store each loop value in a table lua - for-loop

Is there a way to store the loop result in a table in lua?
I tried the following but it does not work
Name = "x-"
tabl = {}
for i =1, 5 do
tabl = {i}
print (tabl[1])

These questions are due to lack of basic syntax understading, I would highly recommend reading this tutorial: Lua Tutorial
local tabl = {}
for i =1, 5 do
table.insert(tabl, i)
-- or simple way to create an indexed array
-- tabl[i] = i


Lua - Create a nested table using for loop

I'm a very new to lua so am happy to read material if it will help with tables.
I've decoded a json object and would like to build a table properly using its data, rather than writing 64 lines of the below:
a = {}
a[decode.var1[1].aId] = {decode.var2[1].bId, decode.var3[1].cId}
a[decode.var1[2].aId] = {decode.var2[2].bId, decode.var3[2].cId}
a[decode.var1[3].aId] = {decode.var2[3].bId, decode.var3[3].cId}
Because the numbers are consecutive 1-64, i presume i should be able to build it using a for loop.
Unfortunately despite going through table building ideas I cannot seem to find a way to do it, or find anything on creating nested tables using a loop.
Any help or direction would be appreciated.
Lua for-loops are, at least in my opinion, pretty easy to understand:
for i = 1, 10 do
This loop inclusively prints the positive integers 1 through 10.
Lua for-loops also take an optional third argument--which defaults to 1--that indicates the step of the loop:
for i = 1, 10, 2 do
This loop prints the numbers 1 through 10 but skips every other number, that is, it has a step of 2; therefore, it will print 1 3 5 7 9.
In the case of your example, if I understand it correctly, it seems that you know the minimum and maximum bounds of your for loops, which are 1 and 64, respectively. You could write a loop to decode the values and put them in a table like so:
local a = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
What you can do is generating a new table with all the contents from the decoded JSON with a for loop.
For example,
function jsonParse(jsonObj)
local tbl = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
return tbl
To deal with nested cases, you can recursively call that method as follows
function jsonParse(jsonObj)
local tbl = {}
for i = 1, 64 do
a[decodevar.var1[i].aId] = {decode.var2[i].bId, decode.var3[i].cId}
if type(decode.var2[i].bId) == "table" then
a[decodevar.var1[i].aid[0] = jsonParse(decode.var2[i].bId)
By the way, I can't understand why are you trying to create a table using a table that have done the job you want already. I assume they are just random and you may have to edit the code with the structure of the decodevar variable you have

iterating over a table passed as an argument to a function in lua

I am trying using the for _ in pairs() notation to iterate over a table within a function, but if I type anything, even gibberish like print('asdgfafs'), nested inside the for loop, it never gets printed. Code:
record = {bid1,bid2,bid3}
bid1 = {bidTime = 0.05,bidType = 'native'}
bid2 = {bidTime = 0.1,bidType = 'notNative'}
bid3 = {bidTime = 0.3,bidType = 'native'}
function getBids(rec,bidTimeStart,bidTimeFinish,bidType,numberOfBids)
wantedBids = {}
bidCount = 0
for i,v in pairs(rec) do
print(i .. ' + ' .. v)
Can anyone tell me why and suggest a workaround?
You are creating the record table before creating the bid# tables.
So when you do record = {bid1, bid2, bid3} none of the bid# variables have been created yet and so they are all nil. So that line is effectively record = {nil, nil, nil} which, obviously, doesn't give the record table any values.
Invert those lines to put the record assignment after the bid# variable creation.

