Not able to use predix px-button-group-design component - sass

I am using px-button-group design component as per the documentation i installed the component i am using predix webapp starter (1.0.46 release version) as a reference app in my application.
in my project level we have index-inline.scss and seed-theme.scss and also we have scss files inside the elements folder like inside seed-app folder we have seed-app.scss under the seed-footer we have seed-footer.scss .
for our project requirement we have created some more custom polymer elements inside the same elements folder . we have rmd-view.html under the views folder , inside the rmd-view we are using these custom polymer elements which we have created like rotor-view and so on and also we are using the same seed-app.html for navigating page .
in rotor-view we want to use px-button-group design component for that I installed component and used below code in index-inline.scss in Object layer (as per
$inuit-btn-group-background : #09819c;
$inuit-btn-disabled-border : true;
#import "px-button-group-design/_objects.button-group.scss";
and included px-butto-group code as below in rotor-view.html
<div class="btn-group">
<input id="id1" name="btn-group" type="radio">
<label for="id1" class="btn">Label 1</label>
<input id="id2" name="btn-group" type="radio">
<label for="id2" class="btn">Label 2</label>
but it didnt work then i tried to use import in seed-app.scss then i also didnt work then tried to create new scss file named as rotor-view.scss inside the rotor-view folder (which is inside the elements folder)
this also didnt work for all above cases i am getting html radion button no button-group css is applying on above changes.
for testing i tried to use px-button-group-design html code in my seed-app.html then their i am getting proper button but i want to use in rotor-view looks like i am not using scss import on right place.
Can anyone please suggest me if i want to use px-button-group-design in rotor-view . in which scss file i should import button group scss ??

If you want to use the px-button-group in the seed-app.html component, then add it to the .scss file which generates the styles for seed-app.html component. If you want to use the px-button-group in the px-button-group in a child component, then add it to the .scss file which generates the styles for that component. Don't forget to import the styles with
<link rel="import" href="../my-styles.html">
And also include the styles in the DOM with
<style include="my-styles"></style>
Hope this helps.


Typescript with Laravel producing bundles based on blade folder

I'm trying to produce modular webpack bundles, I'd like to put my TS files on the folders where I would use those specific scripts and then transcript them to the public folder.
Example: the blade 'index.blade.php' and 'index.ts' are in resources/views/register/client.
The blade would have a tag <script src="{{asset('assets/js/register/client/index.js')}}"> </script> to import the webpack-generated bundle 'index.js'.
I think this way my resources would be more organized but I can't find a way to do this nor a better solution.

Video not loading with VueJS

I am working with Vue.js 2 and Laravel and have been trying to load a video from a local folder of my project without success.
Vue-loader plugin is correctly installed and added in my webpack.config.js as specified on the docs:
I have tried the most simple way.
<video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo">
<source src="/storage/videos/landing.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
I have also tried with a different approach as suggested on another stackoverflow question by dinamically updating the src attribute when the component is mounted.
<video ref="videoRef" src="" autoplay muted loop id="myVideo"></video>
export default {
mounted: function() {
this.$refs.videoRef.src =
None of those have worked tho.
Im quite sure the problem lies in Vue not resolving the video route properly since I have tried to use a dummy video link from the web and it is working absolutely fine.
Firefox is also giving me some clues.
However, Im not sure about what the problem is or how to solve it. Thanks in advance.
PS: I have triple checked the route specified and it definitely exists in my project.
Either you load your video with an es module import, your loader has to be able to import mp4, and you put that in the src
import video from 'path/to/video/a.mp4'
and in your component you do
<video :src="video">
PS make sure that the imported video is then defined in your data function.
Or you can use it like your doing with src="path/to/folder" and try to understand where that path is pointing at through your network tab, and put the video in the right folder based on that.

