Path exists between cities or not - algorithm

The link to the problem is Q4 Traveling is Fun.
I can only think of a brute force approach to compute every possible gcd and run bfs from source to destination to check if there exists a path or not.
But the above approach gives TLE in 5 test cases.
Can anyone provide a more efficient approach ?

This is a quick implementation of the graph structure I would use:
class GCDGraph {
private Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> adj = new HashMap<>();
public GCDGraph(int g, int[] srcCities, int[] dstCities){
int n = srcCities.length;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
adj.put(i, new HashSet<>());
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=0;j<i;j++){
int gtmp = gcd(srcCities[i], dstCities[j]);
if(gtmp > g){
// we could add the connection i -> i (assuming srcCities[i] > g)
// but that would not help us find a path, as it introduces a cycle
private int gcd(int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b); }
public Set<Integer> adjacentVertices(int vertex){ return adj.get(vertex); }
public int size(){ return adj.size(); }
public boolean isEmpty(){ return size() == 0; }
public boolean hasPath(int src, int dst){
return buildPath(src, dst, new HashSet<>());
private boolean buildPath(int src, int dst, Set<Integer> tmp){
if(src == dst){
return true;
} else {
for(int nextVertex : adjacentVertices(src)){
if(buildPath(nextVertex, dst, tmp))
return true;
return false;
It explicitly stores the adjacency as a Map (allowing fast lookup).
It has some utility methods (size, isEmpty).
It only looks up the GCD when it is being built, and only once for each x/y pair.
And it uses recursion to perform BFS, quitting as soon as possible.


Knight's tour Problem - storing the valid moves then iterating

I tried to code the knight's tour problem(8X8 board), but somehow I am not able to get it to work.
Instead of exploring all possible knight moves, I am storing it and iterating it one by one but
the program gets terminated before printing the result.
tagged the buggy code and (shamelessly copied) working code in comments.
Thanks in advance :)
*if the board is traversed, print answer and return
* find all possible moves from given position
* for everyPosition in possiblePosition
* place the knight at everyPosition
* call the same function for the new position
* remove the knight from that position
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
class Solution {
static int [][] res;
static int N;
static int row[];
static int col[];
public static void init(int n) { //initialize the array
res=new int[n][n];//n or N is the size of board which is 8
for(int i=0;i<res.length;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<res[0].length;j++) {
public static void print(int[][] res) { //helper function to print the 2d array
for(int i=0;i<res.length;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<res[0].length;j++) {
System.out.print(res[i][j]+" ");
static boolean isValid(int r,int c){//check if the knight's move is inside the board then return true(<8 && >0)
return (r>=0 && c>=0 && r<N && c<N && res[r][c] == -1);
public static boolean solve(int a,int b,int sizeOfBoard,int count,int row[],int col[]) {
if(count==64)//if the board is traversed
return true;
//**buggy code start**
for(int i=0;i<possibleKnightMoves.size();i++) {//iterate over every possible knight move and check if the knight can be placed there or not
int x= possibleKnightMoves.get(i).get(0);
int y= possibleKnightMoves.get(i).get(1);
if(isValid(x,y)) {
if(solve(x,y,sizeOfBoard,count+1,row,col)) {
return true;
//**buggy code end**
//**perfect working code, uncomment me and comment the buggy code(only for reference)**
// for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
// int x=a+row[i];
// int y=b+col[i];
// if(isValid(x,y)) {
// res[x][y]=count;
// if(solve(x,y,sizeOfBoard,count+1,row,col))
// return true;//knight can be placed
// else
// res[x][y]=-1;
// }
// }
//**perfect working code end**
return false;//knight cant be placed at the square
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleKnightMoves(int a,int b,int sizeOfBoard) {
int x=a;
int y=b;
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result= new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
x=x+row[i];// x,y represent all the possible knight moves from knight's current position
result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(x,y)));//add the moves to all possible moves list
return result;
public static void knightTour(int n) {
res[0][0]=0;//set starting position
int array[]={2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2 };//array 1 and array 2 represent the set of knight moves from (x,y) eg: x+2,y+1
int array2[]={1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1 };
solve(0,0,n,1,array,array2);//starting from 0,0 with count =1 as knight is already paced on 0,0
public static void main(String args[]) {
The problem is possibleKnightMoves method, where you wrote
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
x=x+row[i];current position
result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(x,y)));
Should be
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
x=a+row[i];//Changed here
y=b+col[i];//and here
result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(x,y)));
Or else, the value of x and y adds on.
It is right now, but there is still one problem: your code runs too slow.
Consider this line
And this line in the for loop:
You repeated doing the same thing several times, which if you just remove the line in the for loop, the result won't change but runs faster. So I think this is what you want:
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class Main {
static int [][] res;
static int N;
static int row[];
static int col[];
public static void init(int n) { //initialize the array
res=new int[n][n];//n or N is the size of board which is 8
for(int i=0;i<res.length;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<res[0].length;j++) {
public static void print(int[][] res) { //helper function to print the 2d array
for(int i=0;i<res.length;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<res[0].length;j++) {
if(res[i][j] == -1) {
System.out.print("n ");
}else {
System.out.print(res[i][j]+" ");
static boolean isValid(int r,int c){//check if the knight's move is inside the board then return true(<8 && >0)
return (r>=0 && c>=0 && r<N && c<N && res[r][c] == -1);
public static boolean solve(int a,int b,int sizeOfBoard,int count,int row[],int col[]) {
return true;
for(int i=0;i<possibleKnightMoves.size();i++) {//iterate over every possible knight move and check if the knight can be placed there or not
int x= possibleKnightMoves.get(i).get(0);
int y= possibleKnightMoves.get(i).get(1);
if(isValid(x,y)) {
if(solve(x,y,sizeOfBoard,count+1,row,col)) {
return true;
return false;//knight cant be placed at the square
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> possibleKnightMoves(int a,int b,int sizeOfBoard) {
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result= new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
int x=a+row[i];//Changed here
int y=b+col[i];//and here
result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(x,y)));
return result;
public static void knightTour(int n) {
res[0][0]=0;//set starting position
int array[]={2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2 };//array 1 and array 2 represent the set of knight moves from (x,y) eg: x+2,y+1
int array2[]={1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1 };
solve(0,0,n,1,array,array2);//starting from 0,0 with count =1 as knight is already paced on 0,0
public static void main(String args[]) {

