Set up Okta authentication for jupyterhub - okta

I have set up an internal deployment of jupyterhub using the zero-to-jupyterhub guide. I'd like to have it authenticated via Okta, but I don't see okta listed on the authentication documentation page. Has anyone successfully gotten jupyterhub authenticating via Okta?


Not able to configure SLO in Okta

I am trying to implement Single LogOut from my Service Provider using Okta.
I have the app configured in Okta. The SSO is working fine. Just that when I am logging out of the application it is not logging me out of Okta as a result if I re login it is just logging me with the same user name without taking me to the log in page.
I have configured the SLO settings as seen in the picture.
Also I am using the Url from the IDP Metadata in the SP.
And I have updated the same Signature Certificate as provided by Okta as seen in the picture:
When I log out, it should log me out of the current application as well as Okta.
When I re log in, It should ask for credentials.
I tried looking into
But could not understand what the actual issue was.

Keycloak 2fa via SMS using external REST Api

I have been trying to implement 2fa using OTP. Till now i am successful doing it via browser flow using keycloak interface to login. Keycloak provides an API to give the access token after passing username, password & client-secret,
i.e. http://localhost:8080/realms/SpringBootKeycloak/protocol/openid-connect/token
Is there any any external api available to trigger my custom flow of sending OTP and verifying it, if not how can i implement this?
Keycloak doesn't provide any API to verify the OTP.
Keycloak provides an API to give the access token after passing username,
password & client-secret
Most likely you're talking here about Resource owner password credentials grant (Direct Access Grant).
The latest OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice spec actually recommends against using the Password grant entirely, and it is being removed in the OAuth 2.1 update. (source).
Unless you have more specific requirements rather than just login and OTP, I'd recommend you to use a regular authorization code flow instead as a default way of authorization. Using this flow you'd be redirected to Keycloak login page and configure OTP to be displayed there without using Keycloak APIs.

OKTA IDP initiated SSO how to configure redirect URI

I am trying to integrate OKTA as service provider to provide access to the custom application for external customers.
External Users login to enterprise Idp to access the custom application
After successful authentication IDP triggers the IDP-Initiated flow and submits the SAML response to OKTA
OKTA checks for the external user information in the SAML assertion and sends these details to Custom API application to identify the user
If the user is found, the API returns the required information to OKTA
OKTA will initiate the PKCE flow to provide access to the custom application
I was success in configuring the OKTA and external customer IDP. But, Can anyone knows how OKTA will call the custom API application to identify the user information? Also, how to configure the redirect URL?
unfortunately I don't have an answer to your question as we use PingFederate but I was curious as to how you setup Okta (as the SP) to accommodate the IdP-Initiated call, without having to call back into the IdP for authentication? I ask because, as the IdP, we are calling Okta (as the SP) and the SAML response but the vendor is stating they cannot setup Okta without the IdP URL to call back into to have us, the IdP, authenticate the user. Seems your setup works how we believe it should so wanted to get more details about this.

OKTA - SPA Verify JWT Token & Setup Authorization Server

I am working through a process of validating the JWT after OKTA Login. I have a SPA Sample SPA Site that handles user login and calling an API.
User Logins into OKTA
Obtains a JWT
Passes JWT to a .NET Web API (hosted on my own server not at OKTA).
WEB API: This accepts the JWT and needs to validate it.
Per OKTA I need verify the JWT through an Authorization Server. I setup the Authorization Server but I cannot see where the two features (shown on the images) are located on the SPA API or the Auth Server. This includes a URL that is required that follows the format of{key}
Is there something that has to be enabled that is not enabled in my OKTA Account? I think so but what is it? OKTA support states that everything is enabled and confirmed this is a good code sample (GitHub) to use.
The Image Below should appear after setting up the SPA App. I cannot find this feature under the SPA or under the Auth Server. It does not seem to exist anywhere on OKTA. This is why it seems something is not enabled on my Dev account, or this documentation is outdated?
SPA Code Sample (includes the images below from the PDF)
I see that under the Security menu item -> API.
Also, when I had my app OpenID Connect enabled, I used well-known endpoint:
GET /.well-known/openid-configuration to get "jwks_uri", I used this url to self-verify the JWT token at the API level.
OKTA confirmed the code sample and documentation is out of date. They have no ETA to any updated samples and could not provide any documentation to help. This was via a response on a support ticket. Well already then, time to look at Azure.

Spring Security SAML extension ADFS

I've been working whit the SAML extension to connect to an ADFS server. I've hacked the sample application to use my ADFS server and everything went well, but I would like to know if there is a way to connect to an IDP without using the loging page of the IDP. I mean if there is a way to do this process in background for the end-user. I am thinking about doing a query to ADFS or something like to get the users and do authentication from the SP login page, avoiding the need for the user to authenticate in the IDP login page.
The purpose of federated authentication is to delegate it to a centralized server in such a way that the relaying parties/service providers do not have access to user's credentials. Enabling authentication directly in your application would violate this principle and for this reason is not supported by neither Spring SAML nor ADFS.
If you want to authenticate your users directly, use authentication directly against Active Directory instead of ADFS. This will fully support your use-case.
