to set UTF-8 getting empty value - utf-8

In this php-script
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
I'll get the following warning:
Creating default object from empty value.
Why - this should be set to UTF-8 for mailing.

You've not posted any other code to provide context, but this just looks like you have not defined $mail, and when setting a property of an undefined object, that's what you'll get.


Cannot set property with previously defined property in botbnt framework composer

I am working on a bot build with Microsoft bot framework composer
I have an HTTP request that works and returns an array of programs
Currently, I have a "0" hard set and that works
what i am trying to do is take property called dialog.resultnumber which is set to 0 and replace static "0" above with property called dialog.resultsnumber
I tried:
I cannot find the syntax to use an already defined property to build a new property
what i am trying to do is take property called dialog.resultnumber which is set to 0 and replace static "0" above with property called dialog.resultsnumber I tried:
Are you sure that dialog.resultsnumber is an int?
If you set it in a single set property action, make sure you set it as an int, the default is a string.
This below should be the one. It worked for me (with the above caveat):
You can also use the isInteger() type checking function to confirm if something is an int, or try and force/convert/coerce using int() if needed as well.

Is there a way for VB6 to throw a type mismatch error when assigning a variable of the same type?

I am trying to figure out the cause of a type mismatch error, but I don't understand the reason it is even being thrown. I am assigning to a variable of the same type that is being assigned from.
Begin bxControls.starTable m_tblClaims 'Defined at the top of the form file
Dim objTable As PVDataTable5.DataTable
Set objTable = m_tblClaims.Table
Begin PVDataTable5.DataTable dtTable 'Defined at the top of the .ctl file
'Property inside of bxControls.starTable
Public Property Get Table() As Object
Attribute Table.VB_MemberFlags = "40"
Set Table = dtTable
End Property
As you can see, the assignment taking place should not be having a type mismatch since they are the same type. Any help would be awesome. TIA
Try this
Dim objTable As PVDataTable5.DataTable
Set objTable = m_tblClaims.Table.Object
Note that this might work in IDE but fail when compiled.
The story of user-controls is mostly of complete lies from the IDE. For instance all user-control properties/methods are called late-bound, even if the IDE intellisense gives look like the callsite is early-bound.
For each user-control type that is currently loaded in the IDE (as part of a project group for instance) the IDE creates surrogate date-type with merged original control properties/methods and some VB supplied ones (like Visible etc.) which are coming from VBControlExtender class.
That is why Dim objTable As PVDataTable5.DataTable sometimes is not declaration of PVDataTable5.DataTable data-type but of the surrogate PVDataTable5.DataTable from an OCA file, that is when the user-control is loaded in the IDE.
The only sane way to pass references to VB6 user-controls that works both if the user-control is loaded and when referenced in compiled OCX is to pass VBControlExtender instead and use its Object property to access the wrapped reference.

Ignore locale on thymeleaf #date.format()

I want to keep date format to fix standard regardless of locale. But however it is by default taking current locale and setting format based on locale.
th:text="${#dates.format(myDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')}"
I am always expecting format be like
but with CA locale I am getting 09-de set.-2015
Is there a way to fix this.
This question is not duplicate of This question. My problem is related to locale formatting.
Not sure you are using Maven or Gradle. Add thymeleaf-extras-java8time as your dependency.
and instead of #dates use #temporal and specify locale as parameters as below.
th:text="${#temporals.format(myDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy','en')}"
But make sure your myDate is in java.time.* format
The #temporals.format function is the correct one to use. However, the third "locale" argument must be a java.util.Locale object, not a string.
The following work:
#temporals.format(myDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy', new java.util.Locale('en'))
#temporals.format(myDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy', #java.util.Locale#ENGLISH)
Note that this is true even if you're working with Kotlin Spring Boot. The syntax in the Thymeleaf template isn't Java, it's an OGNL Expression.
I'll quote the useful syntax used here:
Context variable reference
Static method reference
Static field reference
new class(args)
Constructor call
Edit: one other option is to specify the Locale in the Thymeleaf context, if you just want to override the default system Locale. I've included a Kotlin snippet of how that might work:
val context = Context() // org.thymeleaf.Context
context.locale = Locale.ENGLISH
context.setVariable("x", 0)
templateEngine.process("classpath:template.html", context)

Grails define custom error message for command object

I am writing a Grails (2.3.3 currently) application and have created a validateable command object similar to the following:
class MyCustomCommand {
String name
static constraints = {
name blank: false
In my i18n/ file I defined the following properties to override the default error messages. must be provided. must be provided.
Which per the Grails documentation should be of the format [Class Name].[Property Name].[Constraint Code] as I have done. When I run my application if I leave the value blank I still get the default message for a null property.
I also tried following the example of the default messages and defining them a follows, but still get the default message. must be provided. must be provided.
I am assuming that I am missing something simple here, but have yet to stumble upon what. Any suggestions on what I am doing incorrectly?
It is simple indeed. Message should look like: must be provided. must be provided.
//className.propertyName.blank (camelCase with first letter of class name lower)
So, as I anticipated it was something simple. I was using the defaults as an example which used null where as what I really needed was nullable. Which does make sense as that matches the constraint name.
Therefore the correct version is: must be provided. must be provided.

using WebEdit .Type property cannot be used

I have a piece of code in using QTP for a webpage
Browser("Sarit_2").Page("Sarit").WebEdit("frm_vendor_address1").Set dtVAdd1
You will observe, I used a 'Set' property. In reality, I wanted to use a 'Type' property because soon I will write script to check field limit and .Set property throws an error when I try to set a value larger than the field length. But Type property(I used it in win32 app), it types as much as the field length but at least doesn't throw an error I can't handle.
QTP in WebEdit or this particular WebEdit does not allow me to choose .Type. How come it allowed me in the case of SWFfield?
Any suggestions?
"Type" is a method used for Windows application, Delphi, Java, swf etc... But it is not used for Web application.
For web application we have to use "Set" method. Therefore above piece of code accepts 'Set' method. This also tells why you can not use 'Type' method with web based object.
If you want to count the field limit, you can object spy on the webedit-> save its max length value to any variable-> at run time store max length of that web edit field to variable2 using 'Browser("...").Page("..."). .... .GetROProperty("max length"). Now compare the two variable with if statement.
The WebEdit test object is helpfully trying to prevent you from setting an invalid value into the edit field.
You obviously don't want this help the question I'm not clear on is what you're trying to accomplish. If you want to set the first part of the string up to maxlength you can do something like this:
Public Function SetLimit(ByRef test_object, ByRef Value)
max = test_object.GetROProperty("max length")
If Len(Value) > max Then
test_object.Set Left(Value, max)
test_object.Set Value
End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set", "SetLimit"
You could use the WScript shell object to send keystrokes to the WebEdit after focussing it (by clicking into it). Like shown in
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShell = Nothing
Note that dtVAdd1's value must then conform to the format SendKeys expects -- as documented in (for example)
Alternatively, you could use the undocumented Mercury.DeviceReplay interface to send the keystrokes. This is easily googleable.
As we know WebEdit does not supports Type method, we can use alternate approach like
Set objClick = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objClick.SendKeys "dtVAdd1"
Set objClick = Nothing
2.Using Native Object properties
Browser("Sarit_2").Page("Sarit").WebEdit("frm_vendor_address1").object.value ="dtVAdd1"
but this is almost similar to Set method
3.Using Advance Run settings in UFT
Tools->options->GUI Testing ->Web->Advance->Run Settings->Replay Type ->Mouse