Knight on Chess Board - Shortest Path

I'm trying to solve this problem:
Basically, you're given a board, a start point and an end point and have to find the shortest path. I'm trying to do BFS on the the board using the 8 possible moves a knight can make and returning the number of moves it took, or -1 if there was no solution. I'm getting a run time out of memory error. I'm not sure where the error (or potential errors) are occurring.
Edit: Previously I was getting an error because I forgot got to mark nodes as visited. I've added that in but I'm still not getting the right answer.
public class Solution {
private class Node {
int row;
int col;
int count;
public Node() {
this.row = 0;
this.col = 0;
this.count = 0;
public Node(int row, int col, int count) {
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
this.count = count;
public int knight(int A, int B, int sr, int sc, int er, int ec) {
int[][] matrix = new int[A][B];
Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<>(); //linkedlist??
Node n = new Node(sr, sc, 0);
matrix[sr][sc] = -1;
final int[][] SHIFTS = {
int count = 0;
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Node cur = q.remove();
if(cur.row == er && cur.col == ec) {
return cur.count;
for(int[] i : SHIFTS) {
if(canTraverse(matrix, cur.row + i[0], cur.col + i[1])) {
matrix[cur.row + i[0]][cur.col + i[1]] = -1;
q.add(new Node(cur.row + i[0], cur.col + i[1], cur.count + 1));
return -1;
public static boolean canTraverse(int[][] matrix, int sr, int sc) {
if(sr < 0 || sr >= matrix.length || sc < 0 || sc >= matrix[sr].length || matrix[sr][sc] == -1) {
return false;
return true;
BFS algorithm needs to mark every visited position (node) to work properly. Else, such code could cause (almost certainly) runtime error or memory limit exceded (in short terms: A calls B and B calls A).
Solution: Create a boolean array and mark the nodes at the time they enter to the queue and you are done.

