I have scenario where I have threads like below
1thread ---2 loops
--json extractor(id)
2thread ---4loops
3thread ---2loops
--request4(deleting that created in 1st thread using id extracted)
I have to implement requests as below
Your design is overcomplicated, my expectation is that you don't need different Thread Groups as you will have to pass the id between thread groups which is possible, but unnecessary in your case)
Instead of this I would recommend using Loop Controller where you need to make > 1 iteration
Example test plan:
Thread Group (with 1 thread and 1 loop)
Loop Controller (with 2 loops)
Request 1
JSON Extractor
Loop Controller (with 4 loops)
Request 2
Request 3
Request 4
One thing you can do is to pass the loop count value at the run time to the script by specifying -- ${__P(LoopCount1,2)} in the loop count field.
Use variable ${__P(LoopCount1,2)} for first loop, ${__P(LoopCount2,2)} for second and ${__P(LoopCount3,2)} for third one and try running the script using non gui mode with the help of command like -
jmeter -n -t (location of script) -l location for result file -j location for logfile -JThreadGroup=%ThreadGroup% -JRampUpTime=%RampUpTime% -JLoopCount=%LoopCount1%
-JLoopCount=%LoopCount2% -JLoopCount=%LoopCount3%
In my application, I would like to combine a group of HTTP samplers as one transaction, and have a constant throughput on the group.. ie. when I created a thread group with multiple HTTP samplers and defined a constant throughput timer in the group, I am seeing that it is considering each HTTP sampler separately...
Test Plan
----> request 1
-----> request 2
-----> request 3
------> constant Throughoput timer ( 1.0 req per min)
It executes as :
-----> request1
wait 60 secs
------> request 2
wait 60 secs...
----> request 3
what I would like
-----request 1
----- request 2
------ request 3
wait 60 secs
----- request 1
---- request 2
----- request 3
wait 60 secs
Depending on what exactly you're trying to achieve:
You can put the requests under the Transaction Controller and tick Generate parent sampler box:
Another option is adding Flow Control Action sampler as the 4th sampler and put the "wait for 60 sec" there
And finally you can put a Constant Timer as a child of the 1st Sampler:
use flow control action at the end of the requests
for better understanding difference between timers & flow control action, please go through this video
I have 1 thread Group, Within that I have 5 HTTP Request calls. 1st HTTP Request returns a value & that value is used in rest 4 HTTP Requests. The Thread Group Set Up with Number of Thread (Users) : 7 & Ramp-Up period : 5 & Loop Count : infinite. When I run the thread group it breaks due to concurrency.
When User Thread 1 executes -> Request 1,
Thread 2 executes -> Request 2 (It expects a value from Request 1, Which has not happened for thread 2, Hence it breaks).
Please find the Jmeter SetUp Images below,
I am new to Jmeter please help me in this.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers
JMeter Variables are local for the thread (virtual user)
So there is no option that Thread 1 executes Sampler 1 and Thread 2 executes Sampler 2, all users will be executing all Samplers sequentially, it can be checked using __threadNum() function:
So my expectation is that either your extractor fails or Sampler 1 execution by Thread 2 fails somewhere somehow, check the requests and responses using View Results Tree listener, the JMeter Variables using Debug Sampler and jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries.
I'm using jmeter for testing. I have 1 thread group setup and multiple http requests under that thread group. Jmeter will run those requests sequentially. But how do I get them to run sequentially multiple times?
My setup is as follows:
Thread Group
-http request 1
* variables
* save file
* results tree
-http request 2
* variables
* save file
* results tree
-http request 3
* variables
* save file
* results tree
I want jmeter to run them multiple times in order. For example I want them to run twice. So I want request 1 to run, then request 2 and then request 3. Then I want request 1 to run, then request 2 and finally request 3.
jmeter test plan
updated test plan
http request defaults
http request defaults variables
http request 1
http request 1 variables
http request 2
htpp request 2 variables
Put the loop count to 2 in the thread group and then it will run in sequence twice.
Please check below:-
I have a Login transaction where in this there are 10 requests. I have added a Uniform random timer for Login transaction for 2 to 3 seconds. i.e all these 10 request will wait for 3 seconds before sending the request as below.
wait for 3 seconds sends Request1
wait for 3 seconds sends Request2
wait for 3 seconds sends Request3
and so on.
So my question is does Jmeter waits for the response before sending the next request. i.e will Request2 waits for the response or will Request3 is sent after 3 seconds irrespective previous requests response. in this case Request2's response.
Please help in this.
Thanks in Advance,
JMeter will wait for response from previous request prior to sending next request in any case. In normal conditions it would look like:
Request 1
Request 2
Request 3
See A Comprehensive Guide to Using JMeter Timers article for more information on how Timers work.
By adding a Timer you create a "sleep" before each request, it will look like:
Sleep 2 - 3 seconds
Request 1
Sleep 2 - 3 seconds
Request 2
Sleep 2 - 3 seconds
Request 3
However as per documentation:
Each thread will execute the test plan in its entirety and completely independently of other test threads. Multiple threads are used to simulate concurrent connections to your server application.
So if you have > 1 thread you may run into the situation when different threads are executing requests at the same time (which is the main point of load testing).
I have 1 thread group with 4 HTTP requests, each using separate csv to get input(json).
I want to run load testing with 100 users for 10 loops for all of them.
Expected result: run HTTP request 1 for 100*10 times then move to HTTP request 2 and run 100*10 times and so on.
First HTTP request is provided with correct values and second with incorrect values, So first HTTP request gives 0% error and 2nd thread gives 100% error.
Issue: While running thread, 2nd HTTP request is also giving 0% error instead of 100% as it is somehow picking values from same csv as the first HTTP request(they both have separate CSV data set config with separate csv files having different data), while they are working fine individually.
My test plan
CSV Data Set configuration
In the same Thread Group all threads will be running simultaneously, there's no configuration option that would allow HTTP requests in the same thread group to run sequentially. So you can fix it in one of the following ways:
Put each HTTP request in its own Thread Group, and use Run Thread Groups Consecutively option
Thread Group 1
HTTP Request 1
Thread Group 2
HTTP Request 2
Use controllers and timers to get each HTTP request executed in loop and all threads to wait before starting the next one:
Thread Group
Loop Controller <-- set Loop Count to 10
HTTP Request 1
Synchronizing Timer <-- set Group by parameter to 100, so you wait for all threads to finish with first loop
Loop Controller
HTTP Request 2
Synchronizing Timer