Carousel Page not appearing in Xamarin.Forms template - xamarin

I am trying to add new Carousel Page in my Xamarin.Forms application but on doing Add new item it's not appearing in the template list.
I am using Visual Studio 15.9 Preview.

Carousel Page not appearing in Xamarin.Forms template
With the release of Xamarin.Forms 2.2.0, we now have the CarouselView, a replacement for the CarouselPage. CarouselPage will be marked as deprecated in a future release. That's why the CarouselPage template been removed. You could find it in the Xamarin.Forms release notes.
Also, you could see the talk Jason Smith gave at Evolve where he specifically says that you should not use CarouselPage and you use use CarouselView instead:
CarouselView is intended to fully replace CarouselPage. CarouselPage
will be deprecated in a future release. CarouselView is superior in
many ways, including its ability to be virtualized and nested within
As SushiHangover has pointed out:
Xamarin.Forms CarouselPage does not support UI virtualization (recycling).
Initialization performance and memory usage can be a problem depending upon the number of pages/children.
Benefits of CarouselView:
Can now be embedded in a page (big bonus)
Is virtualized
Suggestion 1:
If you want use CarouselPage in your project, you need write it on you own:
Xamarin.Forms Carousel Page
CarouselPage sample
Suggestion 2:
Using CarouselView instead:
Flip through items with Xamarin.Forms CarouselView

You have to write it out yourself. Xamarin Forms can do many things and has made cross-platform development much easier, but you still have to do some of the work yourself!
More info on CarouselPage.


Difference between Prism Dialogs vs Popup

I am implementing Prism in a new Xamarin Forms App. I have been using Rg.Plugins.Popup in the app before converting to Prism.
What are the limitation on the Prism Dialogs vs Prism.Plugin.Popups?
What are some examples when you would use one over the other?
Thank you!
Rg.Plugins.Popup is a popular plugin for Xamarin.Forms which accesses the native functionality to provide a "Modal Popup" which traditionally has not been achievable with Xamarin.Forms.
Dialogs in Prism 7.2
If you're using Prism 7.2 you'll find that the DialogService locates the currently displayed page and then "reparent's the content". Or in other words it takes the content of the active Content Page and places it as the root child of an AbsoluteLayout, placing a mask layer and finally your dialog on top. As a result of this approach you'll notice that any navigation bars for instance on the NavigationPage or TabbedPage, or a MasterDetailPage's menu will remain accessible to the user.
While in some regard both the PopupPage and Dialog may look very similar as you can probably tell there is some significant divergence there.
Dialogs in Prism 8
If you're using Prism 8.0 you'll see that we have updated to the latest Xamarin.Forms and as a result we are able to take advantage of a new feature in Xamarin.Forms which allows you to present a Modal Page with a Transparent background. This in effect allows you to replicate the effect of a PopupPage with either some benefits or drawbacks depending on how you look at it.
With Rg.Plugins.Popups you have the ability to push a PopupPage on top of whatever page is currently displayed from anywhere in the app
With Xamarin.Forms page's that have been pushed Modally they are part of your active Navigation Stack
Using the a traditional page with a transparent background and Modal Navigation you in effect have replicated the appearance of what you get with a PopupPage
Prism.Plugin.Popups has the benefit of being integrated into the Navigation Service. As such you can inject the Navigation Service into the ViewModel of a PopupPage, and the PopupPage will be dismissed when you navigate away from it to another non PopupPage.
Dialogs are not part of the Navigation Stack tracked by Prism's Navigation Service. Navigation in Xamarin.Forms is dependent on navigating FROM a specific page. Since Prism's NavigationService doesn't know about the Dialog you will need to dismiss the dialog before navigating.
Other Key Differences
Besides what I've mentioned so far the only real difference is that Rg.Plugins.Popup gives you some added animations which honestly I've seen very few people using.

How do you mix Xamarin.Forms with Xamarin.Native using MvvmCross?