Time and space complexity of if(!areAllArrayElementsZero())

How can I calculate the time and space complexity of a program(pseudo code) as follows:
} else {
Here areAllArrayElementsZero(),hasAnyOdd(),divideAllArrayElementByTwo() has the complexity O(n). Any leads would help. Actually I was designing the solution to this problem.
Here is the Java equivalent of the above pseudo code, I've designed:
package competitive;
* Problem:
class formarray{
private static int[] elem;
private static boolean areAllZeros(){
for(int i=0; i<elem.length;i++){
return false;
return true;
private static boolean hasAnyOdd(){
for(int i=0; i<elem.length;i++){
if(elem[i]%2 != 0){
// odd element discovered
return true;
return false;
private static boolean decreaseFirstOddByOne(){
for(int i=0; i<elem.length;i++){
if(elem[i]%2 != 0) {
// odd element discovered
// return true if one is decreased from first odd element
return true;
return false;
private static void DivideArrayElementsByTwo(){
for(int i=0; i<elem.length;i++){
// we are not checking element to be even as it has already been checked
elem[i] = elem[i]/2;
public static void main(String args[]){
elem = new int[args.length];
// assign values
for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
elem[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
int steps=0;
// the array has odd members
} else {
System.out.println("Total steps required: "+steps);
There are exactly 4 paths of execution; sum up the cost of each, take the largest.
Or realize there are no loops and each path has a finite number of O(n) elements, making the whole thing O(n).

solving knapsack dynamic programming debugging

I tried to solve the classical knapsap problem myself. But I am getting a wrong answer as 108. Could you help me to figure out what I have done wrong. Here I am using recursion.
Weight limit is 10
answer is 5+3+2 ==> 25+15+14=54
public class KnapSack {
public static int[] weight={6,5,4,3,2};
public static int[] value={12,25,24,15,14};
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static int c(int currentElement,int currentValue,int currentReamainder){
int p = 0;
if(currentReamainder<=0) return currentValue;
for(int i=currentElement;i<weight.length;i++){
if(currentReamainder<weight[i]) return currentValue;
p = Math.max(value[i]+c(i+1,currentValue+value[i],currentReamainder-weight[i]),c(i+1,currentValue,currentReamainder))
return p;
What should I do to print the weights of the optimum solution ?
Your error is this line
it should be
int val = Math.max(value[i]+c(i+1,currentValue+value[i],currentReamainder-weight[i]),c(i+1,currentValue,currentReamainder));
p = Math.max(val, p);
The last bug is when you both updating currentValue and return p at the same time, so imagine the last call, when the function return currentValue, plus the last value[i] in each step, so your result is double
So , your function should be (notice I have removed the currentValue parameter, which is not necessary):
public static int c(int currentElement,int currentReamainder){
int p = 0;
if(currentReamainder<=0) return 0;
for(int i=currentElement;i<weight.length;i++){
if(currentReamainder<weight[i]) break;//This line is not valid, only when the weight array is sorted(ascending order)
int val = Math.max(value[i]+c(i+1,currentReamainder-weight[i]),c(i+1,currentReamainder));
p = Math.max(val, p);
return p;

Puzzle: Find the order of n persons standing in a line (based on their heights)

