique video id
2) there is now an option included to format the filename with a variety of options including:
id: The sequence will be replaced by the video identifier.
url: The sequence will be replaced by the video URL.
uploader: The sequence will be replaced by the nickname of the person who uploaded the video.
upload_date: The sequence will be replaced by the upload date in YYYYMMDD format.
title: The sequence will be replaced by the literal video title.
ext: The sequence will be replaced by the appropriate extension (like
flv or mp4).
epoch: The sequence will be replaced by the Unix epoch when creating
the file.
autonumber: The sequence will be replaced by a five-digit number that
will be increased with each download, starting at zero.
the syntax for this output option is as follows (where NAME is any of the options shown above):
youtube-dl -o '%(NAME)s'
As an example, to answer my original question, the syntax is as follows:
youtube-dl -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s'
Thanks again to those who responded to my question, your help is greatly appreciated.
If you want to use the title from youtube page as a filename, you could use -t option of youtube-dl. If you want to use the title from your "video list" page and you sure that there is exactly one watch? URL for every <span class="title video-title" title, then you can use something like this:
onexit() {
rm -f $TMPFILE
trap onexit EXIT
curl -s "$1" -o $TMPFILE
grep '<span class="title video-title "' $TMPFILE | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1 | while read title; do
grep "watch?" $TMPFILE | cut -d\" -f4 | while read url; do
i=0; while (( i < ${#urls[#]} )); do
youtube-dl -o "${titles[$i]}.%(ext)" "${urls[$i]}"
I did not tested it because I have no "video list" page example.
this following method work and play you titanic from youtube
decode() {
printf "%b" `echo $1 | sed 's:&:\n:g' | grep "^$2" | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -r $to_decode`
data=`wget$1\&hl=pt_BR -q -O-`
url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=`decode $data 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' | cut -f1 -d','`
signature=`decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'sig'`
url=`decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'url'`
test $2 && name=$2 || name=`decode $data 'title' | sed 's:+: :g;s:/:-:g'`
test "$name" = "-" && name=/dev/stdout || name="$name.vid"
wget "${url}&signature=${signature}" -O "$name"
#!/usr/bin/env /bin/bash
function youtube-video-url {
local field=
local data=
local split="s:&:\n:g"
local decode_str='s:%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]):\\x\1:g'
local yt_url="$1"
local grabber=`command -v curl`
local args="-sL"
if [ ! "$grabber" ]; then
grabber=`command -v wget`
if [ ! "$grabber" ]; then
echo 'No downloader available.' >&2
test x"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" = x"$0" && exit 1 || return 1
function decode {
data="`echo $1`"
if [ ! "$field" ]; then
data="`cat /dev/stdin`"
data=`echo $data | sed $split | grep "^$field" | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -r $decode_str`
printf "%b" $data
local map=`$grabber $args $yt_url | decode 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' | cut -f1 -d','`
echo `decode $map 'url'`\&signature=`decode $map 'sig'`
[ $SHLVL != 1 ] && export -f youtube-video-url
bash saalGKY7ifU
decode() {
printf "%b" `echo $1 | sed 's:&:\n:g' | grep "^$2" | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -r $to_decode`
data=`wget$1\&hl=pt_BR -q -O-`
url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=` decode $data 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map' | cut -f1 -d','`
signature=` decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'sig'`
url=`decode $url_encoded_fmt_stream_map 'url'`
test $2 && name=$2 || name=`decode $data 'title' | sed 's:+: :g;s:/:-:g'`
test "$name" = "-" && name=/dev/stdout || name="$name.mp4"
# // wget "${url}&signature=${signature}" -O "$name"
mplayer -zoom -fs "${url}&signature=${signature}"
It uses decode and bash, that you may have installed.
I use this bash script to download a given set of songs from a given youtube's playlist
downloadDirectory = <directory where you want your videos to be saved>
playlistURL = <URL of the playlist>
for i in {<keyword 1>,<keyword 2>,...,<keyword n>}; do
youtube-dl -o ${downloadDirectory}"/youtube-dl/%(title)s.%(ext)s" ${playlistURL} --match-title $i
Note: "keyword i" is the title (in whole or part; if part, it should be unique to that playlist) of a given video in that playlist.
