Return only the first result of a multiple return values in golang - go

Absolute newbie question here.
Some functions in Go return more than one value (normally, the value and an error). I was writing a func who return the return value of one of those functions, and even if it is very easy to put the values on variables and return only the first one, I have the doubt if I could do the same in only one line without the extra variable. This is something often uses in other languages like C, Java, C#, Ruby, etc
func someFunc (param string) int {
// do something with the string, not very important
return strconv.Atoi(param)
I know this works
func someFunc (param string) int {
// do something with the string, not very important
var result int
result, _ = strconv.Atoi(param)
return result
It is this possible in Go? It is considered a "good practice" (like in Java*)
Note: Before someone say that this technique is not a good practice in Java, clarify that is not important for the question, but some people (like the ones in the company I work) encourage that style.

Use a short variable declaration for the shortest code to accomplish this goal:
func SomeFunc(parm string) int {
result, _ := strconv.Atoi(param)
return result
There is no one line solution without introducing a helper function that accepts two arguments and returns the first. One of these helper functions would be needed for each combination of types where you want to ignore a value.

Your best possible one-liner is a helper function written as:
func first(n int, _ error) int {
return n
func SomeFunc(param string) int {
return first(strconv.Atoi(param))
Note that:
the argument types and positions must match exactly
the second argument to first has the blank identifier (_), making it clear that you wish to completely ignore it. [1]
If you absolutely don't want to declare a named function, you may use a function literal, but that looks real ugly:
func SomeFunc(param string) int {
return func(n int, _ error) int { return n }(strconv.Atoi(param))
In general, the helper function is worth it if you have a lot of repetition in your code. Otherwise just use a temp variable, which looks clean and idiomatic:
func SomeFunc(param string) int {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(param)
return n
Once generics will be added to the language in Go 1.18, you will be able to write a helper function that can be used with any return pair and preserve type safety on the first one:
func first[T, U any](val T, _ U) T {
return val
func SomeFunc(param string) int {
return first(strconv.Atoi(param))
Go2 Playground:
[1] Keep in mind that in case of strings.Atoi the second return value is an error, and ignoring errors is bad practice. However there are cases where the success of the operation truly doesn't matter, then it's fine to use _ to ignore the argument.


Change struct field in function or return the value

In the end, this question will surely depend on personal preferences. Nevertheless, I would like to dare an attempt to find out which style is the preferred one.
I have recently noticed inconsistencies in my code. I have a struct with some fields. The question now is what is the idiomatic way to edit this field when I need to call a function to get the value I want to set. Do I set the value inside the function, or do I return it and set it in my calling function?
type SuperStruct struct {
OneValue string
AnotherValue string
func (s *SuperStruct) makeAnotherValue() {
s.AnotherValue = "Hello there"
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{}
or (with the same struct)
func (s *SuperStruct) makeAnotherValue() string {
return "Hello there"
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{}
superStruct.AnotherValue = superStruct.makeAnotherValue()
I know that there are cases where only one of these ways makes sense. But I often find myself in a situation where both are possible. I guess the second way would allow for better guarding, but sometimes that's not an issue.
I think the idiomatic go way would be to remove your function entirely:
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{AnotherValue:"Hello there"}
func main() {
superStruct := SuperStruct{}
superStruct.AnotherValue = "Hello there"
Don't build getters/setters/create functions unless they are absolutely necessary, just do the work required. If you're just setting a simple field, you don't need a factory to make the field value in most cases. If you think the function is necessary, it would need to be a lot more complex than this (at least a few lines) and would typically be called NewAnotherValue and not attached to the parent struct.
Every indirection through another function/struct makes the code harder to follow.

