When I execute my code which includes 5 source files and 4 header files. It executes correctly at first. After executing again and again this window appears when program is executed. And indicates the line shown. I tried rebuild and I deleted the makefile but I cant fix this.
just close that tab and change your TDM-GCC from 64-bit to 32-bit
just close the tab showing makefile.
It is adjacent to your main program.
So I want to work a little bit in the interactive window in visual studio, to take a look at some F#.
Now View>other windows>F# interactive
In order to load my file I then type
>#load "Distance.fs";;
It is important to mention that Distance.fs is the current file that I am standing on.
however now, I get this error:
It looks like it keeps looking in the wrong directory, and it keeps doing this across different files and projects. Why does this happen? Is there any way I can configure VS to always open the interactive windows on the currently open directory
FSI defaults its current directory to whatever %TEMP% is and just needs a little help. Create a scratch script (as #TheQuickBrownFox suggested), and put your #load statement in there. Above that, add
open System
Environment.CurrentDirectory <- __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
Highlight those two lines and press Alt-Enter to tell FSI to change to the script's current directory, then your #load statement should work (if needed, adjust your path, for example if you create a separate scripts folder, then maybe you now need #load "../Distance.fs", etc.
I am looking for a way to have my Notepad++ window open for editing my code and run it line by line or by sections (more than 1 line) while I am editing. It would be like having a real IDE; the output could be shown in the same window (Notepad++) or directly in the Octave window.
I have tried what many many sites say. That is, writing this:
C:\Software\Octave-3.6.4\bin\Octave\Octave-3.6.5.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
in the Run window in Notepad++, saving and giving it a shortcut. However, it is still not working. When I tried to run it, the black window starts showing-up but then it disappears and nothing else happens. In my Notepad++ window I have only one line (for now) where I have tried just "b=4" or "3*4". I have done this with and without semicolon at the end. Nothing happens.
I have Windows 8.0, Notepad 6.5.5 and Octave-3.6.4. I already change the octaverc file in Octave to make it work with Notepad++. I have work already only in the command line in Octave and is working fine. The Octave I installed was exactly "octave-3.6.4-vs2010-setup", it says it was compiled for Visual Studio 10. Is that the reason why this is not working?
Any help will be appreciated...
regarding Octave not processing the command: use supposed command line outside the N++ and see if it works. If not, find a way to make it working, then transfer it back to N++ (and use the token "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" instead of concrete filename)
regarding running the code in smaller portions: if you app can accept the code directly in the command line (SQL command line tools I use can do this), then you can use token "$(CURRENT_WORD)" what stands for content of current selection (all tokens are in wiki)
I recently discovered Emscripten, and after downloading it, I decided to see if I could get it to work with Code::Blocks, so that I could easily test my applications to see how they performed when running as JavaScript.
I created a new compiler configuration, and set up all of the toolchain executables, except for the resource compiler (which doesn't seem to give me any problems), and the debugger. I wasn't really sure what to put in the debugger, because I remembered the debugger field as being a text-box. But when I looked, all that was there was a drop-down menu.
I managed to find a "Debugger" menu in the "Settings" menu, and when I opened it, there was a button called "Create config".
I created a new configuration, and pointed the executable path to "node.exe" (which runs .js files). I then went back to the compiler settings, and chose my new debugger in the drop-down.
I then tried to build and run a simple hello world application. But once it finished building, it gave me the message Execution of '[my file] ' in '[my project folder] 'failed. The actual build seemed to be successful, so I decided to manually run node.exe from the command line to see if I had configured the debugger incorrectly. And as I expected, it ran successfully.
While I was glad that I had successfully configured the compiler, I still was confused as to why the app didn't want to run. I also set Emscripten to create HTML files instead, to see if Code::Blocks would somehow recognize the appropriate program, and open it in the web browser instead. Of course that didn't work either.
What I am trying to figure out, is how I configure Code::Blocks' run command. Perhaps the debugger isn't even the right place to be looking. But I really need someone to help me figure out how I can configure this in Code::Blocks, as this is currently the only thing that is really giving me any trouble.
Possible but less ideal solution:
After some time, I was able to come up with a solution. However, I am sure that there are better alternatives.
To use this method:
Create a new build target called RunScript.
Set the compiler to No Compiler.
In the project properties, set the type to Console application.
Uncheck Auto-generate filename extension, and set the output filename to RunButton.bat.
