UnicodeString Delete Method (different result between 32-bit Win and iOS/Android) - firemonkey

I'm building a simple FMX app in C++ Builder (Tokyo 10.2.3) that displays agenda data from an SQLite db. I've added a TComboBox to let the user filter what is presented. The combo box has the following items added to it at runtime (these are committee names):
Show TD
I'm using the combo box to add a filter to an SQL query on the database. The data set has a field committee and each row of data belongs to one of those 3 committees (PSSC, TD, RRMS).
Below is my code to add the filter into a query. It works fine on 32-bit Windows but not on iOS or Android. All I'm doing is trimming off the "Show " with the .Delete to the UnicodeString mystring.
mystring = Form1->cmbBoxFilters->Selected->Text;
mystring = mystring.Delete(1, 5);
query->SQL->Text = "SELECT * FROM mtgs WHERE weekday = '" + myday + "' AND committee = '" + mystring + "'";
Here is what is happening, in 32-bit Windows mystring is exactly as it should be. If i select "Show PSCC" from the combobox, then mystring ends up "PSCC" and the query works great. But, when I run on iOS or Android mystring ends up "SSCC". The first letter of whatever is selected becomes an S. I can't for the life of me figure out why.
I'm posting because I'm just curious as to how this "S" is showing up in my original code on iOS or Android and not 32-bit Win.
p.s. Just using TFDConnection, TFDQuery, and FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink on my Firemonkey form.

So, it looks like a difference in the compilers, with mobile compilers (iOS/Android) indexing from 0 and desktop compilers (Windows/OSX) indexing from 1. Thanks to GSerg for pointing that out.
Here is a solution that explicitly uses 0-indexing for all platforms. The only changes are the 0 you see added to the end of .Delete and also inside the parenthesis:
mystring = mystring.Delete0(0, 5);
This code works the same on Windows, iOS, and Android. Thanks to an old post from Remy: UnicodeString::Delete Method


Automate a reoccuring manual task (generate order number based on name) in Visual Studio

I'm currently working on a EpiServer project where we use the ContentType attribute to set the DisplayName and Order of the blocks. The Order is based on the name of the block. Here's an example:
DisplayName = "My First Block",
Order = 133536,
GUID = "0f02e38a-a6e2-4333-9bd1-c61cf573d8d3",
Description = "Just an example block.",
GroupName = "Blocks.Content"
public class MyFirstBlock : BaseBlock
Apparently EpiServer can't sort the blocks alphabetically so we generate the order based on the DisplayName as a work around. A formula was invented to determine the order. One colleague has written a JavaScript function that can be used to generate the order number:
function getEPiOrderNumber(value) {
var alphabeticalIndex = function (character) {
return character.toLowerCase().charCodeAt() - 96;
var firstSection = alphabeticalIndex(value[0]);
var secondSection = alphabeticalIndex(value[1]) + 10;
var thirdSection = alphabeticalIndex(value[2]) + 100;
return `${firstSection}${secondSection}${thirdSection}`;
This function can be executed in the console of a browser. Better than having to calculate the order by hand, but this requires that I switch to a browser, open the console, paste this code and execute it and finally copy the result and paste it in the model I'm working on.
I figured it would be much more convenient to be able to do generate the order number from within VS. I have been looking into using Visual Studio Extensions but can't really find anything that is to my liking.
The most optimal solution would be to be able to select the (part of the) DisplayName, right click and select a new command from the context menu that will generate the order and paste it at the correct location. Or place it on the clip board so I can easily paste it in the right location myself. A pop-up displaying the order would be fine as well.
Is this even possible?
Another option could be a new command in one of the toolbar menu's, say Tools, that would display a small window where I can enter/ paste the text and to have it generate the order that I can then paste in the code.
I have figured out how to add an Custom Command to the Tools menu and how I could generate the code and display it, but how can I enter the text? Or is it maybe possible to retrieve selected text from the editor window? That would solve my problem as well.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great!
PS. I'm not too happy with the title of this question so I'm open to suggestions if anyone can think of a title that better describes my question.
You could retrieve selected text from Visual Studio editor window with following code.
DTE dte = (DTE)this.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE));
string text = "";
if (dte.ActiveDocument != null)
var selection = (TextSelection)dte.ActiveDocument.Selection;
text = selection.Text;

adding row manualy into DataGrid using VB6

i want to display the data into DataGrid manually in VB6, source of data is not from database or other source. I have created the column, like this:
For i = 2 To 4
DataGrid1.Columns.Add i
Next i
DataGrid1.Columns(0).Caption = "No"
DataGrid1.Columns(1).Caption = "Subdataset"
DataGrid1.Columns(2).Caption = "Dimension"
DataGrid1.Columns(3).Caption = "Check"
DataGrid1.Columns(3).Caption = "Detail"
but i can't add row and add value into it, i have tried like this:
Me.DataGrid1.AllowUserToAddRows = True
DataGrid1.Row = DataGrid1.Row + 1
then i got error
Please tell me if anybody can help me, thank you
Not only is DataGrid designed to be a bound control, it doesn't support unbound use. Says so right in the doc. So, the short answer is that you can't do what you are trying to do, because it's designed to display values from a database.
Instead, you'll want to use the MSFlexGrid control (Not the MSHFlexGrid control, although some of the doc confuses them), which you can read about here. Suppose you play around with that (the AddItem method is the fundamental piece you need to work with) and post back with specifics if you have problems.
Once you have added the table (DataGrid) right click select edit then you can insert columns:

