spring boot connection pool with long running requests - spring

When a spring boot request starts, it obtains a connection from the pool. My question is - is this connection remains tied to the request thread (even if it is not executing any query) and only returned to the pool when request completes?
For example, if I'm doing something like:
Request starts
Execute a query (20ms)
Call external http service (1500ms)
Request completes
Would the connection obtained by this request thread remain occupied with the thread (and not available to other requests) for 20ms or 1520ms?
PS: I'm using Spring Boot 2.0 with HikariCP and I'm not using #Transactional.

If you have Spring MVC on your classpath, Spring will configure an instance of OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor automatically (in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.JpaBaseConfiguration.JpaWebConfiguration), unless you configure spring.jpa.open-in-view to false. This interceptor will open an instance of EntityManager and bind it to the TransactionSynchronizationManager for the whole duration of the request.
What that means is that at the first use of a repository query, it will borrow a connection from the pool and keep it until the end of the request when the EntityManager is closed by the interceptor. It's the EntityManager's responsibility to return the connection to the pool. So, in that case, the connection will be borrowed for 1520ms in your example.
If you disable the spring.jpa.open-in-view option, a connection will be borrowed and returned at each use of a repository query given you don't use any explicit transaction. While this may look better, you have to keep in mind that managed instances of your entities will need to be reattached systematically on each persist operation so it may be costly. You will also loose the benefits of the EntityManager caching. To avoid this, use transactions to read/modify/persist your entities and avoid reattaching.
Finally, keep in mind that if you disable spring.jpa.open-in-view, since you don't have an EntityManager around for the duration of the request, you will need to make sure your lazy loaded relations are loaded inside a transaction otherwise you'll get the dreaded LazyInitializationException.

Basically it depends,
If you close conection it will be release back to pool and will be ready soon according to configuration (below) so it will be ~20ms (+ time to get back to pool)
If you don't close the connection it will wait until the configuration allow it, if it allow indefinite time, theoretically it can be causing a leak in your application and not return to pool until apllication is shutdown.
See answer about Hikari handling returning connections to pool:
The Hikari housekeeper runs every 30s, which closes any connections that are not in use and are older than maxLifetime. If there are more than minimumIdle number of connections the housekeeper will close connections that have been idle for longer than idleTimeout.
See more about max life time of connection:
by default Oracle does not enforce a max lifetime for connections (neither on JDBC driver side (1), nor on server side(2)). So in this respect, the "infrastructure-imposed connection time limit" is +infinity


Open Session In View OSIV - Does this happen for every request / thread?

I have turned off the OSIV in a Spring project as I have been reading why it (controversially) may be a bit of an anti-pattern. Not wanting to poke that debate as I have seen it gets heated but I am more interested/lost in the technicals.
Either way, I was wondering exactly when does a session become opened? Is it for ANY web request that comes in or is there some way the application knows that it will only be needing a session for certain endpoints? I am guessing the OSIV Filter is basically always called for every request and a hibernate session to the DB is aquired and added to the webrequest/thread?
I.e. is it OSIV for everything or only certain requests get the session bound through the
entire filter chain and then the controller/services and back out?
When they say "session" I am right in assuming that means it has gotten an active jdbc connection and opened connection to the database...even if I may not use it, and that is where the sort of blocking IO problems could occur say if we are waiting on 3rd party responses although we are now out of a #Transactional service method boundary and we get a spike in traffic?
What exactly is opened session wise? Is a database transaction started via the session "just in case" on every request? Or is there just a hibernate session created for each request and then a transaction is only started if a JPA/Hibernate query is started somewhere along the request (with or without #Transactional).
Any clarification would be excellent!
Vlad Mihalcea - OSIV Anti-Pattern
Baeldung - OSIV
Transactions are only started when you run a method annotated with #Transactional. OSIV just eagerly opens/creates a Hibernate session which can be used for lazy loading through out the whole request lifecycle, but the connection is only acquired lazily i.e. on first database access. Once it is acquired, it depends on certain settings when the connection will be released, but usually it is kept open until the session closes.

