disable anonymous access to embedded Spring Boot LDAP server - spring-boot

Which properties I should configure to disable access to the embedded Spring Boot LDAP server via external LDAP browsers ?
Currently I have the following settings in my application.setting file
I expected, that such settings will disable anonymous access, but it is not true -- I am able to modify the LDAP tree entries in the LDAP browser anonymously connected.


How can I implement Single Sign On (SSO) multi tenancy functionality with Keycloak and Spring Boot OAuth2 clients?

Implementing SSO login for multiple OAuth2 providers in Spring Boot.
Two Spring Boot web applications (App1 and App2) that are configured to be OAuth2 clients. Both will communicate with a Keycloak authorization server that has two realms.
Business Requirements
Implement Single Sign-On functionality (SSO).
Multi tenancy with shared user base.
Only one user can access one tenant at any time.
I have two spring boot applications which are OAuth2 clients running in docker containers. We are setting up multiple Keycloak realms that are configured for each tenant. From the Spring side of things, we include the auto configuration properties for two providers where each provider will be mapped to a different Keycloak realm. So the properties will look as follows:
When a user logs into the first application (App1), Spring shows a generated html page. This page shows a list of each provider configured from the application.properties as an option to login to.
A user can select one and is redirected to the Keycloak login page with the realm that was mapped from Spring's provider properties. Then when successfully logged in, the user is redirected back as expected.
We use Spring Mongo session to store the session information and we also see in the Keycloak admin client the realm that shows the active session as well.
When trying to access the other application (App2), Spring does not detect the user or session and will show the same generated html page that shows the providers to select and login to.
When clicking on the same provider (realm), Spring will then find the session and will be redirected to the requested resource and all is well. This part is what I am trying to implement without asking for the provider first. The main reason is to enforce a business requirement where a user in a session can not access more than one realm at a time.
Attempted Solution
Provide a Spring Security login controller that will have a service layer to find the mongo session and then build the OAuth2 link Spring generates when you click a provider from the list.
However, I dont have the user yet. This also becomes a problem when opening a different tab as I dont believe I have any scope to the cookies that were created from the first application as well.
The only other thing I can think of is trying to get the client ip and store that in the session so I can find it later. However, when using nginx proxy configuration, this becomes a problem as I cant seem to get the actual ip and always seem to get the proxy ip instead even with the nginx headers I have seen from documentation.
Is there anyway to find the session and redirect to the requested provider programmatically?
Note: I am currently aware of the keycloak starter dependencies that are available but I was trying to see if there is a more Spring oriented solution with its general OAuth2 client security configuration.
Front end solution
User navigate to app1, app1 detects no user session (need for login), app1 redirects user to app2 with some query parameters indicating purpose of redirect.
App2 receives redirect request and check if session exist (user logged in to app2). Now you can deal with it. redirect back to app1 or display some error, etc.
User not logged in to app2 , app2 redirects back to app1 with indication "show providers"
Symmetrical behavior shall be implemented on app1 too.
Depending on security requirements query parameters can be encrypted to prevent manual url hacking.
If you need further protection Keycloak authentication can be extended with functionality to check your Session storage for already logged in users.

Client Application using Basic Auth with Spring Security and Keycloak

I have an architecture where my user application wants to use a basic authentication when accessing a spring service. This service has to use a Keycloak instance to verify the user/pass of the user application. I don't succeed to configure it (and don't know if its possible).
Yes, it is possible. Keycloak has Spring Security adapter that can be configured for Client and/or Resource Server.
And also a working example here:

What is the difference between ClientContainer and WSLogin?

I am using WebSphere v8.5 and in the administration console, and the Security Settings in the Data Sources section allow me to set my mapping-configuration alias to either ClientContainer or WSLogin. What is the difference between these two settings?
I am able to connect and my project appears to work regardless of which setting I choose. Can someone please explain when is one setting chosen over the other?
Each one in the list is a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) configuration, which in turn contains an IBM-implementation of the JAAS Login Module.
According to the reference page, Login configuration for Java Authentication and Authorization Service:
The WSLogin module defines a login configuration and the LoginModule implementation that can be used by applications in general.
The ClientContainer module defines a login configuration and the LoginModule implementation that is similar to the WSLogin module, but enforces the requirements of the WebSphere Application Server client container.
The DefaultPrincipalMapping module defines a special LoginModule that is typically used by Java 2 Connector to map an authenticated WebSphere Application Server user identity to a set of user authentication data (user ID and password) for the specified back-end enterprise information system (EIS).
So for general use, you can use the WSLogin module. When you use a Java EE client, use the ClientContainer module. And when using Java 2 Connectors, use the DefaultPrincipalMapping module.
Check this link for a bit more information Configuration entry settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service
In general, for any server resources like Datasources, queue connection factories etc, you should use DefaultPrincipalMapping.
ClientContainer alias is more dedicated to external applications running in the client container that will connect to WAS, and WSLogin is more appropriate for apps running on the server that would like to customize authentication process.

How to configure spring boot admin client when authentication is enabled?

I'm trying to set up a sample application using spring boot admin (both server + client side) and have run into an issue with authentication.
When spring security is enabled on the management/actuator endpoints on the client side the spring-boot-admin server does not seem able to communicate with the client -- logging in to the Admin interface via a Web browser results in a continuous loop of authentication windows popping up and prompting for usernames/passwords. Hitting cancel will display an HTTP 401 error on the page.
Here's a configuration that works on the client side:
This will:
Disable security for spring-boot's management/actuator resource
Enable security for all other resources (HTTP basic auth - user: test, password: test)
Register the spring-admin client on startup using the url http://localhost:9081/admin (HTTP basic auth - user: admin, password:admin)
I'm guessing the spring boot admin app doesn't support communication with secured clients because I don't see any configuration properties that would allow the information to be passed in upon client registration.
Has anyone got around this limitation and if so, how? I'd rather not leave the actuator endpoints "open to the public" so-to-speak, even though they are actually just exposed on the company's internal network.
There is no security feature included since the various solutions look very different. But I've put up some examples: https://github.com/joshiste/spring-boot-admin-samples

Modify ldap provider url without restarting the spring security application

we are providing facility to customer to configure ldap server runtime. But when i modify provider server url used in constructor of context source, the application crashes. Is there any way to change ldap server url at runtime? for LdapAuthenticationProvider.
If this is a case where you are changing the provider because one may be down for some reason, you should set up multiple authentication providers (security:authentication-provider) in your spring-security config file. Spring-security will start at the top of the list & keep trying until it finds one that works. That way you can leave this setup & not have a need to redeploy your code.
