How to build a tool to enter and access data on cloud - joomla

I am a web designer with no coding experience . I was offered a project. .. the client wants a "tool to put all his data(huge employee records) on cloud and to access it as needed " .My question is
What exactly such a tool is called ?
Can it be built without coding? Websites like joomla, etc. Can they be used somehow ?
Can coding be learnt simultaneously with the project?
Sorry for the silly question.

We need a little more information. Is the employee data stored in a database? What type of database is it? When you say cloud what do you mean? AWS?
You might be able to create SQL queries without learning SQL using tools like mysqlworkbench but what you would do with that data after the query I'm not sure.


From local Excel sheets into dashboard online

I have around 30000 sheets of excel with standardized report.
The goal is to provide online dashboard to view the data.
My first thought as programmer is to create a database and find a way to import the data and then build front end on the top to create a customized dashboard.
Any easier way to do this?
If your reports are always going to be in excel, I don't think it would be a good approach to convert them to a database. It will only add an overhead of converting the data and creating the frontend for it, that would be an overengineering.
Instead what you can do is you can use data visualization tools like retool which already offer visualization components on top of any source data. The source can be anything be it an excel sheet or a database.
There are other alternatives as well like redash which also offers connections to CSV files.
However, if you still feel that creating a database like MySQL or any other database of your choice is a better approach to go. Then you should consider using Metabase or superset. These are excellent tools for data visualization and only require the database credentials to connect to the DB. These are feature-rich, accepted within the industry and you can create possibly all the visualizations as per your need.
Also, the best part is all the tools that I have mentioned here are totally open source or have a nice trial period.
FYI, For a better and more effective solution, I would recommend running a SQL Server on your machine and uploading the excel report to the SQL server and then connecting the SQL server instance to the Metabase, That would do everything that you need and you don't have to spend time to write any code to manage all these stuff. Below is a glimpse of a Metabase Visualisation Dashboard:

Ruby: Mongoid Criteria Selector to SQL Query

As part of my bachelor's thesis I'm building a Microservice using Postgres which would in part replace an existing part of an application using MongoDB. Now to change as little as possible at the moment on the client side I was wondering if there was an easy way to translate a Mongoid::Criteria to an SQL query (assuming all fields are named the same, of course), without having to write a complete parser myself. Are there any gems out there that might support this?
Any input is highly appreciated.
Maybe you're looking for this :
I don't dig it but it seems to work for what you need :
"MoSQL imports the contents of your MongoDB database cluster into a PostgreSQL instance, using an oplog tailer to keep the SQL mirror live up-to-date. This lets you run production services against a MongoDB database, and then run offline analytics or reporting using the full power of SQL."

Is there a way for the Oracle Data Integrator to extract data from MongoDB

I'm trying to move snapshots of data from our MongoDB into our Oracle BI data store.
From the BI team I've been asked to make the data available for ODI, but I haven't been able to find an example of that being done.
Is it possible and what do I need to implement it?
If there is a more generic way of getting MongoDB data into Oracle then I'm happy to propose that as well.
MongoDB: 2.0.1
Oracle: 11.2g
This is something that will be queried once a day, maybe twice but at this stage the BI report granularity is daily
In ODI, under the Topology tab and Physical Architecture sub-tab, you can see all technologies that are supported out of the box. MongoDB is not one of them. There are also no Knowledge Modules available for importing/exporting from/to MongoDB.
ODI supports implementing your own technologies and your own Knowledge Modules.
This manual will get you started with developing your won Knowledge module, and in one of the other manuals i'm sure you can find an explanation on how to implement your own technologies. (Ctrl-F for "Data integrator")
If you're lucky, you might find someone else who has already implemented it. Your best places to look would be The Oracle Technology Network Forum, or a forum related to MongoDB.
Instead of creating a direct link, you could also take an easier workaround. Export the data from the MongoDB to a format that ODI supports, and MongoDB can extract to. CSV or XML maybe? Then load the data trough ODI into the oracle database. I think... that will be the best option, unless you have to do this frequently...
Look at the blog post below for an option;

MS Access to Oracle database

I am developing an application with Access database. I need to convert this Access database to Oracle. How can I do that?
I saw two options
Migrating the access database to Oracle through MIGRATION WIZARD in SQL developer
In Oracle, just creating a new connection with existing MS Access database and then converting to oracle.
Kindly let me know the best solution for this
thanks in advance,
The two choices you proffer could be rewritten like this:
Use an automated tool written by experts
Do it the hard way and figure it out for myself
This is a personal, even philosophical, choice. Do you need to get the task done quickly? Or do you want to learn something along the way?
TRY IT and then tell us.
My experience integrating all things oracle with all things microsoft has always been complicated, and a lot of manual intervention was required.
It also depends on the complexity of your existing access database, if it's only one table, then you can grab that table sql, correct it for nvarchar -> varchar2 fields and datapump the data into oracle.
If Access has 1000+ tables I would suggest getting a professional to do it. Any reasonable dba should handle it no problem.
Please check the solution at Insert into from ms access to oracle db
You can customize the code based on your requirement. You can bundle the whole code into one class and prepare it as exe application.

webOS 3.0 enyo sqlite Database storage and retrieval

I am creating an app for webOS in enyo. I have an sqllite database running in the browser properly but how i can find the path of this database?
And how can i retrieve this database?
Is it possible to get whole DB file?
That is very new so I can't get the solution for it.
Any suggestion or help will solve my problem.
There is a really good Enyo SQL lite wrapper class that has been developed from the Mojo version by OneCrayon...
this is really all you will need, if you read through the code there are some very good notes on how to use it!
Its not really clear what you're attempting to do.
If you use the webSQL interface to generate a db, you can use that same interface to access it.
You cannot really access the sqllite file directly, and its not clear why you would want to.
Or are you saying you already have an sqllite database from some other source and want to be able to open it up in your application via the websql interface? Thats not currently possible.
