ajax request concatenate jason in data object - ajax

i have ajax request and i call the api in the action and in js i create vars input's
my api need to get json so
i'll try to concatenate jason in data object but i get syntax errors
what am i doing wrong?
thanks for the help
function postForm() {
var name = document.forms["form"]["name"].value;
var phone = document.forms["form"]["phone"].value.replace("-", "");
var email = document.forms["form"]["email"].value;
if (name === "" || phone === "" || email === "") {
window.alert("עלייך למלא את כל השדות");
return false;
if (!validatePhone(phone)) {
window.alert("הכנס מספר טלפון תקין");
return false;
if (!validateEmail(email)) {
window.alert("כתובת המייל שהזנת אינה חוקית");
return false;
if (!validateName(name)) {
window.alert("הכנס שם באותיות רווחים");
return false;
return true;
url: $('form').attr('action'),
method: "get",
data: {"name": "name", "phone": "phone", "email: email", "details": "details"},
success: function () {
error: function() {
window.alert("משהו לא הלך כשורה");


Column can not be null in ajax laravel update function

Hi guys i am sending my updated values from ajax to my update function.i am getting error as "Column cannot be null"
Here is my input which i am sending json data:
<input type="text" id="jsonData" name="jsonData">
And here is my ajax form:
function saveEditQtypeFile(edit_qtype_id)
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
chk_EnumValuesValidation = chkEnumValuesValidation(isSoltion, stepCount);
return false;
// Function to push "MainArray" in current Solution
pushVarMainArrayInThisSolution(isSoltion, var_main_arr.var_arr_values);
arr = ar;
var edit_qtype_id = $('#edit_qtype_id').val();
var qtype_name = $('#qtype_name').val();
var subject_list = $('#qtype_subject_id').val();
var ddl_topic_type = $('#qtype_topic_id').val();
var qtype_option = $('#qtype_option').val();
var jasondata = $('#jsonData').val();
var sort_order = $('#sort_order').val();
var sendInfo = {
//return false;
//var loadQtypeInfo = JSON.stringify(sendInfo);
url: "/eqtype-editor/update",
type: "POST",
data :sendInfo,
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
success: function(response)
alert('Your file is updated!');
window.location.href ="/eqtype-editor";
error: function (request, status, error)
alert('problem with updating record!!!');
complete: function()
and here is my controller:
public function update(Request $request, Qtype_editor $qtype_editor)
$qtype_editor = Qtype_editor::findOrFail($request->edit_qtype_id);
$qtype_editor->qtype_name = $request->input('qtype_name');
$qtype_editor->qtype_subject_id = $request->input('qtype_subject_id');
$qtype_editor->qtype_topic_id = $request->input('qtype_topic_id');
$qtype_editor->qtype_option = $request->input('qtype_option');
$qtype_editor->qtype_json = json_decode($request->input('jsonData'));
$qtype_editor->sort_order = $request->input('sort_order');
return redirect()->route('eqtype-editor.index');
From ajax when i console i am getting my json data..i am getting error as qtype_json cannot be null.
Can anyone help me where i am missing it.
Thanks in advance.
You use a wrong key for your data.
Change the line in your controller:
$qtype_editor->qtype_json = json_decode($request->input('jsonData'));
$qtype_editor->qtype_json = json_decode($request->input('qtype_json'));
and it will work.

asp.net mvc not getting value from ajax when converting data into json.stringify

I am using a event handler that checks if the product id or name already exist. But my problem is when I am using JSON.stringify() my C# controller does not receive the data from the ajax call,.
// check if Product name already exist
$('#productName').bind('keyup blur', function () {
// check if input is empty
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
var data = JSON.stringify({
value: $(this).val(),
fieldName: 'productName'
type: "post",
url: '/Product/ValidateProductDetailsExist',
contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
data: data,
context: this,
success: function (result) {
if (result === true) {
// append error message
// check if error message already exist
if ($('#errorprodcutName').length === 0) {
var errormessage = '<div class="col-md-offset-2"><span id = "errorprodcutName" class="validation-error-message">Product name already exist</span></div >';
//disables the save button
$('#btnSaveProduct').prop('disabled', true);
else {
// check if error message already exist
if ($('#errorprodcutName').length > 0) {
//enables the save button
$('#btnSaveProduct').prop('disabled', false);
error: function () {
alert("unable to request from server");
When I use debugger to check the value, it is null. I don't see any errors that displays in the console as well. Can anyone please explain to me why it is not working.
public JsonResult ValidateProductDetailsExist(string value, string fieldName)
using (POSEntities3 db = new POSEntities3())
bool isExist = false;
switch (fieldName)
case "productId":
var dataItemProductId = db.Products.Where(product => product.product_id == value).SingleOrDefault();
isExist = (dataItemProductId != null);
case "productName":
var dataItemProductName = db.Products.Where(product => product.name == value).SingleOrDefault();
isExist = (dataItemProductName != null);
return Json(isExist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