According to MvvmCross 5.3 documentation you can mix Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Native:
"With MvvmCross 5.3, you will now be able to mix and match Native Xamarin views with Xamarin.Forms pages using ViewModel navigation!"
My scenario is the solution contains Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS projects which rely quite heavily on MvvmCross. Going forward I would like to be able to create new views/pages using Xamarin.Forms. I'm assuming this is what is meant by "mix and match".
Other than the above statement I can't find any documentation or examples on how to do this.
I tried extending the MvvmCross TipCal app to show a new Xamarin.Forms view/page without any luck.
Can someone explain or provide an example of how to mix and match Xamarin.Forms with Native Xamarin using MvvmCross?
I think if you truly want to mix forms/native you need to either create a custom view presenter or trick the existing view presenter to "embed" a forms page into a viewcontroller/fragment/activity.
I have created a helper library as a proof of concept to embed Xamarin.Forms content pages into fragments/activities/viewControllers but could use some help ironing out some bugs with Android. It seems to work fine for iOS.
Let's take iOS as an example.
This approach has you create you content page as normal, but also create a wrapper viewController. You embed the content page in the viewController and when you navigate, you navigate to the viewController wrapper instead of the content page.

Is something like Prism INavigationAware Interface for ViewModels in Xamarin.Forms 4 AppShell Navigation?

In Prism for Xamarin.Forms there is an interface INavigationAware. You implement it in the ViewModels (if you want to). There are three methods, OnNavigatedFrom, OnNavigatedTo and OnNavigatingTo. These methods are called by the Prism navigation framework. You can load data, do some logging or cancel the navigation operation.
Now I am using the new Shell Navigation (AppShell) in Xamarin.Forms 4.1 without Prism. Is there something equivalent or similar available with Shell Navigation? Is there an adviced pattern to, for example, load some data from a database when the user navigates to the page or to cancel Navigation Operation?
Edit: I understand Prism does not support Shell Navigation at the moment. What I ask, is to do something similar without Prism.
As was provided above. This question has previously been answered.
Xamarin.Forms Shell is not currently supported. It is a planned feature in Prism 7.3 and won't start until sometime after some changes from the Xamarin.Forms team are available in an official build. The issue can be tracked here:

Bind/set short text data from Android MainActivity.cs to a shared Xamarin Forms Label?

Is there a way to define a Label in Xamarin Forms (XAML or code-behind) AppXYZ that can be updated from the Xamarin Android AppXYZ.Android: MainActivity.cs and AppXYZ.iOS:Main.cs? i.e. upon an event in Android (e.g. BlueTooth) set a short text in a common Forms elements? After viewing many example, no clarity yet. MessageCenter perhaps?
In Android Project: MainActivity.cs (for example):
FormsAppXYZ.LabelXYZ.Text = "Updated string";
If not possible, then proper way to do this with Xamarin Android Native ? appreciated since I'll have to mix in the label into a shared Xamarin Forms Tabbed GUI.
Depending on how much Bluetooth work you need to do, my first suggestion would be to use MessagingCenter as you have already alluded to.
The other obvious approach would be to use a third party plugin, as I don't believe Xamarin have released one. I am currently aware of these two:

Xamarin - mixing Forms and Storyboards

Is it possible to mix iOS Storyboards and Xamarin Forms within one application? I have a bunch of views that are easier to be created in Forms, but some which are heavily customized so we would need to create some of them in native code.
I would like to use Storyboards to create the native parts, but can't seem to find a way to navigate from a Forms page to a Storyboard and vice versa.
I don't mind doing it from code, just need to know the direction to look into and if it's even possible.
You can create native views using the concept of Custom Renderers (see links below). The idea is that you create a Xamarin Forms Control that's shared between all platforms and which old common properties (like colors, general data etc), and do the native rendering on the iOS/Android/WP projects.
So, for your storyboard, you can create it usign Xamarin.iOS, and render using a Custom Renderer. The link posted by #GSerg in the comments have some information and examples, but you can take a closer look at the oficial documentation as well:
Introduction to Custom Renderers
Customizing Controls on Each Platform
Customizing Control Rendering in Xamarin.Forms (video)
Also, for more real world examples you can take a look at the Xamarin Forms XLabs project.
Thanks to Rafael Steil's answer. I looked at the links and a few more samples.
Custom Renderer Map
Using Xamarin Forms alongside Storyboard
And I created a sample project to show the back-and-forth navigation between Xamarin Forms and pages created in Storyboards. You can find it over here:
Xamarin Forms Mixed with Native
