Kibana as Elasticsearch monitoring solution - elasticsearch

Objective is to create a Dashboard in Kibana that include visualizations based on some special queries to monitor Elasticsearch health and status, like GET /_cluster/settings?include_defaults=true&filter_path=defaults. the problem is this query is based on no index. how can i go thru it?

Please install the free version of xpack , cluster monitoring is free.
I am using that already.


How to know where the Elastic Search Hits are coming from

I have elastic search cluster.
Currently designing a python service for client for read and write query to my elastic search. The python service will not be maintained by me. Only internally python service will call our elastic search for fetching and writing
Is there any way to configure the elastic search so that we get to know that the requests are coming from python service, Or any way we can pass some extra fields while querying based on that fields we will get the logs
There is no online feature in elasticsearch to resolve your request. (you want to check the source and add fields to query).
but there is a solution for audit logs.
What you can do is placing a proxy in front of it and do the logging there, we have an Apache in front of our Elastic clusters to enable SSL-offloading there and add logging and ACL possibilities.

ELK with Grafana instead of Kibana for centralized log

When comes to centralized log tools, I see lot of comparison of ELK vs EFK vs Loki vs other.
But I have hard time to actually see information about "ELG", ELK (or EFK) but with Grafana instead of Kibana.
I know Grafana can use Elasticsearch as datasource, so it should be technically working. But how good is it? Any drawback compare to using Kibana? Maybe there are more existing dashboard for Kibana than Grafana when it comes to log?
I am asking this as I would like to have one UI system for both my metrics dashboard and my logs dashboard.
Kibana is part of the stack, so it is deeply integrated with elasticsearch, you have a lot of pre-built dashboards and apps inside Kibana like SIEM and Observability. If you use filebeat, metricbeat or any other beat to collect data it will have a lot of dashboards for a lot of systems, services and devices, so it is pretty easy to visualize your data without having to do a lot of work, basically you just need to follow the documentation.
But if you have some data that doesn't fit with one of pre-built dashboards, or want more flexibility and creat your own dashboards, Kibana needs more work than Grafana, and Kibana also only works with elasticsearch, so if you have other datasources you would need to put the data in elasticsearch. Also, if you want to have map visualizations, Kibana Map app is pretty good.
The Grafana plugin for Elasticsearch has some small bugs, but in overall it works fine, things probably will change for better since Elastic and Grafana made a partnership to improve the plugin.
So, if all your data is in elasticsearch, use Kibana, if you have different datasources, use grafana.

Can i use Kibana UI for client's ? Is it open source?

I am new to kibana the requirement is to build an analytical dashboard, so we are thinking of uploading the data into elastic search and give access to only visualization of kibana to build reports and use the different dashboards. I have googled and found some links for building custom dashboards using kibana plugin but We don't need any customization so we wanted to use the same kibana UI. Please share your thoughts.
Elasticsearch and Kibana are both open-source.
If you want to prevent your users from read/writing to cluster but allow them to create visualisations and dashboards then you can do so by using a basic license and setting up Role-based access control. You'll need to give them full access to .kibana index. Have a look at Elastic subscriptions to understand the different types of licenses (subscriptions).
If they only want to view and not create visualisations/dashboards, then create a RO (read-only) user with limited privileges i.e read-all but no-write permissions.
Can i use Kibana UI for client's ? Is it open source?
Yes, Kibana is open source. You need a server to host Kibana for free, or you can buy some special option like 10 nodes ES server and Kibana with SAML (Platinium plan).
The name you are looking for is Elastic stack not solo Kibana.
For example Kibana needs Elasticsearch always.
Some features are in paid versions only, or in some free additional plugins.

how to implement elasticsearch

can kibana's console (in Dev Tools) be used for writing and implementing elasticsearch ? I am new to elasticsearch and very confused when it comes to doing hands-on it. thank you in advance.
kibana Dev tools makes calling elastic search API's easier so you can develop what ever you want in kibana Dev tools to make aggregation call or make query string to call the API's.
on the other hand you should use it with an SDK in your application like Elasticsearch JS for javascript so you can use the developed queries and aggregations in kibana to be used in your application and more you can monitor your shards health or put mapping for your indexes and more of functionality which can be found in Documentation, Although, you can find JS API's Documentation here
You can use Kibana Dev Tools to invoke REST API commands to perform cluster level actions such as taking snapshots, restore etc and also index simple documents. But, if you are looking to writing data to Elastic on a regular basis like ingesting server/ app logs or server metrics (CPU, memory, Disk usage etc) you should look at installing filebeats or metricbeats.

How to access Elasticsearch remotely from Kibana Dashboard?

In simple terms, think of trying visualize your data via Kibana from any computer, but once you get to the Kibana dashboard you see 0 hits/results.
I currently have Elasticsearch on a Linux machine with no GUI (simply changing to a GUI is not allowed).
I'm trying to access my indexes using Kibana (Internet Explorer on a Windows machine).
I also have Kibana running on the Linux machine (./kibana), you can't access the Kibana machine via IP/domain unless you start the (./kibana).
But I don't know which ELK files to configure, and what to configure.
Kibana Dashboards are used to visualize the pre-configred charts, maps, time series etc.
You can not use them to do the administrative operations to your elastic search instance.
Although Kibana does have Dev Tools that you can use to query Elastic search and do mappings etc. To list all the indexes, the query to write in Dev Tools will be GET /_cat/indices?v
However, if you are looking for a GUI based tool to monitor and manage the clusters, nodes etc of Elastic Search, then you can opt for Monitoring that comes with the X-Pack
