How To Recover Deleted apk keystore signer || jks key || app keystore - apk

I've mistakenly deleted my apk keystore (jks) and google can't help me, What to do?

Make sure you're on Ubuntu || mint or similar based Linux distro.
Step 1: Download TestDisk & PhotoRec 7.1-WIP, Data Recovery from here (only 7.1 supports jks recovery)
Step 2: Now run photorec on the partition from where the data was lost. It will take a lot of time so sit back and wait (for me, it took 10 hours). If you're not sure how to do this, just ask for help in the comment.
NOTE The data it will recover will be huge in size may be above 50GB so don't worry just wait for it to finish recovering
Step 4: After completion of recovery and if any keystore file has been recovered else sorry mate the file which has been recovered may contain some other files with it and lot of spaces also that's why it is huge in size, your key is within this file, Download any hex editor I used bless hex editor.
Step 5: When you'll open your file in a hex editor just search for the name of your key alias in the editor (usually it is on the top so you don't have to go through any pain) you'll catch it in one glimpse and will say "hurrraaayyyy" in loud voice.
NOTE If you have recovered multiple files then just find the right one, one by one in which your key alias lies.
Step 6: Just copy the part of the key from start to the end (excluding the spaces but be careful in copying don't miss any part of the key you can copy spaces it won't do any harm) and open a new file in hex editor and paste it there and save it (congrats that's your key).


Undo a botched command prompt copy which concatenated all of my files

In a Windows 8 Command Prompt, I had a backup drive plugged in and I navigated to my User directory. I executed the command:
copy Documents G:/Seagate_backup/Documents
What I assumed was that copy would create the Documents directory on my backup drive and then copy the contents of the C: Documents directory into it. That is not what happened!
I proceeded to wipe my hard-drive and re-install the operating system, thinking I had backed up the important files, only to find out that copy seemingly concatenated all the C: Documents files of different types (.doc, .pdf, .txt, etc) into one file called "Documents." This file is of course unreadable but opening it in Notepad reveals what happened. I can see some of my documents which were plain text throughout the massively long file.
How do I undo this!!? It's terrible because I was actually helping a friend and was so sure of myself but now this has happened. The only thing I can think of doing is searching for some common separator amongst the concatenated files and write some sort of script to split the file back apart. But then I would have to guess the extensions of each of the pieces...
Merging files together in the fashion that copy uses, discards important file system information such as file size and file name. While the file name may not be as important the size is. Both parameters are used by the OS to discriminate files.
This problem might sound familiar if you have damaged your file allocation table before and all files disappeared. In both cases, you will end up with a binary blob (be it an actual disk or something like your file which might resemble a disk image) that lacks any size and filename information.
Fortunately, this is where a lot of file system recovery tools can help. They are specialized in matching patterns. Specifically they are looking for giveaway clues to what type a file is of, where it starts and what it's size is.
This is for instance enabled by many file types having a set of magic numbers that are used to allow a program to check if a file really is of the type that the extension claims to be.
In principle it is possible to undo this process more or less well.
You will need to use data recovery tools or other analysis tools like binwalk to extract the concatenated binary blob. Essentially the same tools that are used to recover deleted files should be able to extract your documents again. Without any filename of course. I recommend renaming the file to a disk image (.img) and either mounting it from within the operating system as a virtual harddisk (don't worry that it has no file system - it should show up as an unformatted drive) or directly using a data recovery tool or analysis tool which can read binary files (binwalk, for instance, can do that directly, but may not find all types of files as it's mainly for unpacking firmware images that may be assembled in the same or a similar way to how your files ended up).

Writing to /dev/loop USB image?

I've got an image that I write onto a bootable USB that I need to tweak. I've managed to mount the stick as /dev/loopX including allowing for the partition start offset, and I can read files from it. However writing back 'seems to work' (no errors reported) but after writing the resulting tweaked image to a USB drive, I can no longer read the tweaked files correctly.
The file that fails is large and also a compressed tarfile.
Is writing back in this manner simply a 'no-no' or is there some way to make this work?
If possible, I don't want to reformat the partition and rewrite from scratch because that will (I assume) change the UUID and then I need to go worry about the boot partition etc.
I believe I have the answer. When using losetup to create a writeable virtual device from the partition on your USB drive, you must specify the --sizelimit parameter as well as the offset parameter. If you don't then the resulting writes can go past the last defined sector on the partition (presumably requires your USB drive to have extra space). Linux reports no errors until later when you try to read. The key hints/evidence for this are that when reads (or (re)written data) fail, dmesg shows read errors attempting to read past the end of the drive. fsck tools such as dosfsck also indicate that the drive claims to be larger than it is.

