Run laravel migration onto a remote host from a docker container - laravel

How to reliably run
php artisan migrate --env=staging
where .env.staging is setup with a remote hostname or ip in the DB_HOST field
php artisan migrate --database=staging_db
where database.php has a staging_db with DB_HOST pointing to remote hostname or ip
Whenever I run it I receive this error:
[PDOException] SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not connect to server: No
such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket
Not sure whats causing it? most likely due to the container being on an internal network which doesnt recognize the remote hostname or IP. How do I solve this?


Cant connect to https minio container from laravel container

I have a laravel application running which tries to upload files to a local minio server which runs on https on port 9001.
This happens on a server with a public domain name we shall call
In the host machine (outside my docker containers) if I do curl -k or curl -k it works, but if I try to run these commands inside my laravel container I get curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 9001: Connection refused.
In the container I can do connect to my minio server by using the minio containers name since they are on the same network curl -k https://pan.api.minio:9001.
I wanted to use this but then running migrations in laravel fails with Error executing "PutObject" on "https://pan.api.minio:9001/pan-local/ab7d6e69-5e13-4582-8855-669dcb935591/OVVzTEZiOGhSR3J1MkVHSmlIa3VoSXNsTFdJVnNWWlNCb0U2dnlsWm13dmNGUjRvWlVIVVJRTWxqak1reVhMUm1hbmV0LTItMQ%3D%3D"; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'pan.api.minio' (see
I just want to upload files to my minio server from within my laravel container, but why can't I connect to it by doing like I can outside of my docker containers?

Connect localhost from host virtualbox

I have a Laravel app in Virtualbox in the localhost aka and I want to connect from my host to the server.
Also, it will be great that anyone with the same network can connect to my localhost.
How can this be done?
You can pass the host while running the php artisan serve command.
For example, your network IP is
Then run the command like this
php artisan serve --host=
Hope this will work for you.

Laravel Homestead not working database connect

I have installed laravel homestead and run it.
But I can't run migration locally and in vagrant.
If I try to run the migration inside vagrant
cd ~/code/project/
php artisan migrate
I got an error
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 54320?"
If I try to run the migration locally I got a another error
PDOException::("could not find driver")
my .env file contains the same code as written in doc
Maybe something I do not understand but do I need posgresql locally and inside my vagrant? Where I have to work with database locally or with vagrant?

Laravel's "artisan serve" and connection to Homestead database

Why I can't connect to Homestead mysql when I use artisan serve build in server? Host, port is configured in .env to point at Homestead database.
Why I want artisan serve instead of Homestead server? I'm making Nuxt app with hotreload and I want to test in while on localhost:8000 port.
Right now I'm getting "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused".
Oh after npm build on Homestead server connection to database working great... so it's not credentials problem.
Virtual machine IP... instead of my main OS IP Solved. Thanks to #devk.

Cannot access localhost:8080 from laravel

I have a PHP application running on homestead box. This application makes calls to another app that is running on glassfish on my localhost:8080.
When PHP application sends the request to localhost:8080, I am getting following error:
ConnectException in RequestException.php line 49:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused
Still I can make calls to localhost:8080 from web browser.Anyone has any suggestion?
Seeing how your application is running in Homestead (which by default is available on and is forwarded to also be accessible on localhost:8000) your application running on Glassfish will not have access to it using localhost:8080. This is because localhost in your vagrant box (Homestead) is not actually the same localhost as on the host machine.
What you could do is grab the ip address from the host machine and connect to it from your application running in Homestead.
So here is how I could solve the problem. Vagrant is the guest machine running on my localhost as host machine. To access host from guest, you need to use gateway from VB.
I found this answer which helped me to access my application on localhost.