AJAX error return ModelState Error

On my Create page I am using ajax and calling my api controller when creating a person:
$(document).ready(function() {
var newUrl = '#Url.Action("Index", "PersonInformations")';
var settings = {};
settings.baseUri = '#Request.ApplicationPath';
var infoGetUrl = "";
if (settings.baseUri === "/ProjectNameOnServer") {
infoGetUrl = settings.baseUri + "/api/personinformations/";
} else {
infoGetUrl = settings.baseUri + "api/personinformations/";
function(e) {
submitHandler: function () {
method: "POST",
url: infoGetUrl,
data: $("form").serialize(),
success: function () {
toastr.options = {
onHidden: function () {
window.location.href = newUrl;
timeOut: 3000
toastr.success("Individual successfully created.");
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var status = capitalizeFirstLetter(textStatus);
var error = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
toastr.error(status + " - " + error.message);
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
Here is the method in my PersonInformations API controller:
public IHttpActionResult PostPersonInformation(PersonInformation personInformation)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var lstOfPersons = db.PersonInformations.Where(x => x.deleted == false).ToList();
if (lstOfPersons.Any(
x =>
x.FirstName == personInformation.FirstName && x.LastName == personInformation.LastName &&
x.AId == personInformation.AgencyId && x.ID != personInformation.ID))
ModelState.AddModelError("", "This person already exists!");
return BadRequest(ModelState);
if (
x => x.Email.ToLower() == personInformation.Email.ToLower() && x.ID != personInformation.ID))
ModelState.AddModelError(personInformation.Email, "This email already exists!");
return BadRequest(ModelState);
personInformation.FirstName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(personInformation.FirstName);
personInformation.LastName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(personInformation.LastName);
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = personInformation.ID }, personInformation);
Now when I test this and purposely enter an email that already exists, the ajax request errors out but returns the message:
Error - The Request is invalid
but when I use console.log(jqXHR.responseText)
I get this:
"$id": "1",
"message": "The request is invalid.",
"modelState": {
"$id": "2",
"test#test.com": [
"This email already exists!"
How do I get the "This email already exists!" as the error message?
I just figured this out. I know that the modelState was an array type, and the 2nd value was the actual email address entered.
So I edited my button.click event to this:
function(e) {
submitHandler: function () {
var emailValue = $("#Email").val();
method: "POST",
url: infoGetUrl,
data: $("form").serialize(),
success: function () {
toastr.options = {
onHidden: function () {
window.location.href = newUrl;
timeOut: 3000
toastr.success("Individual successfully created.");
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var status = capitalizeFirstLetter(textStatus);
var error = $.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
toastr.error(status + " - " + error.modelState[emailValue]);
Find the error message via array bracket notation along with getting the actual value of the email trying to be submitted did the trick.

Kendo pager will not reset back to the first page

I have a made a kendo datasource which makes a call out to my api, I have it limited to make pages of 10's. My problem is that the pager will not set back to the first page. For example, when I make a call and to my api and receive 50 results, I will have 5 pages of 10 items each. I select to go to the fifth page which, I then make another call and only receive 10 items which makes one page. However then the cal completes I am still on the 5th page; it will not reset to the first page.
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
page:1, << From what I read this is suppose to do the job
pageSize: 10,
transport: {
read: {
type: "POST",
url: location + "/api/ContentSearch/SearchRequest",
contentType: 'application/json',
beforeSend: function (req) {
req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
parameterMap: function (option, operation) {
return JSON.stringify(query);
change: function (e) {
var data = this.data();
$("#searchButton").prop("disabled", false);
//kendoPager.page(1); << does not work
switch (data.length) {
case 0:
FeedBackMessage("No result found");
case 500:
FeedBackMessage("Please check or refine the search");
return data;
error: function (e) {
ErrorHandler(e.sender.transport.options.read.url, e.xhr.status, e.xhr.statusText, "Kendo datasource was not binded to the WebApi response", "", true);
function SubmitSearch(e) {
query = {
SearchText: $("#searchText").val(),
KeywordText: generalContentKeywords.text(),
GlobalSearch: true
if (query.SearchText === "" && query.KeywordText === "Select Category") {
FeedBackMessage("Please enter a value");
else {
if (query.KeywordText === "Select Category") {
query.KeywordText = "";
$.when(TokenForWebApi()).then(function (adalToken) {
token = adalToken;
$("#searchButton").prop("disabled", true);
var kendoPager = $("#pager").kendoPager({
dataSource: dataSource,
I went around this issue, by changing my submit function to see if the datasource has any data, and if it find that it does it reset set the page back to one. I am guessing that my previous code, I was trying to set a page value before the datasource had any values to page.
function SubmitSearch(e) {
query = {
SearchText: $("#searchText").val(),
KeywordText: generalContentKeywords.text(),
GlobalSearch: true
if (query.SearchText === "" && query.KeywordText === "Select Category") {
FeedBackMessage("Please enter a value");
else {
if (query.KeywordText === "Select Category") {
query.KeywordText = "";
$.when(TokenForWebApi()).then(function (adalToken) {
if (dataSource._pristineData.length) {
token = adalToken;
$("#searchButton").prop("disabled", true);

how to send serialized form to webapi Method

im trying to send my from with ajax( $.post ) to a webApi . ajax request run succesfull but when i send data to method in web api form collection get null then my method return "false"
please help me
My WebApi Method
public string AddRecord([FromBody]FormCollection form)
PersonBLL personbll = new PersonBLL();
var person = new tbl_persons();
person.firstname = form["txt_namePartial"];
person.lastname = form["txt_lastnamePartial"];
person.age = byte.Parse(form["txt_agePartial"]);
var result = personbll.AddRecord(person);
return result;
catch (Exception)
return "false";
my Ajax function
function AddRecordWithFormCollection(url, callback) {
$.post("/api/Person/AddRecord",JSON.stringify(url) , function (data, status) {
if (status == "success") {
//AddRowTable(data, obj.name, obj.lastname, obj.age);
return callback(data);
} else {
alert("Error in Method [AddRecord]");
I often use that :
var form = $("#body").find("form").serialize();
type: 'POST'
url: "/api/Person/AddRecord",
data: form,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
// Do something
error: function (data) {
// Do something
Get a try because I never used the FormCollection object type but just a model class.
This should be:
function AddRecordWithFormCollection(url, callback) {
$.post("/api/Person/AddRecord",url , function (data, status) {
if (status == "success") {
//AddRowTable(data, obj.name, obj.lastname, obj.age);
return callback(data);
} else {
alert("Error in Method [AddRecord]");