Saw this question on
Given heights of n persons standing in a line and a list of numbers corresponding to each person (p) that gives the number of persons who are taller than p and standing in front of p. For example,
Heights: 5 3 2 6 1 4
InFronts:0 1 2 0 3 2
Means that the actual actual order is: 5 3 2 1 6 4
The question gets the two lists of Heights and InFronts, and should generate the order standing in line.
My solution:
It could be solved by first sorting the list in descending order. Obviously, to sort, we need to define an object Person (with two attributes of Height and InFront) and then sort Persons based on their height. Then, I would use two stacks, a main stack and a temp one, to build up the order.
Starting from the tallest, put it in the main stack. If the next person had an InFront value of greater than the person on top of the stack, that means the new person should be added before the person on top. Therefore, we need to pop persons from the main stack, insert the new person, and then return the persons popped out in the first step (back to the main stack from temp one). I would use a temp stack to keep the order of the popped out persons. But how many should be popped out? Since the list is sorted, we need to pop exactly the number of persons in front of the new person, i.e. corresponding InFront.
I think this solution works. But the worst case order would be O(n^2) -- when putting a person in place needs popping out all previous ones.
Is there any other solutions? possibly in O(n)?
The O(nlogn) algoritm is possible.
First assume that all heights are different.
Sort people by heights. Then iterate from shortest to tallest. In each step you need an efficient way to put the next person to the correct position. Notice that people we've already placed are not taller that the current person. And the people we place after are taller than the current. So we have to find a place such that the number of empty positions in the front is equal to the inFronts value of this person. This task can be done using a data structure called interval tree in O(logn) time. So the total time of an algorithm is O(nlogn).
This algorithm works well in case where there's no ties. As it may be safely assumed that empty places up to front will be filled by taller people.
In case when ties are possible, we need to assure that people of the same height are placed in increasing order of their positions. It can be achieved if we will process people by non-decreasing inFronts value. So, in case of possible ties we should also consider inFronts values when sorting people.
And if at some step we can't find a position for next person then the answer it "it's impossible to satisfy problem constraints".
There exists an algorithm with O(nlogn) average complexity, however worst case complexity is still O(n²).
To achieve this you can use a variation of a binary tree. The idea is, in this tree, each node corresponds to a person and each node keeps track of how many people are in front of him (which is the size of the left subtree) as nodes are inserted.
Start iterating the persons array in decreasing height order and insert each person into the tree starting from the root. Insertion is as follows:
Compare the frontCount of the person with the current node's (root at the beginning) value.
If it is smaller than it insert the node to the left with value 1. Increase the current node's value by 1.
Else, descend to the right by decreasing the person's frontCount by current node's value. This enables the node to be placed in the correct location.
After all nodes finished, an inorder traversal gives the correct order of people.
Let the code speak for itself:
public static void arrange(int[] heights, int[] frontCounts) {
Person[] persons = new Person[heights.length];
for (int i = 0; i < persons.length; i++)
persons[i] = new Person(heights[i], frontCounts[i]);
Arrays.sort(persons, (p1, p2) -> {
return, p1.height);
Node root = new Node(persons[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < persons.length; i++) {
insert(root, persons[i]);
private static void insert(Node root, Person p) {
insert(root, p, p.frontCount);
private static void insert(Node root, Person p, int value) {
if (value < root.value) { // should insert to the left
if (root.left == null) {
root.left = new Node(p);
} else {
insert(root.left, p, value);
root.value++; // Increase the current node value while descending left!
} else { // insert to the right
if (root.right == null) {
root.right = new Node(p);
} else {
insert(root.right, p, value - root.value);
private static void inOrderPrint(Node root) {
if (root == null)
private static class Node {
Node left, right;
int value;
public final Person person;
public Node(Person person) {
this.value = 1;
this.person = person;
private static class Person {
public final int height;
public final int frontCount;
Person(int height, int frontCount) {
this.height = height;
this.frontCount = frontCount;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] heights = {5, 3, 2, 6, 1, 4};
int[] frontCounts = {0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 2};
arrange(heights, frontCounts);
I think one approach can be the following. Although it again seems to be O(n^2) at present.
Sort the Height array and corresponding 'p' array in ascending order of heights (in O(nlogn)). Pick the first element in the list. Put that element in the final array in the position given by the p index.
For example after sorting,
H - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
