Laravel Factories - How to save nested relationships - laravel-5

I was working with laravel factories and stuck with nested relation ships.
For example a user may have many posts and a post has many comments.
i was able to save posts with user by each() method but was not able to save comments with posts
$users = factory(App\User::class, 3)->create()
->each(function ($user) {
$user->posts()->saveMany(factory(App\Post::class, 5)->make());
as save() method accepts array so i must have to use make() method with posts but now i can't attach comments with the posts.
after hour of searching i could not fond the solution but now i have solved it.
I am posting it in answers for the fellows who are looking for the solution and please update me if there have more decent solution to this.

Here is how i solve this:
$users = factory(App\User::class, 3)->create()
->each(function ($user) {
$user->posts()->saveMany(factory(App\Post::class, 5)->make());
foreach ($users as $user){
foreach ($user->posts as $post){
$post->comments()->saveMany(factory(App\Comment::class, 5)->make());


Consultation through relationships in laravel

I searched endlessly for a question that answered my question here and I didn't find it. My question is as follows, I have 3 models: User, Post and Comments. Where user has a relationship with one to many posting, and Post has a relationship with one to many comments as well. How can I get all of the user's comments on all posts?
Currently my solution looks like this:
Models Users:
public function comments(){
$comments = array();
foreach ($this->posts()->get() as $el) {
foreach ($el->posts()->get() as $nEl) {
array_push($comments, $nEl);
return collect($comments);
I would like a less expensive and native solution for laravel, if any.
On your User model, something like:
public function getComments()
return Comment::whereHas('posts', function ($query) {
$query->where('user_id', $this->id);
Also see:

Laravel, eloquent and foreach in controller

I'm new in Laravel and I'm curious about one thing. I have 3 database tables: posts, comments, replies. I want to make a simple delete from each. But obviously post has many comments and comments has many replies. Whole thing is about these replies. Seems like I can't reach them.
I have properly working relations between tables.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Post;
use App\Comment;
use App\Reply;
use App\Traffic;
use Image;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
class PostsController extends Controller
//few others things here...
public function destroy($id) //$id is an id of post
// Select Post and comments of post
$post = Post::find($id);
$comments = Comment::where('post_id', $id);
//remove image (working fine)
Storage::delete('public/img/' . $post->image);
// delete all replies of post comments <<< Here is the issue. Can I even do like this?
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$post_comment_reply = Reply::where('comment_id', $comment->id);
// delete post record (working fine)
//delete comments of post (working fine)
// return to user profile (working fine)
return redirect('/home')->with('success', 'Post has been deleted');
There is an even easier way to do so.. if you just add a database constraint to the foreign key in the replies table to the comment..
The last part: onDelete('cascade') ensures that all the replies will be deleted once a comment has been deleted :) so you don't have to manually do that in the application layer.
Let me know if it makes sense :)
Instead of deleting the replies in a loop, you can delete them all at once:
$comments = Comment::where('post_id', $id);
$comment_ids = $comments->pluck('id');
Reply::whereIn('comment_id', $comment_ids)->delete();
What's wrong in your code is that you create a db query but does not execute it:
// You forgot the ->get() following the where statement
foreach ($comments as $comment)
$post_comment_reply = Reply::where('comment_id', $comment->id)->get();
However the code altogether is not quite optimal, you could make it directly on database level with onDelete('cascade'), or simply create a request to delete the replies without retrieving them and reducing the number of query to the db, like such:
foreach ($comments as $comment)
Reply::where('comment_id', $comment->id)->delete();
One step further reducing db queries like suggested above:
Reply::whereIn('comment_id', $comments->pluck('id'))->delete();
If you want to delete the relations via Laravel, you have to override the boot function.
Override the boot() on your Comment model like
protected static function boot()
static::deleting(function (Comment $model) {
This will delete all the replies associated to a comment when that comment is deleted via eloquent.

Laravel Eloquent: Get current id from inner function

I know, we can do this in the controller:
It will get every user's post from the database, based on
But the problem is, I want to do this:
User::with(['post' => function($query) {
# Throw here...
How to do that?
You should get the users first, and then load related posts with a separate query and merge them manually.
$users = User::get();
$posts = Post::whereIn('user_id', $users->pluck('id'))->get(); // Get your additional data in this query
$users->each(function ($user) use ($posts)
$user->posts = $posts->where('user_id', $user->id);
Note: I did not test the code above. It's just an example to show you how to accomplish what you are trying to do.

Laravel > nested eager load with restriction

Assumed we've got users, friends and restaurants. Don't want to go to deep into the Model and relationship setup.
While me as a user is logged in: How can I get all friends who are "customers" of the restaurant?
I've got this and it's already working:
$friends = array_dot(Auth::user()->friends()->select('')->get());
$customers = Restaurant::with(['users' => function($query) use($friends) {
$query->whereIn('', $friends);
But is this even possible with a single query?
It sounds like you want to find all of your friends that have a relationship to the restaurant. If so, you're looking for whereHas(). General idea:
$restaurantId = 1;
$user = Auth::user();
$friendCustomers = $user->friends()->whereHas('restaurant', function ($query) use ($restaurantId) {
$query->where('id', $restaurant_id);
You can read more about querying relations, and whereHas, here.

Laravel Relationships Conditions - 3 tables

I've got a situation where I've got Posts, Users and Comments.
Each comment stores a post_id and a user_id. What I want to do is get all of a user's comments on a particular post, so that I can do a call like this:
$comments = Auth::User()->comments(post_id=x)->text
(where I know what x is)
I have:
I feel like there needs to be a where or a has or a wherehas or something thrown in.. the best I can manage is that I pull Auth::User()->comments into an array and then search through the array until I find the matching post ID.. that seems wasteful.
with doesn't apply any join, so you can't reference other table.
You can use this:
// User model
public function comments()
return $this->hasMany('Comment');
// Comment model
public function scopeForPost($query, $postId)
$query->where('post_id', $postId);
// then you can do this:
Alternatively you can eager load comments with constraint:
User::with(['comments' => function ($q) use ($postId) {
$q->where('post_id', $postId);
// or exactly the same as above, but for already fetched user:
// $user .. or
Auth::user()->load(['comments' => function ($q) use ($postId) {
$q->where('post_id', $postId);
// then you can access comments for $postId just like this:
Auth::user()->comments; // collection
When you need to filter your relations, you just have to do it in your Eloquent query:
$data = User::with('posts', 'comments')
->where('', Auth::User()->id)
->where('', $postID)
Then you can
foreach($data->comments as $comment)
echo $comment->text;
Your Comments table would have foreign keys Post_Id and User_ID
To Access all the comments of a particular post from a particular user , can you try this way?
->where('comments.user_id', Auth::user()->id)
Am sure there is better way to achieve it, but this should give you desired results.
Note use aliases if you have conflicting column names
Let me know if this worked.