Transferring (stopping, resuming) file using rsync

I have an external hard-drive that I suspect is on its way out. At the minute, I can transfer files from it, but only for a while. Unfortunately, I have one single file that's >50GB in size. My solution to this is to use rsync to transfer this one particular file a bit at a time, leave the drive to rest (switch it off), and resume a little while later.
I'm using rsync --partial --progress --inplace --append -a /Volumes/Backup\ Drive/chris/Desktop/Recording\ Sessions/S1/Session\ 1/untitled ~/Desktop/temp to transfer it. (The file is in the untitled folder, which I'm moving into the temp folder) However, after having stopped it and resumed it, it seems to be over-writing the previous attempt at the file, meaning I don't really get any further.
Is there something I'm missing? :X
Thankyou ^_^
EDIT: Still don't know :\
Well, since this is a programming site, here's a program to do it. I tested it on OS X, but you should definitely test it on some small files first to make sure it does what you want:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
source = sys.argv[1]
target = sys.argv[2]
begin = int(sys.argv[3])
end = int(sys.argv[4])
mode = 'r+b' if os.path.exists(target) else 'w+b'
with open(source, 'rb') as source_file, open(target, mode) as target_file:
buffer = - begin)
You run this with four arguments: the source file, the destination, and two numbers. The first number is the byte count to start copying from (so on the first run you'd use 0). The second number is the byte count to copy until (not including). So on subsequent runs you'd always use the previous fourth argument as the new third argument (new begin equals old end). And just go on like that until it's done, using whatever sizes you like along the way.
I know this is related to macOS, but the best way to get all the files off a dying drive is with GNU ddrescue. I have no idea if this runs nicely on macOS, but you can always use a Linux live-usb to do this. You'll want to open a terminal and be either root (preferred) or use sudo.
Firstly, find the disk that you want to backup. This can be done by running the following. Make note of the partition name or disk name that you want to back up. Hard drives/flash drives will typically use the format sdX, where X is the drive letter. Partitions will be listed under sdX1, sdX2... etc. NVMe drives/partitions follow a similar naming convention.
lsblk -o name,size,label,fstype,model
Mount and change directory (cd) to a writable location that is bigger than the drive/partition you want to back up.
Now we are going to do a first pass over the drive/partition. This will do a first pass, without stopping on problematic sections. This will ensure that ddrescue does not cause any more damage by trying to access a bad section. Think of it like a hole in a sweater -- you wouldn't want to keep picking at the hole or it would get bigger. Run the following, with sdX replaced with the drive/partition name from earlier:
ddrescue -d /dev/sdX backup.img backup.logfile
the -d flag uses direct disk access and ignores the kernel cache, and the logfile is important in case the drive gets disconnected or the process stops somehow.
Run ddrescue again with the -r flag. This will retry bad sections 3 times. Feel free to run this a few times, but note that ddrescue cannot restore everything. From my experience it usually restores in the high 90%s, and many of the files are system files (aka not your personal files).
ddrescue -d -r3 /dev/sdX backup.img backup.logfile
Finally, you can use the image however you want. You can either mount it to copy the files off or use it in a virtual machine/burn it to a working drive with dd. Do note that the latter options will not always work if system critical files were damaged.
Good luck and remember to make backups!

Is it possible to create a file that cannot be copied?

