How to transpose this into an array? - laravel

I am trying to transpose a Collection into an array. I'm not sure what's the method to do this. I think it's due to my lack of understanding in the eloquent operators/commands. I've been trying with map but had not made any headway.
Collection {#911 ▼
#items: array:4 [▼
"HIGH" => Collection {#902 ▼
#items: array:2 [▼
0 => Finding {#680 ▶}
1 => Finding {#681 ▶}
"MEDIUM" => Collection {#903 ▶}
"LOW" => Collection {#904 ▶}
"INFO" => Collection {#905 ▶}
I would like to transpose this into an array ['HIGH' => 2, 'MEDIUM' => 1, 'LOW' => 13 ...]
I tried to apply a map but it's not giving me what i want. (tried applying the below)
... ->map (function ($risk) { return $risk[0]; });
Looking for tips on learning about these map operators and also how to transpose the Collection result above. Any help will be the most welcome!

Use toArray function to convert the collection to the array
$collection = collect(['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200]);
Hope this link helps you.


Retrieving data from a countries API

I'm using an API to get a list of countries in Laravel. I have been able to isolate the countries list only but the countries now have an inner array with details of the country. I only need the name. I've tried using foreach but it didn't work.
This below is the result from the api
#items: array:2 [▼
"countries" => array:198 [▼
0 => array:4 [▼
"code" => "BT"
"name" => "Bhutan"
"geonameid" => 1252634
"depends_on" => null
1 => array:4 [▶]
This below is the code fetching it
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'x-rapidapi-host' => '',
'x-rapidapi-key' => '1fa601995fmshcc1d2fcc97ee24cp1ac29djsn9b9b11cc10ec',
//'x-rapidapi-key' => config('app.rapid_api_key'),
return $response->collect()->pluck('name')
I'm trying to get only the name value. the return is returning null
I think this is what you want:
return collect($response->collect()["countries"])->pluck('name');
The result will be like:

merging collections grouped multiple times

I have a collection grouped (multiple times) like this:
Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1883 ▼
#items: array:1 [▼
57082 => Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1885 ▼
#items: array:1 [▼
"07-2021" => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1863 ▼
#items: array:1 [▼
343 => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1864 ▼
#items: array:1 [▶]
I have another collection that could have same values or not, and I need to merge these 2 collections with merged elements.
I tried with this, without success (I lose first "group"):
$fstCollection = $fstCollection->mapWithKeys(function ($items, $key) use ($sndCollection) {
return $sndCollection->get($key) ? $items->merge($sndCollection->get($key)) : $items;
I'm expecting your are loosing the key, by using mapWithKeys() wrong, in general that method is used, by returning an associative array, representing the key to map to and the value.
So changing the closure logic to the following, will keep the first group.
$collection = $sndCollection->get($key) ? $items->merge($sndCollection->get($key)) : $items;
return [$key => $collection];
Alternatively, just using map() will solve your problem, map() preserves the keys.
$fstCollection = $fstCollection->map(function ($items, $key) use ($sndCollection) {
return $sndCollection->get($key) ? $items->merge($sndCollection->get($key)) : $items;

Foreach giving me data for the first loop and empty collection onwards

I have a foreach in my controller passed to the view:
public function index()
foreach($budgets as $budget){
return view('budgets.index',compact('budgets','id','transactions','budgetThisCategory'));
When I dd my view, I get the following:
array:2 [▼
1 => Collection {#832 ▼
#items: array:6 [▼
0 => Transaction {#825 ▶}
1 => Transaction {#826 ▶}
2 => Transaction {#827 ▶}
3 => Transaction {#828 ▶}
4 => Transaction {#829 ▶}
5 => Transaction {#830 ▶}
2 => Collection {#868 ▼
#items: []
So I only get my first foreach collection but not my second one. There is data in the second one. Indeed if I change in my controller and add a orderbydesc('$budget_id') I will get this second collection, but not the first one.
What am I doing wrong? I am quite new to this, and I am sure that the way to solve this is simple. But I do not really know what's the problem.
Matthew thanks for the answer. You have put me in a path that I didn't know that it existed. I have changed all that foreach into a complety different thing, more beautiful and simple. Plus I have added some functionality. I suposed that there are better ways to do it. But I am really happy of where I have arrived.
foreach($budgets as $budget){

