Can a 3rd party action invoke a chromecast app? - chromecast

We are creating an action that uses a shared album service. We want to let a user say “Hey google, ask (name of service) to show our shared album on (device)” and then let the action start a casting session to a chromecast receiver that will show the family album of a user.
Which takes us back to our question. Can we invoke a "chromecast app" with a 3rd party action on a google home?

Not at this point, no.
This has been a feature that has been teased since the Google Home was announced, but isn't yet available, with no indication when or if it might be.


How can I build a webapp which uses google calendar api without having to become verified?

What I want to build:
I want to build a website where users can connect their google calendars (this will use Google Calendar API's)
and view their calendar events, as well as edit them, and create new ones.
My problem:
In order to do so, google says my app needs to be verified, which can take weeks, and I also need to set up terms of services pages, privacy policy pages
I also need to supply authorised javascript origins which MUST start with https, which of course is a problem during development, since my origin is http://localhost
I also need to set up support emails and homepage link
I just want to start building my application without having to set up a whole production-ready website eco system.
Is there anyway I can use these Google Calendar APIs for editing/creating calendar events locally, without having to set up everything mentioned above first?
Unverified apps can still be used by the developer who created the project on google developer console.
Unverified app screen
The app or script might display an "unverified app" screen before it displays the consent screen. This is based on the specific scopes that your app includes in the request.
You can still work on your app while you are going though the verification process. However that being said i would start that process asap it can take a long time to get verified.
Yes, you can. As far as I am able to tell, all the verification step does is remove the "unverified app" screen. As long as you click Advanced > Go To ... (unsafe), you should be able to create and edit calendar events for that user in your application.
In order to be able to create and edit calendar events, you need to use the most sensitive scope, which is I couldn't figure out how to edit and create calendar events in my web app until I changed my scope from to calendar.
Creating Events:

Parse app for clients

I have made a Parse-based app that allows the user to send a push notification to everyone who downloads the app. It's a kind of quick public address system for a congregation, school, club, etc.
Other leaders have expressed an interest in my app for their communities. But these people are not tech-savvy and have no interest in becoming Apple developers for $100 a year, so building custom apps for them is not an option. Even if I did it for them, I would be concerned that they would mess something up that would require a lot of time on my part to repair. They just want to use the app for their communities.
My question: Could I make custom apps for these groups, keep them on my iTunesConnect account, and simply make a new Parse account for each app? That way, the group leaders would only need to know how to log into Parse and send a push notification on the Parse website.
Thank you,
You could. It could be done with a single app that everyone downloads and then configures to connect it to their specific parse app.
It's possible that you could write the app so it doesn't know the parse account details and they need to be entered on the device. It's also possible that you could supply that detail with an invite e-mail that opens the app and has the details in the URL query.

Can I use beacons to get a customer's name on approach?

I'd like to know if it's possible to access personal information supplied within an app on a user's device and transmit that information on approach?
Example: Customer has my coffee shop app installed on their device and is logged into their account (where they have provided their first name). As they enter the shop, the barista can see their name on a tablet behind the counter and greet them by their name.
If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a demo or example?
Yes, that is possible, but it has to be done entirely in your app.
app detects the iBeacon
app sends the name (likely entered in the
app settings) to some sort of service (rest api, web service,
the app that the barista has access to is notified of the
person approaching.
For a demo app you probably want to look at push notifications really, the iBeacon side is pretty boring for this use case.
As a total aside, make sure this sort of thing is opt-in - this could be creepy, and people don't like creepy.

Check wether an user has used hangout before

Is there a way to check wether an user has used hangout before via API? I need it to build a report and promoting hangout within the organisations.
No, there is no API that tracks this.
Depending on your exact needs, you might be able to run an organizational hangout app when they start it, triggered by the start button, which would report they're using the app... but this isn't foolproof (it would ignore hangouts started via calendar, for example).

Is the WebOS calendar api really as limited as it sounds?

A recent Ars Technica article rekindled my interest in WebOS so I was looking at the Services API (because I'm interested in building a replacement calendar app). I discovered the following text at the top of the calendar services API documentation:
Note: To prevent unauthorized use of
private user data, this API provides
access only to records created by your
application; that is, you cannot
access records owned by another
What is the point of even having an API if you can't access data created by other applications? At that point there would be no reason for me to use their API rather than building the data storage myself. Am I missing something? Can any WebOS developers weigh in on this?
P.S. If they named their os "WebOS" you would think they'd know something about sane URLs. Check out that ridiculous calendar api doc url!!
The reason for the limited access is because of security, but not just that. Some services have agreements that limit how their data can be used. For example, having an API that would let a random webOS app access your Facebook calendar data would be working around the FaceBook terms of service that control how that data can be used. The same applies to LinkedIn, Google Calendar, and any other service from which the system is pulling information.
If you just need to post an occasional event, there's a better API to use that lets you cross-launch the calendar app with data that the user can accept into their own calendar. That way, you don't create your own bucket, but the user has to manually accept the event.
The reason to use the calendar APIs is to expose your own data to the user of the device. FlightView, for example, uses it to publish a calendar to the user of upcoming flights that he or she is interested in, and if those get rescheduled, it can automatically change them. The Fandango app uses this to push movie times for theaters the user likes into their calendar view. There's lots of possibilities.
