In Jmeter I want to access 1000 different URL's by 1000 users concurrently ( one URL per user at the same time) - jmeter

Using ${path} in the 'Paths:' and providing the CSV file location in the 'Filename' under CSV Data Set Config, I am able to get a single user accessing the URL's one after the other from the CSV file.
But to complete my test, I want to get 1000 users access 1000 URL's concurrently to demonstrate the maximum load on a Database server. Please advice.
I am on Jmeter5.0

Define CSV Data Set Config with (default) Sharing mode All threads -
(the default) the file is shared between all the threads.
In same hierarchy of the sampler
Define in Thread Group Number of Threads: 1000
And execute test while each thread get different line/values from CSV

If you want to have "bursty load":
Set "Number of Threads" under your Thread Group to 1000
Add Synchronizing Timer as a child of your HTTP Request sampler and set "Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by" to 1000
So your test plan would look like:
It will execute 1000 requests at exactly the same moment and stop
If you want "prolonged load" - just let your Thread Group to iterate "Forever". You can limit test duration using "Scheduler" input:
It will execute requests with 1000 virtual users as fast as it can for 10 minutes


Enormous JMeter Results file

I'm running a very simple JMeter test (screenshot attached) that hits 2 web pages. It's set to run for 6 hours but for some reason, the report is enormous. The last run came out at 41GB and as a result, I cannot generate the HTML report.
Any ideas as to why it's so big and what I can do about it?
Well, you're running a test with 100 users for 6 hours and each user creates a separate line for each page in the .jtl results file like this:
1657532286921,298,HTTP Request,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,,1591,116,1,1,,295,0,163
so it's roughly 100 bytes per user per page
One iteration (100 users hitting 2 pages) would be 19 kilobytes
If response time of each page is 1 second each user will be able to execute 1800 requests per hour and 10800 requests per 6 hours. 100 users will execute 1080000 requests resulting in 108 gigabytes of results file.
There is nothing you can do about the results file size, you could increase JMeter's heap space so the file would fit into memory (if you don't have enough RAM you can use swap for this)
Alternative option is using Backend Listener to send the results to InfluxDB, in this case JMeter will send only aggregate data and the size will be lower, the results can be visualized in Grafana. More information: JMeter + Grafana: How to Use Grafana to Monitor JMeter

JMeter - execute 100K requests (CSV driven) in parallel

I have a task to execute 100K requests using CSV data driven
CSV holds ids
In JMeter CSV Data Set Config is saving id variable and call API with ${id}
This is working fine, but I want to execute requests in parallel to reduce time of execution.
It seems that parallel sampler/controller can't be used in this case,
How can this be done using CSV driven test?
In the CSV Data Set Config set "Sharing Mode" parameter to All threads.
In the Thread Group set "Number of Threads" to the desired value
That's it, JMeter will run your requests in parallel and each thread (virtual user) will pick up new line from the CSV file on each iteration as it can be seen using i.e. View Results in Table listener

JMeter CSV data set split into threads (users)

What I want to do:
I would like to test behavior of the system for 50 users. Each user has to do the same action X times,
with different input ( X - depends on how many records I have in the CSV file, so if the file contains 1000 records, each user will do the action 20 times).
What I actually did to do that:
I set up CSV Data Set Config (with CSV file with 1000 lines) and ofc set up Number of Threads to 50
What is my problem:
Now I'm quite not sure how to share the CSV file so that all user will have unique poll of the lines from the file. (so each user will have his unique lines from the CSV)
What can I do to workaround:
I can copy thread groups to make 50 thread groups, and add them separated CSV files, but it sounds ridiculous...
Given you set the following values in the CSV Data Set Config
Recycle on EOF: False
Stop thread on EOF: True
Sharing mode: All threads
then each thread (virtual user) will fetch new value(s) from the CSV file which will guarantee uniqueness of the test data
You can check this yourself by using __threadNum() function and ${__jm__Thread Group__idx}; variable
More information: CSV Data Set Config in Sharing Mode - Made Easy
In thread group under thread properties, we can set
number of threads = 50
ramp up period = 1
loop count = 20
So, here each thread after a sec will take next line from csv file and execute it.
This way the same csv file will be shared among different threads.
I would recommend to create multiple CSV files for your test plan and assign the variables accordingly for smooth execution of the script. Using same CSV file can not solve the problem as there are times when few threads executing much faster and others are slow in that case action will start replicating between different threads.

How to use data from .csv file for Ultimate thread group

I have a use case where 10000 users are hitting the API sequentially.
first 1000 users/sec are hitting an API then they hold for 10-15 seconds and again another 2000 users are going to access the api.
Issue is i have an api <path>/user_id/${userId} and i have 10000 user ids stored in a .csv file
how fetch the file for every 1000 users at first set and 2000 users in the next?
I have added CSV Data set Config and i have the .csv file path
Below screenshot is my .csv set config.
Beanshell error
To pick first 1000 userIds for first 1000 threads and and next 2000 userids for next 2000 threads and so on follow this steps
Create a csv file with only userIds(Do not mention the column name in csv).
To the JMeter test plan add a simple thread group and bean shell sampler to the thread group.
Add the following code to the beanshell sampler
above code will add UserIds to JMeter properties.
now to pick userIds use
I have created a sample test plan to pick only first 10 values from csv for the first minute and pick next 10 for the next minute you can see the screenshot here
I would recommend run the tests in cloud.
Please follow this link to know more

How to set CSV Data row used only once in Jmeter with multiple threads

I have test with 40 Threads and all sharing CSV file with 5000 rows. I wan't all these threads use unique row during test no duplication. My Current flow is like this..
Test Plan
CSV Data Set Config (All theads)
OnlineQuote(Thread Group with 40 threads)
Transaction Controller
Submit Transaction (Get data from CSV)
If you are OK to stop test when data set if completely used, just set:
Recycle on EOF = false
Stop thread on EOF = false