Comparing Data In Text Boxes in Visual Studio 2013

So I mostly use Microsoft Excel for a lot of my work and the most "Programming" I do is writing basic logical functions in excel.
I am setting up a windows form in Visual Studio 2013 and I want to the end user to be able to be able to confirm that the data they input into TEXTBOX1 matches what is in TEXTBOX2.
So normally in excel I can just write =IF(C2=D2,"Yes","No")
So basically I want to be able to input data in the carton field and then in the label field and if it matches I want it to say yes in the text box at the bottom.
I tried writing
If CartonBarcode = LabelBarcode Then
PartCheck = "Yes"
Else : PartCheck = "No"
End If
but that hasn't worked - I am very new to VB so please be gentle.
Eventually I also want to be able to append the scanned data (If the two text boxes match) into an excel spreadsheet.
Thanks in advance for all your help =)
Thanks for your help Mark - that makes a lot of sense.
I added this IF Statement to the PartCheck text box but it doesn't seem to display Yes or No regardless of what I put in.
It now throws two errors (look to be the same error on each line.)
Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'
Any further help you can provide would be fantastic
Screenshot of errors
I then changed PartCheck = "Yes" to PartCheck.Text = "Yes" and it runs but then nothing displays in the PartCheck Text Box
In WinForms, TextBox and other GUI components (e.g. Label, Button) are objects, with properties and methods to interact with them. If you want to compare the text that has been entered into two TextBox objects, you will need to compare their Text properties. e.g.
Updated code below based on your updated question. You are correct that you need PartCheck.Text = "Yes" to set it correctly. Your current issue is when you are performing the check. You are handling the TextChanged event for your PartCheck TextBox, but your logic should really be triggered when either the CartonBarcode or LabelBarcode text is changed. You can either have TextChanged handlers for both of those TextBox controls, and call a common subroutine to perform the check, or have a common TextChanged handler, as shown below:
Private Sub Barcode_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles CartonBarcode.TextChanged, LabelBarcode.TextChanged
If CartonBarcode.Text = LabelBarcode.Text Then
PartCheck.Text = "Yes"
PartCheck.Text = "No"
End If
End Sub

HTA, Removing Selected Items from a Combo Box

So i have an HTA that populates a combo box based on SCCM client installs that are available and have not yet been run. Everything works fine except for the combo box whats supposed to happen is whatever program is selected runs, and is then installed and removed from the Combo box. However no matter what program i select the first Item is removed every time, I've tried a few different variations but nothing seems to work, any help is appreciated.
Dim i
strSelectedValues = ""
' Check all the Options of the ListBox
For i = 0 To (objComboBox.Options.Length - 1)
' Check if the Current Option is Selected
If (objComboBox.Options(i).Selected) Then
' Collect only the Selected Values
strSelectedValues = strSelectedValues & objComboBox.Options(i).Value
End If
'Remove selected program to install from the Combo box list
According to this authority, .remove needs the number/index of the option to remove. SelectedItem seems to be undefined/empty/for practical purposes: zero in your code; then it seems reasonable that the first option vanishes. So try
ComboBox1.Remove ComboBox1.selectedIndex
(perhaps guarded by a check that there is a selected option - or should it go into the loop?)

Google Apps Script listbox to dropdown box

I'm building a UI in Google Sites using Apps Script and I am able to create a listbox. According to the documentation if you change the setVisibleItemCount to 1 it will become a dropdown box.
I have tried both 1 and 0.
Neither seems to make it a drop-down box. Using Firefox 13.0.1 to view. Have also tried Safari.
Anyone had any luck with this?
Code looks like this:
var vPanel = container.createVerticalPanel();
//List box
var lb = container.createListBox(true).setId('listbox').setName('listbox');
// add items to ListBox
for(var i=0;i<LIST_OF_PROJECTS.length;i++){
lb.setVisibleItemCount(1); //supposed to make it a drop-down but doesn't
This is all inside a Google Site and the page that is being displayed is a Apps Script Page. Perhaps you are NOT using Google Sites? Above code gives me a single line but no drop down arrow.
Could you post your relevant code please ?, It's working for me on firefox (slightly differently), chrome & safari. (see screen cap when I click the selector, SetVisibleItemCount is 1)
EDIT : One important point : to get the list acting as a dropdown list you have to choose 'disable multiple selection', in other words : createListBox(false) or no parameter... but not 'true' as it is in your code !! (now we know why it doesn't work in your case ;-)
With this parameter set to false , it works as expected in standalone webapp, embedded on site and linked to spreadsheet without any difference.
Don't call:
at all.