Return input variables in golang

I just got started with Golang, and I saw the typical swap function example:
func swap(x, y string) (string, string) {
return y, x
I automatically thought that the named returns could have solved it and that it was a sweeter example, so I tried the shorter version:
package main
import "fmt"
func swap(z, y int) (z, y int) {
func main() {
fmt.Println(swap(2, 3))
But to by my surprise it didn't compile complaining about a duplicate argument. Why is not possible to return an input argument? Am I doing something wrong or it is just not supported?
I thought this was a totally valid use case and that it could have been many other examples for this usage.
I'm also a Golang beginner. Here's what I managed to find out.
The problem is essentially, that you declare two variables named z, then expect them to be unified. This is not supported, and in fact would go against the main goal of named return types, which is to document the meaning of the values returned.
To explain in more detail, this is a bit like writing the following code:
func badFunction(a int) int {
var a int = 0
return a
A variable is declared twice, and this is confusing for Go. If we look at what the 'tour of go' has to say about named return values, we can see the issue. It's not the greatest source, but it's a source nonetheless:
Go's return values may be named. If so, they are treated as variables defined at the top of the function.
That is to say, your example is almost exactly like badFunction. To the compiler, it looks a bit like this:
func swap(a, b int) (int, int) {
var a int = 0
var b int = 0
return b, a
Naturally, the compiler complains about a redeclared in block, which is a related though admittedly not equal error. The error message you receive there appears to essentially be a pre-check to prevent the user from seeing the code produced when desugared.
As this Stackoverflow question reports, named return values should essentially be for documentation only. However, it does mention the possibility of accidental shadowing. It may be that an earlier Go version supported this, but has since been changed to prevent bugs due to this kind of name collision, however I have not found anything pertaining to this.
The effective go section on the topic also has something to say:
The return or result "parameters" of a Go function can be given names and used as regular variables, just like the incoming parameters. When named, they are initialized to the zero values for their types when the function begins; if the function executes a return statement with no arguments, the current values of the result parameters are used as the returned values.
The names are not mandatory but they can make code shorter and clearer: they're documentation.
TL;DR: The compiler doesn't unify names in the way you might expect. This kind of implicit shadowing not supported, and should be actively avoided to prevent certain easily avoidable bugs.
I guess problem is not in returning input argument, but in names duplication: y and z are declared twice on the same level and compiler cannot distinguish.
When you declare a variable in return type, Go compiler would consider that, you are declaring the variable there for future use.
Now when the compiler sees the same variable name in both input & return part, it will report a duplicate argument issue.
You can try the working example below, if you want to
func swap(x, y string) (a string, b string) {
a = y
b = x
You can do this way
func checkError(err *error) (bool, *error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return false, nil
or if you really want to use variable, this way
func checkError(err *error) (result bool, err_msg *error) {
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return false, nil

Cannot Range Over List Type Interface {} In Function Using Go

Cannot Range Over List Type Interface {} In Function Using Go.
for me is important then i execute for in a function.
How can fix?
package main
import (
type MyBoxItem struct {
Name string
type MyBox struct {
Items []MyBoxItem
func (box *MyBox) AddItem(item MyBoxItem) []MyBoxItem {
box.Items = append(box.Items, item)
return box.Items
func PrintCustomArray(list interface{}) interface{} {
//items := reflect.ValueOf(list)
for _, v := range list {
return 0
func main() {
items := []MyBoxItem{}
item := MyBoxItem{Name: "Test Item 1"}
box := MyBox{items}
Error : cannot range over list (type interface {})
How can fix?
The answer below describes, in broad strokes, 2 possible approaches: using interfaces, and using specific types. The approach focusing on interfaces is mentioned for completeness sake. IMHO, the case you've presented is not a viable use-case for interfaces.
Below, you'll find a link to a playground example that uses both techniques. It should be apparent to anyone that the interface approach is too cumbersome if for this specific case.
Quite apart from the fact that you don't really seem to be too familiar with how loops work in go (v.Key and v.Value are non-existent fields for example), I'll attempt to answer your question.
You are passing a list to your function, sure enough, but it's being handled as an interface{} type. That means your function accepts, essentially, any value as an argument. You can't simply iterate over them.
What you can do is use type assertions to convert the argument to a slice, then another assertion to use it as another, specific interface:
type Item interface{
key() string
val() string
func (i MyBoxItem) key() string {
return i.Key
func (i MyBoxItem) val() string {
return i.Value
func PrintCustomArray(list interface{}) error {
listSlice, ok := list.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Argument is not a slice")
for _, v := range listSlice {
item, ok := v.(Item)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("element in slice does not implement the Item interface")
fmt.Println(item.key(), item.val())
return nil
But let's be honest, a function like this only works if a slice is passed as an argument. So having that first type assertion in there makes no sense whatsoever. At the very least, changing the function to something like this makes a lot more sense:
func PrintCustomArray(list []interface{})
Then, because we're not expecting an array as such, but rather a slice, the name should be changed to PrintCustomSlice.
Lastly, because we're using the same type assertion for every value in the slice, we might as well change the function even more:
// at this point, we'll always return 0, which is pointless
// just don't return anything
func PrintCustomSlice(list []Item) {
for _, v := range list {
fmt.Println(v.key(), v.val())
The advantages of a function like this is that it can still handle multiple types (all you have to do is implement the interface). You don't need any kind of expensive operations (like reflection), or type assertions.
Type assertions are very useful, but in a case like this, they merely serve to hide problems that would otherwise have resulted in a compile-time error. Go's interface{} type is a very useful thing, but you seem to be using it to get around the type system. If that's what you want to achieve, why use a typed language in the first place?
Some closing thoughts/remarks: If your function is only going to be used to iterate over specific "thing", you don't need the interfaces at all, simply specify the type you're expecting to be passed to the function in the first place. In this case that would be:
func PrintCustomSlice(list []MyBoxItem) {
for _, v := range list {
fmt.Println(v.Key, v.Value)
Another thing that I've noticed is that you seem to be exporting everything (all functions, types, and fields start with a capital letter). This, in go, is considered bad form. Only export what needs to be public. In the main package, that usually means you're hardly export anything.
Lastly, as I mentioned at the start: you don't seem to have a firm grasp on the basics just yet. I'd strongly recommend you go through the interactive tour. It covers the basics nicely, but shows you the features of the language at a decent pace. It doesn't take long, and is well worth taking a couple of hours to complete
Playground demo
It's possible to implement PrintCustomArray using the reflect package, but most experienced Go programmers will write a simple for loop:
for _, i := range box.Items {
fmt.Println("Name:", i.Name)
You can also encapsulate it in a function:
func PrintCustomArray(items []MyBoxItem) {
for _, i := range items {
fmt.Println("Name:", i.Name)
Here since you are returning box.Items from AddItem(), Items is of the type []MyBoxItem , so list should be of type []MyBoxItem .Moreover you are returning 0 in PrintCustomArray and the return type you have set is {}interface.
func PrintCustomArray(list []MyBoxItem) {
//items := reflect.ValueOf(list)
for i, v := range list {
fmt.Println(i, v)
//return 0
Again, MyBoxItem struct has only one variable named Name so v.key v.value won't make any sense.
This is what the proper code should look like .
You need to clear your understanding about interfaces in go. This might help .