Create a new file called RunButton.bat (or whatever you entered as the output filename).
Whatever you put in RunButton.bat will now be executed when you click the run button.
I also created a new virtual target that contained my RunScript target, and my main target, so that I don't have to switch targets whenever I want to test my application.
Problems with this method:
While this method does work, it is not ideal, as it requires you to have two extra targets (including the virtual target that I made for convenience). I would rather be able to just have everything contained in one target.
Slightly better solution:
A new solution that I decided to use, is to simply use the configure tools menu to create a tool that points to a batch file that runs my compiled programs.
To use this method:
Go to Tools>Configure Tools...>Add.
Fill in the name, and point the executable to the script that you want to run when this tool is used.
Fill in any needed parameters. You can use the built in ${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE} macro to pass your output application as a parameter.
You can now use your tool by going to Tools>{My tool}, but you can set a hotkey by going to Settings>Editor...>Keyboard shortcuts.
Click the plus button by Tools, and click on your tool to set a shortcut for you tool.
Problems with this method:
While this method does eliminate the extra build targets, it doesn't let you run your script or run non-executable files by clicking the run button; which was the original intent. On top of this, you have to create a new tool anytime you want to add a new script.
I am hoping that someone else will be able to show me a better way of doing this, but for now this will work.
Might be a little late, but I was able to get the codeblocks run button to run any command by using a few post-build steps. The reason I need this is because my laptop has nvidia "optimus" and in order for my output program to see the discreet graphics card, I have to run it with the optirun prefix. So I added the following to the post-build steps in build options:
echo #!/bin/sh > $(TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE)
It basically renames the output binary and creates a script replacing the original output binary name. When pressing the run button, the script is executed instead of the output.
On windows, you might have an issue running an exe extensioned file as a batch script so what if you generate the output file with a bat extension like in your first method, but with compilation and then rename it to exe in the post-build like this:
I loaded the minidump file into Visual Studio 2010, loaded all they symbols, both from my program folder and the Microsoft Symbol Server, then I chose "Debug Native Only" and the program ran up to where it crashed with the same error as displayed on the remote computer when the exe crashed.
Now an error "program.exe not found" and "program.exe was not found in the minidump. you need to load the binary in order to find the source for the current stack frame"
When I click on 'Browse and find program.exe', I select it but VS won't open it?
This dialog "Browse and find ..." tells us two important bits of information:
where it is looking by default (the full path)
the name of the file it attempts to load (exe or dll)
At the same time, it is silent about two more facts:
it is looking for a exename.pdb / dllname.pdb in the same directory
it checks for an exact (size and timestamp) match in the binary and does not bother to tell, the "Open" button just idles.
As soon as you pick the file it asks for, put it in the direcory it looks at, and add the corresponding pdb file, it will definitely work. Only be 100% sure the dll/exe/pdb combination you offer to the debugger is the very same one that was running at the time the minidump was created.
I know this is old, and the solution I found is dumb, but would help someone who is stuck. This issue is still seen on latest VS 2019.
So, the trick is to use the "Browse and find the *.dll" link, open the folder where your binary is located. Copy the binary and in the same window, paste it to a different location on your computer. Now click "Open". It should load the binary and show you the callstack!
Got help from this thread - https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/81681f0f-42ac-469f-85bc-cb85b8771e60/cant-load-executable-to-go-with-crash-mini-dump?forum=vsdebug
When i click on a .rb file to run it a CMD window pops up for a brief second and then closes again. This is probably a really nooby question thats easily fixed but i've looked everywhere for help. But like i said it pops up for a brief second and i THINK while its up its executing the code but when the codes done it closes so i don't know if i'm making mistakes in code or other important things like that.
Run the program through the command prompt (CMD), that way you can see the result, otherwise the window closes when the program exits.
Alternatively, you can prevent the program from exiting by putting some sort of blocking instruction at the end of the script, such that the program waits for user input before exiting.
Press Windows_Key+R and then type CMD. Browse to the location of the file and then type ruby your_ruby_file.rb. The program is running, but Windows automatically closes the window upon completion of the command.
To get Windows to run your *.rb files through Ruby when you click on them in the UI, you have to associate the .rb extension with the ruby.exe executable. Such an association is called a "Windows File Association." Here's a Microsoft Knowledge Base article that'll tell you how to create such a thing.