p - 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0.
1st element should go in position 3. Hence final array becomes:
2nd element shall go in position 2. Hence final array becomes:
3rd element should go in position 1. Hence final array becomes:
4th element shall go in position 2. This is the position among the empty ones. Hence final array becomes:
5th element shall go in position 0. Hence final array becomes:
6th element should go in position 0. Hence final array becomes:
I think the approach indicated above is correct. However a critical piece missing in the solutions above are.
Infronts is the number of taller candidate before the current person. So after sorting the persons based on height(Ascending), when placing person 3 with infront=2, if person 1 and 2 was in front placed at 0, 1 position respectively, you need to discount their position and place 3 at position 4, I.E 2 taller candidates will take position 2,3.
As some indicated interval tree is the right structure. However a dynamic sized container, with available position will do the job.(code below)
struct Person{
int h, ct;
Person(int ht, int c){
h = ht;
ct = c;
struct comp{
bool operator()(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs){
return (lhs.h < rhs.h);
vector<int> heightOrder(vector<int> &heights, vector<int> &infronts) {
if(heights.size() != infronts.size()){
return {};
vector<int> result(infronts.size(), -1);
vector<Person> persons;
vector<int> countSet;
for(int i= 0; i< heights.size(); i++){
persons.emplace_back(Person(heights[i], infronts[i]));
sort(persons.begin(), persons.end(), comp());
for(size_t i=0; i<persons.size(); i++){
Person p = persons[i];
if(countSet.size() > p.ct){
int curr = countSet[p.ct];
//cout << "the index to place height=" << p.h << " , is at pos=" << curr << endl;
result[curr] = p.h;
countSet.erase(countSet.begin() + p.ct);
return result;
I'm using LinkedList for the this. Sort the tallCount[] in ascending order and accordingly re-position the items in heights[]. This is capable of handling the duplicate elements also.
public class FindHeightOrder {
public int[] findOrder(final int[] heights, final int[] tallCount) {
if (heights == null || heights.length == 0 || tallCount == null
|| tallCount.length == 0 || tallCount.length != heights.length) {
return null;
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 1; i < heights.length; i++) {
if (tallCount[i] == 0) {
Link temp = list.getHead();
while (temp != null && temp.getData() <= heights[i]) {
temp = temp.getLink();
if (temp != null) {
if (temp.getData() <= heights[i]) {
list.insertAfterElement(temp.getData(), heights[i]);
} else {
} else {
} else {
Link temp = list.getHead();
int pos = tallCount[i];
while (temp != null
&& (temp.getData() <= heights[i] || pos-- > 0)) {
temp = temp.getLink();
if (temp != null) {
if (temp.getData() <= heights[i]) {
list.insertAfterElement(temp.getData(), heights[i]);
} else {
list.insertBeforeElement(temp.getData(), heights[i]);
} else {
Link fin = list.getHead();
int i = 0;
while (fin != null) {
heights[i++] = fin.getData();
fin = fin.getLink();
return heights;
public class Link {
private int data;
private Link link;
public Link(int data) { = data;
public int getData() {
return data;
public void setData(int data) { = data;
public Link getLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(Link link) { = link;
public String toString() {
return + " -> "
+ ( != null ? : "null");
public class LinkedList {
private Link head;
public Link getHead() {
return head;
public void insertAtStart(int data) {
if (head == null) {
head = new Link(data);
} else {
Link link = new Link(data);
head = link;
public void insertAtEnd(int data) {
if (head != null) {
Link temp = head;
while (temp != null && temp.getLink() != null) {
temp = temp.getLink();
temp.setLink(new Link(data));
} else {
head = new Link(data);
public void insertAfterElement(int after, int data) {
if (head != null) {
Link temp = head;
while (temp != null) {
if (temp.getData() == after) {
Link link = new Link(data);
} else {
temp = temp.getLink();
public void insertBeforeElement(int before, int data) {
if (head != null) {
Link current = head;
Link previous = null;
Link ins = new Link(data);
while (current != null) {
if (current.getData() == before) {
} else {
previous = current;
current = current.getLink();
if (current != null && current.getData() == before) {
public String toString() {
return "LinkedList [head=" + this.head + "]";
As people already corrected for original input:
Heights : A[] = { 5 3 2 6 1 4 }
InFronts: B[] = { 0 1 2 0 3 2 }
Output should look like: X[] = { 5 3 1 6 2 4 }
Here is the O(N*logN) way to approach solution (with assumption that there are no ties).
Iterate over array B and build chain of inequalities (by placing items into a right spot on each iteration, here we can use hashtable for O(1) lookups):
b0 > b1
b0 > b1 > b2
b3 > b0 > b1 > b2
b3 > b0 > b1 > b4 > b2
b3 > b0 > b5 > b1 > b4 > b2
Sort array A and reverse it
Initialize output array X, iterate over chain from #1 and fill array X by placing items from A into a position defined in a chain
Steps #1 and #3 are O(N), step #2 is the most expensive O(N*logN).
And obviously reversing sorted array A (in step #2) is not required.
This is the implementation for the idea provided by user1990169. Complexity being O(N^2).
public class Solution {
class Person implements Comparator<Person>{
int height;
int infront;
public Person(){
public Person(int height, int infront){
this.height = height;
this.infront = infront;
public int compare(Person p1, Person p2){