Is it possible to get return values selectively on single-value contexts in Go?

A simple example:
package main
import "fmt"
func hereTakeTwo() (x, y int) {
x = 0
y = 1
func gimmeOnePlease(x int){
func main() {
gimmeOnePlease(hereTakeTwo()) // fix me
Is it possible to pass only first returned value from hereTakeTwo() without using an explicit _ assignment? Example of what I would like to avoid:
func main() {
okJustOne, _ := hereTakeTwo()
What I want is to make gimmeOnePlease function able to receive an undefined number of arguments but take only first one OR a way to call hereTakeTwo function and get only first returned value without the necessity to use _ assignments.
Or on a last resort (crazy idea) use some kind of adapter function, that takes N args and reurns only first one, and have something like:
func main() {
Why? I'm just testing the boundaries of the language and learning how flexible it can be to some purposes.
No, you cannot do that apart from one special case described in the Spec:
As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order. The call of f must contain no parameters other than the call of g, and g must have at least one return value.
The best you can do besides the temporary variables (which are the best option) is this:
func first(a interface{}, _ ...interface{}) interface{} {
return a
func main() {
Variadic version:

How to access individual values from a multi-value returning function?

Go functions can return multiple values:
func f() (int, int) {
return 2, 3
Is there any way to access individual values from such a multi-value returning function except assignment, i.e. suppose there is
func g(i int) {...}
is there is simpler way to write the following two lines?
_, i = f()
My personal favorite would be g(f()[1]) but that's not possible either.
The current solution used by the standard library is to write simple helper functions which are dropping the unwanted return values. For example, take a look at the template package.
A lot of functions there return a (*Template, os.Error) tuple, but there is a helper called template.Must() which only returns a *Template and panics if the error isn't nil.
Alternatively, a general helper function like func extract(index int, values ...interface{}) interface{} might do the trick. But since there isn't support for generics yet, I wouldn't write something like that.
Use an anonymous struct instead of multiple return values.
func f() (struct{i,j int}) {
return struct{i, j int}{2, 3}
func g(i int) { ... }
func main() {
Of course this only works when you are writing the function. Though you can wrap existing ones with this if you want.
g(func(fst,snd int) int { return snd }(f()))
or defined snd
func snd(x, y int) int {
return y
or if function return array
func f() ([2]int) {
return [2]int{2, 3}
There isn't a simpler way.
A possible solution would look for example like this:
There is no syntactic support for a feature like this one in Go.
