I was going through alsa library code, I wanted to know read function that is being used. However I see there are more than one version of read functions.
.readi = snd_pcm_hw_readi
.readi = snd_pcm_ioplug_readi
.readi = snd_pcm_mmap_readi
.readi = snd_pcm_dshare_readi
.readi = snd_pcm_plugin_readi
I am not sure how does alsa library choose which function to use ?
what params make it choose different API's (like swparams ,hwparams)
When I am decoding protobuf encoded data, I use parseFrom() method which is available in the code generated by protoc.
What I want to know is, is there a way to load protocol buffers data into some kind of a generic object, and read data from it using field names or tag numbers, without using code generation?
This is available in Avro with GenericRecord. What I want to know is, whether there is a similar capability in protobuf too.
Found it
Compile the proto file into a desc file
protoc --descriptor_set_out=point.desc --include_imports point.proto
Load the desc file.
InputStream input = new FileInputStream("point.desc");
DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet descriptorSet = DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet.parseFrom(input);
DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto fileDescriptorProto = descriptorSet.getFile(0);
Descriptors.Descriptor messageDescriptor = Descriptors.FileDescriptor
.buildFrom(fileDescriptorProto, new Descriptors.FileDescriptor[0])
Use the loaded descriptor to decode data.
DynamicMessage dynamicMessage = DynamicMessage.parseFrom(messageDescriptor, encodedBytes);
int x = (int) dynamicMessage.getField(messageDescriptor.findFieldByName("x"));
I'm trying to implement an extension for osquery in Ruby.
I found some libs and examples doing the same in Java, Node and Python, but nothing helpful implemented in Ruby language.
According to this documention, it's possible generating the code using Thrift: https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/stable/development/osquery-sdk/#thrift-api
The steps I did, so far:
Generated the code using thrift -r --gen rb osquery.thrift
Created a class and some code to connect to the server and register the extension
This is the code of the class
# include thrift-generated code
require 'thrift'
require 'extension_manager'
socket = Thrift::UNIXSocket.new(<path_to_socket>)
transport = Thrift::FramedTransport.new(socket)
protocol = Thrift::BinaryProtocol.new(transport)
client = ExtensionManager::Client.new(protocol)
info = InternalExtensionInfo.new
info.name = "zzz"
info.version = "1.0"
extension = ExtensionManager::RegisterExtension_args.new
extension.info = info
client.registerExtension(extension, {'table' => {'zzz' => [{'name' => 'TEXT'}]}})
To get the <path_to_socket> you can use:
> osqueryi --nodisable_extensions
osquery> select value from osquery_flags where name = 'extensions_socket';
| value |
| /Users/USERNAME/.osquery/shell.em |
When I try to get this table using osqueryi, I don't see the table when I run select * from osquery_registry;.
Have anybody by any chance implemented an osquery extension already? I'm stuck and I don't know how to proceed from here.
I don't think I've seen anyone make a ruby extension, but once you have the thrift side, it should be pretty simple.
As a tool, osquery supports a lot of options. So there's no single way to do this. Generally speaking, extensions run as their own process and the communicate over that thrift socket.
Usually, they're very simple and osquery invokes extensions directly with appropriate command line arguments. This is alluded to in the doc you linked with the example accepting --interval, --socket, and --timeout. If you do this, you'll want to look at osquery's --extensions_autoload and --extensions_require option. (I would recommend this route)
Less common, is to start osquery with a specified socket path using --extensions_socket. And then your extension can use that. This way is more common is the extension cannot be a simple binary, and instead is a large complex system.
I find myself playing around with thrift via ruby. And it seems to work if I used a BufferedTransport:
socket = Thrift::UNIXSocket.new('/tmp/osq.sock')
transport = Thrift::BufferedTransport.new(socket)
protocol = Thrift::BinaryProtocol.new(transport)
client = ExtensionManager::Client.new(protocol)
client.query("select 1")
I am able to send-receive data between VBA code and Python UDF using xlwings.
I am using Pygatt in the Python UDF to communicate with BLE devices.