return p1.height - p2.height;
public ArrayList<Integer> order(ArrayList<Integer> heights, ArrayList<Integer> infronts) {
int n = heights.size();
Person[] people = new Person[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
people[i] = new Person(heights.get(i), infronts.get(i));
Arrays.sort(people, new Person());
Person[] rst = new Person[n];
for(Person p : people){
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++){
if(count == p.infront){
while(rst[i] != null && i < n - 1){
rst[i] = p;
if(rst[i] == null) count++;
ArrayList<Integer> heightrst = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
return heightrst;
Was solving this problem today, here is what I came up with:
The idea is to sort the heights array in descending order. Once, we have this sorted array - pick up an element from this element and place it in the resultant array at the corresponding index (I am using an ArrayList for the same, it would be nice to use LinkedList) :
public class Solution {
public ArrayList<Integer> order(ArrayList<Integer> heights, ArrayList<Integer> infronts) {
Person[] persons = new Person[heights.size()];
ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < persons.length; i++) {
persons[i] = new Person(heights.get(i), infronts.get(i));
Arrays.sort(persons, (p1, p2) -> {
return, p1.height);
for (int i = 0; i < persons.length; i++) {
//System.out.println("adding "+persons[i].height+" "+persons[i].count);
res.add(persons[i].count, persons[i].height);
return res;
private static class Person {
public final int height;
public final int count;
public Person(int h, int c) {
height = h;
count = c;
I found this kind of problem on SPOJ. I created a binary tree with little variation. When a new height is inserted, if the front is smaller than the root's front then it goes to the left otherwise right.
Here is the C++ implementation:
using namespace std;
struct TreeNode1
int val;
int _front;
TreeNode1* left;
TreeNode1* Add(int x, int v)
TreeNode1* p= (TreeNode1*) malloc(sizeof(TreeNode1));
return p;
TreeNode1* _insert(TreeNode1* root, int x, int _front)
if(root==NULL) return Add(x,_front);
if(root->_front >=_front)
return root;
bool comp(pair<int,int> a, pair<int,int> b)
return a.first>b.first;
void in_order(TreeNode1 * root, vector<int>&v)
if(root==NULL) return ;
vector<int>soln(vector<int>h, vector<int>in )
vector<pair<int , int> >vc;
for(int i=0;i<h.size();i++) vc.push_back( make_pair( h[i],in[i] ) );
TreeNode1* root=NULL;
for(int i=0;i<vc.size();i++)
return v;
int main()
int t;
int n;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {int x;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {int x; cin>>x;
for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) cout<<v[i]<<" ";
Here is a Python solution that uses only elementary list functions and takes care of ties.
def solution(heights, infronts):
person = list(zip(heights, infronts))
person.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0] == 0, x[1], -x[0]))
output = []
for p in person:
extended_output = output + [p]
extended_output.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]))
output_position = [p for p in extended_output].index(p) + p[1]
output.insert(output_position, p)
for c, p in enumerate(output):
taller_infronts = [infront for infront in output[0:c] if infront[0] >= p[0]]
assert len(taller_infronts) == p[1]
return output
Simple O(n^2) solution for this in Java:
If the position of the shortest person is i, i-1 taller people will be in front of him.
We fix the position of shortest person and then move to second shortest person.
Sort people by heights. Then iterate from shortest to tallest. In each step you need an efficient way to put the next person to the correct position.
We can optimise this solution even more by using segment tree. See this link.
class Person implements Comparable<Person>{
int height;
int pos;
Person(int height, int pos) {
this.height = height;
this.pos = pos;
public int compareTo(Person person) {
return this.height - person.height;
public class Solution {
public int[] order(int[] heights, int[] positions) {
int n = heights.length;
int[] ans = new int[n];
PriorityQueue<Person> pq = new PriorityQueue<Person>();
for( int i=0; i<n; i++) {
pq.offer(new Person(heights[i], positions[i]) );
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Person person = pq.poll();
int vacantTillNow = 0;
int index = 0;
while(index < n) {
if( ans[index] == 0) vacantTillNow++;
if( vacantTillNow > person.pos) break;
ans[index] = person.height;
return ans;
Segment tree can be used to solve this in O(nlog n) if there are no ties in heights.
Please look for approach 3 in this link for a clear explanation of this method.
Below is my code for the same approach in python
def findEmptySlot(tree, root, left, right, K, result):
if left==right:
return left
if tree[2*root+1] >= K:
return findEmptySlot(tree, 2*root+1, left, (left+right)//2, K, result)
return findEmptySlot(tree, 2*root+2, (left+right)//2+1, right, K-tree[2*root+1], result)
def buildsegtree(tree, pos, start, end):
if start==end:
return tree[pos]
left = buildsegtree(tree, 2*pos+1,start, mid)
right = buildsegtree(tree,2*pos+2,mid+1, end)
return tree[pos]
class Solution:
# #param A : list of integers
# #param B : list of integers
# #return a list of integers
def order(self, A, B):
people=[(A[i],B[i]) for i in range(len(A))]
people.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
buildsegtree(tree,0, 0, n-1)
for i in range(n):
idx=findEmptySlot(tree, 0, 0, n-1, people[i][1]+1, result)
return result
