How can I fix this issue in Android Studio - window

After making a new project, I found that there is something wrong with Android Studio(I can't see the changes in design ), like adding widgets and the suggestion window doesn't appear, and the preview window shows an error(one or more layouts are missing the Layout_width or Layout_height, although, the two widgets which exist already have those attributes. The error is attached here:


Problem with Web Live Preview with Kendo controls

We have a website that heavily uses Kendo controls, which makes it hard to know how the page will look after rendering. I want to use the "web live preview" extension to visual studio, however i have an issue. When the page opens, says in the bottom right corner "building tree" or something along those lines and never actually finishes. Is there a trick to get it to work with Kendo? I tried it because i got an email from them suggesting we do it.
Any ideas?
I'm guessing the message you're seeing is "Generating Logical Tree...". The extension is still in Preview, so there's several things that could be the cause of that, but we would like to work with you to try to address them. If you could file an issue on Developer Community, and include any errors messages you see from your browser's console (make sure to include Verbose messages), we can try to dig in. Also keep a look out for updated versions of the extension (it should automatically update) as we're steadily fixing bugs.

Looking for ways to edit Xamarin code on the run

This question could be split in 2:
is there any way to update xaml form markup in runtime and see the changes after re-entering the form? Similar to the way we can update pages in runtime
is there any way to update xaml.cs class in runtime? If I try, it shows me deceptive message
which is not true, as the change is small and compilable
Another strange thing displayed after that is the error in the Error List window
However project is already build on .net standard, and can see it in the project properties
Using XAML Hot Reload, it is possible to update your XAML during runtime and see the updates in real-time on the device/simulator.
It is not currently possible to update and see your C# code changes during runtime.
The Xamarin engineering team is working on adding this feature and ou can follow their progress here:

How to link XAML file to Xamarin.form Previewer

How do I connect XAML file to Xamarin.form Previewer
as you can see this XAML file not linked to previewer
As mentioned here, you will need to assign some static data to your view for the Previewer when using Bindings. You can do so by assigning a static data context. James Montemagno has already described how to do so here.
If that doesn't solve the issue at hand, then Xamarin is already aware that some issues may exist since the Previewer is still only in preview:
Project should be built (compiled) before attempting to preview XAML files.
The Designer Agent must be set-up the first time you preview a XAML file - a progress indicator will appear in the Previewer, along with progress messages, until this is ready.
Try closing and re-opening the XAML file.
If the solutions as mentioned above doesn't solve the issues you experience, I would recommend that you get in touch with Xamarin. As mentioned, the Previewer is still in preview, so issues may still exist.

How to hide excluded files in visual studio?

I have a project with hundreds of pages classes and controls. many of them are excluded but as they appear in the project browser they clutter it and make it difficult to find the files I need. I don't want to delete them since every once in a while i get back to them for review. is there any way to show/hide the excluded files with a button toggle?
I don't have the button for show all files. see picture:
Yes, there is a button to hide/show excluded files.
The button is under solution explorer tab.
Please check this link for VS2008:
Important Update:
After trials on VS2012 I found out that if you create New Web Site the hide/show button will not appear for no apparent reason. However, if you create New Project the hide/show button will appear!! So, it seems that you have to avoid creating New Web Site... but create New Project instead to have the button on Solution explorer. Try moving your work to a New Project rather than your current solution Good Luck!

How to display "the" Assistant Editor?
To add an action for the button . . .
In Xcode, select the view controller’s nib file (MyViewController.xib).
Display the Assistant editor.
Make sure Assistant displays the view controller’s header file (MyViewController.h).
Control drag from the button in the nib file to the method declaration area in the header file.
How to do step 2?
How to display "the" Assistant Editor?
It's exclusive to Xcode 4:
In Xcode 6
It is the second button with two circles.
EDIT: As of the latest version of Xcode this has changed.
In XCode 6.2 it seems they've changed the icons again. I was having trouble finding it but I didn't realize where the buttons were until the dumb old me trying to pick up iOS thought I was missing a view, so here I am posting this for any passerby who needs some visual confirmation.
To be fair, I was looking for something based of some instructions I had read that referenced the two circles, and it didn't occur to me that two circles meant a split view / assistant editor, and not until after finding this post and figuring it out did I realize a suit was a reference to a butler AKA assistant :D