Overwrite template's stylesheet with the one from custom component in Joomla

In my custom Joomla 3 extension I am using Bootstrap 2.3.2 for the front-end. I noticed that the default Joomla template protostar overwrites default Bootstrap classes which is not what I would like. Is there a way to load my stylesheet after the template's stylesheets so they overwrite any common rules may exist?
Try something like this,
This will add the css at your component calling time inside the component HTML section . Keep in mind it will not add the css at head section but for sure it will appear after the template css
$stylelink = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/css.css" />';
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
Hope it works..

Problems specifying contentCss outside CKEditor.basepath

We are trying to use CKEditor as a Widget for Vignette, when we try to specify a content css outside the environment of CKEditor such as:
"CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = 'http://lvhost:27110/CKEditorbk/my.css';"
doesn't work, but when we specify a content css included in the war where we have our deployment of ckeditor such as:
CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = 'http://lvhost:27110/CKEditor/ckeditor/my.css';
It's working as we expected. Isn't possible to specify a css outside "CKEditor.basepath"?
In fact you can't because CKEditor path scope is anything within a folder named ckeditor.
However you could have your custom css outside the CKeditor's ckeditor by replicating the same folder structure, that is /js/CUSTOM_CKEDITOR/ckeditor. I've done so when I wrote a plugin for CKeditor.
I have a custom css at /js/CUSTOM_CKEDITOR/ckeditor/plugins/my_plugin/css/custom.css. And in my /js/CUSTOM_CKEDITOR/ckeditor/config.js I used:
CKEDITOR.config.contentsCss = CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'my_plugin' ) + 'css/custom.css';
Works sweet :)

Joomla - Insert .js and .css files into a single Joomla article?

Is it possible for a single page on a Joomla website to include it's own custom .js and .css files?
I basically would like to add two custom javascript and css files for a particular page. I don't want these files included into any other Joomla pages.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you
Try using a custom code extension such as JUMI. It is designed exactly for this purpose.
From the description: With Jumi you can include php, html, javascript scripts into the modules position, articles, category or section descriptions, or into your own custom made component pages.
The solution from Soygul wont result in proper HTML since these statements / includes belong to the HTML header.
Use :
This plugin allows inserting material into the head section of your Joomla web site.
You can then use the menu assignment functionality to just add that to certain pages.
Its quite easy to write a simple module like that for yourself - but since this seems already available go with that one. If it doesn't fit your needs :
You just need an "empty / hello world" module with these two statements :
( )
( )
// Add a reference to a Javascript file
// The default path is 'media/system/js/'
JHTML::script($filename, $path, $mootools);
// Add a reference to a CSS file
// The default path is 'media/system/css/'
JHTML::stylesheet($filename, $path);
I'm not a big fan of adding new extensions to Joomla unless absolutely necessary. If you do, make sure it's not on Joomla's list of vulnerable extensions, first. Each third-party extension/plugin you add is just one more potential back door for hackers.
To add your own custom CSS for a page, you can either edit your template's master CSS file, or just create your own and link it to the project. Here's how you'd do that:
First, figure out how your CSS files are being called. The actual file names will surely differ from my example, based upon the template you're using, but let's look at the Joomla SYSTEM template, which is located in templates/system. The index.php file controls everything, so open it up and you'll find this line:
include dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'component.php';
Open component.php and you'll see some code that looks like this:
<jdoc:include type="head" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/system/css/general.css" type="text/css" />
You can see the call to include a CSS file in the 3rd line. All you need to do is add another line calling a CSS file you create. Create a new file called /templates/system/css/custom.css (or whatever you like) and rewrite the code segment in component.php to look like this:
<jdoc:include type="head" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/system/css/general.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/system/css/custom.css" type="text/css" />
Now you can just code out your own CSS in the new custom.css file you created. You can do this with any template system from RocketTheme or YooTheme just as easily. In fact, if you use one of their templates, they probably already have a custom.css file that you can simply add your own code to. Just be aware if you do it that way and then later update the template, you'll lose your code additions. That's why I prefer writing my own file. You can probably do something very similar to include custom JS code, but I tend to avoid JS like the plague, so someone else will have to address how to link out to a custom JS file.