I am storing information in one of the sheets in Excel and accessing it in Python UDF as required.
My problem is, i am unable to store the value of adapter and use in another UDF:-
adapter = pygatt.BGAPIBackend(serial_port=str(comPort))
My idea is store the adapter value in one of the cells in Excel sheet, then access it in another UDF.
Following are my UDFs:-
#Function to open BLE connection based on the comport number
def ComPortSelect(strP):
wb = xw.Book.caller()
comPort = str(strP)
comPort = 'COM'+comPort
adapter = pygatt.BGAPIBackend(serial_port=str(comPort))
listOfDevices = adapter.scan()
wb.sheets['Sheet1'].range('A1').value = adapter **<----- Gives error**
#Function to use the *adapter* and execute other Pygatt functions
def ConnectToSelectedDevice(device):
adapter = wb.sheets['Sheet1'].range('A1').value **<--**
deviceHandle = adapter.connect(device)
How can i store the required object and use it in other UDF?
Is there any other correct way to achieve this?
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
I used global variable and shared it among the Python UDFs.
I moved ahead with this solution.
I found this C# and I want to improve on it in Go: https://github.com/roachadam/MinerKiller/blob/master/MinerKiller/MinerKiller.cs
My first question, is how do I detect if a process window is hidden. ie this code:
if (p.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero )
My Second question is how to get the command line of a process. ie this C# code
private string GetCommandLine(Process process)
string cmdLine = null;
using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT CommandLine FROM Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " + process.Id))
var matchEnum = searcher.Get().GetEnumerator();
if (matchEnum.MoveNext())
cmdLine = matchEnum.Current["CommandLine"]?.ToString();
return cmdLine;
While the go standard library's os package provides a lot of nice utilities for interfacing with operating system functionality, they are much "lower level" then what you are referencing from the .NET System.Management classes. You will most likely have to implement the behavior of these classes yourself to achieve the desired outcome (using the tool from Go's os package as your primary "building blocks")
That said, there is a psutil port in Go (gopsutil - https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/) that provides utilities for retrieving info on running processes as well as system utilization. This will most likely provide the higher level abstraction you can use to implement your program.
If gopsutil is too opinionated or high level for you needs, I would also check out the operating system specific packages in the golang subrepositories.
Documented here: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/sys
Source here: https://github.com/golang/sys/
I am trying to write an online message board in Haxe (OpenFL). There are lots of server/client examples online. But I am new to this area and I do not understand any of them. What is the easiest way to send a list of objects between server and client? Could you guys give an example?
You could use JSON
You can put this in your openFL project (client):
var myData = [1,2,3,4,5];
var http = new haxe.Http("server.php");
http.addParameter("myData", haxe.Json.stringify(myData));
http.onData = function(resultData) {
trace('the data is send to server, this is the response:' + resultData);
If you have a server.php file, you can access the data like this:
$myData = json_decode($_POST["myData"]);
If the server returns Json data which needs to be read in the client, then in Haxe you need to do haxe.Json.parse(resultData);
EDIT: I'm not still sure if the user's problem is really about sending "a list of objects"; see comment to the question...
The easiest way is to use Haxe Serialization, either with Haxe Remoting or with your own protocol on top of TCP/UDP. The choice of protocol depends whether you already have something built and whether you will be calling functions or simply getting/posting data.
In either case, haxe.Serializer/Unserializer will give you a format to transmit most (if not all) Haxe objects from client to server with minimal code.
See the following minimal example (from the manual) on how to use the serialization APIs. The format is string based and specified.
import haxe.Serializer;
import haxe.Unserializer;
class Main {
static function main() {
var serializer = new Serializer();
var s = serializer.toString();
trace(s); // y3:fooi12
var unserializer = new Unserializer(s);
trace(unserializer.unserialize()); // foo
trace(unserializer.unserialize()); // 12
Finally, you could also use other serialization formats like JSON (with haxe.Json.stringify/parse) or XML, but they wouldn't be so convenient if you're dealing with enums, class instances or other data not fully supported by these formats.