Edit: You can install youtube-dl by pip install youtube-dl
# Coded by Biki Teron
# String replace command in linux
echo "Enter youtube url:"
read url1
wget -c -O index.html $url1
################################### Linux string replace ##################################################
sed -e 's/%3A%2F%2F/:\/\//g' index.html > youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%2F/\//g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%3F/?/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%3D/=/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%26/\&/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/%252/%2/g' youtube.txt
sed -i 's/sig/&signature/g' youtube.txt
## command to get filename
nawk '/<title>/,/<\/title>/' youtube.txt > filename.txt ## Print the line between containing <title> and <\/title> .
sed -i 's/.*content="//g' filename.txt
sed -i 's/">.*//g' filename.txt
sed -i 's/.*<title>//g' filename.txt
sed -i 's/<.*//g' filename.txt
######################################## Coding to get all itag list ########################################
nawk '/"fmt_list":/,//' youtube.txt > fmt.html ## Print the line containing "fmt_list": .
sed -i 's/.*"fmt_list"://g' fmt.html
sed -i 's/, "platform":.*//g' fmt.html
sed -i 's/, "title":.*//g' fmt.html
# String replace command in linux to get correct itag format
sed -i 's/\\\/1920x1080\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1920x1080\/99\/0\/0 by blank .
sed -i 's/\\\/1920x1080\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1920x1080\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/1280x720\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1280x720\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/1280x720\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/1280x720\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/854x480\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/854x480\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/854x480\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/854x480\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/640x360\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/640x360\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/640x360\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/640x360\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/640x360\\\/9\\\/0\\\/115//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/640x360\/9\/0\/115 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/320x240\\\/7\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/320x240\/7\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/320x240\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/320x240\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
sed -i 's/\\\/176x144\\\/99\\\/0\\\/0//g' fmt.html ## Replace \/176x144\/99\/0\/0 by blank.
# Command to cut a part of a file between any two strings
nawk '/"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":/,//' youtube.txt > url.txt
sed -i 's/.*url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"://g' url.txt
#Display video resolution information
echo ""
echo "Video resolution:"
echo "[46=1080(.webm)]--[37=1080(.mp4)]--[35=480(.flv)]--[36=180(.3gpp)]"
echo "[45=720 (.webm)]--[22=720 (.mp4)]--[34=360(.flv)]--[17=144(.3gpp)]"
echo "[44=480 (.webm)]--[18=360 (.mp4)]--[5=240 (.flv)]"
echo "[43=360 (.webm)]"
echo ""
echo "itag list= "`cat fmt.html`
echo "Enter itag number: "
read fmt
####################################### Coding to get required resolution #################################################
## cut itag=?
sed -e "s/.*,itag=$fmt//g" url.txt > "$fmt"_1.txt
sed -e 's/\u0026quality.*//g' "$fmt"_1.txt > "$fmt".txt
sed -i 's/.*u0026url=//g' "$fmt".txt ## Ignore all lines before \u0026url= but print all lines after \u0026url=.
sed -e 's/\u0026type.*//g' "$fmt".txt > "$fmt"url.txt ## Ignore all lines after \u0026type but print all lines before \u0026type.
sed -i 's/\\/\&/g' "$fmt"url.txt ## replace \ by &
sed -e 's/.*\u0026sig//g' "$fmt".txt > "$fmt"sig.txt ## Ignore all lines before \u0026sig but print all lines after \u0026sig.
sed -i 's/\\/\&ptk=machinima/g' "$fmt"sig.txt ## replace \ by &
echo `cat "$fmt"url.txt``cat "$fmt"sig.txt` > "$fmt"url.txt ## Add string at the end of a line
echo `cat "$fmt"url.txt` > link.txt ## url and signature content to 44url.txt
rm "$fmt"sig.txt
rm "$fmt"_1.txt
rm "$fmt".txt
rm "$fmt"url.txt
rm youtube.txt
########################################### Coding for filename with correct extension #####################################
if [ $fmt -eq 46 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 45 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 44 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 43 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.webm > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 37 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.mp4 > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 22 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.mp4 > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 18 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.mp4 > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 35 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.flv > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 34 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.flv > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 5 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.flv > filename.txt
elif [ $fmt -eq 36 ]
echo `cat filename.txt`.3gpp > filename.txt
echo `cat filename.txt`.3gpp > filename.txt
rm fmt.html
rm url.txt
filename=`cat filename.txt`
linkdownload=`cat link.txt`
wget -c -O "$filename" $linkdownload
echo "Download Finished!"