To restrict the scope, let assume we are in Windows world only.
Also assume we don't want to play with permission policy.
Is it possible for us to create a file that cannot be copied?
Thank you in advance.
"Trying to make digital files uncopyable is like trying to make water not wet." ~ Bruce Schneier
No. You can't create a file that a SYSADMIN can't copy. You could encrypt it, though.
Well, how about creating a file that uses up more than 50% of the total space on that machine and that is not compressible?
For instance, let us assume that you want to save a boolean (true or false) in such a fashion.
Depending on its value, you could then write a bit stream of ones or zeroes and encrypt said stream using some kind of encryption algorith, such as AES in CBC mode. This gives you the added advantage of error correction. Even in case of massive data corruption, you should be able to recover your boolean by checking whether ones or zeroes are prevalent in the decrypted stream.
In that case you cannot copy it around (completely) on the machine...
Of course, any type of external memory that can be added to the system would pose a problem in this scenario. But the file would be already encrypted, so don't worry about it too much...
Any file that can be read can have its contents written to another location (such as another file, i.e. copied).
The only thing you can do is limit who/what can read the file.
What is the motivation behind? If it is a read-only file, you can have it as embedded resources within your assembly.
Nice try, RIAA.
But seriously, no you can not. It is always possible to copy, you can just make it it more difficult for people to make sense of the file or try to hide it using like encryption. Spotify does it.
If you really try hard thou, you cold make a root-kit for windows and use it to prevent windows from even knowing about the file and also prevent copies. The file will still be there and copy-able by other tools, or Linux accessing the ntfs.
If in a running process you open a file and hold an exclusive lock, then other processes cannot read the file until you close the handle or your process terminates. However, as admin you could forcibly remove the lock handle.
Short answer: No.
You can, of course, use security settings to limit who can read the file. But if someone can read it, then they can copy it. Even if you found some operating system trick to disable "ordinary" copying, if someone can read the file, they can extract the contents, store it in memory, and then write it somewhere else.
You can encrypt the contents so it's only useful to your own program, that knows how to decrypt it.
That's about it.
When using Windows 7 to copy some files from a hard drive, certain files popped up a message saying they could not be copied in their entirety; certain data would be omitted from the copy. I suspect that had something to do with slack space at the end of the files, though I thought the message was curious. I would have expected the copy operation to just ignore the slack space.
If you are running old (OLD) versions of windows, there are certain characters you can put in the filename that make it invalid, not listed in folders, etc. They were used a lot in the old pub ftp days of filesharing ;)
In the old DOS days, you used to be able to flag disk sectors as bad and still read from them. This meant the OS ignored the sector in question but your application would know where to look and be able to get the data. Not sure this would work these days.
Another old MS-DOS trick was to put a space character in the middle of the filename (yes, spaces were valid characters for filenames). Since there was no method on the command line to escape a space, the file couldn't be copied using the DOS commands.
This answer is outside Windows so yeah
Dont know if its already been said but what about a file that is an inseperable part of the firmware so that it is always on AND running, perhaps it has firmware that generates a sequence that is required for the other . AN incedental effect of its running is to prevent any 80% or more of its code from being replicated. Lets say its on an entirely different board, protected by surge protectors, heavy em proof shielding and anything else required to make it completely unerasable.
If its possible to make a program that is ALWAYS on and running as long as the copying software is running then yes.
I have another way and this IS with windows. I will come to your house and give you a disk, i will then proceed to destroy every single computer you put the disk into. This doesnt work on XP
Well technically you could create and write to a write-only network share.

How does file recovery software work?

I wanted to make some simple file recovery software, where I want to try to recover files which happen to have been deleted by pressing Shift + Delete. I'm working in Windows, can anyone show me any links or documents which can help me to do so programatically? I know C, C++, .NET. Any pointers? :)
Mainly file recoveries are looking for file headers and/or filenames in the disk as I know, then try to get the whole file by the header information.
This could be a good start:
The principle of all recovery tools is that deleting a file only removes a pointer in a folder and (quick) formatting of a partition only rewrites the first sectors of the partition which contains the headers of the filesystem. An in depth analysis of the partition data (at sector level) can rebuild a big part of the filesystem data, cluster allocation tables, folders, and file cluster chains.
All course if you use a surface test tool while formatting the partition that will rewrite all sectors to make sure that they are correct, nothing will be recoverable - unless you use specialized hardware to look at remanent magnetism on the edges of the actual tracks
In windows when a file is deleted(permanent delete) it's not actually deleted from disk but the file name added with char( _ I guess) in front of it and windows ignores these when showing in explorer... and recovery tools will search these kind of file names in the disk. And your file recover integrity based on some data over written on location of deleted file. Don't know this pattern still used by windows.. but long time back I have read this some where