Laravel reducing relationship queries

I have two models. Expense and Method. I want to grab the sum of all expenses for each method type. I have four types:
- bank
- credit-card
- wallet
- savings
Each Expense belongsTo a Method and each Method hasMany Expenses. So it's a One-to-Many relation. So a method_id is stored for each Expense.
The following query works to get the sum of all expenses that have a method with the type bank for example:
$type = 'bank';
$expenses = auth()->user()->expenses()->with('method')->whereHas('method', function ($query) use ($type) {
$query->where('type', $type);
But the thing is, if I want to get the total amount of all expenses for each method type, I will have to run too many queries. I would prefer just grabbing all Expenses, and then filtering through them to get the sum of all expenses for each method type.
The following for example doesn't work:
$expenses = auth()->user()->expenses()->with('method')->get();
$bank_balance = $expenses->filter(function ($expense)
$expense->whereHas('method', function ($query) {
$query->where('type', 'bank');
})->get(); // with or without ->get()
Any ideas how to get what I want by not using too many queries?
I've unaccepted the chosen answer because it didn't give me what I needed in the end. I need to be able to do something like this in my view:
{{ $bank_balance }}
Which means, with xyz's answer, I wouldn't be able to do that, since I cannot distinguish between them. I only get results based on method_id's, but I need to be able to distinguish them by the method name.
DigitalDrifter's answer is the one that almost does the trick, but it gives me this:
Collection {#800 ▼
#items: array:3 [▼
"bank" => Collection {#797 ▼
#items: array:30 [▼
0 => array:2 [▼
"type" => "bank"
"amount" => 1536
1 => array:2 [▶]
2 => array:2 [▶]
3 => array:2 [▶]
4 => array:2 [▶]
5 => array:2 [▶]
"credit-card" => Collection {#798 ▶}
"wallet" => Collection {#799 ▶}
And I basically need something simple like this:
"bank" => "total sum here for all expenses that have a method of 'bank'"
"credit-card" => "total sum here for all expenses that have a method of 'credit-card'"
And so on..
I think this bit ->groupBy('type')->each->sum('amount') does the trick, but not completely. It does group by type but it does not give a sum for each type, as you can see in the collection example above.
You can group by the method id and then sum the result in a select statement.
The following is untested.
$expenses = auth()->user()
->select(DB::raw('SUM(amount) as total'), 'other_select_fields', ...)
You could do this using the available collection methods:
$expenses = auth()->user()->expenses()->with('method')->get();
$groupedSums = $expenses->map(function ($expense) {
return [
'type' => $expense['method']['type'],
'amount' => $expense['method']['amount']

Laravel - Sortby date after GroupBy callback

I'm creating a collection and using a groupBy to group items together depending on the month, however after this I then want to it to go back to ascending date order (Jan/Feb/Mar). Here is my function that I'm using below;
private function monthByMonthAgentReferrals() {
$case = Case::where('start_date', '>', Carbon::now()->subDays(360))
->where('source', 'AGENT')->get()
->groupBy(function($key) {
return Carbon::parse($key->start_date)->format('m');
return $case;
At the moment when I display the results I get a return of the months in a random order;
Collection {#1982 ▼
#items: array:12 [▼
12 => Collection {#1321 ▶}
"07" => Collection {#1322 ▶}
10 => Collection {#1320 ▶}
"05" => Collection {#1991 ▶}
"06" => Collection {#1990 ▶}
"08" => Collection {#1989 ▶}
"01" => Collection {#1988 ▶}
11 => Collection {#1987 ▶}
"09" => Collection {#1986 ▶}
"02" => Collection {#1985 ▶}
"03" => Collection {#1984 ▶}
"04" => Collection {#1983 ▶}
How would I go about sorting by 'start_date' again? or would it be better to sort by the array key? Thanks.
You can use it like this:
$case = Case::where('start_date', '>', Carbon::now()->subDays(360))
->where('source', 'AGENT')
->groupBy(function($key) {
return Carbon::parse($key->start_date)->format('m');
private function monthByMonthAgentReferrals() {
$case = Case::where('start_date', '>', Carbon::now()->subDays(360))
->where('source', 'AGENT')->get()
->groupBy(function($key) {
return Carbon::parse($key->start_date)->format('m');
return collect($case);
Converts the collection to an array, use the function ksort on the array and then recollect the array.