Spring Boot DB connection release mode

Is there a way to control database connection release strategy in Spring Boot? Something like Hibernate's ConnectionReleaseMode?
My test code would be rougly following:
INSERT query
HTTP call
UPDATE query
INSERT and UPDATE queries are their own methods in a repository bean (either extending CrudRepository, or as a Mybatis #Mapper). HTTP call is in it's own bean.
Now my service bean is where I experiment with different #Transactional settings as my ultimate goal is to have these three steps executed within a single transaction.
The problem is, the HTTP call can take hundreds of millis and Spring is holding the database connection during that time. This quickly leads to an empty connection pool, while the connections themselves are idle.
I have done the same experiments with default configuration using spring-boot-starter-data-jpa and also using mybatis-spring-boot-starter.
The only thing which got me closer to my goal was setting spring.jpa.open-in-view=false for data-jpa, which would release db connections in case of not using #Transactional at all or with propagation set to NEVER. It doesn't work if it's all wrapped in a transactin though.
I'm feeling like I'm missing some vital part of the transaction concept in Spring. Though the Spring reference docs mentions release mode only in relation to JTA transaction manager + JEE container + Hibernate.
Transactions are bound to a connection/session so you can't release the connection in the middle of a transaction. You have to finish the transaction to close/release the connection. Keep in mind that a transaction could abort at any time, and since the HTTP call is not "part of" the transaction, but just runs while the transaction is in progress, it won't help you to keep the transaction open while the HTTP call is running. I'd suggest you go with one of the following solutions:
Use a circuit breaker to cancel the HTTP call if it hits a timeout to have an upper bound for how long a connection/transaction can be open/held
Move the HTTP call out of the transaction, either before or after the transaction
Use two database transactions
Note that you could use a transactional Job Scheduler to schedule a job in the first TX. The job could then, with at least once semantics, try to invoke the HTTP call and then continue with the second transaction or do some compensation if something fails.

Broken Connection in Spring Data JPA and Hikari Connection Pooling

In one of spring boot microservice app, i was having problem with connection leakage. Some of the connection were not being returned to the Pool and i was using only default configuration for Hikari. Now I put a leakDetectionThreshold and it starts explicitly taking back connections and returning it to the Pool. My question is related to these broken connections, even though as per the specification of Hikari pool, if a connection retuned to pool in a broken state, Pool handlers would rollback the transactions so thay It didn't bleed out for the next consumer. But in my case, transactions were not rolled back. What is happening here?

Can I use separate non connection pool data source for long running but infrequent tasks?

My application stack consists of Spring MVC, Hibernate and MySQL hosted on Apache tomcat 7.
I have set up Spring to manage transactions and Hibernate session factory is utilizing the tomcat dbcp connection pool backed datasource for getting the connection.
I have a use case in my application in which I have a run a long running task which is initiated through the web UI (say a button click). This task runs for let’s say 10 minutes then my connection pool starts to throw connection closed exceptions. This is obviously because of connection pool setting in which if the connection is not returned to pool after a specific time, it is marked as abandoned and later removed. I could solve this by tinkering with the timeout settings and increasing it to a large enough value. But I may have several other use cases like this and may not currently have idea how long those will run.
So I am thinking of another approach here.
This use case will be initiated not very often, so I may use a separate datasource definition without using connection pool. Of course I can set two transaction managers in Spring with different names “abc” and “xyz” and use the #Transactional(name=”abc”) and #Transactional(name=”xyz)”. Both these transaction managers would use their respective datasources – one with connection pool to support common use cases and one without connection pool to support long running transaction. This way I won’t have to worry about changing the timeout configurations.
Will this be a generally accepted solution or should I take the timeout configuration approach?
Avoiding to use the connection pool will cause problems if you don't have another way to limit the number of connections that your application can initiate. For example (trivial example of cours) if your going to launch your batch process each time a user clicks a button, make sure you limit the times they can do this task.
Another way would be to define a new jdbc resource in your application server (jdbc/batchprocess) and configure in this resource a longer timeout. Then change from one to another using dynamic datasource routing.
You can open Hibernate Sessions, supplying your own Connection:
sessionFactory.withOptions().connection( yourConnection ).openSession();

Cancel current transaction with Spring TransactionTemplate

I am using a connection pool and the Spring TransactionTemplate. If you want to shutdown the connection pool first all connection have to be returned to the pool, this means connection.close() has to be called. I have one thread using the TransactionTemplate for some queries and another thread that wants to call some shutdown method on the connection pool, but before doing this it first has to tell the TransactionTemplate to close all connection (actually only returning them to the pool).
How can this be done in Spring to immediately call close on the used connection?
If you are using Hibernate along with Spring please use:
If you want to release connection just after transaction.
If you want to release connection after each statement
This two settings are the only ways I know that will make used connection being released faster than the default behavior. At least as far as Hibernate is concerned. If you are using other library please describe which.