Sorting multidimensional table in Lua

The "how to sort a table in Lua" question isn't new, but the answers I found can't help me out, maybe you can.
I got this Table:
table = {} -- some kind of database
table[1] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[9] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[13] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[15] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[45] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[3254] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
Now I want to iterate through "table", check for an specified boolean it contains and if so, run a method with parameters from some subtabels.
for key, value in pairs(table) do
Is something like:
9 13 1 3254 45 15
As far as I know, that's because Lua iterates through hashvalues(right?).
My Idea was:
sorted_table = {} -- shall point to table, with sorted keys
for i = 0, #table do -- from 0 to the last key of table (some write #table is the last key, some write it's the number of contained keys, I don't know. If you do, please tell me.)
if table[i] then -- for runs every number from i to #table, if i is a key, bingo.
table.insert(sorted_table,(table[i])) -- first key found -> sorted_table[1], second -> sorted_table[2]....
for k,v in pairs(sorted_table) do
I got no error, it just jumps over the function and nothing happens. When I print #table, it prints 0. #table is in another file but it's not local but used at other location in the functionfile, so,.. this is weird.
Mh strange. I threw some debugs, #table is nil, but in a pairs(table) just under the code, everything works fine.
local sorted_table = {}
for k, v in pairs(original_table) do
table.insert(sorted_table, k)
for k, v in ipairs(sorted_table) do
A little try of explanation:
#table does not necessarily return the length of a table. A table element gets a default key if added in a table without a special key. These keys start from 1 and go up to n. If there is a gap between two keys, when you give your own key, #table will return the key right before that gap.
t = {'one', 'two', 'three'} -- would be a table like 1 - one, 2 - two, 3 - three
print(#t) -- the last key -> 3, here it works
t2 = {'one', 'two', [4] = 'four'} -- would be a table like 1 - one, 2 - two, 4 - four
print(#t2) -- the last key without a gap -> 2, does not work
Same with pairs(table) and ipairs(table). ipairs iterates from key 1 to n without a gap, pairs iterates over all keys. That's why the solution works.
You can set an own metamethod for the table (__len) to use # for the right length.
And remember that your table keys start at 1 by default.
Hope it helped a bit to unterstand the problem here.
local sorted_table = {}
for k, v in pairs(original_table) do
table.insert(sorted_table, k)
for k, v in ipairs(sorted_table) do

How to create the equivalent of a HashMap<Int, Int[]> in Lua

I would like to have a simple data structure in lua resembling a Java HashMap equivalent.
The purpose of this is that I wish to maintain a unique key 'userID' mapped against a set of two values which get constantly updated, for example;
'77777', {254, 24992}
Any suggestions as to how can I achieve this?
-- Individual Aggregations
local dictionary = ?
-- Other Vars
local sumCount = 0
local sumSize = 0
local matches =, query)
for _,key in ipairs(matches) do
local val =, key)
local count, size = val:match(([^:]+):([^:]+))
topUsers(string.sub(key, 11, 15), sumCount, sumSize)
-- Global Count and Size for the Query
sumCount = sumCount + tonumber(count)
sumSize = sumSize + tonumber(size)
local result = string.format(%s:%s, sumCount, sumSize)
return result;
-- Users Total Data Aggregations
function topUsers()
-- Do sums for each user
Assuming that dictionary is what you are asking about:
local dictionary = {
['77777'] = {254, 24992},
['88888'] = {253, 24991},
['99999'] = {252, 24990},
The tricky part is that the key is a string that can't be converted to a Lua variable name so you must surround each key with []. I can't find a clear description of rule for this in Lua 5.1 reference manual, but the Lua wiki says that if a key "consists of underscores, letters, and numbers, but doesn't start with a number" only then does it not require the [] when defined in the above manner, otherwise the square brackets are required.
Just use a Lua table indexed by userID and with values another Lua table with two entries:
T['77777']={254, 24992}
This is possible implementation of the solution.
local usersTable = {}
function topUsers(key, count, size)
if usersTable[key] then
usersTable[key][1] = usersTable[key][1] + count
usersTable[key][2] = usersTable[key][2] + size
usersTable[key] = {count, size}
function printTable(t)
for key,value in pairs(t) do
print(key, value[1], value[2])

Rubymotion query using Nano-Store In Motion

I have a method in a iOS application that is querying a database and then putting the data in a ruby loop. I have the loop working to dynamically add a number to the ruby loop but it is pulling up all the users.
# Query all children in database
child = Child.all
# Loop through children and add count.
count = child.count
0.upto(count - 1) do |c|
p "#{#child.each do |child| child.first_name end}" + "['#{c}']"
With this set of query and loop it is giving me the following answers:
"[Child:0x8dee0, Child:0x8de2860]['0']",
"[Child:0x8dee0, Child:0x8de2860]['1']"
Instead of giving me the same child for each number I need it to query answers as follows:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
If your loop is trying to print the first names of the children in your array,
try this:
0.upto(count - 1) do |c|
p child[c].first_name
Alternatively, you could skip the count altogether:
child.each do |achild|
p achild.first_name
